# This is a function to dump the definitions for new-style # completion defined by 'compinit' in the same directory. The output # should be directed into the "compinit.dump" in the same directory as # compinit. If you rename init, just stick .dump onto the end of whatever # you have called it and put it in the same directory. This is handled # automatically if you invoke compinit with the option -d. # # You will need to update the dump every time you add a new completion. # To do this, simply remove the .dump file, start a new shell, and # create the .dump file as before. Again, compinit -d handles this # automatically. # Print the number of files used for completion. This is used in compinit # to see if auto-dump should re-dump the dump-file. emulate -L zsh setopt extendedglob typeset _d_file _d_f _d_bks _d_line _d_als _d_file=${_comp_dumpfile-${0:h}/compinit.dump}.$HOST.$$ [[ $_d_file = //* ]] && _d_file=${_d_file[2,-1]} typeset -U _d_files _d_files=( ${^~fpath:/.}/^([^_]*|*~|*.zwc)(N:t) ) print "#files: $#_d_files" > $_d_file # First dump the arrays _comps and _patcomps. The quoting hieroglyphyics # ensure that a single quote inside a variable is itself correctly quoted. print "_comps=(" >> $_d_file for _d_f in ${(ok)_comps}; do print -r - "${(q)_d_f}" "${(q)_comps[$_d_f]}" done >> $_d_file print ")" >> $_d_file print "\n_patcomps=(" >> $_d_file for _d_f in "${(ok@)_patcomps}"; do print -r - "${(q)_d_f}" "${(q)_patcomps[$_d_f]}" done >> $_d_file print ")" >> $_d_file print "\n_postpatcomps=(" >> $_d_file for _d_f in "${(ok@)_postpatcomps}"; do print -r - "${(q)_d_f}" "${(q)_postpatcomps[$_d_f]}" done >> $_d_file print ")" >> $_d_file print "\n_compautos=(" >> $_d_file for _d_f in "${(ok@)_compautos}"; do print -r - "${(q)_d_f}" "${(q)_compautos[$_d_f]}" done >> $_d_file print ")" >> $_d_file print >> $_d_file # Now dump the key bindings. We dump all bindings for zle widgets # whose names start with a underscore. # We need both the zle -C's and the bindkey's to recreate. # We can ignore any zle -C which rebinds a standard widget (second # argument to zle does not begin with a `_'). _d_bks=() _d_complist= zle -lL | while read -rA _d_line; do if [[ ${_d_line[3]} = _* && ${_d_line[5]} = _* ]]; then if [[ -z "$_d_complist" && ${_d_line[4]} = .menu-select ]]; then print 'zmodload -i zsh/complist' d_complist=yes fi print -r - ${_d_line} _d_bks=($_d_bks ${_d_line[3]}) fi done >> $_d_file bindkey | while read -rA _d_line; do if [[ ${_d_line[2]} = (${(j.|.)~_d_bks}) ]]; then print -r "bindkey '${_d_line[1][2,-2]}' ${_d_line[2]}" fi done >> $_d_file print >> $_d_file # Autoloads: whence -w produces "_d_foo: function", so look for # all functions beginning with `_'. _d_als=($(whence -wm '_*' | sort | while read -rA _d_line; do [[ ${_d_line[2]} = function ]] && print -r - ${_d_line[1]%:} done)) # print them out: about five to a line looks neat _i=5 print -n autoload -U >> $_d_file while (( $#_d_als )); do if (( ! $+_compautos[$_d_als[1]] )); then print -n " $_d_als[1]" if (( ! _i-- && $#_d_als > 1 )); then _i=5 print -n ' \\\n ' fi fi shift _d_als done >> $_d_file print >> $_d_file for _i in "${(ok@)_compautos}"; do print "autoload -U $_compautos[$_i] $_i" >> $_d_file done mv $_d_file ${_d_file%.$HOST.$$} unfunction compdump autoload -U compdump