#compdef chrt local curcontext="$curcontext" cmd="$words[1]" ret=1 local -a state line expl typeset -A opt_args _arguments -C -s -S -A "-*" \ '(H -a --all-tasks)'{-a,--all-tasks}'[operate on all tasks (threads) for a given pid]' \ '(H)'{-v,--verbose}'[display status information]' \ '(H)'{-p,--pid}'[interpret args as process ID]' \ '(H -R --reset-on-fork -b --batch -d --deadline -i --idle -o --other)'{-R,--reset-on-fork}'[set SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK for FIFO or RR]' \ '(H)*::command or priority:->cmd_or_prio' \ + 'H' \ '(* -)'{-m,--max}'[show minimum and maximum valid priorities, then exit]' \ '(* -)'{-h,--help}'[display usage information]' \ '(* -)'{-V,--version}'[output version information]' \ + 'dline' \ '(H -T --sched-runtime -b --batch -f --fifo -i --idle -o --other -r --rr)'{-T,--sched-runtime}'[runtime parameter for DEADLINE]' \ '(H -P --sched-period -b --batch -f --fifo -i --idle -o --other -r --rr)'{-P,--sched-period}'[period parameter for DEADLINE]' \ '(H -D --sched-deadline -b --batch -f --fifo -i --idle -o --other -r --rr)'{-D,--sched-deadline}'[deadline parameter for DEADLINE]' \ + '(policy)' \ '(H dline -R --reset-on-fork)'{-b,--batch}'[set scheduling policy to SCHED_BATCH]' \ '(H -R --reset-on-fork)'{-d,--deadline}'[set scheduling policy to SCHED_DEADLINE]' \ '(H dline)'{-f,--fifo}'[set scheduling policy to SCHED_FIFO]' \ '(H dline -R --reset-on-fork)'{-i,--idle}'[set scheduling policy to SCHED_IDLE]' \ '(H dline -R --reset-on-fork)'{-o,--other}'[set scheduling policy to SCHED_OTHER]' \ '(H dline)'{-r,--rr}'[set scheduling policy to SCHED_RR (default)]' && ret=0 _chrt_priority() { local ty [[ -prefix - ]] && return 1 if (( $+opt_args[policy--b] || $+opt_args[policy---batch] )); then ty=BATCH elif (( $+opt_args[policy--f] || $+opt_args[policy---fifo] )); then ty=FIFO elif (( $+opt_args[policy--o] || $+opt_args[policy---other] )); then ty=OTHER else ty=RR fi local range range=${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program priorities $cmd --max)"}:#*_${ty}*}#*: } if [[ $range = 0/0 ]]; then _wanted priorites expl 'priority' compadd 0 else _message -e priorities "priority (range $range)" fi } if (( $+opt_args[-p] || $+opt_args[--pid] )) then if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then _alternative \ 'priority:priority:_chrt_priority' \ 'processes:process IDs:_pids' && ret=0 else _pids && ret=0 fi elif (( CURRENT == 1 )); then _chrt_priority && ret=0 else shift words (( CURRENT-- )) _normal && ret=0 fi return ret