#compdef screen local curcontext="$curcontext" state line expl local scr_cmds sessions scr_cmds=( acladd aclchg acldel aclgrp aclumask activity addacl allpartial at attrcolor autodetach autonuke backtick bce bell_msg bind bindkey break breaktype bufferfile c1 caption charset chdir clear colon command compacthist console copy copy_reg crlf debug defautonuke defbce defbreaktype defc1 defcharset defencoding defescape defflow defgr defhstatus defkanji deflog deflogin defmode defmonitor defobuflimit defscrollback defshell defsilence defslowpaste defutf8 defwrap defwritelock defzombie detach digraph dinfo displays dumptermcap echo encoding escape eval exec fit flow focus gr hardcopy hardcopy_append hardcopydir hardstatus height help history hstatus ignorecase info ins_reg kill lastmsg license lockscreen log logfile login logtstamp mapdefault mapnotnext maptimeout markkeys maxwin meta monitor msgminwait msgwait multiuser nethack next nonblock number obuflimit only other partial password paste pastefont pow_break pow_detach pow_detach_msg prev printcmd process quit readbuf readreg redisplay register remove removebuf reset resize screen scrollback select sessionname setenv setsid shell shelltitle silence silencewait sleep slowpaste sorendition source split startup_message stuff su term termcap termcapinfo terminfo time title unsetenv utf8 vbell vbell_msg vbellwait verbose version wall width windowlist windows wrap writebuf writelock xoff xon zombie ) _arguments -C \ "-a[force all capabilities into each window's termcap]" \ '-A[adapt all windows to the new display width & height]' \ "-c[read configuration file instead of '.screenrc']:config file:_files -/" \ '-d[detach the elsewhere running screen (with -r: reattach here)]: :->attached-sessions' \ '-dmS[start as daemon, screen session in detached mode]: :->detached-sessions' \ '-D[detach and logout remote (with -r: reattach here)]' \ '-e[change command characters]:command characters' \ '-f-[set flow control]:flow control:((n\:flow\ control\ off a\:flow\ control\ auto \:flow\ control\ on))' \ '-h[set the size of the scrollback history buffer]:buffer size' \ '-i[interrupt output sooner when flow control is on]' \ '(-l)-ln[login mode off (do not update utmp database)]' \ '(-ln)-l[login mode on (update utmp database)]' \ '(-)'{-ls,-list}'[list sessions/socket directory]' \ "-L[terminal's last character can be safely updated]" \ '-m[ignore $STY variable, do create a new screen session]' \ '-O[choose optimal output rather than exact vt100 emulation]' \ '-p[preselect the named window]:window number or name:((\=\:windowlist -\:blank\ window \:window\ number))' \ '-q[quiet startup, exit with non-zero return code if unsuccessful]' \ '-r[reattach to a detached screen process]: :->detached-sessions' \ '-R[reattach if possible, otherwise start a new session]' \ '-s[shell to execute rather than $SHELL]:shell name: _command_names -e' \ '-S[name this session .sockname instead of ..]:session name' \ "-t[set title (window's name)]:title" \ '-T[use term as $TERM for windows, rather than "screen"]:terminal type:_terminals' \ '-U[tell screen to use UTF-8 encoding]' \ '(-)-v[print screen version]' \ '(-)-wipe[do nothing, clean up SockDir]' \ '-x[attach to a not detached screen (multi display mode)]' \ '-X[execute command as a screen command in the specified session]:screencmd:(${scr_cmds[@]})' \ '*::arguments: _normal' if [[ -n $state ]]; then case $state in attached-sessions) sessions=( ${${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program screen-sessions $words[1] \ -ls)"}:#*[Aa]ttached*}##[[:blank:]]}%%[[:blank:]]*} ) ;; detached-sessions) sessions=( ${${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program screen-sessions $words[1] \ -ls)"}:#*[Dd]etached*}##[[:blank:]]}%%[[:blank:]]*} ) ;; esac # check if initial PID is necessary to make sessions unambiguous if [[ ${#${(u)sessions#*.}} -lt $#sessions ]]; then _wanted screen-sessions expl "${state%-*} screen process" \ compadd -a sessions else _wanted screen-sessions expl "${state%-*} screen process" \ compadd ${sessions#*.} fi fi