#compdef svn svnlite=svn svnadmin svnadmin-static=svnadmin svnliteadmin=svnadmin _svn () { local curcontext="$curcontext" state line expl ret=1 typeset -A opt_args # Colons in values must be escaped. local -A show_item_keys=( kind "the kind of TARGET (file or dir)" url "the URL of TARGET in the repository" relative-url "the repository-relative URL" repos-root-url "the repository root URL" repos-uuid "the repository UUID" repos-size "the size of TARGET in the repository (for files only)" revision "the revision of TARGET" last-changed-revision "the most recent revision in which TARGET was changed" last-changed-date "the date of the last-changed revision" last-changed-author "the author of the last-changed revision" wc-root "the working copy root path" schedule "'normal', 'add', 'delete', 'replace'" depth "'infinity', 'immediates', 'files', 'empty', 'exclude'" changelist "the changelist this file was added to, if any" ) local update_policy zstyle -s ":completion:*:*:$service:*" cache-policy update_policy if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]; then zstyle ":completion:*:*:$service:*" cache-policy _svn_caching_policy fi _arguments -C -A "-*" \ '(-)--help[print help information]' \ '(*)--version[print client version information]' \ '1: :->cmds' \ '*:: :->args' && ret=0 local _svn_help_takes_verbose if _cache_invalid svn-help-takes-verbose || ! _retrieve_cache svn-help-takes-verbose; then [[ $(_call_program svn-help-v svn help help) == *--verbose* ]] _svn_help_takes_verbose=$(( ! $? )) _store_cache svn-help-takes-verbose _svn_help_takes_verbose fi if (( _svn_help_takes_verbose )); then readonly dash_v="-v" else readonly dash_v fi unset _svn_help_takes_verbose if [[ -n $state ]] && (( ! $+_svn_cmds )); then typeset -gHA _svn_cmds if _cache_invalid svn-cmds || ! _retrieve_cache svn-cmds; then _svn_cmds=( ${=${(f)${${"$(_call_program commands svn help $dash_v)"#l#*Available subcommands:}%%Subversion is a tool*}}/(#s)[[:space:]]#(#b)([a-z-]##)[[:space:]]#(\([a-z, ?-]##\))#/$match[1] :$match[1]${match[2]:+:${${match[2]//[(),]}// /:}}:} ) if (( $? == 0 )); then _store_cache svn-cmds _svn_cmds else # Ensure we enter this block again on the next . unset _svn_cmds fi fi fi case $state in cmds) _wanted commands expl 'svn command' _svn_commands && ret=0 ;; args) local cmd args usage idx cmd="${${(k)_svn_cmds[(R)*:$words[1]:*]}:-${(k)_svn_cmds[(i):$words[1]:]}}" if (( $#cmd )); then curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:svn-${cmd}:" if _cache_invalid svn-${cmd}-usage || \ ! _retrieve_cache svn-${cmd}-usage; then usage=${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program options svn help $dash_v -- $cmd)"}:#usage:*}#usage:*$cmd] } _store_cache svn-${cmd}-usage usage fi if _cache_invalid svn-${cmd}-usage || \ ! _retrieve_cache svn-${cmd}-args; then args=( ${=${${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program options svn help $dash_v -- $cmd)"#(*Valid options:|(#e))}:#* :*}%% #:*}/ (arg|ARG)/:arg:}/(#b)(-##)([[:alpha:]]##) \[--([a-z-]##)\](:arg:)#/(--$match[3])$match[1]$match[2]$match[4] ($match[1]$match[2])--$match[3]$match[4]} ) while (( idx=$args[(I)*--accept:arg:] )); do args[idx]=( --accept'=:automatic conflict resolution action:((working\:working base\:base recommended\:recommended '"`for i j in p postpone mc mine-conflict tc theirs-conflict mf mine-full tf theirs-full e edit l launch; do print -rn $i\\\\:$j $j\\\\:$j ""; done `"'))' ) done while (( idx=$args[(I)*--c(l|hangelist):arg:] )); do args[idx]=( \*{--cl,--changelist}'=:change list:_svn_changelists' ) done while (( idx=$args[(I)*--config-dir:arg:] )); do args[idx]=( --config-dir'=:config dir:_directories' ) done while (( idx=$args[(I)*--config-option:arg:] )); do args[idx]=( '*--config-option=: :_svn_config_options' ) done while (( idx=$args[(I)*--depth:arg:] )); do args[idx]=( --depth'=:operation depth (how far to recurse):(empty files immediates infinity)' ) done while (( idx=$args[(I)*(-F|--file):arg:] )); do args[idx]=( '(-F --file)'{-F+,--file=}':log message file:_files' ) done while (( idx=$args[(I)*--set-depth:arg:] )); do args[idx]=( --set-depth'=[make working copy deeper or shallower]:new depth:(exclude empty files immediates infinity)' ) done while (( idx=$args[(I)*--trust-server-cert-failures:arg:] )); do args[idx]=( --trust-server-cert-failures'=:failures:_values -s , "certificate failures to ignore" "unknown-ca[unknown authority]" "cn-mismatch[hostname mismatch]" "expired[certificate expired]" "not-yet-valid[certificate not yet valid]" "other[all other failures]"' ) done while (( idx=$args[(I)*--show-item:arg:] )); do # (q) to quote the parentheses in the value args[idx]=( --show-item'=:item key:(('"`for i j in ${(kv)show_item_keys}; do print -rn - $i\\\\:"${(q)j}" ""; done`"'))' ) done # All other options get {-x+,--long-x=} args=( ${args/(#b)(--[A-Za-z0-9-]##):arg:/$match[1]=:arg:} ) args=( ${args/(#b)([^=]):arg:/$match[1]+:arg:} ) _store_cache svn-${cmd}-args args fi case $cmd in; (add) args+=( '*:file: _svn_modified "addable"' ) ;; (auth) args+=( '*:auth pattern: ' ) ;; (changelist) args[(r)--remove]='(1)--remove' args+=( '(--remove)1:changelist name:_svn_changelists' '*:file:_files -g "*(e:_svn_controlled:)"' ) ;; (commit) args=( ${args/(#b)(*--file*):arg:/$match[1]:file:_files} '*:file: _svn_modified "committable"' ) ;; (delete) args+=( '*:file:_files -g "*(e:_svn_controlled:)"' ) ;; (diff) args+=( '*: : _alternative "files:file: _svn_modified revertable" "urls:URL:_svn_urls"' ) ;; (help) args+=( '*::sub command:_svn_commands' ) ;; (import) args+=( '1:project directory or import location: _alternative "files:file:_files" "urls:URL:_svn_urls"' '2:import location: _alternative "files:file:_files" "urls:URL:_svn_urls"' ) ;; (log) args+=( '1: : _alternative "files:file:_files -g \*\(e:_svn_controlled:\)" "urls:URL:_svn_urls"' '*:file:_files -g "*(e:_svn_controlled:)"' ) ;; (mergeinfo) args[(r)--show-revs=:arg:]=( '--show-revs=:revisions:(merged eligible)' ) ;; (patch) args+=( '1:patch file:_files' '2::working copy to patch:_files' ) ;; (propget|propedit|propdel) args+=( '1:property name:_svn_props' '2:target: _alternative "files:file:_files" "urls:URL:_svn_urls"' ) ;; (propset) args=( ':propname:(svn:ignore svn:keywords svn:executable svn:eol-style svn:mime-type svn:externals svn:needs-lock svn:global-ignores svn:auto-props)' ':propval:->propset_propval' ${args/(#b)(*--file*):arg:/$match[1]:file:_files} '*:path or url: _alternative "files:file:_files" "urls:URL:_svn_urls"' ) ;; (resolve|resolved) args+=( '*:file:_files -g "*(e:_svn_conflicts:)"' ) ;; (revert) args+=( '*:file: _svn_modified "revertable"' ) ;; (x-unshelve) args+=( '1:shelf name:compadd - ${(f)"$(_call_program shelves svn x-shelves --quiet)"}' '2::shelf version' ) ;; (*) case $usage in *(SRC|DST|TARGET|URL*PATH)*) args+=( '*: : _alternative "files:file:_files" "urls:URL:_svn_urls"' ) ;; *URL*) args+=( ':URL:_svn_urls' ) ;; *PATH*) args+=( '*:file:_files' ) ;; esac ;; esac _arguments "$args[@]" && ret=0 case $state in (propset_propval) case $words[2] in (svn:executable|svn:needs-lock) compadd yes;; (svn:keywords) compset -q # '_values -w' only excludes words in argv[1] or later, so # install a dummy argv[0]. This affects Foo in [[svn propset # svn:keywords 'Foo Bar Baz ]]. words=( dummy $words ); (( ++CURRENT )) _values -s ' ' -w "keywords (or custom)" \ '(URL HeadURL)'{URL,HeadURL}'[URL for the head version of the file]' \ '(Author LastChangedBy)'{Author,LastChangedBy}'[last person to modify the file]' \ '(Date LastChangedDate)'{Date,LastChangedDate}'[date/time the file was last modified]' \ '(Rev Revision LastChangedRevision)'{Rev,Revision,LastChangedRevision}'[last revision the file changed]' \ Id'[compressed summary of URL,Revision,Date,Author]' \ Header"[like 'Id' but includes the full URL]";; (svn:eol-style) compadd - CR LF CRLF native;; (svn:mime-type) _mime_types;; (*) _message 'property value';; esac esac else _message "unknown svn command: $words[1]" fi ;; esac return ret } _svnadmin () { local curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1 integer NORMARG local context state_descr typeset -A opt_args _arguments -C \ '(-)--help[print help information]' \ '(- *)--version[print client version information]' \ '1: :->cmds' \ '*:: :->args' && ret=0 if [[ -n $state ]] && (( ! $+_svnadmin_cmds )); then typeset -gHA _svnadmin_cmds _svnadmin_cmds=( ${=${(f)${${"$(_call_program commands svnadmin help)"#l#*Available subcommands:}}}/(#s)[[:space:]]#(#b)([-a-z]##)[[:space:]]#(\([a-z, ?]##\))#/$match[1] :$match[1]${match[2]:+:${${match[2]//[(),]}// /:}}:} ) fi case $state in cmds) _wanted commands expl 'svnadmin command' _svnadmin_commands && ret=0 ;; args) local cmd args usage cmd="${${(k)_svnadmin_cmds[(R)*:$words[1]:*]}:-${(k)_svnadmin_cmds[(i):$words[1]:]}}" if (( $#cmd )); then curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:svnadmin-${cmd}:" usage=${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program options svnadmin help $cmd)"}:#$cmd: usage:*}#$cmd: usage: svnadmin $cmd } args=( ${=${${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program options svnadmin help $cmd)"#(*Valid options:|(#e))}:#* :*}%% #:*}/ (arg|ARG)/:arg:}/(#b)-([[:alpha:]]) \[--([a-z-]##)\](:arg:)#/(--$match[2])-$match[1]$match[3] (-$match[1])--$match[2]$match[3]} ) # All options get {-x+,--long-x=} args=( ${args/(#b)(--[A-Za-z0-9-]##):arg:/$match[1]=:arg:} ) args=( ${args/(#b)([^=]):arg:/$match[1]+:arg:} ) if [[ $usage == *REPOS_PATH* ]]; then args+=( ":repository path:_files -/" ) case $cmd in (freeze) args+=( "*:arguments:->normal" ) ;; (hotcopy) args+=( ":new repository:_files -/" ) ;; (setlog) args+=( ": :_files" ) ;; (setrevprop) args+=( ":property name" ":property value file:_files" ) ;; (delrevprop) args+=( ":property name" ) ;; esac elif [[ $cmd = help ]]; then args+=( "*:subcommand:_svnadmin_commands" ) fi _arguments -n -s -S : "$args[@]" && ret=0 case $state in # Test cases: # svnadmin freeze . rsync -- offers --file # svnadmin freeze -- . rsync - offers rsync's options # svnadmin freeze . -- rsync - should do the same (but currently doesn't) # # TODO: Fix the third case. # # Note: the NORMARG calculations here include one positional argument # (the '.') before the command. (normal) if (( ${words[(i)--]} < CURRENT )); then words[1,NORMARG]=() (( CURRENT -= NORMARG )) _normal && ret=0 elif (( NORMARG+1 == CURRENT )); then # ### don't allow --options in this case # TODO: this should just use '_normal -F "(-*)"', but _normal ignores its arguments. _command_names -e && ret=0 fi ;; esac else _message "unknown svnadmin command: $words[1]" fi ;; esac return ret } (( $+functions[_svn_controlled] )) || _svn_controlled() { # For svn<=1.6, this was implemented as: # [[ -f ${(M)REPLY##*/}.svn/text-base/${REPLY##*/}.svn-base ]] # However, because that implementation returns false for all files on svn>=1.7, and # because 1.6 has been deprecated for 8 years and EOL for 6 years, we opt to DTRT # for >=1.7. Therefore: # TODO: Reimplement this function for svn>=1.7. # (Use 'svn st' or 'svn info', not 'svn ls') return 0 } (( $+functions[_svn_conflicts] )) || _svn_conflicts() { # ### These strings are actually translatable # # The asterisks are to support an optional extension; see # "preserved-conflict-file-exts" in ~/.subversion/config. () { (( $# > 0 )) } $REPLY.(mine|r<->|working*|merge-left*|merge-right*)(NY1) } (( $+functions[_svn_modified] )) || _svn_modified() { setopt localoptions extendedglob local depth dir expl maybe_quiet partial_word space=' ' local svn_context=$1 local partial_word=${(Q)words[CURRENT]} if [[ -z $partial_word ]]; then dir="./" elif [[ -d $partial_word ]]; then dir=$partial_word else dir=${partial_word:h} fi if zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:${curtag}" verbose; then depth=infinity else depth=immediates fi if [[ $svn_context = addable ]]; then maybe_quiet="" else maybe_quiet="-q" fi local -a status_lines # Run 'status' status_lines=( ${(f)"$(_call_program modified-files "svn status $maybe_quiet --depth=${(q)depth} -- ${(q)dir}")"} ) # Filter to only the right set of statuses case $svn_context in (committable) status_lines=( ${(M)status_lines:#(#s)([ADMR]?|?M)${space}???${space}${space}*} ) ;; (revertable) status_lines=( ${(M)status_lines:#(#s)([ACDMR~!]?|?[CM])${space}????${space}*} ) ;; (addable) # The 'D' is just in case there's an unversioned file of the same name as the deleted file status_lines=( ${(M)status_lines:#(#s)[?ID]${space}${space}???${space}${space}*} ) ;; esac # Strip the 7 status-letter columns and the column of spaces status_lines=( ${status_lines#????????} ) # Strip one leading space. This is in case `svn status` ever adds another # column. If that hasn't happened and you're reading this comment because # the following line broke your use of filenames that start with a literal # space, well, nice to meet you! I didn't know you existed. status_lines=( ${status_lines#${space}} ) _wanted svn-modified expl 'modified files in svn' \ compadd - "${status_lines[@]}" } (( $+functions[_svn_remote_paths] )) || _svn_remote_paths() { local expl remfiles remdispf remdispd suf ret=1 pfx='\^/' sub='^/' # prefix must match a valid repository path format, either standard style # schema://host/path/.. or ^/path/.. specifying a path relative to the # root of the working directory repository. In the second form, allow the # leading '^' be escaped in case the user has the extendedglob option set. [[ -prefix *://*/ ]] || [[ -f .svn/entries && ( -prefix '^/' || -prefix '\^/' ) ]] || return 1 # return if remote access is not permitted zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:" remote-access || return 1 remfiles=( ${(f)"$(svn list $IPREFIX${${PREFIX%%[^/]#}/#$pfx/$sub} 2>/dev/null)"} ) (( $? == 0 )) || return 1 # you might consider trying to return early if $#remfiles is zero, # but for whatever reason remfiles will always contain at least a # single empty string; that case is handled correctly below. compset -P '*/' compset -S '/*' || suf=file remdispf=(${remfiles:#*/}) remdispd=(${(M)remfiles:#*/}) _tags files while _tags; do while _next_label files expl ${suf:-directory}; do # add files, unless there is a '/' immediately to the right [[ -n $suf ]] && compadd -S ' ' -q "$@" "$expl[@]" -d remdispf $remdispf && ret=0 # add directories; use empty suffix if there is a '/' immediately to the right compadd -S "${suf:+/}" -q "$@" "$expl[@]" -d remdispd ${remdispd%/} && ret=0 done (( ret )) || return 0 done return 1 } (( $+functions[_svn_urls] )) || _svn_urls() { local urlsch expl ret=1 # first try completing a remote path; if successful, we are all done.. _svn_remote_paths && return 0 # allow configuring svn repository locations using the 'urls' zstyle. # always attempt completion of these because then matcher-list styles # which do substring matching will work correctly. _urls -S/ && ret=0 if [[ ! -prefix *://? ]] ; then zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:" url-schemas urlsch \ || urlsch=( file:// http:// https:// svn:// svn+ssh:// ) if (( $#urlsch )) ; then compset -S '[^:]*' _wanted url-schemas expl 'URL schema' compadd -S '' - $urlsch[@] && ret=0 fi fi return ret } (( $+functions[_svn_commands] )) || _svn_commands() { compadd "$@" -k _svn_cmds || compadd "$@" ${(s.:.)_svn_cmds} } (( $+functions[_svnadmin_command] )) || _svnadmin_commands() { compadd "$@" -k _svnadmin_cmds || compadd "$@" ${(s.:.)_svnadmin_cmds} } (( $+functions[_svn_config_options] )) || _svn_config_options() { local -a expl suf local cfgfile compset -S ':*' || suf=( -qS : ) if compset -P 2 '*:'; then if compset -P '*='; then _message -e values 'value' else _message -e options 'option' fi elif compset -P 1 '*:'; then cfgfile=( ~/.subversion/${(M)${IPREFIX%:}%(config|servers)}(N) /dev/null ) _description sections expl 'section' compadd $suf "$expl[@]" ${${${(M)${(f)"$(<${cfgfile[1]})"}:#\[*\]}#\[}%\]} else _description config-files expl 'configuration file' compadd $suf "$expl[@]" config servers fi } (( $+functions[_svn_props] )) || _svn_props() { local properties properties=( ${${(M)${(f)"$(svn proplist 2>/dev/null)"}:# [^ ]*}# } ) compadd "$@" -a properties && return 0 } (( $+functions[_svn_changelists] )) || _svn_changelists() { local cls cls=( ${${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program changelists svn status 2>/dev/null)"}:#--- Changelist*}%??}##*\'} ) compadd "$@" -a cls && return 0 } _subversion () { case $service in (svn) _svn "$@" ;; (svnadmin) _svnadmin "$@" ;; esac } _svn_caching_policy() { [[ =$service -nt $1 ]] } _subversion "$@"