#compdef urpme urpmi urpmi.addmedia urpmi.removemedia urpmi.update urpmq urpmf parsehdlist _urpmi_media() { local ret=1 single=0 local -a all_sources opts if [[ $1 = -s ]]; then single=1 shift fi # TODO should we probe for active media only? all_sources=( ${(f)"$(urpmq --list-media 2> /dev/null)"} ) if (( single )); then compadd "$expl[@]" -a all_sources && ret=0 else _values -s , 'urpmi media' "$all_sources[@]" && ret=0 fi return $ret } _urpmi_rpms() { local ret=1 expl _tags rpms files while _tags; do if _requested rpms expl 'urpmi RPM'; then local -a pkgs pkgs=( $(urpmq --list 2> /dev/null \ ${(k)opt_args[--media]:-${opt_args[--searchmedia]:+--media}} \ ${(v)opt_args[--media]}${opt_args[--searchmedia]:+${opt_args[--media]:+,}${opt_args[--searchmedia]}} \ ${(k)opt_args[--excludemedia]} ${(v)opt_args[--excludemedia]} ) ) compadd "$expl[@]" -a pkgs && ret=0 fi _requested files expl '(S)RPM file' \ _files -g '*.(#i)rpm(-.)' && ret=0 (( ret )) || break done return ret } # TODO add completion of remote directory for SSH, rsync, ftp _urpmi_media_url() { local expl ret=1 if compset -P file:// || compset -P removable://; then _files "$@" -W / -/ && ret=0 elif [[ -prefix '(ftp|http)://' ]]; then _urls "$@" && ret=0 else if (( ${+opt_args[--virtual]} )); then _wanted mediatype expl 'type of media' \ compadd -S "" "$@" -- file:// && ret=0 else _wanted mediatype expl 'type of media' \ compadd -S "" "$@" -- ssh:// rsync:// file:// http:// ftp:// removable:// && ret=0 fi fi return $ret } _urpme_package() { local -a _rpms _rpms=( $(_call_program packages rpm -qa 2>/dev/null) ) compadd "$@" -a _rpms } _urpmi_parallel_alias() { # placeholder as I do not actually have parallel system to test return 1 } _urpmi() { local state context line ret=1 help="--help -h" local -a opts_help opts_net opts_verbose opts_inst_rem opts_search opts_media opts_help=( "($help : -)"{--help,-h}"[print usage information]" ) opts_net=( "($help --wget)--curl[use curl to retrieve distant files]" "($help)--limit-rate[limit the download speed (b/s)]:download speed in b/s: " "($help)--proxy:proxy host:_hosts" "($help)--proxy-user:proxy user:_users" "($help --curl)--wget[use wget to retrieve distant files]" ) opts_verbose=( "(--help -h -v)-q[quiet mode]" "(--help -h -q)-v[verbose mode]" ) opts_inst_rem=( "($help)--auto[automatically select a package in choices]" "($help)--force[force invocation even if some packages do not exist]" "($help)--parallel[distributed urpmi across machines of alias]:urpmi alias name:_urpmi_parallel_alias" "($help)--root[use another root for rpm installation]:root diretory:_files -/" "($help)--test[test only, do not modify system]" "($help)-a[select all matches on command line]" ) opts_search=( "($help --fuzzy -z)"{--fuzzy,-y}"[return all matches even if exact match exists]" "($help -p -P)-p[allow search in provides to find package]" "($help -p -P)-P[do not search in provides to find package]" ) opts_media=( "($help)--excludemedia[do not use the given media]:urpmi media: _urpmi_media" "($help --update --use-distrib)--media[use only the media listed by comma]:urpmi media: _urpmi_media" "($help)--searchmedia[use only the given media to search requested (or updated) packages]:urpmi media: _urpmi_media -s" "($help)--sortmedia[sort media according to substrings separated by comma]:urpmi media: _urpmi_media" "($help)--synthesis[use the given synthesis instead of urpmi db]:synthesis file:_url" "($help --media --use-distrib)--update[use only update media]" "($help --media --update)--use-distrib[configure urpmi on the fly from a distrib tree]:installation media:_urpmi_media_url" ) case "$service" in urpme ) _arguments -A '-*' \ $opts_help \ $opts_inst_rem \ "--auto[do not ask any question]" \ "-v[verbose]" \ ": :_urpme_package" ;; urpmi.addmedia ) _arguments -A '-*' \ $opts_help \ $opts_net \ $opts_verbose \ "($help)--arch[use specified architecture]:Mandrake architecture: " \ "($help :)--distrib[automatically create all media from an installation medium]:media URL:_urpmi_media_url" \ "($help)--from[use specified url for list of mirrors]:mirror URL:_url" \ "($help)--no-md5sum[disable MD5SUM file checking]" \ "($help --probe-hdlist --probe-synthesis)--no-probe[do not try to find any synthesis or hdlist file]" \ "($help --no-probe --probe-synthesis)--probe-hdlist[try to find and use hdlist file]" \ "($help --no-probe --probe-hdlist)--probe-synthesis[try to find and use synthesis file]" \ "($help)--update[mark as update media]" \ "($help)--version[use specified distribution version]:Mandrake version: " \ "($help)--virtual[create virtual media wich are always up-to-date]" \ "($help)-c[clean headers cache directory]" \ "($help)-f[force generation of hdlist files]" \ "($help --distrib):name of media: " \ "($help --distrib):media URL:_urpmi_media_url" \ "($help --distrib): :(with)" \ "($help --distrib):relative path to hdlist file" \ && ret=0 ;; urpmi.removemedia ) _arguments -A '-*' \ $opts_help \ $opts_verbose \ "($help : -)"{--help,-h}"[print usage information]" \ "($help :)-a[select all media]" \ "($help)-c[clean headers cache directory]" \ "($help)-y[fuzzy mathing on media names]" \ "(-a)"{,\*}": : _urpmi_media" \ && ret=0 ;; urpmi.update ) _arguments -A '-*' \ $opts_help \ $opts_net \ $opts_verbose \ "($help : -)"{--help,-h}"[print usage information]" \ "($help)--force-key[force update of gpg key]" \ "($help : -a)--update[update only update media]" \ "($help --update :)-a[select all non-removable media]" \ "($help)-c[clean /var/cache/urpmi/headers on exit]" \ "($help)*-f[force generation of hdlist files]" \ "($help -a)"{,\*}": : _urpmi_media" \ && ret=0 ;; urpmi ) _arguments -A '-*' \ $opts_help \ $opts_net \ $opts_verbose \ $opts_inst_rem \ $opts_search \ $opts_media \ "($help : -)"{--help,-h}"[print usage information]" \ "($help)--allow-force[allow asking user to install packages without dependencies checking and integrity]" \ "($help)--allow-nodeps[allow asking user to install packages without dependencies checking]" \ "($help)--auto-select[utomatically select packages to upgrade the system]" \ "($help --env)--bug[output a bug report in given directory]:directory for bug report:_files -/" \ "($help -X)--best-output[automatically select text or X interface]" \ "($help --noclean)--clean[remove rpm from cache before anything else]" \ "($help --clean)--noclean[keep rpm not used in cache]" \ "($help --bug)--env[use specific environment (typically result of --bug)]:directory for bug report:_files -/" \ "($help)--excludedocs[exclude docs files]: " \ "($help)--excludepath[exclude path separated by comma]:path: " \ "($help)--install-src[install only source package (no binaries)]" \ "($help)--keep[keep existing packages if possible]" \ "($help)--more-choices[propose more choices than the default]" \ "($help --no-resume)--resume[resume transfer of partially-downloaded files]" \ "($help --resume)--no-resume[do not resume transfer of partially-downloaded files]" \ "($help)--root[use another root for rpm installation]:root diretory:_files -/" \ "($help)--skip[packages which installation should be skipped]:packages: " \ "($help)--split-length[small transaction length]:transaction length: " \ "($help)--split-level[split in small transaction]:transaction size: " \ "($help --src -s)"{--src,-s}"[next package is source package]" \ "($help)--strict-arch[upgrade only packages with the same architecture]" \ "($help)--no-uninstall[never ask to uninstall a package, abort the installation]" \ "($help --verify-rpm)--no-verify-rpm[do not verify rpm signature before installation]" \ "($help --no-verify-rpm)--verify-rpm[verify rpm signature before installation]" \ "($help)-a[select all packages matching command line]" \ "($help -m -M)-m[choose minimum closure of requires (default)]" \ "($help -m -M)-M[choose maximum closure of requires]" \ "($help --best-output)-X[use X interface]" \ "($help)"{,\*}": :_urpmi_rpms" \ && ret=0 ;; urpmq ) _arguments -A '-*' \ $opts_help \ $opts_media \ $opts_search \ "($help)--auto-select[automatically select packages for upgrading the system]" \ "($help)--force[ignore non-existent packages]" \ "($help)--headers[extract headers for package listed from urpmi db to stdout]" \ "($help : -list --list-media --list-url --list-nodes --list-aliases)--list[list available packages]" \ "($help : -list --list-media --list-url --list-nodes --list-aliases)--list-media[list available media]" \ "($help : -list --list-media --list-url --list-nodes --list-aliases)--list-url[list available url]" \ "($help : -list --list-media --list-url --list-nodes --list-aliases)--list-nodes[list available nodes]" \ "($help : -list --list-media --list-url --list-nodes --list-aliases)--list-aliases[list available aliases]" \ "($help)--sources[show full path to package file]" \ "($help --src -s)"{--src,-s}"[next package is source package]" \ "($help)--summary[print RPM summary]" \ "($help)-c[complete output with package to be removed]" \ "($help)-d[extend query to package dependencies]" \ "($help)-f[print version, release and arch with name]" \ "($help)-g[print groups too with name]" \ "($help)-i[print useful information in human readable form]" \ "($help)-l[list files in package]" \ "($help)-r[print version and release too with name]" \ "($help)-R[reverse search to what requires package]" \ "($help)-u[remove package if a better version is already installed]" \ "($help -list --list-media --list-url --list-nodes --list-aliases)*:urpmi package name":_urpmi_rpms \ && ret=0 ;; urpmf ) # TODO this is not complete, some operators are missing _arguments -A '-*' \ $opts_help \ $opts_media \ "($help --name --group --size --epoch --summary --description --sourcerpm --packager --buildhost --url --provides --requires --files --conflicts --obsoletes)--all[print all tags]" \ "($help --all --name)--buildhost[print tag buildhost: build host]" \ "($help --all --name)--conflicts[print tag conflicts: all conflicts]" \ "($help --all --name)--description[print tag description: description]" \ "($help --all --name)--epoch[print tag epoch: epoch]" \ "($help --all --name)--files[print tag files: all files]" \ "($help --all --name)--group[print tag group: group]" \ "($help --all --group --size --epoch --summary --description --sourcerpm --packager --buildhost --url --provides --requires --files --conflicts --obsoletes)--name[print only package names]" \ "($help --all --name)--obsoletes[print tag obsoletes: all obsoletes]" \ "($help --verbose)--quiet[do not print tag name]" \ "($help --all --name)--packager[print tag packager: packager]" \ "($help --all --name)--provides[print tag provides: all provides]" \ "($help --all --name)--requires[print tag requires: all requires]" \ "($help --all --name)--size[print tag size: size]" \ "($help --all --name)--sourcerpm[print tag sourcerpm: source rpm]" \ "($help --all --name)--summary[print tag summary: summary]" \ "($help)--uniq[do not print identical lines]" \ "($help --all --name)--url[print tag url: url]" \ "($help --quiet)--verbose[verbose mode]" \ "($help)*-a[binary AND operator]" \ "($help)-i[ignore case distinctions in every pattern]" \ "($help)-f[print version, release and arch with name]" \ "($help)-e[include perl code directly as perl -e]:perl code: " \ "($help)*-o[binary OR operator]" \ && ret=0 ;; parsehdlist ) # TODO this is not complete, some operators are missing _arguments -A '-*' \ $opts_help \ "($help --interactive --quiet --name --group --size --epoch --summary --description --sourcerpm --packager --buildhost --url --provides --requires --files --conflicts --obsoletes)--all[print all tags]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--buildhost[print tag buildhost: build host]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--conflicts[print tag conflicts: all conflicts]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--description[print tag description: description]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--epoch[print tag epoch: epoch]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--files[print tag files: all files]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--group[print tag group: group]" \ "($help --all --interactive --group --size --epoch --summary --description --sourcerpm --packager --buildhost --url --provides --requires --files --conflicts --obsoletes)--name[print only package names]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--obsoletes[print tag obsoletes: all obsoletes]" \ "($help --interactive)--quiet[do not print tag name]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--packager[print tag packager: packager]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--provides[print tag provides: all provides]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--requires[print tag requires: all requires]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--size[print tag size: size]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--sourcerpm[print tag sourcerpm: source rpm]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--summary[print tag summary: summary]" \ "($help)--uniq[do not print identical lines]" \ "($help --all --interactive --name)--url[print tag url: url]" \ "*:hdlist files:_files -g '*.cz'" \ && ret=0 ;; esac return $ret } _urpmi "$@"