#compdef zip unzip zipinfo local suffixes suf zipfile izip local expl curcontext="$curcontext" state line typeset -A opt_args case $service in zip) _arguments -C -s \ '-f[freshen: only changed files]' \ '-d[delete entries in zipfile]' \ '-R[recurse into directories]' \ '-q[quiet operation]' \ '-c[add one-line comments]' \ '-b[use "path" for temp file]:path for temporary archive:_files -/' \ '-@[read names from stdin]' \ '-F[fix zipfile]' \ '-FF[try harder to fix zipfile]' \ '-A[adjust self-extracting exe]' \ '-T[test zipfile integrity]' \ '-y[store symbolic links as the link instead of the referenced file]' \ '-e[encrypt]' \ '-h[show help]' \ '-u[update: only changed or new files]' \ '-m[move into zipfile (delete files)]' \ '-g[allow growing existing zipfile]' \ '-j[junk: do not record directory names]' \ '-l[convert LF to CR LF]' \ '-ll[convert CR LF to LF]' \ '-L[display license]' \ '-v[verbose operation/print version info]' \ '-z[add zipfile comment]' \ '-t[only do files after or at "mmddyyyy"]:mmddyyyy' \ '-tt[only do files before "mmddyyyy"]:mmddyyyy' \ '-o[make zipfile as old as latest entry]' \ '-D[do not add directory entries]' \ '-J[junk zip file prefix (unzipsfx)]' \ '-X[eXclude eXtra file attributes]' \ '-n[specify suffixes of files not to be compressed]:suffixes:->suffixes' \ '( -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9)-0[store only]' \ '(-0 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9)-1[compress faster]' \ '(-0 -1 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9)-2' \ '(-0 -1 -2 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9)-3' \ '(-0 -1 -2 -3 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9)-4' \ '(-0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -6 -7 -8 -9)-5' \ '(-0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -7 -8 -9)-6' \ '(-0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -8 -9)-7' \ '(-0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -9)-8' \ '(-0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 )-9[compress better]' \ '-x[exclude the following names]' \ '-i[include only the following names]' \ "(-f -d -R -q -c -b -@ -F -FF -A -T -y -e -h -u -m -g -j -l -ll -L -v -z -t -tt -o -D -J -X -n -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9):zip file:_files -g '(#i)*.(zip|[jw]ar)'" \ ':file:->files' && return 0 ;; unzip) _arguments -C -s \ '(-f -u -l -t -z -d)-p[extract files to pipe]' \ '(-p -u -l -t -z)-f[freshen existing files; create none]' \ '(-p -f -l -t -z)-u[update files; create if necessary]' \ '(-p -f -u -t -z -d)-l[list files]' \ '(-p -f -u -l -z -d)-t[test compressed archive data]' \ '(-p -f -u -l -t -d)-z[display archive comment]' \ '(-p -l -t -z)-d+[specify directory to extract files to]:directory:_files -/' \ '(-p -l -t -z -o)-n[never overwrite existing files]' \ '(-p -l -t -z -n)-o[overwrite files without prompting]' \ "(-p -l -t -z)-j[junk paths (don't make directories)]" \ '-C[match filenames case-insensitively]' \ '(-p -l -t -z)-X[restore UID/GID info]' \ '-q[quiet]' '-qq[quieter]' \ '(-l -t -z)-a[auto-convert any text files]' \ '(-l -t -z)-aa[treat all files as text]' \ '-v[verbose/display version info]' \ '(-p -z)-L[lowercase (some) filenames]' \ '-M[page output]' \ '-x[exclude the following names]' \ "(-p -f -u -l -t -z -n -o -j -C -X -q -qq -a -aa -v -L -M)1:zip file:_files -g '(#i)*.(zip|[jw]ar)'" \ '*:file:->files' && return 0 ;; zipinfo) _arguments -C -s \ '(-2 -s -m -l -v -h -t -T -z)-1[filenames only]' \ '(-1 -s -m -l -v -T)-2[just filenames but allow -h/-t/-z]' \ '(-1 -2 -m -l -v -h -t)-s[short format]' \ '(-1 -2 -s -l -v -h -t)-m[medium format]' \ '(-1 -2 -s -m -v -h -t)-l[long format]' \ '(-1 -2 -s -m -l -h -z)-v[verbose, multi-page format]' \ '(-1 -s -m -l -v)-h[print header line]' \ '(-1 -v)-z[print zipfile comment]' \ '-C[match filenames case-insensitively]' \ '(-1 -s -m -l)-t[print totals]' \ '(-1 -2)-T[use sortable decimal format for file times]' \ '-M[page output]' \ '-x[exclude the following names]' \ "(-1 -2 -s -m -l -v -h -z -C -t -T -M)1:zip file:_files -g '(#i)*.(zip|[jw]ar)'" \ '*:file:->files' && return 0 ;; esac case $state in suffixes) compset -P '*:' compset -S ':*' || suf=":" suffixes=( *.*(N:e) ) _wanted suffixes expl suffixes compadd -S "$suf" -r " " .$^suffixes && return 0 ;; files) if [[ $service = zip ]] && (( ! ${+opt_args[-d]} )); then _files -g '^(#i)*.(zip|[jw]ar)' && return 0 else (( izip = 1 + words[(I)-[^xi]*] )) (( izip == 1 )) && (( izip++ )) zipfile=( $~words[izip](|.zip|.ZIP) ) [[ -z $zipfile[1] ]] && return 1 if [[ $zipfile[1] != $_zip_cache_list ]]; then _zip_cache_name="$zipfile[1]" _zip_cache_list=( $(zipinfo -1 $_zip_cache_name) ) fi _wanted files expl 'file from archive' _multi_parts / _zip_cache_list fi ;; esac