#compdef hexdump hd local -a args fmts optpar fmts=( {--one-byte-octal,-b}'[one-byte octal display]' {--one-byte-char,-c}'[one-byte character display]' {--two-bytes-decimal,-d}'[two-byte decimal display]' {--two-bytes-octal,-o}'[two-byte octal display]' {--two-bytes-hex,-x}'[two-byte hexadecimal display]' {--format=,-e+}'[specify format string to be used for displaying data]:format' {--format-file=,-f+}'[specify file that contains format strings]:file:_files' ) args=( '(H -n --length)'{--length=,-n+}'[interpret only specified amount of input]:length (bytes)' '(H -s --skip)'{--skip=,-s+}'[skip specified bytes at the beginning]:offset (bytes)' '(H -v --no-squeezing)'{--no-squeezing,-v}'[output identical lines]' ) [[ $service = hexdump ]] && fmts+=( {--canonical,-C}'[canonical hex+ASCII display]' ) if [[ $OSTYPE = linux* ]]; then args+=( '(-L --color)'{-L+,--color=}'[interpret color formatting specifiers colors are enabled by default]:mode' + H '(- *)'{-h,--help}'[display usage information]' '(- *)'{-V,--version}'[display version information]' ) else # strip long options by taking every second element print -v fmts -f '%2$s' -- "$fmts[@]" print -v args -f '%2$s' -- "$args[@]" optpar=( -A "-*" ) fi _arguments -s -S $optpar '*:file:_files' $args + '(formats)' '(H)'$^fmts