#compdef read local pflag expl line curcontext="$curcontext" # -p flag only relevant if we have a coprocess (:>&p) 2>/dev/null && pflag='(-q -u -z)-p[input is read from the coprocess]' _arguments -C -s \ '-r[raw mode]' \ '(-p -k -u -z)-q[read y or n character from terminal]' \ '(-q)-k[specify number of characters to read]:number of characters' \ '(-q -u -p)-z[read entry from editor buffer stack]' \ '(-E)-e[input read is echoed and not assigned]' \ '(-e)-E[input read is echoed]' \ '-A[first name is taken as an array]' \ '(-q -z -p)-u+[specify file-descriptor to read from]:file-descriptor:_file_descriptors' \ $pflag '1:varprompt:_vars -qS\?' '*:vars:_vars'