#compdef zfs zdb zpool zstream local curcontext="$curcontext" implementation nm="$compstate[nmatches]" local -a state curstate line state_descr expl alts args local -a devices features typeset -A opt_args val_args local MATCH MBEGIN MEND local -a subcmds local -a share_nfs_ro_properties share_nfs_rw_properties local -a share_smb_ro_properties share_smb_rw_properties local -a share_ro_properties share_rw_properties local -a difffields delegatable_perms key_properties local -a ds_types sum_algorithms comp_algorithms dedup_algorithms local -a ds_propnames ro_ds_props rw_ds_props ci_ds_props # dataset properties local -a po_propnames ro_po_props rw_po_props ci_po_props # pool properties local -a ro_vdev_props rw_vdev_props _pick_variant -r implementation -c 'zpool upgrade -v' openzfs='This system supports ZFS pool feature flags' solaris ds_types=( filesystem snapshot volume all ) sum_algorithms=( on off fletcher2 fletcher4 sha256 ) comp_algorithms=( on off lzjb lz4 gzip gzip-{1..9} zle ) dedup_algorithms=( on off verify sha256 sha256,verify ) ro_po_props=( # readonly 'all[all properties]' 'allocated[space allocated]' 'capacity[space used (percentage)]' 'dedupratio[deduplication ratio]' 'free[space unallocated]' 'health[health status]' 'size[total size]' ) ci_po_props=( # only set at create or import 'altroot[alternate root directory]:path:_directories' 'guid[unique identifier]:identifier' 'readonly[whether the pool can be modified]:value:(on off)' ) rw_po_props=( 'autoexpand[automatic pool expansion]:value:(on off)' 'autoreplace[automatic device replacement]:value:(on off)' 'bootfs[default bootable dataset]:dataset:_zfs_dataset' 'cachefile[pool configuration cache file location]:value' 'dedupditto[threshold for number of copies]:value [0]' 'delegation[delegated administration]:value:(on off)' 'failmode[failure-mode behavior]:value:(wait continue panic)' "listshares[show shares in 'zfs list']:value:(on off)" "listsnaps[show snapshots in 'zfs list']:value:(on off)" 'version[pool version]:version' ) # TODO: userused@ and groupused@ could have more extensive handling ro_ds_props=( name type creation space used available referenced compressratio mounted origin usedbychildren usedbydataset usedbyrefreservation usedbysnapshots defer_destroy userused@ userrefs groupused@ keystatus ) ci_ds_props=( 'casesensitivity:value:(sensitive insensitive mixed)' 'normalization:value:(none formC formD formKC formKD)' 'utf8only:value:(on off)' ) rw_ds_props=( 'aclinherit:value:(discard noallow restricted passthrough passthrough-x)' 'atime:value:(on off)' 'canmount:value:(on off noauto)' "checksum:value:($sum_algorithms)" "compression:value:($comp_algorithms)" 'copies:value:(1 2 3)' "dedup:value:($dedup_algorithms)" 'devices:value:(on off)' 'encryption:value:(off on aes128-ccm aes-192-ccm aes-256-ccm aes-128-gcm aes-192-gcm aes-256-gcm)' 'exec:value:(on off)' 'groupquota@' 'logbias:value:(latency throughput)' "mountpoint: : _alternative \ 'properties:property:(none legacy)' \ 'paths:mountpoint:_directories -W / -P /'" 'multilevel:value:(on off)' 'nbmand:value:(on off)' 'primarycache:value:(all none metadata)' 'quota: :->quotas' 'readonly:value:(on off)' 'recordsize:value:(512 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 32K 64K 128K 256K 512K 1M)' 'refquota: :->quotas' "refreservation: : _alternative \ 'sizes: :_numbers -M \"m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}\" -u bytes size :B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \ 'properties:property:(auto none)'" 'reservation: :->quotas' 'rstchown:value:(on off)' 'secondarycache:value:(all none metadata)' 'setuid:value:(on off)' 'shadow:value' # TODO: complete URI|none 'share:share properties' 'snapdir:value:(hidden visible)' 'sync:value:(standard always disabled)' 'userquota@' 'version:value' 'volsize:size:_numbers -M "m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size :B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' ) ro_vdev_props=( capacity state guid asize psize ashift size free allocated expandsize fragmentation parity devid physpath encpath fru parent children numchildren read_errors write_errors checksum_errors initialize_errors null_ops read_ops write_ops free_ops claim_ops trim_ops null_bytes read_bytes write_bytes free_bytes claim_bytes trim_bytes removing ) rw_vdev_props=( {checksum,io}'_n:number of errors' {checksum,io}'_t:threshold (seconds)' {comment,bootsize}:value {allocating,failfast}':value:(on off)' 'path:device path:_files -g "*(-%)" -P / -W /' ) case $service:$implementation in *:openzfs) ds_types+=( bookmark ) sum_algorithms+=( noparity sha512 skein edonr blake3 ) comp_algorithms+=( zstd zstd-{1..19} zstd-fast zstd-fast-{{1..9}{,0},100,500,1000} ) dedup_algorithms+=( {sha512,skein,blake3}{,\,verify} edonr,verify ) share_rw_properties=( sharesmb:option sharenfs:option ) ro_po_props+=( 'bcloneratio[block cloning ratio for saved space]' 'bclonesaved[amount of storage spared by use of block cloning]' 'bcloneused[amount of storage used by cloned blocks]' 'expandsize[uninitialized space within the pool]' 'fragmentation[amount of fragmentation in the pool]' 'freeing[amount of space remaining to be reclaimed]' 'used[amount of storage space used within the pool]' 'load_guid[unique identifier generated when pool is loaded]' ) ci_po_props+=( 'ashift[pool sector size exponent]:exponent:((9\:512 10\:1024 11\:2048 12\:4096 13\:8192 14\:16384 15\:32768 16\:65536))' ) rw_po_props+=( 'autotrim[periodically trim recently freed space]:value:(on off)' 'comment[text string that is available even if the pool becomes faulted]:value' 'multihost[perform pool activity check during import]:value:(on off)' 'feature@' ) rw_ds_props+=( 'aclmode:value:(discard groupmask passthrough restricted)' 'acltype:value:(off noacl nfsv4 posix posixacl)' 'mlslabel:value:(none)' # TODO: list sensitivity labels 'redundant_metadata:value:(all most)' 'vscan:value:(on off)' 'xattr:value:(on off dir sa)' "filesystem_limit: :{if [[ -prefix [0-9]## ]]; then _message -e 'number'; elif [[ -prefix n ]]; then compadd none; else _message -e limits 'number or none'; fi}" "snapshot_limit: :{if [[ -prefix [0-9]## ]]; then _message -e 'number'; elif [[ -prefix n ]]; then compadd none; else _message -e limits 'number or none'; fi}" 'volmode:mode:(( default\:use\ system-wide\ tunable full\:expose\ as\ block\ devices geom\:expose\ as\ block\ devices dev\:hide\ partitions none\:not\ exposed\ outside\ zfs ))' ) ro_ds_props+=( createtxg clones filesystem_count guid logicalreferenced logicalused receive_resume_token refcompressratio snapshot_count snapshots_changed volblocksize written ) delegatable_perms=( bookmark load-key change-key userobjquota userobjused groupobjquota groupobjused projectused projectquota projectobjused projectobjquota ) ;| *:solaris) ds_types+=( share ) sum_algorithms+=( sha256+mac ) share_nfs_ro_properties=( share.nfs.all ) share_nfs_rw_properties=( 'share.nfs:value:(on off)' 'share.nfs.aclok:value:(on off)' 'share.nfs.aclfab:value:(on off)' 'share.nfs.anon:uid' 'share.nfs.charset.'{cp932,euc-{cn,jpns,kr,tw},iso8859-{1,2,5,6,7,8,9,13,15},koi8-r,shift_jis}':access-list' 'share.nfs.index:file:_files' 'share.nfs.labeled:value:(on off)' 'share.nfs.noaclfab:value:(on off)' 'share.nfs.log:nfslog.conf tag' 'share.nfs.nosub:value:(on off)' 'share.nfs.nosuid:value:(on off)' 'share.nfs.public:value:(on off)' 'share.nfs.sec:security-mode-list' 'share.nfs.sec.'{default,dh,krb5{,i,p},none,sys}.{ro,root,rw}':access-list' 'share.nfs.sec.'{default,dh,krb5{,i,p},none,sys}.root_mapping':uid' 'share.nfs.sec.'{default,dh,krb5{,i,p},none,sys}.window':credential lifetime (seconds)' 'share.nfs.sec.sys.resvport:value:(on off)' ) share_smb_ro_properties=( share.smb.all ) share_smb_rw_properties=( 'share.smb:value:(on off)' 'share.smb.abe' 'share.smb.ad-container' 'share.smb.catia:value:(on off)' 'share.smb.csc:value:(disabled manual auto vdo)' 'share.smb.dfsroot:value:(on off)' 'share.smb.encrypt:value:(on off)' 'share.smb.guestok:value:(on off)' 'share.smb.oplocks:value:(disabled enabled)' 'share.smb.cont_avail:value:(on off)' 'share.smb.'{none,ro,rw}':access-list' ) share_ro_properties=( share.all share.fs share.name share.point share.protocols share.state $share_nfs_ro_properties $share_smb_ro_properties ) share_rw_properties=( 'share.desc:description' 'share.auto:value:(on off)' 'share.autoname:value' 'share.nfs.cksum:value' 'share.path:path' $share_nfs_rw_properties $share_smb_rw_properties ) ro_po_props+=( 'lastscrub[start time of the last successful scrub]' ) rw_po_props+=( 'clustered[pool is imported as a global pool in Oracle Solaris Cluster]:value:(on off)' 'scrubinternal[time interval between scheduled scrubs]:interval' ) ro_ds_props+=( keychangedate rekeydate effective{read,write}limit ) rw_ds_props+=( 'aclmode:value:(discard mask passthrough)' "defaultreadlimit: : _alternative \ 'sizes: :_guard \[0-9\]\#\(\|\[BKMGTPEZ\]\) size\ \(bytes\ per\ second\)' \ 'properties:property:(none)'" "defaultwritelimit: : _alternative \ 'sizes: :_guard \[0-9\]\#\(\|\[BKMGTPEZ\]\) size\ \(bytes\ per\ second\)' \ 'properties:property:(none)'" 'defaultuserquota:->quotas' 'defaultgroupquota: :->quotas' 'keysource:value:->keysources' ) ci_ds_props+=( 'volblocksize:value:compadd -o nosort 512 1K 2K 4K 8K 16K 32K 64K 128K 256K 512K 1M' ) difffields=( object parent size links linkschange name oldname user group ctime mtime atime crtime mountpoint dataset_name ) delegatable_perms=( key keychange ) ;| zfs:openzfs) subcmds+=( bookmark change-key load-key program project projectspace redact unload-key wait ) ;| zpool:openzfs) subcmds+=( checkpoint events labelclear initialize reopen resilver sync trim wait version ) ;| zfs:solaris) subcmds+=( key help ) ;| zpool:solaris) subcmds+=( help label monitor ) ;| zfs:*) subcmds+=( create destroy clone promote rename snapshot rollback list set get inherit mount unmount share unshare send receive allow unallow upgrade userspace groupspace hold holds release diff ) [[ $OSTYPE = freebsd<7->.* ]] && subcmds+=( jail unjail ) ;; zpool:*) subcmds+=( add attach clear create destroy detach export get history import iostat list offline online reguid remove replace scrub set split status upgrade ) ;; zstream:*) subcmds+=( dump decompress redup token recompress ) ;; esac case $OSTYPE in solaris*) rw_ds_props+=( 'zoned:value:(on off)' ) ;; freebsd*) [[ $OSTYPE = freebsd<-12>.* ]] && subcmds+=( remap ) rw_ds_props+=( 'jailed:value:(on off)' ) ;; linux-gnu) rw_ds_props+=( 'relatime:value:(on off)' ) ci_ds_props+=( {,fs,def,root}'context:SELinux context:_selinux_contexts -a file_type' ) ;; esac delegatable_perms+=( allow clone create destroy diff hold key keychange mount promote receive release rename rollback send share snapshot groupquota groupused userprop userused ${ci_ds_props%%:*} ) key_properties=( 'keylocation:location [prompt]:_files -P file\:// -W /' 'keyformat:format:(raw hex passphrase)' 'pbkdf2iters:iterations [350000]' ) ro_ds_props+=( $share_ro_properties ) rw_ds_props+=( $share_rw_properties ) ci_ds_props+=( $rw_ds_props ) ds_propnames=( ${rw_ds_props%%:*} ) po_propnames=( ${ro_po_props%%:*} ${ci_po_props%%:*} ${rw_po_props%%:*} ) case $service in zfs|zpool|zstream) _arguments -C -A "-*" \ '-?[display usage information]' \ '*::command:->subcmd' && return 0 if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then _wanted commands expl "subcommand" compadd -a subcmds return fi curcontext="${curcontext%:*}-$words[1]:" ;; zdb) if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then args=( '-mm[also display free space histogram associated with each metaslab]' {-mmm,-MM}'[display more free space information]' {-mmmm,-MMM}'[display every spacemap record]' '-DD[display a histogram of deduplication statistics]' '-DDD[display deduplication statistics independently for each table]' '-DDDD[dump the contents of the deduplication tables describing duplicate blocks]' '-DDDDD[also dump the contents of the deduplication tables describing unique blocks]' '-E+[decode and display block from a given embedded block pointer]:word' '(-l)-ll+[like -l but display L2ARC log blocks]:device:_files' '(-l -ll)-lll+[like -l but display every configuration, unique or not]:device:_files' "-q[don't print labels (with -l)]" '-k[examine the checkpointed state of the pool]' '-M[display the offset, spacemap, and free space of each metaslab]' \ '-O+[look up the specified path inside of the dataset]:dataset:_zfs_dataset:path:_files' '-o+[set the given global libzpool variable]:variable' '-r+[copy the specified path inside of the dataset to the specified destination]:dataset:_zfs_dataset:path:_files:destination:_files' '-x+[copy all blocks accessed to files in the specified directory]:directory:_directories' '-V[attempt verbatim import]' '-Y[attempt all possible combinations when reconstructing indirect split blocks]' '-y[perform validation for livelists that are being deleted]' ) else args=( '-?[display usage information]' '-M+[dump MOS contents]:contents: _values -s , raw_config all objset dir pool_props metaslab sync_bplist dtl config spares l2cache history errlog_scrub errlog_last bpmap-vdev bpmap_defer_obj dtl-scan ddt2' '-r[dump datasets recursively]' '-z[report zombies only]' '-V[verify DDT xtree block data]' "-a[don't import l2arc cache data]" '-f[attempt to force import (with -e)]' '-w+[specify directory to save shadow copy of all accessed disk locations]: :_directories' '-x+[set kernel tunable]:tunable' '-G[dump the contents of the zfs_dbgmsg buffer before exiting]' '-I[limit the number of outstanding checksum I/Os to the specified value]' ) fi _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '(-C)-b[display block statistics]' \ '(-C)*-c[verify checksum of metadata blocks]' \ '(-b -c -d)-C[display configuration information]' \ '(-C)*-d[display dataset information]' \ '-h[display pool history]' \ '-i[display intent log (ZIL) information]' \ '-l+[read the vdev labels from the specified device]:device:_files' \ '-m[display the offset, spacemap, and free space of each metaslab]' \ '-s[report statistics on zdb I/O]' \ '*-u[also display the uberblocks on the device (with -l)]' \ '*-v[enable verbose output]' \ '-D[display deduplication statistics]' \ '-S[simulate the effects of deduplication, displaying constructed DDT as with -DD]' \ '-L[disable leak detection and the loading of space maps]' \ '-R+[read and display a block from the specified device]:device' \ "-A[don't abort should any assertion fail]" \ "-AA[enable panic recovery]" \ '-F[try progressively older transactions until pool is readable]' \ '-U+[specify cache file to use]:cache file [/etc/zfs/zpool.cache]:_files' \ '-X[attempt "extreme" transaction rewind]' \ '-e[operate on an exported pool]' \ '-p[specify path under which to search for devices (with -e)]:path:_files' \ '-P[use exact (parsable) numeric output]' \ '-t+[specify the highest transaction to use when searching for uberblocks]:transaction' \ '1:pool:_zfs_pool' return ;; esac case $service:$words[1] in zfs:create) [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=( '-P[print machine-parsable verbose information about the created dataset]' '-n[do a dry-run, no dataset will be created]' '-v[print verbose information about the created dataset]' ) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \ '-p[create parent datasets]' \ '*-o+[set initial propertyvalue]:property:->create-properties' \ - set1 \ ':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs -e "parent dataset"' \ - set2 \ '-s[create sparse volume]' \ '-b+[set volblocksize]: :_numbers -M "m\:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes blocksize \:B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \ '-V+[set size]: :_numbers -M "m\:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size \:B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \ ':volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -e "parent dataset"' ;; zfs:destroy) if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then args=( '-n[do a dry-run, no data will be deleted]' '-p[print machine-parsable verbose information about the deleted data]' '-v[print verbose information about the deleted data]' ) else args=( '-s[destroy snapshots synchronously - only return when blocks freed]' ) fi _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-r[recursively destroy all children]' \ '-R[recursively destroy all dependents]' \ '(-f)-d[delete or mark deferred]' \ '(-d)-f[force unmounts]' \ ':dataset:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol ${=${opt_args[(i)-f]:--t snap}:/-f/} ${=${opt_args[(i)-*]:--t bookmark}:/-?/}' ;; zfs:snap(|shot)) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \ '-r[recursively snapshot all descendant datasets]' \ '*-o+[set property]:property:->create-properties' \ ':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol -S@' ;; zfs:rollback) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-r[recursively destroy more recent snapshots]' \ '-R[recursively destroy more recent snapshots and clones]' \ '-f[force unmounts]' \ ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' ;; zfs:clone) [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args+=( '-K[create encryption key]' ) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \ '-p[create parent datasets]' \ '*-o+[set property]:property:->create-properties' \ ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \ ':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -e "parent dataset"' ;; zfs:promote) _arguments \ ':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t clone' \ ;; zfs:rename) [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=( '(-r -u)-f[force unmount any filesystems]' "(-r -f)-u[don't remount file systems during rename]" ) _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '(-r)-p[create parent datasets]' \ '(-p -u -f)-r[recursively rename snapshots of all descendent datasets]' \ ':dataset:_zfs_dataset -r1' \ ':dataset:_zfs_dataset -r2' ;; zfs:bookmark) _arguments \ ':snapshot or bookmark:_zfs_dataset -t snap -t bookmark' \ ':bookmark' ;; zfs:program) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-j[display channel program output in JSON format]' \ '-n[execute a read-only channel program]' \ '-t+[limit the number of Lua instructions to execute]:instruction limit' \ '-m+[specify memory limit]:memory limit (bytes) [10MB]' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' \ ':script:_files' \ '*: :_default' ;; zfs:list) if [[ $implementation = solaris ]]; then args=( '-I+[specify dataset states to display instead of normal datasets]:dataset state:_sequence compadd - receiving resumable hidden all' ) else args=( '-p[use exact (parsable) numeric output]' ) fi _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '(-d)-r[recursively display children]' \ '-H[suppress printing of headers]' \ '(-r)-d+[depth]:value' \ '-o+[specify properties to list]: :_values -s , "property" $ro_ds_props $ds_propnames' \ '*-s+[specify sort key (ascending)]: :_values "property" $ro_ds_props $ds_propnames' \ '*-S+[specify sort key (descending)]: :_values "property" $ro_ds_props $ds_propnames' \ '-t+[specify dataset types to list]: :_values -s , "dataset type" $ds_types' \ '*:filesystem/volume/snapshot/path:_zfs_dataset -p' ;; zfs:set) [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args=( '-r[recursively apply value]' \ ) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \ ':property:->set-properties' \ '*:filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' ;; zfs:get) if [[ $implementation == openzfs ]]; then args=( '-t+[specify dataset types to display]: :_values -s , "dataset type" $ds_types' ) else args=( '-e[expand property sublists to any depth]' ) fi _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ "(-d)-r[recursively display children's properties]" \ '(-r)-d+[depth]:value' \ '-H[suppress printing of headers]' \ '-p[use exact (parsable) numeric output]' \ '-s+[specify sources]: :_values -s , "source" local default inherited received temporary none' \ '-o+[specify fields]: :_values -s , "field" name property received value source' \ ':property:_values -s , "property" $ro_ds_props $ds_propnames all' \ '*:filesystem/volume/snapshot:_zfs_dataset' ;; zfs:inherit) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \ '-r[recursively inherit property for all children]' \ '-S[revert to received property value]' \ ':property:_values "property" $ro_ds_props ${rw_ds_props%%:*}' \ '*:filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' ;; zfs:remap) _arguments \ ':filesystem or volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' ;; zfs:upgrade) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '(- :)-v[display supported ZFS versions]' \ '(-v :)-a[upgrade all filesystems on all pools]' \ '(-v)-r[upgrade descendent filesystems, too]' \ '(-v)-V+[upgrade to specified version]:version' \ '(-a -v):filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs' ;; zfs:(user|group)space) args=( '-n[print numeric ID]' '-i[translate SID to POSIX ID]' ) ;& # fall-through zfs:projectspace) [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args+=( '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[display usage information]' ) _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-H[suppress printing of headers, tab-delimit columns]' \ '-p[use exact (parsable) numeric output]' \ '-o+[specify properties to list]:property:_values -s , "property" type name used quota' \ '*-s+[specify sort key (ascending)]: :_values "property" type name used quota' \ '*-S+[specify sort key (descending)]: :_values "property" type name used quota' \ '-t+[specify types to list]:type:_values -s , "type" all posixuser smbuser posixgroup smbgroup' \ '*:filesystem/volume/snapshot:_zfs_dataset' ;; zfs:project) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '(-r -C -k -p -s)-d[act on the directory project ID and inherit flag, not its children]' \ '(-d)-r[act on subdirectories recursively]' \ '(-0 -c -d -s)-C[clear project inherit flag and/or ID on the file(s) or directories]' \ '(-0 -c -d -p -s)-k[keep the project ID unchanged]' \ '(-k -C -s)-c[check project ID and inherit flag on the file(s) or directories]' \ '(-k -C -s)-0[print file name with a trailing NUL instead of newline]' \ '(-k)-p+[specify project ID]:project ID' \ '(-0 -c -k -C)-s[set project inherit flag on the given file(s) or directories]' \ '*:file:_files' ;; zfs:mount) [[ $OSTYPE != freebsd* ]] && args=( '-O[overlay mount]' ) [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args+=( '-l[load keys for encrypted filesystems as they are being mounted]' ) _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-o+[specify temporary file system options]: :_values -s , "option" {,no}{atime,dev,exec,relatime,suid,xattr} ro rw' \ '-v[report mount progress]' \ '-f[force mount]' \ '(:)-a[mount all available ZFS filesystems]' \ '(-a):filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs' ;; zfs:u(|n)mount) [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args+=( '-u[unload keys for any unmounted encryption roots]' ) _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-f[force unmount]' \ '(:)-a[unmount all ZFS filesystems]' \ '(-a):dataset or mountpoint:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t mtpt' ;; zfs:share) [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args=( - set2 \ '-r[share filesystems recursively]' \ ':dataset:_zfs_dataset -t fs' \ - set3 \ '*-o+[create a share with specified properties]: :_values -w "share properties" $share_rw_properties' \ '-u[create a share without sharing it]' \ ':dataset:_zfs_dataset -t fs' \ ) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ - set1 \ '-a[share all available ZFS filesystems]' \ $args \ - set4 \ ':dataset or mountpoint:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t mtpt -t share' ;; zfs:unshare) [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args=( - set2 '-r[unshare filesystems recursively]' ':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs' ) _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ - set1 \ '-a[unshare all shared ZFS filesystems]' \ - set3 \ ':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t mtpt -t share' ;; zfs:send) if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then args=( '(-L --large-block)'{-L,--large-block}'[generate a stream which may contain blocks larger than 128KB]' '(-P --parsable)'{-P,--parsable}'[print machine-parsable verbose information about the stream generated]' '(-e --embed)'{-e,--embed}'[more compact stream for blocks stored with the embedded_data feature]' '(-c --compressed)'{-c,--compressed}'[more compact stream for compressed blocks]' '(-h --holds)'{-h,--holds}'[send snapshot holds]' '(-V --proctitle)'{-V,--proctitle}'[set the process title to a per-second report of how much data has been sent]' \*{-X,--exclude}'[exclude datasets (with -R)]:dataset:_sequence _zfs_dataset -t fs' '(-s --skip-missing)'{-s,--skip-missing}'[continue even when snapshots missing in the hierarchy]' '-t[create a send stream that resumes an interrupted receive]:resume token' '(-w --raw)'{-w,--raw}'[keep encrypted data exactly as it exists on disk]' - redact '(-h -V -t -w --raw)--redact[generate a redacted send stream]' - saved '(-S --saved)'{-S,--saved}'[generate stream from partially received dataset]' ) else args=( '-w+[send compressed filesystem blocks as compressed in the stream]:compression:(compress none)' '-m+[limit amount of memory used by deduplication processing]: :_numbers -u bytes "memory size" K M G' '-s+[set stream options]:token:(streamsize check nocheck memsize)' '-C[read a receive checkpoint from stdin]' '-c[create a self-contained stream]' '(-R)-r[generate a recursive stream package]' ) fi _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-b[send only received property values]' \ '(-I)-i[generate an incremental stream]:snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \ '-D[perform dedup processing]' \ "-n[don't send the stream]" \ '-p[send properties]' \ '-v[verbose]' \ '(-i)-I[generate an incremental stream with intermediary snapshots]:snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \ '(-r)-R[generate a replication stream package]' \ ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap -t bookmark' \ $args ;; zfs:redact) _arguments \ ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \ ':bookmark:_zfs_dataset -t bookmark' \ ':redaction snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' ;; zfs:(receive|recv)) if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then args=( '-h[skip the receive of holds]' '-s[if the receive is interrupted, save the partially received state]' '(- set2)-A[abort an interrupted zfs recv -s, deleting its saved partially received state]' ) [[ $OSTYPE != linux* ]] && args+=( '-M[force an unmount of the file system while receiving a snapshot]' ) else args=( '(-)-C[write a receive checkpoint to stdout]' ) fi _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-v[verbose]' \ "-n[don't receive the stream]" \ '-F[force a rollback if necessary]' \ '-u[filesystem is not mounted]' \ '-o[include property change in the stream]:property' \ '-x[exclude property change from the stream]:property' \ - set1 \ ':filesystem/volume/snapshot:_zfs_dataset' \ - set2 \ '(-e)-d[set path prefix from stream, excluding only pool name]' \ '(-d)-e[set path prefix from stream, using last path element]' \ ':filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs' ;; zfs:allow) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \ '(-g -e -c -s)-u[delegate to user]' \ '(-u -e -c -s)-g[delegate to group]' \ '(1 -g -u -c -s)-e[delegate to everyone]' \ '(1 -u -g -e -l -d -s)-c[set permissions for newly-created descendant filesystems]' \ '(-u -g -e -l -d -c)-s[define or modify permission sets]:permission set' \ '(-c -s)-l[allow for named dataset]' \ '(-c -s)-d[allow for descendent datasets]' \ '1: :->first' \ ':permission list:_values -s , "permission or set" $delegatable_perms' \ ':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' if [[ -n $state ]]; then case $opt_args[(I)-[ugs]] in ^-[ug]) alts+=( 'permission-sets: :_guard "(|@*)" "permission set"' ) ;| ^-[gs]) alts+=( 'users:user:_users' ) ;| ^-[us]) alts+=( 'groups:group:_groups' ) ;| '') alts+=( 'all:everyone:(everyone)' 'filesystems:filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' ) ;; esac _alternative $alts fi ;; zfs:unallow) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-r[recursive removal]' \ '(-e -g -s -c)-u[user]' \ '(-e -u -s -c)-g[group]' \ '(1 -g -u -s -c)-e[everyone]' \ '(1 -u -g -e -s -l -d)-c[create-time permissions]' \ '(-e -u -g -c)-s[remove permissions from or delete a permission set]:permission set' \ '(-c -s)-l[allow for named dataset]' \ '(-c -s)-d[allow for descendent datasets]' \ '1: :->first' \ '::permissions or sets:_values -s , "permission or set" $delegatable_perms' \ ':filesystem/volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' if [[ -n $state ]]; then case $opt_args[(I)-[ugs]] in ^-[ug]) alts+=( 'permission-sets: :_guard "(|@*)" "permission set"' ) ;| ^-[gs]) alts+=( 'users:user:_users' ) ;| ^-[us]) alts+=( 'groups:group:_groups' ) ;| '') alts+=( 'all:everyone:(everyone)' ) ;; esac _alternative $alts fi ;; zfs:hold) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-r[apply hold recursively]' \ ':tag' \ ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' ;; zfs:holds) [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=( '-H[suppress printing of headers, tab-delimit columns]' '-p[use (parsable) numeric output for timestamps]' ) [[ $OSTYPE = freebsd<-12>.* ]] && args+=( # features were lost with the openzfs rebase '(-r)-d+[depth]:value' ) _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '(-d)-r[list holds recursively]' \ ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' ;; zfs:release) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-r[release holds recursively]' \ ':tag' \ ':snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' ;; zfs:diff) [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args=( '(-E)-e[only show new and changed files, no deleted]' '*-o+[show specified fields]:field:_values "field" $difffields' '-q[silence warnings for missing snapshots on recursive datasets]' '-N[enumerate new child datasets (with -r)]' '(1 -e)-E[show difference from empty]' ) [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=( "-h[don't"' \\0ooo-escape non-ASCII paths]' ) _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-F[add column for filetype character, similar to ls(1)]' \ '-H[suppress printing of headers and arrows, tab-delimit columns]' \ '-t[add column for ctime]' \ '(-E)1:snapshot:_zfs_dataset -t snap' \ '2:snapshot or filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t snap -t fs' ;; zfs:wait) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-t[specify background activity]:activity:(deleteq)' \ ':filesystem:_zfs_dataset' ;; zfs:key) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \ '-t+[only apply to given dataset type]: :_values -s , "dataset type" $ds_types' \ '(-u -c -K -f -o)-l[load the encryption key]' \ "(-u -c -K -f -o)-M[don't mount file systems after loading their keys]" \ "(-u -c -K -f -o)-S[don't share file systems after loading their keys]" \ '(-l -c -K -o -M -S)-u[unload the encryption key]' \ '(-l -c -K -o -M -S)-f[force unmount the dataset before unloading the encryption key]' \ '(-l -u -K -f -M -S)-c[change the encryption key]' \ '(-l -u -K -f -M -S)-o+[change a property]:property:->keysources' \ '(-l -c -u -f -o -M -S)-K[create a new data encryption key]' \ '(1 -r)-a[apply to all datasets in all pools]' \ '(-a)-r[apply recursively]' \ ':filesystem or volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' ;; zfs:load-key) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ "-L+[specify location of user's encryption key]:key location [prompt]:_files -P file\:// -W /" \ '(:)-a[load keys for all encryption roots in all imported pools]' \ '-n[do a dry-run, simply check that the provided key is correct]' \ '-r[load keys for datasets recursively]' \ '(-a):filesystem or volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' ;; zfs:unload-key) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '(:)-a[unload keys for all encryption roots in all imported pools]' \ '-r[unload keys for datasets recursively]' \ '(-a):filesystem or volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' ;; zfs:change-key) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '(-o)-i[make filesystem inherit key from its parent]' \ '-l[ensure key is loaded before attempting to change it]' \ '(-i)*-o+[change encryption key property]: :_values -s , "property" $key_properties' \ ':filesystem or volume:_zfs_dataset -t fs -t vol' ;; zfs:jail|zfs:unjail) _arguments \ '1: : _jails' \ '2:filesystem:_zfs_dataset -t fs' ;; zfs:help) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ - set1 \ ':command:($subcmds $delegatable_perms $ro_ds_props ${rw_ds_props%%:*} properties)' \ - set2 \ '(2)-l[display property information]' \ ':help topic:(property)' \ ':property:($delegatable_perms $ro_ds_props ${rw_ds_props%%:*})' ;; zpool:help) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ - commands \ ':command:($subcmds)' \ - properties \ '(2)-l[display property information]' \ ':help topic:(property)' \ ':property:(${po_propnames%%\[*})' ;; zpool:add) if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then args=( '-g[display vdev, GUIDs instead of the normal device names]' '-L[display real paths for vdevs resolving all symbolic links]' '-o+[set given pool properties]: :_values -s , "property" "${(@M)ci_po_props\:#ashift*}"' \ '-P[display real paths for vdevs instead of only the last component of the path]' ) elif [[ $implementation = solaris ]]; then args=( '-l[display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' ) fi _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-f[force use of in-use devices]' \ '-n[display configuration without modifying pool]' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' \ '*:virtual device:->virtual-devices' ;; zpool:attach) if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then args=( '-w[wait until new device has finished resilvering before returning]' '-s[reconstruct sequentially to restore redundancy as quickly as possible]' '-o+[set given pool properties]: :_values -s , "property" "${(@M)ci_po_props\:#ashift*}"' ) fi _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-f[force attach, even if in use]' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' \ ':virtual device:->pool-devices' \ ':virtual device:->disk-devices' ;; zpool:checkpoint) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '(-d --discard)'{-d,--discard}'[discard an existing checkpoint from the pool]' \ '(-w --wait)'{-w,--wait}'[wait until the checkpoint has finished being discarded before returning]' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' ;; zpool:clear) [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args=( '-f[ignore fmadm acquit and fmadm repair failures]' ) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \ '-F[discard transactions to allow pool opening]' \ '-n[with -F, check if discarding transactions would work]' \ '-X[(undocumented) extreme rewind of transactions]' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' \ '*:virtual device:->pool-devices' ;; zpool:create) if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then args=( "-d[don't enable any features on the new pool]" ) else args=( '-B[create EFI boot partition on whole disks]' '-l[display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' "-N[create pool but don't mount or share]" ) fi _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \ '-o+[set pool property at creation time]:property:->newpool-properties' \ '-O+[set dataset property at creation time]:property:->create-properties' \ '-f[force use of in-use devices]' \ '-n[display configuration without creating pool]' \ '-R+[use alternate root]:alternate root:_directories' \ '-m+[set mountpoint for root dataset]:mountpoint' \ '-t+[use a temporary pool name]:pool name' \ ':pool :_guard "^-*" "pool name"' \ '*: :->virtual-devices' ;; zpool:destroy) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-f[force active datasets to be unmounted]' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' ;; zpool:detach) _arguments -C \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' \ ':virtual device:->pool-devices' ;; zpool:events) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '(- 1)-c[clear all previous events]' \ '-f[follow mode - continue running, showing new events]' \ '-H[suppress headers and tab-delimit fields]' \ '-v[print the entire payload for each event]' \ '(-c)1:pool:_zfs_pool' ;; zpool:export) [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=( '(*)-a[export all pools]' ) _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-f[forcefully unmount all datasets]' \ '*:pool:_zfs_pool' ;; zpool:get) [[ $implementation = solaris ]] && args=( '-s+[specify sources to display]: :_values -s "source" local default none' ) _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-H[suppress headers and tab-delimit fields]' \ '-p[display numbers in parseable (exact) values]' \ '-o+[specify fields to display]: : _values -s , field name property value source' \ ':property:_values -s , "property" $po_propnames ${ro_vdev_props%:*}' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' \ '::vdev:->pool-vdevs-all' \ '*:pool:_zfs_pool -F line' ;; zpool:history) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-i[display internal events]' \ '-l[long format]' \ '*:pool:_zfs_pool' ;; zpool:import) # TODO: -o should complete mount options, too if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then args=( '-t[new pool name is temporary]' '-l[request encryption keys for all encrypted datasets]' '--rewind-to-checkpoint[rewind pool to the checkpointed state]' '-s[scan using the default search path]' '(-F -X)-T[specify the txg to use for rollback]' ) else args=( '(-a)-t+[use a temporary pool name]:pool name' '-l[display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' ) fi _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \ '(1 2 -t)-a[search for and import all pools found]' \ '-D[destroyed pools only]' \ '(-d)*-c+[use cache file]:cache file:_files' \ '(-c -D)*-d+[search for devices or files in directory]:directory:_files -/' \ '-F[recovery mode: discard transactions if required]' \ '-X[(undocumented) extreme rewind of transactions]' \ '!-V' \ '-f[force import]' \ '-m[ignore missing log devices]' \ '-N[import pool without mounting any filesystems]' \ "-n[with -F; don't perform input]" \ '-R+[specify alternate root]:alternate root:_files -/' \ '-o+[set pool or dataset property]:property:->import-properties' \ '1:pool name or id:_zfs_pool' \ '2::new pool name' ;; zpool:initialize) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '(-s --suspend -c --cancel)'{-c,--cancel}'[cancel initializing on specified devices]' \ '(-s --suspend -c --cancel)'{-s,--suspend}'[suspend initializing on specified devices]' \ '(-u --uninit)'{-u,--uninit}'[clear initialization state on specified devices]' \ '(-w --wait)'{-w,--wait}'[wait until devices have finished initializing before returning]' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' \ '*:device:->pool-devices' ;; zpool:iostat) if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then args=( '-c[run scripts on each vdev]:script:_files -W "($ZPOOL_SCRIPTS_PATH /etc/zfs/zpool.d ~/.zpool.d)"' '-g[display vdev GUIDs instead of normal device names]' '-H[suppress headers and tab-delimit fields]' '-L[display real paths for vdevs resolving all symbolic links]' '-n[print headers only once]' '-p[display numbers in parsable (exact) values and times in nanoseconds]' '-P[display full paths for vdevs instead of only the last component of the path]' "-r[print request size histograms for the leaf vdev's IO]" '-y[omit statistics since boot]' '-w[display latency histograms]' '-l[include average latency statistics]' '-q[include active queue statistics]' ) else args=( '-l[display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' ) fi _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-T+[display a timestamp]:format:((d\:standard u\:internal))' \ '-v[verbose statistics]' \ '*::pool:_zfs_pool' \ '::interval' \ '::count' ;; zpool:label) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \ '(-c)*-d+[specify path in which to search for devices or files]:path:_directories' \ '(-d)-c+[read configuration from specified cache file]:cache file:_files' \ '(-R)-C[clear ZFS metadata on an inactive pool or device]' \ '(-C)-R[recover ZFS metadata for a pool]' \ '1::pool:_zfs_pool' \ '2:device:->pool-devices' ;; zpool:labelclear) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-f[treat exported or foreign devices as inactive]' \ '*:virtual device:_files' ;; zpool:list) [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=( '-g[display vdev GUIDs instead of normal device names]' '-L[display real paths for vdevs resolving all symbolic links]' '-p[display numbers in parsable (exact) values]' '-P[display full paths for vdevs instead of only the last component of the path]' '-v[report usage statistics for individual vdevs within the pool]' ) _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-H[suppress headers and tab-delimit fields]' \ '-T+[display a timestamp]:format:((d\:standard u\:internal))' \ '-o+[specify fields to list]: :_values -s , "field" $po_propnames' \ '::pool:_zfs_pool' ;; zpool:monitor) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-t+[specify provider]:provider:(send receive scrub resilver ddtmigrate destroy)' \ '-o+[specify fields]: :_values -s , field done other pctdone pool provider speed starttime tag timeleft timestmp total' \ '-T+[display a timestamp]:format:((d\:standard u\:internal))' \ '-p[use machine-parseable output format]' \ '1:pool:_zfs_pool' \ '2:interval' \ '3:count' ;; zpool:offline) [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=( '-f[force disk into faulted state]' ) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \ '-t[offline until next reboot]' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' \ '*:virtual device:->pool-devices' ;; zpool:online) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \ '-e[expand device to use all available space]' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' \ '*:virtual device:->pool-devices' ;; zpool:reopen) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ "-n[don't restart an in-progress scrub operation]" \ '1:pool:_zfs_pool' ;; zpool:reguid) _zfs_pool ;; zpool:remove) [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=( '(-s)-w[wait until removal has completed before returning]' ) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \ "(-s)-n[don't perform the removal, display mapping table memory use]" \ '(-s)-p[with -n, display numbers in parseable (exact) values]' \ '(- *)-s[stop and cancel an in-progress removal]' \ '1:pool:_zfs_pool' \ '*:device:->pool-devices' ;; zpool:replace) [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=( '-w[wait until replacement has completed before returning]' '-s[reconstruct sequentially to restore redundancy as quickly as possible]' '-o+[set given pool properties]: :_values -s , "property" "${(@M)ci_po_props\:#ashift*}"' ) _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '-f[force attach, even if in use]' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' \ ':virtual device:_files' \ '::virtual device:_files' ;; zpool:(resilver|sync)) _arguments \ '*:pool:_zfs_pool' ;; zpool:scrub) [[ $implementation = openzfs ]] && args=( '(-s)-p[pause scrubbing]' '-w[wait until scrub has completed before returning]' '-e[only scrub files with known data errors]' ) _arguments -A "-*" -S $args \ '(-p)-s[stop scrubbing]' \ '*:pool:_zfs_pool' ;; zpool:set) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \ ':property:->set-pool-properties' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' \ ':vdev:->pool-vdevs' ;; zpool:split) if [[ $implementation = solaris ]]; then args=( '-l[display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' ) else args=( '-g[display vdev GUIDs instead of normal device names]' '-L[display real paths for vdevs resolving all symbolic links]' '-l[request encryption keys for encrypted datasets]' '-P[display full paths for vdevs instead of only the last component of the path]' ) fi _arguments -C -A "-*" -S $args \ '-R+[specify alternate root]:alternate root:_files -/' \ '-n[display configuration without splitting]' \ '-o+[set pool or dataset property]:property:->import-properties' \ ':pool name or id:_zfs_pool' \ ':new pool name' \ '*:virtual device:->pool-devices' ;; zpool:status) if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then args=( '-D[display a histogram of deduplication statistics]' '-c[run scripts on each vdev]:script:_files -W "($ZPOOL_SCRIPTS_PATH /etc/zfs/zpool.d ~/.zpool.d)"' '-i[display vdev initialization status]' '-g[display vdev GUIDs instead of the normal device names]' '-L[display real paths for vdevs resolving all symbolic links]' '-p[display numbers in parsable (exact) values and times in nanoseconds]' '-P[display full paths for vdevs instead of only the last component of the path]' '-s[display the number of leaf VDEV slow IOs]' '-t[display vdev TRIM status]' ) else args=( '-l[display configuration in /dev/chassis location form]' ) fi _arguments -A "-*" -S $args\ '-v[verbose information]' \ '-x[show only unhealthy pools]' \ '-T+[display a timestamp]:format:((d\:standard u\:internal))' \ '*::pool:_zfs_pool' \ ':: :_guard "[0-9]#" interval' \ ':: :_guard "[0-9]#" count' ;; zpool:trim) _arguments -C -A "-*" -S \ '(-d --secure)'{-d,--secure}'[initiate a secure TRIM]' \ '(-r --rate)'{-r,--rate}'[set rate at which the TRIM operation progresses]:rate (bytes per second)' \ '(-c --cancel)'{-c,--cancel}'[cancel trimming]' \ '(-s --suspend)'{-s,--suspend}'[suspend trimming]' \ '(-w --wait)'{-w,--wait}'[wait until devices are done being trimmed]' \ '1:pool:_zfs_pool' \ '*:device:->pool-devices' ;; zpool:upgrade) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '(- *)-v[display ZFS versions and descriptions]' \ "(-v)-V+[upgrade to given version]:version" \ '(-v *)-a[upgrade all pools]' \ '(-a -v)*:pool:_zfs_pool' ;; zpool:wait) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-H[suppress printing of headers, tab-delimit columns]' \ '-P[use exact (parsable) numeric output]' \ '-t+[specify background activity]: : _values -s , activity discard free initialize replace remove resilver scrub trim' \ '-T+[display a timestamp]:format:((d\:standard u\:internal))' \ ':pool:_zfs_pool' \ ':interval' ;; zstream:dump) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-C[suppress the validation of checksums]' \ '(-d)-v[print metadata for each record]' \ '(-v)-d[dump data contained in each record]' \ ':file:_files' ;; zstream:token) _message -e tokens 'resume token' ;; zstream:decompress) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-v[print summary of decompressed records]' \ '*:offset' ;; zstream:redup) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-v[print summary of converted records]' \ ':file:stream file' ;; zstream:recompress) _arguments -A "-*" -S \ '-l+[specify compression level]:level' \ '*:algorithm:compadd -a comp_algorithms' ;; *) _default ;; esac while (( $#state )); do curstate=$state state=() devices=() case $curstate in virtual-devices) local -a vdevtypes vdevtypes=( mirror raidz{,1,2,3} spare log cache ) if [[ $implementation = openzfs ]]; then vdevtypes+=( draid{,1,2,3} dedup special ) else vdevtypes+=( meta ) fi # cache can't be a mirror [[ $words[CURRENT-1] != cache ]] && alts=( 'vdev-types:vdev type:compadd -a vdevtypes' ) [[ -prefix / ]] || alts+=( 'disk-vdevs:disk vdev:_files -g "*(-%)" -W /dev' ) _alternative $alts 'file-vdevs:file vdev:_files -W / -P /' ;; pool-vdevs-all) devices=( all-vdevs ) ;& pool-vdevs) # same as pool-devices but on OpenZFS 2.2+ only features # path field is also valid devices+=( $(_call_program devices zpool get -H -o name state $line[CURRENT-2] all-vdevs) ) _description devices expl "$state_descr" compadd "$expl[@]" -a devices ;; pool-devices) devices=( ${${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program devices zpool status $line[1])"}:#$'\t' *}##[[:blank:]]#}%%[[:blank:]]*} ) if (( $#devices )); then _description devices expl "$state_descr" compadd "$expl[@]" -a devices break fi ;& # fall-through if we found none disk-devices) [[ -prefix / ]] || alts=( 'disk-vdevs:disk vdev:_files -g "*(-%)" -W /dev' ) _alternative $alts 'file-vdevs:file vdev:_files -W / -P /' ;; keysources) local -a suf compset -S ",*" || suf=(-S ,) if compset -P 1 "*,"; then _alternative \ 'zfs-keylocator-prompt:"prompt" locator:(prompt)' \ 'zfs-keylocator-file:file locator:_files' \ 'zfs-keylocator-pkcs11: : _message -e zfs-keylocator-pkcs11 "PKCS#11 locator"' \ 'zfs-keylocator-https: : _message -e zfs-keylocator-https "HTTPS URL locator"' else _description keysource-formats expl "keysource format" compadd $suf -q "$expl[@]" "$@" raw hex passphrase fi ;; quotas) _alternative \ 'sizes: :_numbers -M "m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size :B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \ 'properties:property:(none)' ;; import-properties) args=( $ci_ds_props $rw_ds_props $ci_po_props ) ;| create-properties) args=( $ci_ds_props ) ;| set-properties) args=( $rw_ds_props ) ;| newpool-properties) args=( $rw_po_props $ci_po_props ) ;| set-pool-properties) args=( $rw_po_props $rw_vdev_props ) ;| *-properties) if compset -P 1 '(#m)*@'; then if compset -P 1 '*='; then case $MATCH in *feature@) _wanted states expl state compadd active enabled disabled ;; *quota@) _alternative \ 'sizes: :_numbers -M "m\:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}" -u bytes size \:B {k,M,G,T,P,E,Z}{,B}' \ 'properties:property:(none)' ;; esac else case $MATCH in feature@) features=( ${${${${${(f)"$(_call_program features zpool upgrade -v)"}[(r)---*,(R)VER *]}[2,-3]}:# *}%% *} ) _wanted features expl feature compadd -qS= -a features ;; user*@) _users -qS= ;; group*@) _groups -qS= ;; project*@) _message -e projects project ;; esac fi else _wanted values expl "$state_descr" compadd -S@ ${${(M)args:#*@}%@} _values -C "$state_descr" ${args:#*@} fi ;; esac done [[ nm -ne "$compstate[nmatches]" ]]