#compdef fstat local pids pids=(${${${(f)"$(/usr/bin/procstat -ah)"}/[[:space:]]#/}/[[:space:]]*[[:space:]](ELF[[:digit:]]#[[:space:]]|-[[:space:]]#)/:}) _arguments -s \ '-f[restrict examination to files open in the same file systems as the named file arguments]' \ '-M[extract values associated with the name list from the specified core]:core:_files' \ '-N[extract the name list from the specified system]:system:' \ '-m[include memory-mapped files in the listing]' \ '-n[numerical format]' \ '-p[report all files open by the specified process]:process id:(($pids))' \ '-u[report all files open by the specified user]:user:_users' \ '-v[verbose mode]' \ '*:files:_files'