texinode(Shell Builtin Commands)(Zsh Line Editor)(Options)(Top) chapter(Shell Builtin Commands) ifzman(\ sect(Shell Builtin Commands) )\ cindex(builtin commands) cindex(commands, builtin) def(prefix)(1)(\ findex(ARG1) item(tt(ARG1) var(simple command))( See noderef(Precommand Modifiers). )\ )\ def(alias)(2)(\ findex(ARG1) item(tt(ARG1))( Same as tt(ARG2). )\ )\ def(module)(2)(\ item(tt(ARG1))( See ifzman(the section `The ARG2 Module' in zmanref(zshmodules))\ ifnzman(noderef(The ARG2 Module)). )\ )\ startitem() prefix(-) findex(.) item(tt(.) var(file) [ var(arg) ... ])( Read commands from var(file) and execute them in the current shell environment. If var(file) does not contain a slash, or if tt(PATH_DIRS) is set, the shell looks in the components of tt($path) to find the directory containing var(file). Files in the current directory are not read unless `tt(.)' appears somewhere in tt($path). If a file named `var(file)tt(.zwc)' is found, is newer than var(file), and is the compiled form (created with the tt(zcompile) builtin) of var(file), then commands are read from that file instead of var(file). If any arguments var(arg) are given, they become the positional parameters; the old positional parameters are restored when the var(file) is done executing. The exit status is the exit status of the last command executed. ) findex(NOTRANS(:)) cindex(expanding parameters) cindex(parameters, expanding) cindex(doing nothing) item(tt(:) [ var(arg) ... ])( This command does nothing, although normal argument expansions is performed which may have effects on shell parameters. A zero exit code is returned. ) findex(alias) cindex(aliases, defining) cindex(aliases, listing) item(tt(alias) [ {tt(PLUS()|tt(-))}tt(gmrL) ] [ var(name)[tt(=)var(value)] ... ])( For each var(name) with a corresponding var(value), define an alias with that value. A trailing space in var(value) causes the next word to be checked for alias expansion. If the tt(-g) flag is present, define a global alias; global aliases are expanded even if they do not occur in command position. For each var(name) with no var(value), print the value of var(name), if any. With no arguments, print all currently defined aliases. If the tt(-m) flag is given the arguments are taken as patterns (they should be quoted to preserve them from being interpreted as glob patterns), and the aliases matching these patterns are printed. When printing aliases and the tt(-g) or tt(-r) flags are present, then restrict the printing to global or regular aliases, respectively. Using `tt(PLUS())' instead of `tt(-)', or ending the option list with a single `tt(PLUS())', prevents the values of the aliases from being printed. If the tt(-L) flag is present, then print each alias in a manner suitable for putting in a startup script. The exit status is nonzero if a var(name) (with no var(value)) is given for which no alias has been defined. ) findex(autoload) cindex(functions, autoloading) cindex(autoloading functions) item(tt(autoload) [ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}tt(UXmt) ] [ tt(-wkz) ] [ var(name) ... ])( Equivalent to tt(functions -u), with the exception of tt(-X)/tt(+X), tt(-w), tt(-k) and tt(-z). The flag tt(-X) may be used only inside a shell function, and may not be followed by a var(name). It causes the calling function to be marked for autoloading and then immediately loaded and executed, with the current array of positional parameters as arguments. This replaces the previous definition of the function. If no function definition is found, an error is printed and the function remains undefined and marked for autoloading. The flag tt(+X) attempts to load each var(name) as an autoloaded function, but does em(not) execute it. The exit status is zero (success) if the function was not previously defined em(and) a definition for it was found. This does em(not) replace any existing definition of the function. The exit status is nonzero (failure) if the function was already defined or when no definition was found. In the latter case the function remains undefined and marked for autoloading. The flag tt(+X) may be combined with either tt(-k) or tt(-z) to make the function be loaded using ksh-style or zsh-style autoloading, respectively. If neither is given, the current setting of the tt(KSH_AUTOLOAD) options determines how the function is loaded. With ksh-style autoloading, the contents of the file will not be executed immediately. Instead, the function created will contain the contents of the file plus a call to the function itself appended to it, thus given normal ksh autoloading behaviour on the first call to the function. With the tt(-w) flag, the var(name)s are taken as names of files compiled with the tt(zcompile) builtin, and all functions defined in them are marked for autoloading. ) findex(bg) cindex(jobs, backgrounding) xitem(tt(bg) [ var(job) ... ]) item(var(job) ... tt(&))( Put each specified var(job) in the background, or the current job if none is specified. ) module(bindkey)(zsh/zle) findex(break) cindex(exiting loops) cindex(loops, exiting) item(tt(break) [ var(n) ])( Exit from an enclosing tt(for), tt(while), tt(until), tt(select) or tt(repeat) loop. If var(n) is specified, then break var(n) levels instead of just one. ) findex(builtin) item(tt(builtin) var(name) [ var(args) ... ])( Executes the builtin var(name), with the given var(args). ) alias(bye)(exit) module(cap)(zsh/cap) findex(cd) cindex(directories, changing) xitem(tt(cd) [ tt(-sLP) ] [ var(arg) ]) xitem(tt(cd) [ tt(-sLP) ] var(old) var(new)) item(tt(cd) [ tt(-sLP) ] {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}var(n))( Change the current directory. In the first form, change the current directory to var(arg), or to the value of tt($HOME) if var(arg) is not specified. If var(arg) is `tt(-)', change to the value of tt($OLDPWD), the previous directory. Otherwise, if a directory named var(arg) is not found in the current directory and var(arg) does not begin with a slash, search each component of the shell parameter tt(cdpath). If no directory is found and the option tt(CDABLE_VARS) is set, and a parameter named var(arg) exists whose value begins with a slash, treat its value as the directory. In that case, the parameter is added to the named directory hash table. The second form of tt(cd) substitutes the string var(new) for the string var(old) in the name of the current directory, and tries to change to this new directory. The third form of tt(cd) extracts an entry from the directory stack, and changes to that directory. An argument of the form `tt(PLUS())var(n)' identifies a stack entry by counting from the left of the list shown by the tt(dirs) command, starting with zero. An argument of the form `tt(-)var(n)' counts from the right. If the tt(PUSHD_MINUS) option is set, the meanings of `tt(PLUS())' and `tt(-)' in this context are swapped. If the tt(-s) option is specified, tt(cd) refuses to change the current directory if the given pathname contains symlinks. If the tt(-P) option is given or the tt(CHASE_LINKS) option is set, symbolic links are resolved to their true values. If the tt(-L) option is given symbolic links are followed regardless of the state of the tt(CHASE_LINKS) option. ) alias(chdir)(cd) module(clone)(zsh/clone) prefix(command) module(comparguments)(zsh/computil) module(compcall)(zsh/compctl) module(compctl)(zsh/compctl) module(compdescribe)(zsh/computil) module(compfiles)(zsh/computil) module(compgroups)(zsh/computil) module(compquote)(zsh/computil) module(comptags)(zsh/computil) module(comptry)(zsh/computil) module(compvalues)(zsh/computil) findex(continue) cindex(loops, continuing) cindex(continuing loops) item(tt(continue) [ var(n) ])( Resume the next iteration of the enclosing tt(for), tt(while), tt(until), tt(select) or tt(repeat) loop. If var(n) is specified, break out of var(n)-1 loops and resume at the var(n)th enclosing loop. ) alias(declare)(typeset) findex(dirs) cindex(directory stack, printing) item(tt(dirs) [ tt(-v) ] [ var(arg) ... ])( With no arguments, print the contents of the directory stack. If the tt(-v) option is given, number the directories in the stack when printing. Directories are added to this stack with the tt(pushd) command, and removed with the tt(cd) or tt(popd) commands. If arguments are specified, load them onto the directory stack, replacing anything that was there, and push the current directory onto the stack. ) findex(disable) cindex(disabling commands) cindex(commands, disabling) item(tt(disable) [ tt(-afmr) ] var(name) ...)( Temporarily disable the var(name)d hash table elements. The default is to disable builtin commands. This allows you to use an external command with the same name as a builtin command. The tt(-a) option causes tt(disable) to act on aliases. The tt(-f) option causes tt(disable) to act on shell functions. The tt(-r) options causes tt(disable) to act on reserved words. Without arguments all disabled hash table elements from the corresponding hash table are printed. With the tt(-m) flag the arguments are taken as patterns (which should be quoted to prevent them from undergoing filename expansion), and all hash table elements from the corresponding hash table matching these patterns are disabled. Disabled objects can be enabled with the tt(enable) command. ) findex(disown) cindex(jobs, disowning) xitem(tt(disown) [ var(job) ... ]) xitem(var(job) ... tt(&|)) item(var(job) ... tt(&!))( Remove the specified var(job)s from the job table; the shell will no longer report their status, and will not complain if you try to exit an interactive shell with them running or stopped. If no var(job) is specified, disown the current job. ) findex(echo) item(tt(echo) [ tt(-neE) ] [ var(arg) ... ])( Write each var(arg) on the standard output, with a space separating each one. If the tt(-n) flag is not present, print a newline at the end. tt(echo) recognizes the following escape sequences: startsitem() sitem(tt(\a))(bell character) sitem(tt(\b))(backspace) sitem(tt(\c))(suppress final newline) sitem(tt(\e))(escape) sitem(tt(\f))(form feed) sitem(tt(\n))(linefeed (newline)) sitem(tt(\r))(carriage return) sitem(tt(\t))(horizontal tab) sitem(tt(\v))(vertical tab) sitem(tt(\\))(backslash) sitem(tt(\0)var(NNN))(character code in octal) sitem(tt(\x)var(NN))(character code in hexadecimal) endsitem() pindex(BSD_ECHO, use of) The tt(-E) flag, or the tt(BSD_ECHO) option, can be used to disable these escape sequences. In the latter case, tt(-e) flag can be used to enable them. ) findex(echotc) cindex(termcap string, printing) item(tt(echotc) var(cap) [ var(arg) ... ])( Output the termcap string corresponding to the capability var(cap), with optional arguments. ) findex(emulate) cindex(compatibility, sh) cindex(compatibility, ksh) cindex(compatibility, csh) cindex(sh, compatibility) cindex(ksh, compatibility) cindex(csh, compatibility) item(tt(emulate) [ tt(-LR) ] {tt(zsh)|tt(sh)|tt(ksh)|tt(csh)})( Set up zsh options to emulate the specified shell as much as possible. bf(csh) will never be fully emulated. If the argument is not one of the shells listed above, tt(zsh) will be used as a default; more precisely, the tests performed on the argument are the same as those used to determine the emulation at startup based on the shell name, see ifzman(\ the section `Compatibility' in zmanref(zshmisc) )\ ifnzman(\ noderef(Compatibility) )\ . If the tt(-R) option is given, all options are reset to their default value corresponding to the specified emulation mode, except for certain options describing the interactive environment; otherwise, only those options likely to cause portability problems in scripts and functions are altered. If the tt(-L) option is given, the options tt(LOCAL_OPTIONS) and tt(LOCAL_TRAPS) will be set as well, causing the effects of the tt(emulate) command and any tt(setopt) and tt(trap) commands to be local to the immediately surrounding shell function, if any; normally these options are turned off in all emulation modes except tt(ksh). ) findex(enable) cindex(enabling commands) cindex(commands, enabling) item(tt(enable) [ tt(-afmr) ] var(name) ...)( Enable the var(name)d hash table elements, presumably disabled earlier with tt(disable). The default is to enable builtin commands. The tt(-a) option causes tt(enable) to act on aliases. The tt(-f) option causes tt(enable) to act on shell functions. The tt(-r) option causes tt(enable) to act on reserved words. Without arguments all enabled hash table elements from the corresponding hash table are printed. With the tt(-m) flag the arguments are taken as patterns (should be quoted) and all hash table elements from the corresponding hash table matching these patterns are enabled. Enabled objects can be disabled with the tt(disable) builtin command. ) findex(eval) cindex(evaluating arguments as commands) item(tt(eval) [ var(arg) ... ])( Read the arguments as input to the shell and execute the resulting command in the current shell process. ) prefix(exec) findex(exit) item(tt(exit) [ var(n) ])( Exit the shell with the exit code specified by var(n); if none is specified, use the exit code from the last command executed. pindex(IGNORE_EOF, use of) An EOF condition will also cause the shell to exit, unless the tt(IGNORE_EOF) option is set. ) findex(export) item(tt(export) [ var(name)[tt(=)var(value)] ... ])( The specified var(name)s are marked for automatic export to the environment of subsequently executed commands. Equivalent to tt(typeset -gx). If a parameter specified does not already exist, it is created in the global scope. ) findex(false) cindex(doing nothing, unsuccessfully) item(tt(false) [ var(arg) ... ])( Do nothing and return an exit code of 1. ) findex(fc) cindex(history, editing) cindex(editing history) xitem(tt(fc) [ tt(-e) var(ename) ] [ tt(-nlrdDfEim) ] [ var(old)tt(=)var(new) ... ] [ var(first) [ var(last) ] ]) item(tt(fc) tt(-ARWI) [ var(filename) ])( Select a range of commands from var(first) to var(last) from the history list. The arguments var(first) and var(last) may be specified as a number or as a string. A negative number is used as an offset to the current history event number. A string specifies the most recent event beginning with the given string. All substitutions var(old)tt(=)var(new), if any, are then performed on the commands. If the tt(-l) flag is given, the resulting commands are listed on standard output. If the tt(-m) flag is also given the first argument is taken as a pattern (should be quoted) and only the history events matching this pattern will be shown. Otherwise the editor program var(ename) is invoked on a file containing these history events. If var(ename) is not given, the value of the parameter tt(FCEDIT) is used. If var(ename) is `tt(-)', no editor is invoked. When editing is complete, the edited command is executed. If var(first) is not specified, it will be set to -1 (the most recent event), or to -16 if the tt(-l) flag is given. If var(last) is not specified, it will be set to var(first), or to -1 if the tt(-l) flag is given. The flag tt(-r) reverses the order of the commands and the flag tt(-n) suppresses command numbers when listing. Also when listing, tt(-d) prints timestamps for each command, and tt(-f) prints full time-date stamps. Adding the tt(-E) flag causes the dates to be printed as `var(dd)tt(.)var(mm)tt(.)var(yyyy)', instead of the default `var(mm)tt(/)var(dd)tt(/)var(yyyy)'. Adding the tt(-i) flag causes the dates to be printed in ISO8601 `var(yyyy)tt(-)var(mm)tt(-)var(dd)' format. With the tt(-D) flag, tt(fc) prints elapsed times. cindex(history, file) cindex(file, history) `tt(fc -R)' reads the history from the given file, `tt(fc -W)' writes the history out to the given file, and `tt(fc -A)' appends the history out to the given file. If no filename is specified, the tt($HISTFILE) is assumed. If the tt(-I) option is added to tt(-R), only those events that are not already contained within the internal history list are added. If the tt(-I) option is added to tt(-A) or tt(-W), only those events that are new since last incremental append/write to the history file are appended/written. In any case, the created file will have no more than tt($SAVEHIST) entries. ) findex(fg) cindex(jobs, foregrounding) cindex(jobs, resuming) xitem(tt(fg) [ var(job) ... ]) item(var(job) ...)( Bring each specified var(job) in turn to the foreground. If no var(job) is specified, resume the current job. ) findex(float) item(tt(float) [ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}tt(EFghlrtux) ] [ var(name)[tt(=)var(value)] ... ])( Equivalent to tt(typeset -E), except that options irrelevant to floating point numbers are not permitted. ) findex(functions) item(tt(functions) [ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}tt(UXmtu) ] [ var(name) ... ])( Equivalent to tt(typeset -f). ) module(getcap)(zsh/cap) findex(getln) cindex(line, reading) cindex(reading a line) item(tt(getln) [ tt(-AclneE) ] var(name) ...)( Read the top value from the buffer stack and put it in the shell parameter tt(name). Equivalent to tt(read -zr). ) findex(getopts) cindex(options, processing) item(tt(getopts) var(optstring) var(name) [ var(arg) ... ])( Checks the var(arg)s for legal options. If the var(arg)s are omitted, use the positional parameters. A valid option argument begins with a `tt(PLUS())' or a `tt(-)'. An argument not beginning with a `tt(PLUS())' or a `tt(-)', or the argument `tt(--)', ends the options. var(optstring) contains the letters that tt(getopts) recognizes. If a letter is followed by a `tt(:)', that option is expected to have an argument. The options can be separated from the argument by blanks. Each time it is invoked, tt(getopts) places the option letter it finds in the shell parameter var(name), prepended with a `tt(PLUS())' when var(arg) begins with a `tt(PLUS())'. The index of the next var(arg) is stored in tt(OPTIND). The option argument, if any, is stored in tt(OPTARG). vindex(OPTIND, use of) vindex(OPTARG, use of) The first option to be examined may be changed by explicitly assigning to tt(OPTIND). tt(OPTIND) has an initial value of tt(1), and is normally reset to tt(1) upon exit from a shell function. tt(OPTARG) is not reset and retains its value from the most recent call to tt(getopts). If either of tt(OPTIND) or tt(OPTARG) is explicitly unset, it remains unset, and the index or option argument is not stored. The option itself is still stored in var(name) in this case. A leading `tt(:)' in var(optstring) causes tt(getopts) to store the letter of any invalid option in tt(OPTARG), and to set var(name) to `tt(?)' for an unknown option and to `tt(:)' when a required option is missing. Otherwise, tt(getopts) sets var(name) to `tt(?)' and prints an error message when an option is invalid. The exit status is nonzero when there are no more options. ) findex(hash) item(tt(hash) [ tt(-Ldfmrv) ] [ var(name)[tt(=)var(value)] ] ...)( tt(hash) can be used to directly modify the contents of the command hash table, and the named directory hash table. Normally one would modify these tables by modifying one's tt(PATH) (for the command hash table) or by creating appropriate shell parameters (for the named directory hash table). The choice of hash table to work on is determined by the tt(-d) option; without the option the command hash table is used, and with the option the named directory hash table is used. Given no arguments, and neither the tt(-r) or tt(-f) options, the selected hash table will be listed in full. The tt(-r) option causes the selected hash table to be emptied. It will be subsequently rebuilt in the normal fashion. The tt(-f) option causes the selected hash table to be fully rebuilt immediately. For the command hash table this hashes all the absolute directories in the tt(PATH), and for the named directory hash table this adds all users' home directories. These two options cannot be used with any arguments. The tt(-m) option causes the arguments to be taken as patterns (which should be quoted) and the elements of the hash table matching those patterns are printed. This is the only way to display a limited selection of hash table elements. For each var(name) with a corresponding var(value), put `var(name)' in the selected hash table, associating it with the pathname `var(value)'. In the command hash table, this means that whenever `var(name)' is used as a command argument, the shell will try to execute the file given by `var(value)'. In the named directory hash table, this means that `var(value)' may be referred to as `tt(~)var(name)'. For each var(name) with no corresponding var(value), attempt to add var(name) to the hash table, checking what the appropriate tt(value) is in the normal manner for that hash table. If an appropriate tt(value) can't be found, then the hash table will be unchanged. The tt(-v) option causes hash table entries to be listed as they are added by explicit specification. If has no effect if used with tt(-f). If the tt(-L) flag is present, then each hash table entry is printed in the form of a call to hash. ) alias(history)(fc -l) findex(integer) item(tt(integer) [ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}tt(ghilrtux) ] [ var(name)[tt(=)var(value)] ... ])( Equivalent to tt(typeset -i), except that options irrelevant to integers are not permitted. ) findex(jobs) xitem(tt(jobs) [ tt(-dlprs) ] [ var(job) ... ]) item(tt(jobs -Z) var(string))( Lists information about each given job, or all jobs if var(job) is omitted. The tt(-l) flag lists process IDs, and the tt(-p) flag lists process groups. If the tt(-r) flag is specified only running jobs will be listed and if the tt(-s) flag is given only stopped jobs are shown. If the tt(-d) flag is given, the directory from which the job was started (which may not be the current directory of the job) will also be shown. The tt(-Z) option replaces the shell's argument and environment space with the given string, truncated if necessary to fit. This will normally be visible in tt(ps) (manref(ps)(1)) listings. This feature is typically used by daemons, to indicate their state. ) findex(kill) cindex(killing jobs) cindex(jobs, killing) xitem(tt(kill) [ tt(-s) var(signal_name) ] var(job) ...) xitem(tt(kill) [ tt(-)var(sig) ] var(job) ...) item(tt(kill) tt(-l) [ var(sig) ... ])( Sends either tt(SIGTERM) or the specified signal to the given jobs or processes. Signals are given by number or by names, without the `tt(SIG)' prefix. If the signal being sent is not `tt(KILL)' or `tt(CONT)', then the job will be sent a `tt(CONT)' signal if it is stopped. The argument var(job) can be the process ID of a job not in the job list. In the third form, tt(kill -l), if var(sig) is not specified the signal names are listed. Otherwise, for each var(sig) that is a name, the corresponding signal number is listed. For each var(sig) that is a signal number or a number representing the exit status of a process which was terminated or stopped by a signal the name of the signal is printed. ) findex(let) item(tt(let) var(arg) ...)( Evaluate each var(arg) as an arithmetic expression. See noderef(Arithmetic Evaluation) for a description of arithmetic expressions. The exit status is 0 if the value of the last expression is nonzero, and 1 otherwise. ) findex(limit) cindex(resource limits) cindex(limits, resource) item(tt(limit) [ tt(-hs) ] [ var(resource) [ var(limit) ] ] ...)( Set or display resource limits. Unless the tt(-s) flag is given, the limit applies only the children of the shell. If tt(-s) is given without other arguments, the resource limits of the current shell is set to the previously set resource limits of the children. If var(limit) is not specified, print the current limit placed on var(resource), otherwise set the limit to the specified value. If the tt(-h) flag is given, use hard limits instead of soft limits. If no var(resource) is given, print all limits. var(resource) can be one of: startsitem() sitem(tt(addressspace))(Maximum amount of address space used.) sitem(tt(aiomemorylocked))(Maximum amount of memory locked in RAM for AIO operations.) sitem(tt(aiooperations))(Maximum number of AIO operations.) sitem(tt(cachedthreads))(Maximum number of cached threads.) sitem(tt(coredumpsize))(Maximum size of a core dump.) sitem(tt(cputime))(Maximum CPU seconds per process.) sitem(tt(datasize))(Maximum data size (including stack) for each process.) sitem(tt(descriptors))(Maximum value for a file descriptor.) sitem(tt(filesize))(Largest single file allowed.) sitem(tt(maxproc))(Maximum number of processes.) sitem(tt(maxpthreads))(Maximum number of threads per process.) sitem(tt(memorylocked))(Maximum amount of memory locked in RAM.) sitem(tt(memoryuse))(Maximum resident set size.) sitem(tt(resident))(Maximum resident set size.) sitem(tt(sockbufsize))(Maximum size of all socket buffers.) sitem(tt(stacksize))(Maximum stack size for each process.) sitem(tt(vmemorysize))(Maximum amount of virtual memory.) endsitem() Which of these resource limits are available depends on the system. var(resource) can be abbreviated to any unambiguous prefix. var(limit) is a number, with an optional scaling factor, as follows: startsitem() sitem(var(n)tt(h))(hours) sitem(var(n)tt(k))(kilobytes (default)) sitem(var(n)tt(m))(megabytes or minutes) sitem([var(mm)tt(:)]var(ss))(minutes and seconds) endsitem() ) findex(local) item(tt(local) [ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}tt(AEFLRUZahilrtux) [var(n)]] [ var(name)[tt(=)var(value)] ] ...)( Same as tt(typeset), except that the options tt(-g), and tt(-f) are not permitted. In this case the tt(-x) option does not force the use of tt(-g), i.e. exported variables will be local to functions. ) findex(log) vindex(watch, use of) cindex(watching users) cindex(users, watching) item(tt(log))( List all users currently logged in who are affected by the current setting of the tt(watch) parameter. ) findex(logout) item(tt(logout) [ var(n) ])( Same as tt(exit), except that it only works in a login shell. ) prefix(noglob) findex(popd) item(tt(popd) [ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}var(n) ])( Remove an entry from the directory stack, and perform a tt(cd) to the new top directory. With no argument, the current top entry is removed. An argument of the form `tt(PLUS())var(n)' identifies a stack entry by counting from the left of the list shown by the tt(dirs) command, starting with zero. An argument of the form tt(-n) counts from the right. pindex(PUSHD_MINUS, use of) If the tt(PUSHD_MINUS) option is set, the meanings of `tt(PLUS())' and `tt(-)' in this context are swapped. ) findex(print) item(tt(print) [ tt(-bnrslzpNDPoOicm) ] [ tt(-u)var(n) ] [ tt(-R) [ tt(-en) ]] [ var(arg) ... ])( With no flags or with flag `tt(-)', the arguments are printed on the standard output as described by tt(echo), with the following differences: the escape sequence `tt(\M-)var(x)' metafies the character var(x) (sets the highest bit), `tt(\C-)var(x)' produces a control character (`tt(\C-@)' and `tt(\C-?)' give the characters NUL and delete), and `tt(\E)' is a synonym for `tt(\e)'. Finally, if not in an escape sequence, `tt(\)' escapes the following character and is not printed. startitem() item(tt(-r))( Ignore the escape conventions of tt(echo). ) item(tt(-R))( Emulate the BSD tt(echo) command, which does not process escape sequences unless the tt(-e) flag is given. The tt(-n) flag suppresses the trailing newline. Only the tt(-e) and tt(-n) flags are recognized after tt(-R); all other arguments and options are printed. ) item(tt(-b))( Recognize all the escape sequences defined for the tt(bindkey) command, see ifzman(zmanref(zshmodules))\ ifnzman(noderef(The zsh/zle Module))\ . ) item(tt(-m))( Take the first argument as a pattern (should be quoted), and remove it from the argument list together with subsequent arguments that do not match this pattern. ) item(tt(-s))( Place the results in the history list instead of on the standard output. ) item(tt(-n))( Do not add a newline to the output. ) item(tt(-l))( Print the arguments separated by newlines instead of spaces. ) item(tt(-N))( Print the arguments separated and terminated by nulls. ) item(tt(-o))( Print the arguments sorted in ascending order. ) item(tt(-O))( Print the arguments sorted in descending order. ) item(tt(-i))( If given together with tt(-o) or tt(-O), sorting is performed case-independently. ) item(tt(-c))( Print the arguments in columns. ) item(tt(-u)var(n))( Print the arguments to file descriptor var(n). ) item(tt(-p))( Print the arguments to the input of the coprocess. ) item(tt(-z))( Push the arguments onto the editing buffer stack, separated by spaces; no escape sequences are recognized. ) item(tt(-D))( Treat the arguments as directory names, replacing prefixes with tt(~) expressions, as appropriate. ) item(tt(-P))( Perform prompt expansion (see ifzman(zmanref(zshmisc))\ ifnzman(noderef(Prompt Expansion))\ ). ) enditem() ) findex(pushd) pindex(PUSHD_TO_HOME, use of) pindex(PUSHD_MINUS, use of) pindex(CDABLE_VARS, use of) pindex(PUSHD_SILENT, use of) xitem(tt(pushd) [ var(arg) ]) xitem(tt(pushd) var(old) var(new)) item(tt(pushd) {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}var(n))( Change the current directory, and push the old current directory onto the directory stack. In the first form, change the current directory to var(arg). If var(arg) is not specified, change to the second directory on the stack (that is, exchange the top two entries), or change to tt($HOME) if the tt(PUSHD_TO_HOME) option is set or if there is only one entry on the stack. Otherwise, var(arg) is interpreted as it would be by tt(cd). The meaning of var(old) and var(new) in the second form is also the same as for tt(cd). The third form of tt(pushd) changes directory by rotating the directory list. An argument of the form `tt(PLUS())var(n)' identifies a stack entry by counting from the left of the list shown by the tt(dirs) command, starting with zero. An argument of the form `tt(-)var(n)' counts from the right. If the tt(PUSHD_MINUS) option is set, the meanings of `tt(PLUS())' and `tt(-)' in this context are swapped. If the option tt(PUSHD_SILENT) is not set, the directory stack will be printed after a tt(pushd) is performed. ) findex(pushln) item(tt(pushln) [ var(arg) ... ])( Equivalent to tt(print -nz). ) findex(pwd) pindex(CHASE_LINKS, use of) item(tt(pwd) [ tt(-rLP) ])( Print the absolute pathname of the current working directory. If the tt(-r) or the tt(-P) flag is specified, or the tt(CHASE_LINKS) option is set and the tt(-L) flag is not given, the printed path will not contain symbolic links. ) alias(r)(fc -e -) findex(read) vindex(IFS, use of) item(tt(read) [ tt(-rzpqAclneEt) ] [ tt(-k) [ var(num) ] ] \ [ tt(-u)var(n) ] [ var(name)[tt(?)var(prompt)] ] [ var(name) ... ])( vindex(REPLY, use of) vindex(reply, use of) Read one line and break it into fields using the characters in tt($IFS) as separators, except as noted below. The first field is assigned to the first var(name), the second field to the second var(name), etc., with leftover fields assigned to the last var(name). If var(name) is omitted then tt(REPLY) is used for scalars and tt(reply) for arrays. startitem() item(tt(-r))( Raw mode: a `tt(\)' at the end of a line does not signify line continuation and backslashes in the line don't quote the following character and are not removed. ) item(tt(-q))( Read only one character from the terminal and set var(name) to `tt(y)' if this character was `tt(y)' or `tt(Y)' and to `tt(n)' otherwise. With this flag set the return value is zero only if the character was `tt(y)' or `tt(Y)'. Note that this always reads from the terminal, even if used with the tt(-p) or tt(-u) or tt(-z) flags or with redirected input. This option may also be used within zle widgets. ) item(tt(-k) [ var(num) ])( Read only one (or var(num)) characters. All are assigned to the first var(name), without word splitting. This flag is ignored when tt(-q) is present. Input is read from the terminal unless one of tt(-u) or tt(-p) is present. This option may also be used within zle widgets. Note that var(num) must be in the argument word that follows tt(-k), not in the same word. See tt(-u). ) item(tt(-z))( Read one entry from the editor buffer stack and assign it to the first var(name), without word splitting. Text is pushed onto the stack with `tt(print -z)' or with tt(push-line) from the line editor (see ifzman(zmanref(zshzle))\ ifnzman(noderef(Zsh Line Editor))\ ). This flag is ignored when the tt(-k) or tt(-q) flags are present. ) xitem(tt(-e)) item(tt(-E))( The input read is printed (echoed) to the standard output. If the tt(-e) flag is used, no input is assigned to the parameters. ) item(tt(-A))( The first var(name) is taken as the name of an array and all words are assigned to it. ) xitem(tt(-c)) item(tt(-l))( These flags are allowed only if called inside a function used for completion (specified with the tt(-K) flag to tt(compctl)). If the tt(-c) flag is given, the words of the current command are read. If the tt(-l) flag is given, the whole line is assigned as a scalar. If both flags are present, tt(-l) is used and tt(-c) is ignored. ) item(tt(-n))( Together with tt(-c), the number of the word the cursor is on is read. With tt(-l), the index of the character the cursor is on is read. Note that the command name is word number 1, not word 0, and that when the cursor is at the end of the line, its character index is the length of the line plus one. ) item(tt(-u)var(n))( Input is read from file descriptor var(n), where var(n) is a single digit and must em(not) be separated from tt(-u) by any whitespace. ) item(tt(-p))( Input is read from the coprocess. ) item(tt(-t))( Test if input is available before attempting to read; if none is, return status 1 and do not set any variables. This is not available when reading from the editor buffer with tt(-z), when called from within completion with tt(-c) or tt(-l), with tt(-q) which clears the input queue before reading, or within zle where other mechanisms should be used to test for input. Note that read does not attempt to alter the input processing mode. The default mode is canonical input, in which an entire line is read at a time, so usually `tt(read -t)' will not read anything until an entire line has been typed. However, when reading from the terminal with tt(-k) this is automatically handled; note that only availablity of the first character is tested, so that e.g. `tt(read -t -k 2)' can still block on the second character. ) enditem() If the first argument contains a `tt(?)', the remainder of this word is used as a var(prompt) on standard error when the shell is interactive. The value (exit status) of tt(read) is 1 when an end-of-file is encountered, or when tt(-c) or tt(-l) is present and the command is not called from a tt(compctl) function, or as described for tt(-q). Otherwise the value is 0. The behavior of some combinations of the tt(-k), tt(-p), tt(-q), tt(-u) and tt(-z) flags is undefined. Presently tt(-q) cancels all the others, tt(-p) cancels tt(-u), tt(-k) cancels tt(-z), and otherwise tt(-z) cancels both tt(-p) and tt(-u). The tt(-c) or tt(-l) flags cancel any and all of tt(-kpquz). ) cindex(parameters, marking readonly) alias(readonly)(typeset -r) alias(rehash)(hash -r) findex(return) cindex(functions, returning from) item(tt(return) [ var(n) ])( Causes a shell function or tt(.) script to return to the invoking script with the return status specified by var(n). If var(n) is omitted, the return status is that of the last command executed. If tt(return) was executed from a trap in a tt(TRAP)var(NAL) function, the effect is different for zero and non-zero return status. With zero status (or after an implicit return at the end of the trap), the shell will return to whatever it was previously processing; with a non-zero status, the shell will behave as interrupted except that the return status of the trap is retained. Note that the numeric value of the signal which caused the trap is passed as the first argument, so the statement `tt(return $((128PLUS()$1)))' will return the same status as if the signal had not been trapped. ) module(sched)(zsh/sched) findex(set) cindex(parameters, listing) cindex(parameters, positional) cindex(parameters, setting array) cindex(array parameters, setting) item(tt(set) [ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}var(options) | {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}tt(o) var(option_name) ] ... [ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}tt(A) [ var(name) ] ] [ var(arg) ... ])( Set the options for the shell and/or set the positional parameters, or declare and set an array. If the tt(-s) option is given, it causes the specified arguments to be sorted before assigning them to the positional parameters (or to the array var(name) if tt(-A) is used). With tt(PLUS()s) sort arguments in descending order. For the meaning of the other flags, see ifzman(zmanref(zshoptions))\ ifnzman(noderef(Options))\ . Flags may be specified by name using the tt(-o) option. If the tt(-A) flag is specified, var(name) is set to an array containing the given var(arg)s. if tt(PLUS()A) is used and var(name) is an array, the given arguments will replace the initial elements of that array; if no var(name) is specified, all arrays are printed. Otherwise the positional parameters are set. If no arguments are given, then the names and values of all parameters are printed on the standard output. If the only argument is `tt(PLUS())', the names of all parameters are printed. ) module(setcap)(zsh/cap) findex(setopt) cindex(options, setting) item(tt(setopt) [ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}var(options) | \ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}tt(o) var(option_name) ] [ var(name) ... ])( Set the options for the shell. All options specified either with flags or by name are set. If no arguments are supplied, the names of all options currently set are printed. If the tt(-m) flag is given the arguments are taken as patterns (which should be quoted to protect them from filename expansion), and all options with names matching these patterns are set. ) findex(shift) cindex(parameters, positional) item(tt(shift) [ var(n) ] [ var(name) ... ])( The positional parameters tt(${)var(n)PLUS()1tt(}) ... are renamed to tt($1) ..., where var(n) is an arithmetic expression that defaults to 1. If any var(name)s are given then the arrays with these names are shifted instead of the positional parameters. ) findex(source) item(tt(source) var(file) [ var(arg) ... ])( Same as tt(.), except that the current directory is always searched and is always searched first, before directories in tt($path). ) module(stat)(zsh/stat) findex(suspend) cindex(shell, suspending) cindex(suspending the shell) item(tt(suspend) [ tt(-f) ])( Suspend the execution of the shell (send it a tt(SIGTSTP)) until it receives a tt(SIGCONT). Unless the tt(-f) option is given, this will refuse to suspend a login shell. ) findex(test) xitem(tt(test) [ var(arg) ... ]) item(tt([) [ var(arg) ... ] tt(]))( Like the system version of tt(test). Added for compatibility; use conditional expressions instead (see noderef(Conditional Expressions)). ) findex(times) cindex(shell, timing) cindex(timing the shell) item(tt(times))( Print the accumulated user and system times for the shell and for processes run from the shell. ) findex(trap) cindex(signals, trapping) cindex(trapping signals) item(tt(trap) [ var(arg) [ var(sig) ... ] ])( var(arg) is a series of commands (usually quoted to protect it from immediate evaluation by the shell) to be read and executed when the shell receives var(sig). Each var(sig) can be given as a number or as the name of a signal. If var(arg) is `tt(-)', then all traps var(sig) are reset to their default values. If var(arg) is the empty string, then this signal is ignored by the shell and by the commands it invokes. If var(sig) is tt(ZERR) then var(arg) will be executed after each command with a nonzero exit status. If var(sig) is tt(DEBUG) then var(arg) will be executed after each command. If var(sig) is tt(0) or tt(EXIT) and the tt(trap) statement is executed inside the body of a function, then the command var(arg) is executed after the function completes. If var(sig) is tt(0) or tt(EXIT) and the tt(trap) statement is not executed inside the body of a function, then the command var(arg) is executed when the shell terminates. The tt(trap) command with no arguments prints a list of commands associated with each signal. Note that traps defined with the tt(trap) builtin are slightly different from those defined as `tt(TRAP)var(NAL) () { ... }', as the latter have their own function environment (line numbers, local variables, etc.) while the former use the environment of the command in which they were called. For example, example(trap 'print $LINENO' DEBUG) will print the line number of a command executed after it has run, while example(TRAPDEBUG() { print $LINENO; }) will always print the number zero. ) findex(true) cindex(doing nothing, successfully) item(tt(true) [ var(arg) ... ])( Do nothing and return an exit code of 0. ) findex(ttyctl) cindex(tty, freezing) item(tt(ttyctl) tt(-fu))( The tt(-f) option freezes the tty, and tt(-u) unfreezes it. When the tty is frozen, no changes made to the tty settings by external programs will be honored by the shell, except for changes in the size of the screen; the shell will simply reset the settings to their previous values as soon as each command exits or is suspended. Thus, tt(stty) and similar programs have no effect when the tty is frozen. Without options it reports whether the terminal is frozen or not. ) findex(type) item(tt(type) [ tt(-wfpams) ] var(name) ...)( Equivalent to tt(whence -v). ) findex(typeset) cindex(parameters, setting) cindex(parameters, declaring) xitem(tt(typeset) [ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}tt(AEFLRUZafghilrtuxm) [var(n)]] [ \ var(name)[tt(=)var(value)] ... ]) item(tt(typeset) -T [ {tt(PLUS()|tt(-))}tt(LRUZrux) ] \ var(SCALAR)[tt(=)var(value)] var(array))( Set or display attributes and values for shell parameters. A parameter is created for each var(name) that does not already refer to one. When inside a function, a new parameter is created for every var(name) (even those that already exist), and is unset again when the function completes. See ifzman(`Local Parameters' in zmanref(zshparam))\ ifnzman(noderef(Local Parameters))\ . The same rules apply to special shell parameters, which retain their special attributes when made local. For each var(name)tt(=)var(value) assignment, the parameter var(name) is set to var(value). Note that arrays currently cannot be assigned in tt(typeset) expressions, only scalars and integers. For each remaining var(name) that refers to a parameter that is set, the name and value of the parameter are printed in the form of an assignment. Nothing is printed for newly-created parameters, or when any attribute flags listed below are given along with the var(name). Using `tt(PLUS())' instead of minus to introduce an attribute turns it off. If the tt(-T) option is given, exactly two (or zero) var(name) arguments must be present. They represent a scalar and an array (in that order) that will be tied together in the manner of tt($PATH) and tt($path). In other words, an array present in the latter variable appears as a scalar with the elements of the array joined by colons in the former. Only the scalar may have an initial value. Both the scalar and the array may otherwise be manipulated as normal. If one is unset, the other will automatically be unset too. There is no way of untying the variables without unsetting them, or converting the type of one of them with another tt(typeset) command; tt(+T) does not work, assigning an array to var(SCALAR) is an error, and assigning a scalar to var(array) sets it to be a single-element array. Note that both `tt(typeset -xT ...)' and `tt(export -T ...)' work, but only the scalar will be marked for export. The tt(-g) (global) flag is treated specially: it means that any resulting parameter will not be restricted to local scope. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the parameter will be global, as the flag will apply to any existing parameter (even if unset) from an enclosing function. This flag does not affect the parameter after creation, hence it has no effect when listing existing parameters, nor does the flag tt(+g) have any effect except in combination with tt(-m) (see below). If no var(name) is present, the names and values of all parameters are printed. In this case the attribute flags restrict the display to only those parameters that have the specified attributes, and using `tt(PLUS())' rather than `tt(-)' to introduce the flag suppresses printing of the values of parameters when there is no parameter name. Also, if the last option is the word `tt(PLUS())', then names are printed but values are not. If the tt(-m) flag is given the var(name) arguments are taken as patterns (which should be quoted). With no attribute flags, all parameters (or functions with the tt(-f) flag) with matching names are printed. Note that tt(-m) is ignored if no patterns are given. If the tt(+g) flag is combined with tt(-m), a new local parameter is created for every matching parameter that is not already local. Otherwise tt(-m) applies all other flags or assignments to the existing parameters. Except when assignments are made with var(name)tt(=)var(value), using tt(+m) forces the matching parameters to be printed, even inside a function. If no attribute flags are given and either no tt(-m) flag is present or the tt(+m) form was used, each parameter name printed is preceded by a list of the attributes of that parameter (tt(array), tt(association), tt(exported), tt(integer), tt(readonly)). If tt(+m) is used with attribute flags, and all those flags are introduced with tt(PLUS()), the matching parameter names are printed but their values are not. The following attribute flags may be specified: startitem() item(tt(-A))( The names refer to associative array parameters; see ifzman(`Array Parameters' in zmanref(zshparam))\ ifnzman(noderef(Array Parameters))\ . ) item(tt(-L))( Left justify and remove leading blanks from var(value). If var(n) is nonzero, it defines the width of the field; otherwise it is determined by the width of the value of the first assignment. When the parameter is expanded, it is filled on the right with blanks or truncated if necessary to fit the field. Leading zeros are removed if the tt(-Z) flag is also set. ) item(tt(-R))( Right justify and fill with leading blanks. If var(n) is nonzero if defines the width of the field; otherwise it is determined by the width of the value of the first assignment. When the parameter is expanded, the field is left filled with blanks or truncated from the end. ) item(tt(-U))( For arrays (but not for associative arrays), keep only the first occurrence of each duplicated value. This may also be set for colon-separated special parameters like tt(PATH) or tt(FIGNORE), etc. This flag has a different meaning when used with tt(-f); see below. ) item(tt(-Z))( Right justify and fill with leading zeros if the first non-blank character is a digit and the tt(-L) flag has not been set. If var(n) is nonzero it defines the width of the field; otherwise it is determined by the width of the value of the first assignment. ) item(tt(-a))( The names refer to array parameters. An array parameter may be created this way, but it may not be assigned to in the tt(typeset) statement. When displaying, both normal and associative arrays are shown. ) item(tt(-f))( The names refer to functions rather than parameters. No assignments can be made, and the only other valid flags are tt(-t), tt(-u) and tt(-U). The flag tt(-t) turns on execution tracing for this function. The tt(-u) and tt(-U) flags cause the function to be marked for autoloading; tt(-U) also causes alias expansion to be suppressed when the function is loaded. The tt(fpath) parameter will be searched to find the function definition when the function is first referenced; see noderef(Functions). ) item(tt(-h))( Hide: only useful for special parameters (those marked `' in the table in ifzman(zmanref(zshparams))\ ifnzman(noderef(Parameters Set By The Shell))\ ), and for local parameters with the same name as a special parameter, though harmless for others. A special parameter with this attribute will not retain its special effect when made local. Thus after `tt(typeset -h PATH)', a function containing `tt(typeset PATH)' will create an ordinary local parameter without the usual behaviour of tt(PATH). Alternatively, the local parameter may itself be given this attribute; hence inside a function `tt(typeset -h PATH)' creates an ordinary local parameter and the special tt(PATH) parameter is not altered in any way. It is also possible to create a local parameter using `tt(typeset +h )var(special)', where the local copy of var(special) will retain its special properties regardless of having the tt(-h) attribute. Global special parameters loaded from shell modules (currently those in tt(mapfile) and tt(parameter)) are automatically given the tt(-h) attribute to avoid name clashes. ) item(tt(-H))( Hide value: specifies that tt(typeset) will not display the value of the parameter when listing parameters; the display for such parameters is always as if the `tt(PLUS())' flag had been given. Use of the parameter is in other respects normal, and the option does not apply if the parameter is specified by name, or by pattern with the tt(-m) option. This is on by default for the parameters in the tt(zsh/parameter) and tt(zsh/mapfile) modules. Note, however, that unlike the tt(-h) flag this is also useful for non-special parameters. ) item(tt(-i))( Use an internal integer representation. If var(n) is nonzero it defines the output arithmetic base, otherwise it is determined by the first assignment. ) item(tt(-E))( Use an internal double-precision floating point representation. On output the variable will be converted to scientific notation. If var(n) is nonzero it defines the number of significant figures to display; the default is ten. ) item(tt(-F))( Use an internal double-precision floating point representation. On output the variable will be converted to fixed-point decimal notation. If var(n) is nonzero it defines the number of digits to display after the decimal point; the default is ten. ) item(tt(-l))( Convert the result to lower case whenever the parameter is expanded. The value is em(not) converted when assigned. ) item(tt(-r))( The given var(name)s are marked readonly. ) item(tt(-t))( Tags the named parameters. Tags have no special meaning to the shell. This flag has a different meaning when used with tt(-f); see above. ) item(tt(-u))( Convert the result to upper case whenever the parameter is expanded. The value is em(not) converted when assigned. This flag has a different meaning when used with tt(-f); see above. ) item(tt(-x))( Mark for automatic export to the environment of subsequently executed commands. If the option tt(GLOBAL_EXPORT) is set, this implies the option tt(-g), unless tt(+g) is also explicitly given; in other words the parameter is not made local to the enclosing function. This is for compatibility with previous versions of zsh. ) enditem() ) findex(ulimit) cindex(resource limits) cindex(limits, resource) item(tt(ulimit) [ tt(-SHacdflmnpstv) [ var(limit) ] ... ])( Set or display resource limits of the shell and the processes started by the shell. The value of var(limit) can be a number in the unit specified below or the value `tt(unlimited)'. If the tt(-H) flag is given use hard limits instead of soft limits. If the tt(-S) flag is given together with the tt(-H) flag set both hard and soft limits. If no options are used, the file size limit (tt(-f)) is assumed. If var(limit) is omitted the current value of the specified resources are printed. When more than one resource values are printed the limit name and unit is printed before each value. startsitem() sitem(tt(-a))(Lists all of the current resource limits.) sitem(tt(-c))(512-byte blocks on the size of core dumps.) sitem(tt(-d))(K-bytes on the size of the data segment.) sitem(tt(-f))(512-byte blocks on the size of files written.) sitem(tt(-l))(K-bytes on the size of locked-in memory.) sitem(tt(-m))(K-bytes on the size of physical memory.) sitem(tt(-n))(open file descriptors.) sitem(tt(-s))(K-bytes on the size of the stack.) sitem(tt(-t))(CPU seconds to be used.) sitem(tt(-u))(processes available to the user.) sitem(tt(-v))(K-bytes on the size of virtual memory.) endsitem() ) findex(umask) cindex(umask) item(tt(umask) [ tt(-S) ] [ var(mask) ])( The umask is set to var(mask). var(mask) can be either an octal number or a symbolic value as described in manref(chmod)(1). If var(mask) is omitted, the current value is printed. The tt(-S) option causes the mask to be printed as a symbolic value. Otherwise, the mask is printed as an octal number. Note that in the symbolic form the permissions you specify are those which are to be allowed (not denied) to the users specified. ) cindex(aliases, removing) alias(unalias)(unhash -a) cindex(functions, removing) alias(unfunction)(unhash -f) findex(unhash) item(tt(unhash) [ tt(-adfm) ] var(name) ...)( Remove the element named var(name) from an internal hash table. The default is remove elements from the command hash table. The tt(-a) option causes tt(unhash) to remove aliases. The tt(-f) option causes tt(unhash) to remove shell functions. The tt(-d) options causes tt(unhash) to remove named directories. If the tt(-m) flag is given the arguments are taken as patterns (should be quoted) and all elements of the corresponding hash table with matching names will be removed. ) findex(unlimit) cindex(resource limits) cindex(limits, resource) item(tt(unlimit) [ tt(-hs) ] var(resource) ...)( The resource limit for each var(resource) is set to the hard limit. If the tt(-h) flag is given and the shell has appropriate privileges, the hard resource limit for each var(resource) is removed. The resources of the shell process are only changed if the tt(-s) flag is given. ) findex(unset) cindex(parameters, unsetting) item(tt(unset) [ tt(-fm) ] var(name) ...)( Each named parameter is unset. Local parameters remain local even if unset; they appear unset within scope, but the previous value will still reappear when the scope ends. Individual elements of associative array parameters may be unset by using subscript syntax on var(name), which should be quoted (or the entire command prefixed with tt(noglob)) to protect the subscript from filename generation. If the tt(-m) flag is specified the arguments are taken as patterns (should be quoted) and all parameters with matching names are unset. Note that this cannot be used when unsetting associative array elements, as the subscript will be treated as part of the pattern. tt(unset -f) is equivalent to tt(unfunction). ) findex(unsetopt) cindex(options, unsetting) item(tt(unsetopt) [ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}var(options) | \ {tt(PLUS())|tt(-)}tt(o) var(option_name) ] [ var(name) ... ])( Unset the options for the shell. All options specified either with flags or by name are unset. If no arguments are supplied, the names of all options currently unset are printed. If the tt(-m) flag is given the arguments are taken as patterns (which should be quoted to preserve them from being interpreted as glob patterns), and all options with names matching these patterns are unset. ) module(vared)(zsh/zle) findex(wait) cindex(waiting for jobs) cindex(jobs, waiting for) item(tt(wait) [ var(job) ... ])( Wait for the specified jobs or processes. If var(job) is not given then all currently active child processes are waited for. Each var(job) can be either a job specification or the process ID of a job in the job table. The exit status from this command is that of the job waited for. ) findex(whence) item(tt(whence) [ tt(-vcwfpams) ] var(name) ...)( For each name, indicate how it would be interpreted if used as a command name. startitem() item(tt(-v))( Produce a more verbose report. ) item(tt(-c))( Print the results in a bf(csh)-like format. This takes precedence over tt(-v). ) item(tt(-w))( For each var(name), print `var(name)tt(:) var(word)' where var(word) is one of tt(alias), tt(builtin), tt(command), tt(function), tt(hashed), tt(reserved) or tt(none), according as var(name) corresponds to an alias, a built-in command, an external command, a shell function, a command defined with the tt(hash) builtin, a reserved word, or is not recognised. This takes precedence over tt(-v) and tt(-c). ) item(tt(-f))( Causes the contents of a shell function to be displayed, which would otherwise not happen unless the tt(-c) flag were used. ) item(tt(-p))( Do a path search for var(name) even if it is an alias, reserved word, shell function or builtin. ) item(tt(-a))( Do a search for all occurrences of var(name) throughout the command path. Normally only the first occurrence is printed. ) item(tt(-m))( The arguments are taken as patterns (should be quoted), and the information is displayed for each command matching one of these patterns. ) item(tt(-s))( If a pathname contains symlinks, print the symlink-free pathname as well. ) enditem() ) findex(where) item(tt(where) [ tt(-wpms) ] var(name) ...)( Equivalent to tt(whence -ca). ) findex(which) item(tt(which) [ tt(-wpams) ] var(name) ...)( Equivalent to tt(whence -c). ) findex(zcompile) cindex(.zwc files, creation) cindex(compilation) xitem(tt(zcompile) [ tt(-U) ] [ tt(-z) | tt(-k) ] [ tt(-R) | tt(-M) ] var(file) [ var(name) ... ]) xitem(tt(zcompile) tt(-ca) [ tt(-m) ] [ tt(-R) | tt(-M) ] var(file) [ var(name) ... ]) item(tt(zcompile -t) var(file) [ var(name) ... ])( This builtin command can be used to compile functions or scripts, storing the compiled form in a file, and to examine files containing the compiled form. This allows faster autoloading of functions and execution of scripts by avoiding parsing of the text when the files are read. The first form (without the tt(-c), tt(-a) or tt(-t) options) creates a compiled file. If only the var(file) argument is given, the output file has the name `var(file)tt(.zwc)' and will be placed in the same directory as the var(file). The shell will load the compiled file instead of the normal function file when the function is autoloaded; see ifzman(\ the section `Autoloading Functions' in zmanref(zshfunc) )\ ifnzman(\ noderef(Functions) )\ for a description of how autoloaded functions are searched. The extension tt(.zwc) stands for `zsh word code'. If there is at least one var(name) argument, all the named files are compiled into the output var(file) given as the first argument. If var(file) does not end in tt(.zwc), this extension is automatically appended. Files containing multiple compiled functions are called `digest' files, and are intended to be used as elements of the tt(FPATH)/tt(fpath) special array. The second form, with the tt(-c) or tt(-a) options, writes the compiled definitions for all the named functions into var(file). For tt(-c), the names must be functions currently defined in the shell, not those marked for autoloading. Undefined functions that are marked for autoloading may be written by using the tt(-a) option, in which case the tt(fpath) is searched and the contents of the definition files for those functions, if found, are compiled into var(file). If both tt(-c) and tt(-a) are given, names of both defined functions and functions marked for autoloading may be given. In either case, the functions in files written with the tt(-c) or tt(-a) option will be autoloaded as if the tt(KSH_AUTOLOAD) option were unset. The reason for handling loaded and not-yet-loaded functions with different options is that some definition files for autoloading define multiple functions, including the function with the same name as the file, and, at the end, call that function. In such cases the output of `tt(zcompile -c)' does not include the additional functions defined in the file, and any other initialization code in the file is lost. Using `tt(zcompile -a)' captures all this extra information. If the tt(-m) option is combined with tt(-c) or tt(-a), the var(name)s are used as patterns and all functions whose names match one of these patterns will be written. If no var(name) is given, the definitions of all functions currently defined or marked as autoloaded will be written. The third form, with the tt(-t) option, examines an existing compiled file. Without further arguments, the names of the original files compiled into it are listed. The first line of output shows the version of the shell which compiled the file and how the file will be used (i.e. by reading it directly or by mapping it into memory). With arguments, nothing is output and the return value is set to zero if definitions for em(all) var(name)s name files were found in the compiled file, and non-zero if the definition for at least one var(name) was not found. Other options: startitem() item(tt(-U))( Aliases are not expanded when compiling the var(name)d files. ) item(tt(-R))( When the compiled file is read, its contents are copied into the shell's memory, rather than memory-mapped (see tt(-M)). This happens automatically on systems that do not support memory mapping. When compiling scripts instead of autoloadable functions, it is often desirable to use this option; otherwise the whole file, including the code to define functions which have already been defined, will remain mapped, consequently wasting memory. ) item(tt(-M))( The compiled file is mapped into the shell's memory when read. This is done in such a way that multiple instances of the shell running on the same host will share this mapped file. If neither tt(-R) nor tt(-M) is given, the tt(zcompile) builtin decides what to do based on the size of the compiled file. ) xitem(tt(-k)) item(tt(-z))( These options are used when the compiled file contains functions which are to be autoloaded. If tt(-z) is given, the function will be autoloaded as if the tt(KSH_AUTOLOAD) option is em(not) set, even if it is set at the time the compiled file is read, while if the tt(-k) is given, the function will be loaded as if tt(KSH_AUTOLOAD) em(is) set. If neither of these options is given, the function will be loaded as determined by the setting of the tt(KSH_AUTOLOAD) option at the time the compiled file is read. These options may also appear as many times as necessary between the listed var(name)s to specify the loading style of all following functions, up to the next tt(-k) or tt(-z). ) enditem() The created file always contains two versions of the compiled format, one for big-endian machines and one for small-endian machines. The upshot of this is that the compiled file is machine independent and if it is read or mapped, only one half of the file is actually used (and mapped). ) module(zformat)(zsh/zutil) module(zftp)(zsh/zftp) module(zle)(zsh/zle) findex(zmodload) cindex(modules, loading) cindex(loading modules) xitem(tt(zmodload) [ tt(-dL) ] [ ... ]) xitem(tt(zmodload -e) [ tt(-A) ] [ ... ]) xitem(tt(zmodload) [ tt(-a) [ tt(-bcpf) [ tt(-I) ] ] ] [ tt(-iL) ] ...) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-u) [ tt(-abcdpf) [ tt(-I) ] ] [ tt(-iL) ] ...) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-A) [ tt(-L) ] [ var(modalias)[tt(=)var(module)] ... ]) item(tt(zmodload) tt(-R) var(modalias) ... )( Performs operations relating to zsh's loadable modules. Loading of modules while the shell is running (`dynamical loading') is not available on all operating systems, or on all installations on a particular operating system, although the tt(zmodload) command itself is always available and can be used to manipulate modules built into versions of the shell executable without dynamical loading. Without arguments the names of all currently loaded binary modules are printed. The tt(-L) option causes this list to be in the form of a series of tt(zmodload) commands. Forms with arguments are: startitem() xitem(tt(zmodload) [ tt(-i) ] var(name) ... ) item(tt(zmodload) tt(-u) [ tt(-i) ] var(name) ...)( In the simplest case, tt(zmodload) loads a binary module. The module must be in a file with a name consisting of the specified var(name) followed by a standard suffix, usually `tt(.so)' (`tt(.sl)' on HPUX). If the module to be loaded is already loaded and the tt(-i) option is given, the duplicate module is ignored. Otherwise tt(zmodload) prints an error message. The var(name)d module is searched for in the same way a command is, using tt($module_path) instead of tt($path). However, the path search is performed even when the module name contains a `tt(/)', which it usually does. There is no way to prevent the path search. With tt(-u), tt(zmodload) unloads modules. The same var(name) must be given that was given when the module was loaded, but it is not necessary for the module to exist in the filesystem. The tt(-i) option suppresses the error if the module is already unloaded (or was never loaded). Each module has a boot and a cleanup function. The module will not be loaded if its boot function fails. Similarly a module can only be unloaded if its cleanup function runs successfully. ) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-d) [ tt(-L) ] [ var(name) ]) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-d) var(name) var(dep) ...) item(tt(zmodload) tt(-ud) var(name) [ var(dep) ... ])( The tt(-d) option can be used to specify module dependencies. The modules named in the second and subsequent arguments will be loaded before the module named in the first argument. With tt(-d) and one argument, all dependencies for that module are listed. With tt(-d) and no arguments, all module dependencies are listed. This listing is by default in a Makefile-like format. The tt(-L) option changes this format to a list of tt(zmodload -d) commands. If tt(-d) and tt(-u) are both used, dependencies are removed. If only one argument is given, all dependencies for that module are removed. ) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-ab) [ tt(-L) ]) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-ab) [ tt(-i) ] var(name) [ var(builtin) ... ]) item(tt(zmodload) tt(-ub) [ tt(-i) ] var(builtin) ...)( The tt(-ab) option defines autoloaded builtins. It defines the specified var(builtin)s. When any of those builtins is called, the module specified in the first argument is loaded. If only the var(name) is given, one builtin is defined, with the same name as the module. tt(-i) suppresses the error if the builtin is already defined or autoloaded, regardless of which module it came from. With tt(-ab) and no arguments, all autoloaded builtins are listed, with the module name (if different) shown in parentheses after the builtin name. The tt(-L) option changes this format to a list of tt(zmodload -a) commands. If tt(-b) is used together with the tt(-u) option, it removes builtins previously defined with tt(-ab). This is only possible if the builtin is not yet loaded. tt(-i) suppresses the error if the builtin is already removed (or never existed). ) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-ac) [ tt(-IL) ]) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-ac) [ tt(-iI) ] var(name) [ var(cond) ... ]) item(tt(zmodload) tt(-uc) [ tt(-iI) ] var(cond) ...)( The tt(-ac) option is used to define autoloaded condition codes. The var(cond) strings give the names of the conditions defined by the module. The optional tt(-I) option is used to define infix condition names. Without this option prefix condition names are defined. If given no condition names, all defined names are listed (as a series of tt(zmodload) commands if the tt(-L) option is given). The tt(-uc) option removes definitions for autoloaded conditions. ) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-ap) [ tt(-L) ]) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-ap) [ tt(-i) ] var(name) [ var(parameter) ... ]) item(tt(zmodload) tt(-up) [ tt(-i) ] var(parameter) ...)( The tt(-p) option is like the tt(-b) and tt(-c) options, but makes tt(zmodload) work on autoloaded parameters instead. ) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-af) [ tt(-L) ]) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-af) [ tt(-i) ] var(name) [ var(function) ... ]) item(tt(zmodload) tt(-uf) [ tt(-i) ] var(function) ...)( The tt(-f) option is like the tt(-b), tt(-p), and tt(-c) options, but makes tt(zmodload) work on autoloaded math functions instead. ) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-a) [ tt(-L) ]) xitem(tt(zmodload) tt(-a) [ tt(-i) ] var(name) [ var(builtin) ... ]) item(tt(zmodload) tt(-ua) [ tt(-i) ] var(builtin) ...)( Equivalent to tt(-ab) and tt(-ub). ) item(tt(zmodload -e) [ tt(-A) ] [ var(string) ... ])( The tt(-e) option without arguments lists all loaded modules; if the tt(-A) option is also given, module aliases corresponding to loaded modules are also shown. With arguments only the return status is set to zero if all var(string)s given as arguments are names of loaded modules and to one if at least on var(string) is not the name of a loaded module. This can be used to test for the availability of things implemented by modules. In this case, any aliases are automatically resolved and the tt(-A) flag is not used. ) item(tt(zmodload) tt(-A) [ tt(-L) ] [ var(modalias)[tt(=)var(module)] ... ])( For each argument, if both var(modlias) and var(module) are given, define var(modalias) to be an alias for the module var(module). If the module var(modalias) is ever subsequently requested, either via a call to tt(zmodload) or implicitly, the shell will attempt to load var(module) instead. If var(module) is not given, show the definition of var(modalias). If no arguments are given, list all defined module aliases. When listing, if the tt(-L) flag was also given, list the definition as a tt(zmodload) command to recreate the alias. The existence of aliases for modules is completely independent of whether the name resolved is actually loaded as a module: while the alias exists, loading and unloading the module under any alias has exactly the same effect as using the resolved name, and does not affect the connection between the alias and the resolved name which can be removed either by tt(zmodload -R) or by redefining the alias. Chains of aliases (i.e. where the first resolved name is itself an alias) are valid so long as these are not circular. As the aliases take the same format as module names, they may include path separators: in this case, there is no requirement for any part of the path named to exist as the alias will be resolved first. For example, `tt(any/old/alias)' is always a valid alias. Dependencies added to aliased modules are actually added to the resolved module; these remain if the alias is removed. It is valid to create an alias whose name is one of the standard shell modules and which resolves to a different module. However, if a module has dependencies, it will not be possible to use the module name as an alias as the module will already be marked as a loadable module in its own right. Apart from the above, aliases can be used in the tt(zmodload) command anywhere module names are required. However, aliases will not be shown in lists of loaded modules with a bare `tt(zmodload)'. ) item(tt(zmodload) tt(-R) var(modalias) ... )( For each var(modalias) argument that was previously defined as a module alias via tt(zmodload -A), delete the alias. If any was not defined, an error is caused and the remainder of the line is ignored. ) enditem() Note that tt(zsh) makes no distinction between modules that were linked into the shell and modules that are loaded dynamically. In both cases this builtin command has to be used to make available the builtins and other things defined by modules (unless the module is autoloaded on these definitions). This is true even for systems that don't support dynamic loading of modules. ) module(zparseopts)(zsh/zutil) module(zprof)(zsh/zprof) module(zpty)(zsh/zpty) module(zregexparse)(zsh/zutil) module(zstyle)(zsh/zutil) enditem()