#compdef -K _history-complete-older complete-word \e/ _history-complete-newer complete-word \e, # # Complete words from the history # # by Adam Spiers, with help gratefully received from # Sven Wischnowsky and Bart Schaefer # # Available styles: # # list -- display lists of available matches # stop -- prevent looping at beginning and end of matches during # menu-completion # sort -- sort matches lexically (default is to sort by age) # remove-all-dups -- # remove /all/ duplicate matches rather than just consecutives # range -- range of history words to complete _history_complete_word () { setopt localoptions nullglob rcexpandparam extendedglob unset unsetopt markdirs globsubst shwordsplit shglob ksharrays cshnullglob local expl direction stop curcontext="$curcontext" local max slice hmax=$#historywords if [[ -z "$curcontext" ]]; then curcontext=history-words::: else curcontext="history-words${curcontext#*:}" fi if [[ $WIDGET = *newer ]]; then direction=newer else direction=older fi zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:history-words" stop stop zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:history-words" list || compstate[list]='' if zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:history-words" range max; then if [[ $max = *:* ]]; then slice=${max#*:} max=${max%:*} else slice=$max fi [[ max -gt hmax ]] && max=$hmax else max=$hmax slice=$max fi if [[ -n "$compstate[old_list]" && ( -n "$stop" || "$compstate[insert]" = menu ) ]] ; then # array of matches is newest -> oldest (reverse of history order) if [[ "$direction" == 'older' ]]; then if [[ compstate[old_insert] -eq $_hist_menu_length || "$_hist_stop" == 'oldest' ]]; then _hist_stop='oldest' [[ "$stop" = verbose ]] && _message 'beginning of history reached' elif [[ "$_hist_stop" == 'newest' ]]; then zle -Rc _history_complete_word_gen_matches else compstate[old_list]=keep (( compstate[insert] = compstate[old_insert] + 1 )) fi elif [[ "$direction" == 'newer' ]]; then if [[ compstate[old_insert] -eq 1 || "$_hist_stop" == 'newest' ]]; then _hist_stop='newest' [[ "$stop" = verbose ]] && _message 'end of history reached' elif [[ "$_hist_stop" == 'oldest' ]]; then zle -Rc _history_complete_word_gen_matches else compstate[old_list]=keep (( compstate[insert] = compstate[old_insert] - 1 )) fi fi else _hist_stop='' _hist_old_prefix="$PREFIX" _history_complete_word_gen_matches fi (( $compstate[nmatches] )) } _history_complete_word_gen_matches () { local opt beg=2 [[ -n "$_hist_stop" ]] && PREFIX="$_hist_old_prefix" if zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:history-words" remove-all-dups; then opt=- else opt=-1 fi if zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:history-words" sort; then opt="${opt}J" else opt="${opt}V" fi PREFIX="$IPREFIX$PREFIX" IPREFIX= SUFFIX="$SUFFIX$ISUFFIX" ISUFFIX= while [[ $compstate[nmatches] -eq 0 && beg -lt max ]]; do _main_complete - history _wanted "$opt" history-words expl 'history word' \ compadd -Q -a 'historywords[beg,beg+slice]' (( beg+=slice )) done zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:history-words" list || compstate[list]= _hist_menu_length="$compstate[nmatches]" case "$direction" in newer) compstate[insert]=$_hist_menu_length [[ -n "$_hist_stop" ]] && (( compstate[insert]-- )) ;; older) compstate[insert]=1 [[ -n "$_hist_stop" ]] && (( compstate[insert]++ )) ;; esac [[ -n "$_hist_stop" ]] && _hist_stop='' } _history_complete_word "$@"