#compdef luarocks # Start of options' arguments' helpers (( $+functions[__luarocks_command] )) || __luarocks_command(){ local -a commands=( build:'build/compile a rock' config:'query information about the LuaRocks configuration' doc:'show documentation for an installed rock' download:'download a specific rock file from a rocks server' help:'help on commands' init:'initialize a directory for a Lua project using LuaRocks' install:'install a rock' lint:'check syntax of a rockspec' list:'list currently installed rocks' make:'compile package in current directory using a rockspec' new_version:'auto-write a rockspec for a new version of a rock' pack:'create a rock, packing sources or binaries' path:'return the currently configured package path' purge:'remove all installed rocks from a tree' remove:'uninstall a rock' search:'query the LuaRocks servers' show:'show information about an installed rock' test:'run the test suite in the current directory' unpack:'unpack the contents of a rock' upload:'upload a rockspec to the public rocks repository' which:'indicate which file corresponds to a given module name' write_rockspec:'write a template for a rockspec file' ) _describe -t commands 'command' commands "$@" } local option_deps_modes='--deps-mode=[specify how to handle dependencies]:mode:__luarocks_deps_modes' local rockspec_options=( '--license=[specify a license string]:license (e.g. "MIT/X11" or "GNU GPL v3")' '--summary=[a short one-line description summary]:summary:{_message -e "short summary of the rock"}' '--detailed=[a longer description string]:detailed_text:{_message -e "detailed description of the rock"}' '--homepage=[project homepage]:URL:_urls' '--lua-versions=[specify supported Lua versions]:lua version:_sequence compadd - 5.{1,2,3,4}' '--rockspec-format=[rockspec format version, such as "1.0" or "1.1"]:VER: ' '--lib=[comma separated list of C library files to link to]:library files' ) (( $+functions[__luarocks_deps_modes] )) || __luarocks_deps_modes(){ local modes=( 'all:use all trees from the rocks_trees list for finding dependencies' 'one:use only the current tree (possibly set with --tree)' 'order:use trees based on order (use the current tree and all trees below it on the rocks_trees list)' 'none:ignore dependencies altogether' ) _describe 'dependencies mode' modes } (( $+functions[__luarocks_rock_version] )) || __luarocks_rock_version(){ local i=2 while [[ -n "${words[$i]}" ]]; do if [[ ! "${words[$i]}" =~ '^-' ]]; then case "$1" in "external_or_local") if [[ ! -f "${words[$i]}" ]]; then _message -e "version for external rock ${words[$i]}" return else _message -e "version for local rock ${words[$i]}" fi ;; "installed") tree="$2" __luarocks_installed_rocks "${tree}" "${words[$i]}" return ;; "new_version") if [[ -f "${words[$i]}" ]]; then _message -e "new version for rock ${words[$i]}" return fi ;; "new_rock") _message -e "version for new rock ${words[$i]}" return ;; esac fi i=$(( i + 1 )) done } (( $+functions[___luarocks_manually_store_cache_configs_paths] )) || ___luarocks_manually_store_cache_configs_paths(){ user_config_path="$(_call_program user_config_path luarocks config --user-config)" system_config_path="$(_call_program system_config_path luarocks config --system-config)" { print -r user_config_path=${(qq)user_config_path} print -r system_config_path=${(qq)system_config_path} } >! ${cache_dir}/luarocks_configs_paths } (( $+functions[___luarocks_manually_store_cache_configured_values] )) || ___luarocks_manually_store_cache_configured_values(){ local default_trees=($(_call_program rock_trees luarocks config --rock-trees)) # The following command usually gives somethins like this # # /home/me/.luarocks user # /usr system # # We'll just use the 1st and 3rd elements in the array for the default trees configured_user_tree="${default_trees[1]}" configured_system_tree="${default_trees[3]}" configured_lua_version="$(_call_program lua_ver luarocks config --lua-ver)" { print -r configured_lua_version=${(qq)configured_lua_version} print -r configured_user_tree=${(qq)configured_user_tree} print -r configured_system_tree=${(qq)configured_system_tree} } >! ${cache_dir}/luarocks_configured_values } (( $+functions[___luarocks_installed_rocks_cache_policy] )) || ___luarocks_installed_rocks_cache_policy(){ local cache_file="$1" # Before checking the modification date of the manifests files vs the # installed rocks cache files, we need to perform the following checks: # - luarocks executable modification date vs modification date of cache file # holding the default configuration files' locations # ) if configuration files' locations were possibly changed, we need to: # * set and cache the *possibly* new locations of the configuration files # ) else: # * retrieve from cache the configuration files' locations # ) end if # - configuration files' modification date vs modification date of cache file # holding the values from `luarocks config --lua-ver` and `luarocks config # --rock-trees` # ) if the configuration files' locations were changed: # * set and cache the values from the commands above # ) else: # ) if configuration files are newer: # * set and cache the values from the commands above # ) else: # * retrive from cache the values of the commands above # ) end if # ) end if # Decide which directory to retrieve cache from, and ensure it exists local cache_dir zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-path cache_dir : ${cache_dir:=${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zcompcache} if [[ ! -d "$cache_dir" ]]; then [[ -e "$cache_dir" ]] && _message "cache-dir ($cache_dir) isn't a directory\!" fi local where_luarocks="${commands[luarocks]}" # luarocks_configured_values local configured_lua_version configured_user_tree configured_system_tree # luarocks_configs_paths local user_config_path system_config_path if [[ -e ${cache_dir}/luarocks_configs_paths ]]; then if [[ ${where_luarocks} -nt ${cache_dir}/luarocks_configs_paths ]]; then ___luarocks_manually_store_cache_configs_paths else . ${cache_dir}/luarocks_configs_paths fi else ___luarocks_manually_store_cache_configs_paths fi if [[ -e ${cache_dir}/luarocks_configured_values ]]; then if [[ ${user_config_path} -nt ${cache_dir}/luarocks_configured_values ]] || [[ ${system_config_path} -nt ${cache_dir}/luarocks_configured_values ]]; then ___luarocks_manually_store_cache_configured_values else . ${cache_dir}/luarocks_configured_values fi else ___luarocks_manually_store_cache_configured_values fi local user_manifest_file="${configured_user_tree}/lib/luarocks/rocks-${configured_lua_version}/manifest" local system_manifest_file="${configured_system_tree}/lib/luarocks/rocks-${configured_lua_version}/manifest" local cache_status=1 if [[ -f ${cache_file} ]]; then if [[ -f ${user_manifest_file} ]]; then if [[ ${user_manifest_file} -nt ${cache_file} ]]; then cache_status=0 fi fi if [[ -f ${system_manifest_file} ]]; then if [[ ${system_manifest_file} -nt ${cache_file} ]]; then cache_status=0 fi fi fi return cache_status } (( $+functions[__luarocks_installed_rocks] )) || __luarocks_installed_rocks(){ # This function optionally recieves one argument of the tree in which # installed rocks are searched for. If this argument is used, the installed # rocks which will be completed by this function will not use the cache which # is valid only for installed rocks on default trees like /usr/lib/luarocks # and ~/.luarocks # # The second argument (optional as well) is meant for telling the function to # complete a version of a installed rock and not the rock itself from the list local tree="$1" local complete_version_for_rock="$2" if [[ -z ${tree} ]]; then local update_policy zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy update_policy if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]; then zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy ___luarocks_installed_rocks_cache_policy fi if _cache_invalid luarocks_installed_list; then rocks_list=($(luarocks list --porcelain)) _store_cache luarocks_installed_list rocks_list else _retrieve_cache luarocks_installed_list fi if [[ -z ${rocks_list} ]]; then _message -r "no installed rocks" return fi if _cache_invalid luarocks_installed_names; then rocks_names=() for i in {1.."${#rocks_list[@]}"..4}; do rocks_names+=("${rocks_list[$i]}") done _store_cache luarocks_installed_names rocks_names else _retrieve_cache luarocks_installed_names fi if _cache_invalid luarocks_installed_versions; then rocks_versions=() for i in {2.."${#rocks_list[@]}"..4}; do rocks_versions+=("${rocks_list[$i]}") done _store_cache luarocks_installed_versions rocks_versions else _retrieve_cache luarocks_installed_versions fi if _cache_invalid luarocks_installed_descriptions; then rocks_descriptions=() for i in {1.."${#rocks_names[@]}"}; do name_version_description="$(luarocks show ${rocks_names[$i]} ${rocks_versions[$i]} 2>/dev/null | head -2 | tail -1)" total_length=${#name_version_description} garbage_length="$((${#rocks_names[$i]} + ${#rocks_versions[$i]} + 5))" description="${name_version_description[${garbage_length},${total_length}]}" rocks_descriptions+=("${description}") done _store_cache luarocks_installed_descriptions rocks_descriptions else _retrieve_cache luarocks_installed_descriptions fi if _cache_invalid luarocks_installed_names_and_descriptions; then rocks_names_and_descriptions=() for i in {1.."${#rocks_names[@]}"}; do name_and_description=${rocks_names[$i]}:"${rocks_versions[$i]} "${rocks_descriptions[$i]} rocks_names_and_descriptions+=(${name_and_description}) done else _store_cache luarocks_installed_names_and_descriptions rocks_names_and_descriptions fi else rocks_list=($(luarocks --tree="${tree}" list --porcelain 2> /dev/null)) if [[ -z ${rocks_list} ]]; then _message "no installed rocks in the specified tree" return fi rocks_names=() for i in {1.."${#rocks_list[@]}"..4}; do rocks_names+=("${rocks_list[$i]}") done rocks_versions=() for i in {2.."${#rocks_list[@]}"..4}; do rocks_versions+=("${rocks_list[$i]}") done rocks_descriptions=() for i in {1.."${#rocks_names[@]}"}; do name_version_description="$(luarocks show ${rocks_names[$i]} ${rocks_versions[$i]} 2> /dev/null | head -2 | tail -1)" total_length=${#name_version_description} garbage_length="$((${#rocks_names[$i]} + ${#rocks_versions[$i]} + 5))" description="${name_version_description[${garbage_length},${total_length}]}" rocks_descriptions+=("${description}") done rocks_names_and_descriptions=() for i in {1.."${#rocks_names[@]}"}; do name_and_description=${rocks_names[$i]}:"${rocks_versions[$i]} "${rocks_descriptions[$i]} rocks_names_and_descriptions+=(${name_and_description}) done fi if [[ -z "$complete_version_for_rock" ]]; then _describe 'installed rock' rocks_names_and_descriptions else if [[ ! -z "${rocks_names[(r)${complete_version_for_rock}]}" ]]; then # checks if the requested rock exists in the list of rocks_names local rock="${complete_version_for_rock}" local first_match_index=${rocks_names[(i)${rock}]} local last_match_index=${rocks_names[(I)${rock}]} local versions=() for i in {${first_match_index}..${last_match_index}}; do versions+=("${rocks_versions[$i]}") done _values "rock's version" $versions else if [[ -z "${tree}" ]]; then _message -r "no such rock installed" else _message -r "no such rock installed in tree ${tree}" fi fi fi } # Used to complete one or more of the followings: # - .rockspec file # - .src.rock file # - external rock (( $+functions[__luarocks_rock] )) || __luarocks_rock(){ local -a alts=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do arg="$1" case "$arg" in (rockspec) alts+=('files:rock file:_files -g "*.rockspec(-.)"') shift 1 continue ;; (rockpack) alts+=(':rock file:{_files -g "*.src.rock(-.)"}') shift 1 continue ;; (external) alts+=(':external rock:') shift 1 continue ;; (installed) tree="$2" alts+=(":local rock:{__luarocks_installed_rocks ${tree}}") if [[ -z "${tree}" ]]; then shift else shift 2 fi continue ;; esac shift continue done _alternative ${alts[@]} } (( $+functions[__luarocks_git_tags] )) || __luarocks_git_tags(){ # Copied straight from definition of _git local expl declare -a tags tags=(${${(f)"$(_call_program tagrefs git for-each-ref --format='"%(refname)"' refs/tags 2>/dev/null)"}#refs/tags/}) __git_command_successful $pipestatus || return 1 _wanted tags expl tag compadd -M 'r:|/=**' "$@" -a - tags } # End of options' arguments' helpers & Start of sub commands helpers # arguments: # - must: .rockspec file / external rock # - optional: version (only when chossing external rock) local make_command_options=( '--pack-binary-rock[produce a .rock file with the contents of compilation inside the current directory instead of installing it]' '--keep[do not remove previously installed versions of the rock after building a new one]' '--branch=[override the `source.branch` field in the loaded rockspec]:NAME:{_message "branch name"}' ) local build_command_options=( "${make_command_options[@]}" '--only-deps[installs only the dependencies of the rock]' $option_deps_modes ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_build] )) || _luarocks_build(){ _arguments -A "-*" \ "${build_command_options[@]}" \ '1: :{__luarocks_rock "rockspec" "external"}' \ '2:: :{__luarocks_rock_version "external_or_local"}' } # arguments: # - must: option local config_command_options=( '--lua-incdir[path to Lua header files]' '--lua-libdir[path to Lua library files]' '--lua-ver[lua version (in major.minor format)]' '--system-config[location of the system config file]' '--user-config[location of the user config file]' '--rock-trees[rocks trees in useFirst the user tree, then the system tree]' ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_config] )) || _luarocks_config(){ _arguments "${config_command_options[@]}" } # arguments: # - must: installed rock local doc_command_options=( '--home[open the home page of project]' '--list[list documentation files only]' ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_doc] )) || _luarocks_doc(){ _arguments \ "${doc_command_options[@]}" \ '1: :{__luarocks_rock "installed" '"${opt_args[--tree]}"'}' } # arguments: # - must: external only rockspec local download_command_options=( '--all[download all files if there are multiple matches]' '--source[download .src.rock if available]' '--rockspec[download .rockspec if available]' '--arch=[download rock for a specific architecture]:ARCH:' ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_download] )) || _luarocks_download(){ _arguments -A "-*" \ "${download_command_options[@]}" \ '1: :{__luarocks_rock "external"}' \ '2:: :{__luarocks_rock_version "external_or_local"}' } # arguments: # must: luarocks sub command (( $+functions[_luarocks_help] )) || _luarocks_help(){ _arguments '1: :__luarocks_command' } (( $+functions[_luarocks_init] )) || _luarocks_init(){ _arguments $rockspec_options \ '--reset[regenerate files if they already exist]' \ '1: :_guard "^-*" "name"'\ '2: :_guard "^-*" "version"' } # arguments: # - must: .rockspec file / external rock # - optional: version # NOTE: it receives the same argument as the build command and it accepts the same options as well (( $+functions[_luarocks_install] )) || _luarocks_install(){ _luarocks_build } # arguments: # - must: rockspec file (first and last) (( $+functions[_luarocks_lint] )) || _luarocks_lint(){ _arguments '1:: :{__luarocks_rock "rockspec"}' } # arguments: # NOTE: receives only options local list_command_options=( '--outdated[list only rocks for which there is a higher version available in the rocks server]' '--porcelain[produce machine-friendly output]' ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_list] )) || _luarocks_list(){ _arguments "${list_command_options[@]}" } # arguments: # - optional: rockspec file # NOTE: it's options were already described above. (( $+functions[_luarocks_make] )) || _luarocks_make(){ _arguments '1:: :{__luarocks_rock "rockspec"}' } # arguments: # - optional: .rockspec file / external rock # - optional: version (unless a --tag was given) # - optional: URL local new_version_command_options=( '--tag=[if no version is specified, this option'"'"'s argument is used instead]:tag:__luarocks_git_tags' ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_new_version] )) || _luarocks_new_version(){ _arguments -A "-*" \ "${new_version_command_options[@]}" \ '1:: :{__luarocks_rock "external" "rockspec"}' \ '2:: :{__luarocks_rock_version "external_or_local"}' \ '3:: :_urls' } # arguments: # - must: .rockspec file / external rock # - optional: version (( $+functions[_luarocks_pack] )) || _luarocks_pack(){ _luarocks_build } # arguments: # NOTE: receives only options local path_command_options=( "--no-bin[don't export the PATH variable]" '--append[append the paths to the existing paths]' '--lr-path[export the Lua path (not formatted as shell command)]' '--lr-cpath[export the Lua cpath (not formatted as shell command)]' '--lr-bin[export the system path (not formatted as shell command)]' ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_path] )) || _luarocks_path(){ _arguments "${path_command_options[@]}" } # NOTE: receives only options yet --tree is mandatory # NOTE: --force can be used only in conjunction with --old-versions local option_force='--force[force removing old versions when]' local purge_command_options=( '--old-versions[keep the highest-numbered version of each rock and remove the other ones]' $option_force ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_purge] )) || _luarocks_purge(){ _arguments "${purge_command_options[@]}" } # arguments: # - must: locally installed rock # - optional: version local option_force_fast='--force-fast[works like --force but doesn'"'"'t reports forced removals]' local remove_command_options=( $option_deps_modes $option_force $option_force_fast ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_remove] )) || _luarocks_remove(){ _arguments -A "-*" \ "${remove_command_options[@]}" \ '1: :{__luarocks_rock "installed" '"${opt_args[--tree]}"'}' \ '2:: :{__luarocks_rock_version "installed" '"${opt_args[--tree]}"'}' } # arguments: # - must: string as a search query local search_command_options=( '--source[return only rockspecs and source rocks]' '--binary[return only pure Lua and binary rocks (rocks that can be used with the "install" command without requiring a C toolchain)]' "--all[list all contents of the server that are suitable for this platform, don't filter by name]" '--porcelain[produce machine readable output]' ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_search] )) || _luarocks_search(){ _arguments \ "${search_command_options[@]}" \ '*: :_guard "^--*" "search query"' } # arguments: # - must: installed rock local show_command_options=( '--home[home page of project]' '--modules[all modules provided by this package as used by require()]' '--deps[packages this package depends on]' '--build-deps[show build-only dependencies for package]' '--test-deps[show dependencies for testing package]' '--rockspec[the full path of the rockspec file]' '--mversion[the package version]' '--rock-tree[local tree where rock is installed]' '--rock-dir[data directory of the installed rock]' ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_show] )) || _luarocks_show(){ _arguments \ "${show_command_options[@]}" \ "1: :{__luarocks_rock 'installed' "${opt_args[--tree]}"}" \ '2:: :{__luarocks_rock_version "installed" '"${opt_args[--tree]}"'}' } (( $+functions[_luarocks_test] )) || _luarocks_test(){ _arguments $option_deps_modes \ '--test-type=[specify the test suite type manually]:test suite type' \ '--reset[regenerate files if they already exist]' \ '1:rockspec:__luarocks_rock' \ '*:arg' } # arguments: # - must: rockpack file / external rock # - optional: version (only when chossing external rock) local unpack_command_options=( '--force[unpack files even if the output directory already exists]' ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_unpack] )) || _luarocks_unpack(){ _arguments \ "${unpack_command_options[@]}" \ '1: :{__luarocks_rock "rockpack" "external"}' } # arguments: # - must: rockspec file local upload_command_options=( "--skip-pack[don't pack and send source rock]" '(--temp-key)--api-key=[use and save specified API key]:api key' '(--api-key)--temp-key=[use specified temporary API key in this invocation only]:api key' '--force[replace existing rockspec if the same revision of a module already exists]' ) (( $+functions[_luarocks_upload] )) || _luarocks_upload(){ _arguments \ "${upload_command_options[@]}" \ '1: :{__luarocks_rock "rockspec"}' } (( $+functions[_luarocks_which] )) || _luarocks_which(){ _message -e modules 'module name' } (( $+functions[_luarocks_write_rockspec] )) || _luarocks_write_rockspec(){ _arguments -A "-*" \ "${rockspec_options[@]}" \ '--output=[write the rockspec with the given file]:file:_files' \ '--tag=[specify tag to use. Will attempt to extract version number from it]:tag:__git_tag' \ '1:: :{_message "new rock name"}' \ '2:: :{__luarocks_rock_version "new_rock"}' \ '3:: :_urls' } # The real thing _arguments -C \ '--dev[enable the sub-repositories in rocks servers]' \ '(--server --only-server)--server=[fetch rocks/rockspecs from specified server]:host:_hosts' \ '(--server --only-server)--only-server=[fetch rocks/rockspecs from specified server only]:host:_hosts' \ '--only-sources=[restrict downloads to paths matching the given URL]:URL:_urls' \ '--lua-dir=[specify location of lua installation]:path:_directories' \ '--tree=[specify which tree to operate on]:tree:_directories' \ '--local[use the tree in the user'"'"'s home directory]' \ '--verbose[display verbose output of commands executed]' \ '--timeout=[specify timeout for network operations]:timeout (seconds)' \ '1: :__luarocks_command' \ '*::arg:->args' case "$state" in (args) curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:luarocks-${words[1]}:" if [[ $? != 1 ]]; then _call_function ret _luarocks_${words[1]} fi esac