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path: root/Test
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Diffstat (limited to 'Test')
10 files changed, 1465 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Test/A01grammar.ztst b/Test/A01grammar.ztst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b6b403fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/A01grammar.ztst
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# This file contains tests corresponding to the `Shell Grammar' texinfo node.
+  mkdir basic.tmp && cd basic.tmp
+  touch foo bar
+# Tests for `Simple Commands and Pipelines'
+  echo foo | cat | sed 's/foo/bar/'
+0:Basic pipeline handling
+  false | true
+0:Exit status of pipeline with builtins (true)
+  true | false
+1:Exit status of pipeline with builtins (false)
+  fn() { local foo; read foo; print $foo; }
+  coproc fn
+  print -p coproc test output
+  read -p bar
+  print $bar
+0:Basic coprocess handling
+>coproc test output
+  true | false && print true || print false
+0:Basic sublist (i)
+  false | true && print true || print false
+0:Basic sublist (ii)
+  (cd /NonExistentDirectory >&/dev/null) || print false
+0:Basic subshell list with error
+  { cd /NonExistentDirectory >&/dev/null } || print false
+0:Basic current shell list with error
+# Tests for `Precommand Modifiers'
+  - $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -fc "[[ \$0 = \"-$ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh\" ]]"
+0:`-' precommand modifier
+  echo f*
+  noglob echo f*
+0:`noglob' precommand modifier
+  (exec /bin/sh; echo bar)
+0:`exec' precommand modifier
+  cat() { echo Function cat executed; }
+  command cat && unfunction cat
+0:`command' precommand modifier
+<External command cat executed
+>External command cat executed
+  cd() { echo Not cd at all; }
+  builtin cd . && unfunction cd
+0:`builtin' precommand modifier
+# Tests for `Complex Commands'
+  if true; then
+    print true-1
+  elif true; then
+    print true-2
+  else
+    print false
+  fi
+0:`if ...' (i)
+  if false; then
+    print true-1
+  elif true; then
+    print true-2
+  else
+    print false
+  fi
+0:`if ...' (ii)
+  if false; then
+    print true-1
+  elif false; then
+    print true-2
+  else
+    print false
+  fi
+0:`if ...' (iii)
+  if true;
+    :
+  fi
+1d:`if ...' (iv)
+?ZTST_execchunk:-1: parse error near `fi'
+  for name in word to term; do
+    print $name
+  done
+0:`for' loop
+  for name
+  in word to term; do
+    print $name
+  done
+0:`for' loop with newline before in keyword
+  for (( name = 0; name < 3; name++ )); do
+    print $name
+  done
+0:arithmetic `for' loop
+  name=0
+  while (( name < 3 )); do
+    print $name
+    (( name++ ))
+  done
+0:`while' loop
+  name=0
+  until (( name == 3 )); do
+    print $name
+    (( name++ ))
+  done
+0:`until' loop
+  repeat 3 do
+    echo over and over
+  done
+0:`repeat' loop
+>over and over
+>over and over
+>over and over
+  word=Trinity
+  case $word in
+    Michaelmas) print 0
+                ;;
+    Hilary) print 1
+            ;;
+    Trinity) print 2
+             ;;
+    *) print 3
+       ;;
+  esac
+0:`case', old syntax
+  word=Trinity
+  case $word in
+    (Michaelmas) print 0
+                ;;
+    (Hilary) print 1
+            ;;
+    (Trinity) print 2
+             ;;
+    (*) print 3
+       ;;
+  esac
+0:`case', new syntax
+  word=Hilary
+  case $word in
+    (Michaelmas) print 0
+                ;;
+    (Hilary) print 1
+            ;&
+    (Trinity) print 2
+             ;&
+    (*) print 3
+       ;;
+  esac
+0:`case', new syntax, cascaded
+## This doesn't work, because zsh tries to read from the terminal
+## even in a non-interactive shell.  The manual implies it always reads
+## from stdin, even in an interactive shell.
+#  PS3="input> "
+#  select name in one two three; do
+#    print $name
+#  done
+#0:`select' loop
+#>1) one     2) two     3) three   
+  function name1 name2 () { print This is $0; }
+  name2
+  name1 name2() { print This is still $0; }
+  name2
+0:`function' keyword
+>This is name2
+>This is still name2
+  (time cat) >&/dev/null
+0:`time' keyword (status only)
+  if [[ -f foo && -d . && -n $ZTST_testdir ]]; then
+    true
+  else
+    false
+  fi
+0:basic [[ ... ]] test
+# Tests for `Alternate Forms For Complex Commands'
+  if (true) { print true-1 } elif (true) { print true-2 } else { print false }
+  if (false) { print true-1 } elif (true) { print true-2 } else { print false }
+  if (false) { print true-1 } elif (false) { print true-2 } else { print false }
+0:Alternate `if' with braces
+  if true; print true
+0:Short form of `if'
+  for name ( word1 word2 word3 ) print $name
+0:Form of `for' with parentheses.
+  for name in alpha beta gamma; print $name
+0:Short form of `for'
+  for (( val = 2; val < 10; val *= val )) print $val
+0:Short arithmetic `for'
+  foreach name ( verbiage words periphrasis )
+    print $name
+  end
+0:Csh-like `for'
+# see comment with braces used in if loops
+  val=0;
+  while (( val < 2 )) { print $((val++)); }
+0:Alternative `while'
+  val=2;
+  until (( val == 0 )) { print $((val--)); }
+0:Alternative `until'
+  repeat 3 print Hip hip hooray
+0:Short `repeat'
+>Hip hip hooray
+>Hip hip hooray
+>Hip hip hooray
+  case bravo {
+    (alpha) print schmalpha
+	    ;;
+    (bravo) print schmavo
+	    ;;
+    (charlie) print schmarlie
+	    ;;
+  }
+0:`case' with braces
+  print 'This test hangs the shell when it fails...' >&8
+  name=0
+# The number 4375 here is chosen to produce more than 16384 bytes of output
+  while (( name < 4375 )); do
+    print -n $name
+    (( name++ ))
+  done < /dev/null | { read name; print done }
+0:Bug regression: `while' loop with redirection and pipeline
diff --git a/Test/A05execution.ztst b/Test/A05execution.ztst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..202a4bb7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/A05execution.ztst
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+  storepath=($path)
+  mkdir command.tmp command.tmp/dir1 command.tmp/dir2
+  cd command.tmp
+  print '#!/bin/sh\necho This is top' >tstcmd
+  print '#!/bin/sh\necho This is dir1' >dir1/tstcmd
+  print '#!/bin/sh\necho This is dir2' >dir2/tstcmd
+  chmod 755 tstcmd dir1/tstcmd dir2/tstcmd
+  ./tstcmd
+0:./prog execution
+>This is top
+  path=($ZTST_testdir/command.tmp/dir1
+        $ZTST_testdir/command.tmp/dir2
+        .)
+  tstcmd
+  path=($storepath)
+0:path (1)
+>This is dir1
+  path=(. command.tmp/dir{1,2})
+  tstcmd
+  path=($storepath)
+0:path (2)
+>This is top
+  functst() { print $# arguments:; print -l $*; }
+  functst "Eines Morgens" "als Gregor Samsa"
+  functst ""
+  functst "aus unrühigen Träumen erwachte"
+  foo="fand er sich in seinem Bett"
+  bar=
+  rod="zu einem ungeheuren Ungeziefer verwandelt."
+  functst $foo $bar $rod
+# set up alias for next test
+  alias foo='print This is alias one'
+0:function argument passing
+>2 arguments:
+>Eines Morgens
+>als Gregor Samsa
+>1 arguments:
+>1 arguments:
+>aus unrühigen Träumen erwachte
+>2 arguments:
+>fand er sich in seinem Bett
+>zu einem ungeheuren Ungeziefer verwandelt.
+  alias foo='print This is alias two'
+  fn() { foo; }
+  fn
+0:Aliases in functions
+>This is alias one
+  foo='Global foo'
+  traptst() { local foo="Local foo"; trap 'print $foo' EXIT; }
+  traptst
+0:EXIT trap environment
+>Global foo
+  functst() { return 0; print Ha ha; return 1; }
+  functst
+0:return (1)
+  functst() { return 1; print Ho ho; return 0; }
+  functst
+1:return (2)
+  unfunction functst
+  fpath=(.)
+  print "print This is functst." >functst
+  autoload functst
+  functst
+0:autoloading (1)
+>This is functst.
+  unfunction functst
+  print "functst() { print This, too, is functst; }; print Hello." >functst
+  typeset -fu functst
+  functst
+  functst
+0:autoloading with initialization
+>This, too, is functst
+  unfunction functst
+  print "print Yet another version" >functst
+  functst() { autoload -X; }
+  functst
+0:autoloading via -X
+>Yet another version
+  chpwd() { print Changed to $PWD; }
+  cd .
+  unfunction chpwd
+>Changed to $ZTST_testdir/command.tmp
+# Hard to test periodic, precmd and preexec non-interactively.
+  fn() { TRAPEXIT() { print Exit; }; }
+  fn
+  unfunction fn
+  print 'TRAPDEBUG() {
+      print Line $LINENO
+    }
+    :
+    unfunction TRAPDEBUG
+  ' > fn
+  autoload fn
+  fn
+  rm fn
+>Line 1
+>Line 1
+  unfunction fn
+  print 'trap '\''print Line $LINENO'\'' DEBUG
+    :
+    trap - DEBUG
+  ' > fn
+  autoload fn
+  fn
+  rm fn
+0:trap DEBUG
+>Line 1
+>Line 2
+  TRAPZERR() { print Command failed; }
+  true
+  false
+  true
+  false
+  unfunction TRAPZERR
+>Command failed
+>Command failed
+  trap 'print Command failed again.' ZERR
+  true
+  false
+  true
+  false
+  trap - ZERR
+0:trap ZERR
+>Command failed again.
+>Command failed again.
diff --git a/Test/B02typeset.ztst b/Test/B02typeset.ztst
index 2dc015d31..da04a79e2 100644
--- a/Test/B02typeset.ztst
+++ b/Test/B02typeset.ztst
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
  declare +m
 1:Differences of declare and typeset
-?(eval):1: bad option: -m
+?ZTST_execchunk:2: bad option: -m
  print $outer
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 1:Readonly declaration
-?(eval):3: read-only variable: r
+?ZTST_execchunk:2: read-only variable: r
  typeset r=success
  readonly r
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 1:Convert to readonly
-?(eval):4: read-only variable: r
+?ZTST_execchunk:2: read-only variable: r
  typeset -gU array
  print $array
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
  typeset -T SCALAR array
  typeset +T SCALAR
 1:Untying is prohibited
-?(eval):typeset:2: use unset to remove tied variables
+?ZTST_execchunk:typeset:2: use unset to remove tied variables
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
  local array[2]=x
 1:Illegal local array element assignment
-?(eval):local:1: array[2]: can't create local array elements
+?ZTST_execchunk:local:2: array[2]: can't create local array elements
  local -a array
  typeset array[1]=a array[2]=b array[3]=c
diff --git a/Test/C02cond.ztst b/Test/C02cond.ztst
index b575e92be..b320634d5 100644
--- a/Test/C02cond.ztst
+++ b/Test/C02cond.ztst
@@ -85,7 +85,12 @@
 0dD:-p cond
-  [[ -r zerolength && ! -r unmodish ]]
+  if (( EUID == 0 )); then
+    print -u8 'Warning: Not testing [[ ! -r file ]] (root reads anything)'
+    [[ -r zerolength && -r unmodish ]]
+  else
+    [[ -r zerolength && ! -r unmodish ]]
+  fi
 0:-r cond
   [[ -s nonzerolength && ! -s zerolength ]]
diff --git a/Test/D04parameter.ztst b/Test/D04parameter.ztst
index 9506f56e4..7e70691f7 100644
--- a/Test/D04parameter.ztst
+++ b/Test/D04parameter.ztst
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
   mkdir parameter.tmp
   cd parameter.tmp
   touch boringfile evenmoreboringfile
diff --git a/Test/E01options.ztst b/Test/E01options.ztst
index ee58a5c8a..f93012020 100644
--- a/Test/E01options.ztst
+++ b/Test/E01options.ztst
@@ -82,8 +82,11 @@
   mkdir options.tmp && cd options.tmp
   mkdir tmpcd
   touch tmpfile1 tmpfile2
   mydirt=`print -P %~`
   catpath=$(which cat)
diff --git a/Test/E02xtrace.ztst b/Test/E02xtrace.ztst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09c8eb6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/E02xtrace.ztst
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Test that xtrace output is correctly generated
+  mkdir xtrace.tmp && cd xtrace.tmp
+  function xtf {
+    local regression_test_dummy_variable
+    print "$*"
+  }
+  echo 'print "$*"' > xt.in
+  set -x
+  print 'Tracing: builtin'
+  print 'Tracing: builtin 2>file' 2>xtrace.err
+  cat <<<'Tracing: external'
+  cat <<<'Tracing: external 2>file' 2>>xtrace.err
+  ( print 'Tracing: ( builtin )' )
+  ( print 'Tracing: ( builtin ) 2>file' ) 2>>xtrace.err
+  ( cat <<<'Tracing: ( external )' )
+  ( cat <<<'Tracing: ( external ) 2>file' ) 2>>xtrace.err
+  { print 'Tracing: { builtin }' }
+  { print 'Tracing: { builtin } 2>file' } 2>>xtrace.err
+  { cat <<<'Tracing: { external }' }
+  { cat <<<'Tracing: { external } 2>file' } 2>>xtrace.err
+  repeat 1 do print 'Tracing: do builtin done'; done
+  repeat 1 do print 'Tracing: do builtin done 2>file'; done 2>>xtrace.err
+  repeat 1 do cat <<<'Tracing: do external done'; done
+  repeat 1 do cat <<<'Tracing: do external done 2>file'; done 2>>xtrace.err
+  xtf 'Tracing: function'
+  xtf 'Tracing: function 2>file' 2>>xtrace.err
+  . ./xt.in 'Tracing: source'
+  . ./xt.in 'Tracing: source 2>file' 2>>xtrace.err
+  set +x
+  cat xtrace.err
+0:xtrace with and without redirection
+>Tracing: builtin
+>Tracing: builtin 2>file
+>Tracing: external
+>Tracing: external 2>file
+>Tracing: ( builtin )
+>Tracing: ( builtin ) 2>file
+>Tracing: ( external )
+>Tracing: ( external ) 2>file
+>Tracing: { builtin }
+>Tracing: { builtin } 2>file
+>Tracing: { external }
+>Tracing: { external } 2>file
+>Tracing: do builtin done
+>Tracing: do builtin done 2>file
+>Tracing: do external done
+>Tracing: do external done 2>file
+>Tracing: function
+>Tracing: function 2>file
+>Tracing: source
+>Tracing: source 2>file
+>+ZTST_execchunk:2> print Tracing: ( builtin ) 2>file
+>+ZTST_execchunk:2> cat
+>+ZTST_execchunk:2> print Tracing: { builtin } 2>file
+>+ZTST_execchunk:2> cat
+>+ZTST_execchunk:2> print Tracing: do builtin done 2>file
+>+ZTST_execchunk:2> cat
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> print Tracing: builtin
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> print Tracing: builtin 2>file
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> cat
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> cat
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> print Tracing: ( builtin )
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> cat
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> print Tracing: { builtin }
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> cat
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> print Tracing: do builtin done
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> cat
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> xtf Tracing: function
+?+xtf:0> local regression_test_dummy_variable
+?+xtf:0> print Tracing: function
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> xtf Tracing: function 2>file
+?+xtf:0> local regression_test_dummy_variable
+?+xtf:0> print Tracing: function 2>file
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> . ./xt.in Tracing: source
+?+./xt.in:1> print Tracing: source
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> . ./xt.in Tracing: source 2>file
+?+./xt.in:1> print Tracing: source 2>file
+?+ZTST_execchunk:2> set +x
+ typeset -ft xtf
+ xtf 'Tracing: function'
+>Tracing: function
+?+xtf:0> local regression_test_dummy_variable
+?+xtf:0> print Tracing: function
diff --git a/Test/Y01completion.ztst b/Test/Y01completion.ztst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..371cad247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/Y01completion.ztst
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Tests for completion system.
+  . $ZTST_srcdir/comptest
+  mkdir comp.tmp
+  cd comp.tmp
+  comptestinit -z $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh &&
+  {
+    mkdir dir1
+    mkdir dir2
+    touch file1
+    touch file2
+  }
+  comptest $': \t\t\t\t\t\t\t'
+0:directories and files
+>line: {: }{}
+>line: {: dir1/}{}
+>line: {: dir2/}{}
+>line: {: file1}{}
+>line: {: file2}{}
+>line: {: dir1/}{}
+>line: {: dir2/}{}
+  comptesteval '_users () { compadd user1 user2 }'
+  comptest $': ~\t\t\t\t\t'
+>line: {: ~user}{}
+>line: {: ~user}{}
+>line: {: ~user1}{}
+>line: {: ~user2}{}
+>line: {: ~user1}{}
+  comptest $'echo ;:\C-b\C-b\t'
+>line: {echo }{;:}
+  zmodload -ui zsh/zpty
diff --git a/Test/Y02compmatch.ztst b/Test/Y02compmatch.ztst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d4e0c0fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/Y02compmatch.ztst
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+# Tests for completion system matching control
+# Most tests follow this format:
+#	test_code $matcher_string selection_list
+#	comptest -c "$code" $' tst input_string'
+# test_code generates the string $codem which sets what words the completion
+# should be selecting from.  The comptest function actually performs the
+# completion test, using the completion function generated by test_code.
+# This test also tests error conditions that compadd reports, so output also
+# contains the compadd output.
+  . $ZTST_srcdir/comptest
+  mkdir match.tmp
+  cd match.tmp
+  comptestinit -z $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh &&
+  {
+    list1=(IndianRed IndianRed2 IndianRed3 IndianRed4)
+    test_code () {
+	matcher=$1;
+	list=$2;
+	code="compdef _tst tst ; _tst () { echo -n '<COMPADD>';compadd -M '"
+	code="$code$matcher"
+	code="$code'  - ${(P)list} ; echo  -n '</COMPADD>'"
+        code="$code; $extra_cmd"
+        code="$code; echo -n '<INSERT_POSITIONS>'"
+        code="$code; echo \$compstate[insert_positions]"
+        code="$code; echo -n '</INSERT_POSITIONS>'"
+        code="$code}"
+	comptesteval "$code"
+    }
+  }
+ test_code z: list1
+ comptest  $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "z:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: unknown match specification character `z'}
+ test_code m: list1
+ comptest  $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "m:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ test_code M: list1
+ comptest $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "M:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ test_code r: list1
+ comptest $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error "r:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ test_code R: list1
+ comptest $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error "R:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ test_code l: list1
+ comptest $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "l:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ test_code L: list1
+ comptest $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "L:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+ test_code 'm:{0-9' list1
+ comptest $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "m:{0-9"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: unterminated character class}
+ test_code 'm:{0-9}' list1
+ comptest $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "m:{0-9}"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing word pattern}
+ test_code 'm:{0-9}={' list1
+ comptest $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "m:{0-9}={"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: unterminated character class}
+ test_code 'm:{0-9}={0-' list1
+ comptest $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "m:{0-9}={0-"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: unterminated character class}
+ test_code 'm:{0-9}={-' list1
+ comptest $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error for "m:{0-9}={-"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: unterminated character class}
+ test_code r: list1
+ comptest $'tst \t'
+0:Match Error "r:"
+>line: {tst }{}
+>COMPADD:{_tst:compadd: missing patterns}
+  example1_list=(
+	kshoptionprint        shglob              
+	listambiguous         shinstdin           
+	listbeep              shnullcmd           
+	listpacked            shoptionletters     
+	listrowsfirst         shortloops          
+	listtypes             shwordsplit
+   )
+ options_matcher='L:|[nN][oO]= M:_= M:{A-Z}={a-z}'
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest $'tst nolistbee\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "nolistbee"
+>line: {tst nolistbeep }{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest $'tst list_bee\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "list_bee"
+>line: {tst list_beep }{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest $'tst ListBee\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "ListBee"
+>line: {tst ListBeep }{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest $'tst NOList\tB\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "NOList"
+>line: {tst NOList}{}
+>line: {tst NOListBeep }{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest $'tst NO_List\t__\tB\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "NO_List\t__\tB\t"
+>line: {tst NO_List}{}
+>line: {tst NO_List__}{}
+>line: {tst NO_List__Beep }{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest $'tst __\tN\t__o\t___\tlist_\tbeep__\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "__\tN\t__o\t___\tlist_\tbeep__\t" 
+>line: {tst __}{}
+>line: {tst __N}{}
+>line: {tst __N__o}{}
+>line: {tst __N__o___}{}
+>line: {tst __N__o___list_}{}
+>line: {tst __N__o___list_beep__}{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest $'tst __\tNo\t___\tlist_\tbeep__\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "__\tNo\t___\tlist_\tbeep__\t" 
+>line: {tst __}{}
+>line: {tst __No}{}
+>line: {tst __No___}{}
+>line: {tst __No___list_}{}
+>line: {tst __No___list_beep__}{}
+ test_code $options_matcher example1_list
+ comptest $'tst ___\tlist_\tbeep__\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "___\tlist_\tbeep__\t" 
+>line: {tst ___}{}
+>line: {tst ___list_}{}
+>line: {tst ___list_beep__ }{}
+ test_code 'B:[nN][oO]= M:_= M:{A-Z}={a-z}' example1_list
+ comptest $'tst __no_listbe\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "__no_listbe"
+>line: {tst __no_listbeep }{}
+ test_code 'B:[nN][oO]= M:_= M:{A-Z}={a-z}' example1_list
+ comptest $'tst nonono_listbe\t'
+0:Documentation example for options, input "nonono_listbe"
+>line: {tst nonono_listbeep }{}
+ lower_insensitive_M="M:{a-z}={A-Z}"
+ lower_insensitive_m="m:{a-z}={A-Z}"
+ example2_list=(ABC Abc abc)
+ test_code $lower_insensitive_M example2_list
+ comptest $'tst ab\tC\t'
+0:Documentation example for lowercase insenitive M, input "ab\tC\t"
+>line: {tst ab}{}
+>line: {tst abC }{}
+ test_code $lower_insensitive_m example2_list
+ comptest $'tst A\t\t'
+0:Documentation example for lowercase insenitive m, input "A\t\t" 
+>line: {tst A}{}
+>line: {tst ABC}{}
+ example3_list=(ABC Abc abc)
+ case_insensitive_M="M:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}"
+ case_insensitive_m="m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}"
+ test_code $case_insensitive_M example3_list
+ comptest $'tst aB\t\t'
+0:Documentation example for case insenitive M, input "aB\t\t"
+>line: {tst aB}{}
+>line: {tst aBC}{}
+ test_code $case_insensitive_m example3_list
+ comptest $'tst aB\t\t'
+0:Documentation example for case insenitive m, input "aB\t\t"
+>line: {tst a}{BC}
+>line: {tst a}{BC}
+  example4_matcher='r:|.=* r:|=*'
+  example4_list=(comp.sources.unix comp.sources.misc 
+  comp.graphics.algorithms comp.graphics.animation comp.graphics.api
+  comp.graphics.apps comp.graphics.misc comp.graphics.packages
+  comp.graphics.rendering comp.graphics.visualization comp.graphics.apps.alias
+  comp.graphics.apps.gimp comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot
+  comp.graphics.apps.lightwave comp.graphics.apps.pagemaker
+  comp.graphics.apps.paint-shop-pro comp.graphics.apps.photoshop
+  comp.graphics.apps.softimage comp.graphics.apps.ulead
+  comp.graphics.rendering.misc comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing
+  comp.graphics.rendering.renderman)
+ test_code $example4_matcher example4_list
+ comptest $'tst c.s.u\t'
+0:Documentation example using input c.s.u
+>line: {tst comp.sources.unix }{}
+ test_code $example4_matcher example4_list
+ comptest $'tst c.g.\ta\t.\tp\ta\tg\t'
+0:Documentation example using input c.g.\ta\t.\tp\ta\tg\t
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.}{}
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.a}{}
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.}{}
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.p}{}
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.pa}{}
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.pagemaker }{}
+ test_code $example4_matcher example4_list
+ comptest $'tst c...pag\t'
+0:Documentation example using input c...pag\t
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.pagemaker }{}
+ test_code $example4_matcher example4_list
+ comptest $'tst c...pa\tg\t'
+0:Documentation example using input c...pa\tg\t
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.pa}{}
+>line: {tst comp.graphics.apps.pagemaker }{}
+ example5_matcher='r:|[.,_-]=* r:|=*'
+ example5_list=(veryverylongfile.c veryverylongheader.h)
+ test_code $example5_matcher example5_list
+ comptest $'tst  v.c\tv.h\t'
+0:Documentation example using input v.c\t
+>line: {tst  veryverylongfile.c }{}
+>line: {tst  veryverylongfile.c veryverylongheader.h }{}
+ example6_list=(LikeTHIS FooHoo 5foo123 5bar234)
+ test_code 'r:|[A-Z0-9]=* r:|=*' example6_list
+ comptest $'tst H\t'
+0:Documentation example using "r:|[A-Z0-9]=* r:|=*", input H
+>line: {tst H}{}
+ test_code 'r:|[A-Z0-9]=* r:|=*' example6_list
+ comptest $'tst 2\t'
+0:Documentation example using "r:|[A-Z0-9]=* r:|=*", input 2
+>line: {tst 2}{}
+ test_code 'r:|[A-Z0-9]=** r:|=*' example6_list
+ comptest $'tst H\t'
+0:Documentation example using "r:|[A-Z0-9]=** r:|=*", input H
+>line: {tst H}{}
+ test_code 'r:|[A-Z0-9]=** r:|=*' example6_list
+ comptest $'tst 2\t\t'
+0:Documentation example using "r:|[A-Z0-9]=** r:|=*", input 2
+>line: {tst 5}{23}
+>line: {tst 5}{23}
+ example7_matcher="r:[^A-Z0-9]||[A-Z0-9]=** r:|=*"
+ example7_list=($example6_list)
+ test_code $example7_matcher example7_list
+ comptest $'tst H\t2\t'
+0:Documentation example using "r:[^A-Z0-9]||[A-Z0-9]=** r:|=*"
+>line: {tst FooHoo }{}
+>line: {tst FooHoo 5bar234 }{}
+ workers_7311_matcher="m:{a-z}={A-Z} r:|[.,_-]=* r:|=*"
+ workers_7311_list=(Abc-Def-Ghij.txt Abc-def.ghi.jkl_mno.pqr.txt Abc_def_ghi_jkl_mno_pqr.txt)
+ test_code $workers_7311_matcher workers_7311_list
+ comptest $'tst a-a\t'
+0:Bug from workers 7311
+>line: {tst a-a}{}
+ test_code $workers_7311_matcher workers_7311_list
+ comptest $'tst a\t\t-d.\t'
+0:Bug from workers_7311 
+>line: {tst Abc}{}
+>line: {tst Abc}{}
+>line: {tst Abc-def.ghi.jkl_mno.pqr.txt }{}
+ workers_10886_matcher="r:|[A-Z0-9]=* r:|=*"
+ workers_10886_list=(BW UWB W)
+ test_code $workers_10886_matcher workers_10886_list
+ comptest $'tst W\t'
+0:Bug from workers 10886
+>line: {tst W }{}
+ workers_11081_matcher='m:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z} r:|[.,_-]=* r:[^A-Z0-9]||[A-Z0-9]=* r:[A-Z0-9]||[^A-Z0-9]=* r:[^0-9]||[0-9]=* r:|=*'
+ workers_11081_list=(build.out build.out1 build.out2)
+ test_code $workers_11081_matcher workers_11081_list
+ comptest $'tst bui\t\t\t'
+0:Bug from workers 11081
+>line: {tst build.out}{}
+>line: {tst build.out}{}
+>line: {tst build.out}{}
+ workers_11388_matcher='r:|[:.]=* r:|=*'
+ workers_11388_list=(a.b:0 c.d:1)
+ test_code $workers_11388_matcher workers_11388_list
+ comptest $'tst :\t'
+0:Non-bug from workers 11388
+>line: {tst :}{}
+ workers_11388_matcher='r:|[:.]=** r:|=*'
+ workers_11388_list=(a.b:0 c.d:1)
+ test_code $workers_11388_matcher workers_11388_list
+ comptest $'tst :\t'
+0:Non-bug from workers 11388
+>line: {tst .:}{}
+ workers_11586_matcher='r:|.=** r:[^0-9]||[0-9]=**'
+ workers_11586_list=(c00.abc c01.abc.def.00.0)
+ test_code $workers_11586_matcher workers_11586_list
+ comptest $'tst c00\t.\ta\t'
+0:Bug from workers 11586
+>line: {tst c00}{}
+>line: {tst c00.}{}
+>line: {tst c00.abc }{}
+ workers_12995a_matcher='r:|/=* r:|=*'
+ workers_12995a_list=(u1 u1/q1 u1/q1/e1 u2 u2/q1 u2/q1/e2 u2/q1/e2/a1 u2/q1/e2/a2 u3 u3/q1 u4 u4/q u4/q/a1 u4/q/a2)
+ test_code $workers_12995a_matcher workers_12995a_list
+ comptest $'tst u/q/a\t'
+0:First test from workers 12995
+>line: {tst u4/q/a}{}
+ workers_12995b_matcher='m:{a-z}={A-Z} r:|/=* r:|=*'
+ workers_12995b_list=(../Completion/Core ../Completion/Commands)
+ test_code $workers_12995b_matcher workers_12995b_list 
+ comptest $'tst ../com/cor\002\002\002\002\002\002\002\t'
+0:Second test from workers 12995
+>line: {tst ../Completion/Core }{}
+ workers_13320_matcher='r:|[.,_-]=** r:[^0-9]||[0-9]=**'
+ workers_13320_list=(glibc-2.1.94-3.i386.rpm glibc-devel-2.1.94-3.i386.rpm)
+ workers_13320_list=($workers_13320_list  glibc-profile-2.1.94-3.i386.rpm)
+ test_code $workers_13320_matcher workers_13320_list
+ comptest $'tst glibc-2.1\t'
+0:Test from workers 13320
+>line: {tst glibc}{-2.1.94-3.i386.rpm}
+ test_code $workers_13320_matcher workers_13320_list
+ comptest $'tst g-2\t'
+0:Test from workers 13320
+>line: {tst glibc}{-2.1.94-3.i386.rpm}
+ workers_13345a_matcher='r:|[.,_-]=**'
+ workers_13345a_list=(A.B.C A.B.C.D A.C)
+ test_code $workers_13345a_matcher workers_13345a_list
+ comptest $'tst A.C\t'
+0:First test from workers 13345
+>line: {tst A.C}{}
+ workers_13345b_matcher='r:|[.,_-]=** r:[^0-9]||[0-9]=**'
+ workers_13345b_list=(a-b_1_2_2  a-b_2_0.gz a-b_2_0.zip)
+ test_code $workers_13345b_matcher workers_13345b_list
+ comptest $'tst a-b_2\t'
+0:Second test from workers 13345
+>line: {tst a-b_2_}{}
+ workers_13382_matcher='r:|.=**'
+ workers_13382_list=(a.b.c  a.b.c.d  aA.bB.cB.dA  aA.bB.cC.dD  aD.bC.cB.dA aA.bC.cB.dA)
+ test_code $workers_13382_matcher workers_13382_list
+ comptest $'tst a...\tA\tC\t'
+0:Test for insert positions
+>line: {tst a.b.c.d}{}
+>line: {tst a.b}{.cB.dA}
+>line: {tst a}{.bC.cB.dA}
+  zmodload -ui zsh/zpty
diff --git a/Test/Y03arguments.ztst b/Test/Y03arguments.ztst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ffa11577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/Y03arguments.ztst
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# Tests for _arguments.
+  . $ZTST_srcdir/comptest
+  mkdir comp.tmp
+  cd comp.tmp
+  comptestinit -z $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh &&
+  {
+    comptesteval 'compdef _tst tst'
+    tst_arguments () { comptesteval "_tst () { _arguments ${${(@qq)*}} }" }
+  }
+ tst_arguments ':desc1:(arg1)'
+ comptest $'tst \t\C-wa\t\C-war\t\C-warg\t\C-warg1\t\C-wr\t\C-wx\t \ty \t'
+0:one non-option argument
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+>line: {tst r}{}
+>line: {tst x}{}
+>line: {tst x }{}
+>MESSAGE:{no more arguments}
+>line: {tst x y }{}
+>MESSAGE:{no more arguments}
+ tst_arguments ':desc1:(a b)'
+ comptest $'tst \t'
+0:a and b
+>line: {tst }{}
+ tst_arguments ':desc1:(arg1)' ':desc2:(arg2)' ':desc3:(arg3)'
+ comptest $'tst \t\t\t\C-w\C-w\C-w\C-d'
+0:three arguments
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+>line: {tst arg1 arg2 }{}
+>line: {tst arg1 arg2 arg3 }{}
+ tst_arguments '1:desc1:(arg1)'
+ comptest $'tst \t\t'
+0:first argument
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+>MESSAGE:{no more arguments}
+ tst_arguments '-\+[opt]'
+ comptest $'tst -\C-d'
+>NO:{-+ -- opt}
+ tst_arguments -+o
+ comptest $'tst -\t\t\t\C-w\C-w+\t\t\t'
+0:option beginning with + and -.
+>line: {tst -o }{}
+>line: {tst -o +o }{}
+>line: {tst -o +o }{}
+>MESSAGE:{no arguments}
+>line: {tst +o }{}
+>line: {tst +o -o }{}
+>line: {tst +o -o }{}
+>MESSAGE:{no arguments}
+ tst_arguments '-o:1:(a):2:(b)'
+ comptest $'tst \t\t\t'
+0:two option arguments
+>line: {tst -o }{}
+>line: {tst -o a }{}
+>line: {tst -o a b }{}
+ tst_arguments '-x:arg:'
+ comptest $'tst -x\t'
+0:sticky option argument
+>line: {tst -x }{}
+ tst_arguments '-x[desc]'
+ comptest $'tst -x\t'
+0:end of option sequence
+>line: {tst -x }{}
+ tst_arguments '-x' ':arg:'
+ comptest $'tst -\t'
+0:argument beginning with minus
+>line: {tst -}{}
+ tst_arguments '-o::optarg:(oa)' ':arg1:(a1)'
+ comptest $'tst -o\t\t'
+0:optional option argument
+>line: {tst -o }{}
+>line: {tst -o }{}
+ tst_arguments '-o:*a:a:(a)' ':A:(A)' ':B:(B)'
+ comptest $'tst A -o a \t'
+0:variable length option arguments
+>line: {tst A -o a B }{}
+ tst_arguments -s '-a' '-b' ':descr:{compadd - $+opt_args[-a]}'
+ comptest $'tst -ab \t'
+>line: {tst -ab 1 }{}
+ tst_arguments '-a' '*::rest:{compadd - -b}'
+ comptest $'tst arg -\t'
+0:rest arguments
+>line: {tst arg -b }{}
+ tst_arguments '-e:*last:::b:{compadd "${(j:,:)words}"}' ':arg1:(arg1)'
+ comptest $'tst -\t\tla\t\C-hst\t\t\eb\eb\C-b\t\t'
+0:words array in rest arguments
+>line: {tst -e }{}
+>line: {tst -e  }{}
+>line: {tst -e  la }{}
+>line: {tst -e  last }{}
+>line: {tst -e  last arg1 }{}
+>line: {tst -e ,last }{ last arg1}
+>line: {tst -e ,last ,last,,last }{ last arg1}
+ tst_arguments -s '-d+:msg1:' '*::msg2:{compadd $CURRENT}' 
+ comptest $'tst add \t\t\t'
+>line: {tst add 2 }{}
+>line: {tst add 2 3 }{}
+>line: {tst add 2 3 4 }{}
+ tst_arguments -s '-a' '-b' '-c' ':words:compadd - abyyy abzzz' 
+ comptest $'tst ab\t'
+0:options and words (zsh-workers:12257)
+>line: {tst ab}{}
+  zmodload -ui zsh/zpty