#compdef zargs -value-,-default-,-command- # atom smasher - jan 2011 local arguments arguments=( $arguments[@] '(--eof -e)'{--eof=,-e+}'[Change the end-of-input-args string from "--" to eof-str]' '(--exit, -x)'{--exit,-x}'[Exit if the size (see --max-chars) is exceeded]' '--help[Print summary and exit]' '(--interactive, -p)'{--interactive,-p}'[Prompt before executing each command line]' '(--max-args, -n)'{--max-args=,-n+}'[Use at most max-args arguments per command line]' '(--max-chars, -s)'{--max-chars=,-s+}'[Use at most max-chars characters per command line]' '(--max-lines, -l)'{--max-lines=,-l+}'[Use at most max-lines of the input-args per command line]' '(--max-procs, -P)'{--max-procs=,-P+}'[Run up to max-procs command lines in the background at once]' '(--no-run-if-empty, -r)'{--no-run-if-empty,-r}'[Do nothing if there are no input arguments before the eof-str]' '(--null, -0)'{--null,-0}'[Split each input-arg at null bytes, for xargs compatibility]' '(--replace, -i)'{--replace=,-i}'[Substitute replace-str in the initial-args by each initial-arg]' '(--verbose, -t)'{--verbose,-t}'[Print each command line to stderr before executing it]' '--version[Print the version number of zargs and exit]' ) _arguments -S -s $arguments[@] _command_names -e