summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/Functions
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Functions')
18 files changed, 572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Functions/Misc/colors b/Functions/Misc/colors
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ce2326e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Misc/colors
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Put standard ANSI color codes in environment for easy use
+reset_color="$(echo -n '\e[0m')"
+bold_color="$(echo -n '\e[1m')"
+# Foreground
+fg_grey="$(echo -n '\e[30m')"
+fg_red="$(echo -n '\e[31m')"
+fg_green="$(echo -n '\e[32m')"
+fg_yellow="$(echo -n '\e[33m')"
+fg_blue="$(echo -n '\e[34m')"
+fg_magenta="$(echo -n '\e[35m')"
+fg_cyan="$(echo -n '\e[36m')"
+fg_white="$(echo -n '\e[37m')"
+fg_no_bold_grey="$(echo -n '\e[0;30m')"
+fg_no_bold_red="$(echo -n '\e[0;31m')"
+fg_no_bold_green="$(echo -n '\e[0;32m')"
+fg_no_bold_yellow="$(echo -n '\e[0;33m')"
+fg_no_bold_blue="$(echo -n '\e[0;34m')"
+fg_no_bold_magenta="$(echo -n '\e[0;35m')"
+fg_no_bold_cyan="$(echo -n '\e[0;36m')"
+fg_no_bold_white="$(echo -n '\e[0;37m')"
+fg_bold_grey="$(echo -n '\e[1;30m')"
+fg_bold_red="$(echo -n '\e[1;31m')"
+fg_bold_green="$(echo -n '\e[1;32m')"
+fg_bold_yellow="$(echo -n '\e[1;33m')"
+fg_bold_blue="$(echo -n '\e[1;34m')"
+fg_bold_magenta="$(echo -n '\e[1;35m')"
+fg_bold_cyan="$(echo -n '\e[1;36m')"
+fg_bold_white="$(echo -n '\e[1;37m')"
+# Background
+bg_grey="$(echo -n '\e[40m')"
+bg_red="$(echo -n '\e[41m')"
+bg_green="$(echo -n '\e[42m')"
+bg_yellow="$(echo -n '\e[43m')"
+bg_blue="$(echo -n '\e[44m')"
+bg_magenta="$(echo -n '\e[45m')"
+bg_cyan="$(echo -n '\e[46m')"
+bg_white="$(echo -n '\e[47m')"
+bg_no_bold_grey="$(echo -n '\e[0;40m')"
+bg_no_bold_red="$(echo -n '\e[0;41m')"
+bg_no_bold_green="$(echo -n '\e[0;42m')"
+bg_no_bold_yellow="$(echo -n '\e[0;43m')"
+bg_no_bold_blue="$(echo -n '\e[0;44m')"
+bg_no_bold_magenta="$(echo -n '\e[0;45m')"
+bg_no_bold_cyan="$(echo -n '\e[0;46m')"
+bg_no_bold_white="$(echo -n '\e[0;47m')"
+bg_bold_grey="$(echo -n '\e[1;40m')"
+bg_bold_red="$(echo -n '\e[1;41m')"
+bg_bold_green="$(echo -n '\e[1;42m')"
+bg_bold_yellow="$(echo -n '\e[1;43m')"
+bg_bold_blue="$(echo -n '\e[1;44m')"
+bg_bold_magenta="$(echo -n '\e[1;45m')"
+bg_bold_cyan="$(echo -n '\e[1;46m')"
+bg_bold_white="$(echo -n '\e[1;47m')"
+# Stop these screwing the environment listing up
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_adam1_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_adam1_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65d1b68c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_adam1_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# adam1 prompt theme
+prompt_adam1_setup () {
+  base_prompt="%{$bg_no_bold_blue%}%n@%m%{$reset_color%} "
+  post_prompt="%{$reset_color%}"
+  base_prompt_no_color=$(echo "$base_prompt" | perl -pe "s/%{.*?%}//g")
+  post_prompt_no_color=$(echo "$post_prompt" | perl -pe "s/%{.*?%}//g")
+  precmd  () { prompt_adam1_precmd }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_adam1_precmd () {
+  setopt noxtrace localoptions
+  local base_prompt_expanded_no_color base_prompt_etc
+  local prompt_length space_left
+  base_prompt_expanded_no_color=$(print -P "$base_prompt_no_color")
+  base_prompt_etc=$(print -P "$base_prompt%(4~|...|)%3~")
+  prompt_length=${#base_prompt_etc}
+  if [[ $prompt_length -lt 40 ]]; then
+    path_prompt="%{$fg_bold_cyan%}%(4~|...|)%3~%{$fg_bold_white%}"
+  else
+    space_left=$(( $COLUMNS - $#base_prompt_expanded_no_color - 2 ))
+    path_prompt="%{$fg_bold_green%}%${space_left}<...<%~$prompt_newline%{$fg_bold_white%}"
+  fi
+  PS1="$base_prompt$path_prompt %# $post_prompt"
+  PS2="$base_prompt$path_prompt %_> $post_prompt"
+  PS3="$base_prompt$path_prompt ?# $post_prompt"
+prompt_adam1_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_adam2_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_adam2_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34e504c03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_adam2_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# adam2 prompt theme
+prompt_adam2_help () {
+  cat <<'EOF'
+This prompt is color-theme-able.  You can invoke it thus:
+  prompt adam2 [ simple ] <color1> <color2> <color3>
+where the colors are for the hyphens, current directory, and user@host
+bits respectively.
+And you probably thought adam1 was overkill.  If you've ever seen a
+more complex prompt in your whole life, please e-mail it to me at
+<>; I'd love to know that I'm not the saddest person
+on the planet.
+prompt_adam2_setup () {
+  # Some can't be local
+  local prompt_gfx_tlc prompt_gfx_mlc prompt_gfx_blc prompt_gfx_bbox 
+  if [[ $1 == 'plain' ]]; then
+    shift
+    prompt_gfx_tlc='.'
+    prompt_gfx_mlc='|'
+    prompt_gfx_blc='\`'
+    prompt_gfx_hyphen='-'
+  else
+    prompt_gfx_tlc=$(echo "\xda")
+    prompt_gfx_mlc=$(echo "\xc3")
+    prompt_gfx_blc=$(echo "\xc0")
+    prompt_gfx_hyphen=$(echo "\xc4")
+  fi
+  # Colour scheme
+  prompt_scheme_color1=${1:-'cyan'}    # hyphens
+  prompt_scheme_color2=${2:-'green'}   # current directory
+  prompt_scheme_color3=${3:-'cyan'}    # user@host
+  local num
+  for num in 1 2 3; do
+    # Grok this!
+    eval "prompt_color$num="'${(P)$(echo "fg_no_bold_$prompt_scheme_color'"$num\")}"
+    eval "prompt_bold_color$num="'${(P)$(echo "fg_bold_$prompt_scheme_color'"$num\")}"
+  done
+  prompt_gfx_tbox=$(echo "%{$prompt_bold_color1%}${prompt_gfx_tlc}%{$prompt_color1%}${prompt_gfx_hyphen}")
+  prompt_gfx_bbox=$(echo "%{$prompt_bold_color1%}${prompt_gfx_blc}${prompt_gfx_hyphen}%{$prompt_color1%}")
+  # This is a cute hack.  Well I like it, anyway.
+  prompt_gfx_bbox_to_mbox=$(echo "%{\e[A\r$prompt_bold_color1${prompt_gfx_mlc}$prompt_color1${prompt_gfx_hyphen}\e[B%}")
+  prompt_l_paren=$(echo "%{$fg_bold_grey%}(")
+  prompt_r_paren=$(echo "%{$fg_bold_grey%})")
+  prompt_l_bracket=$(echo "%{$fg_bold_grey%}[")
+  prompt_r_bracket=$(echo "%{$fg_bold_grey%}]")
+  prompt_machine=$(echo "%{$prompt_color3%}%n%{$prompt_bold_color3%}@%{$prompt_color3%}%m")
+  prompt_padding_text=`perl -e "print qq{${prompt_gfx_hyphen}} x 200"`
+  prompt_line_1a="$prompt_gfx_tbox$prompt_l_paren%{$prompt_bold_color2%}%~$prompt_r_paren%{$prompt_color1%}"
+  prompt_line_1a_no_color=$(echo "$prompt_line_1a" | perl -pe "s/%{.*?%}//g")
+  prompt_line_1b=$(echo "$prompt_l_paren$prompt_machine$prompt_r_paren%{$prompt_color1%}${prompt_gfx_hyphen}")
+  prompt_line_1b_no_color=$(echo "$prompt_line_1b" | perl -pe "s/%{.*?%}//g")
+  prompt_line_2="$prompt_gfx_bbox${prompt_gfx_hyphen}%{$fg_bold_white%}"
+  prompt_char="%(!.#.>)"
+  precmd () { prompt_adam2_precmd }
+  preexec () { prompt_adam2_preexec }
+prompt_adam2_precmd () {
+  setopt noxtrace localoptions
+  local prompt_line_1a_no_color_expanded prompt_line_2a_no_color_expanded
+  local prompt_padding_size prompt_padding prompt_line_1 pre_prompt
+  local prompt_pwd_size
+  prompt_line_1a_no_color_expanded=$(print -P "$prompt_line_1a_no_color")
+  prompt_line_1b_no_color_expanded=$(print -P "$prompt_line_1b_no_color")
+  prompt_padding_size=$(( $COLUMNS
+                            - $#prompt_line_1a_no_color_expanded 
+                            - $#prompt_line_1b_no_color_expanded ))
+  if [[ $prompt_padding_size -ge 0 ]]; then
+    prompt_padding=$(printf "%$prompt_padding_size.${prompt_padding_size}s" "$prompt_padding_text")
+    prompt_line_1="$prompt_line_1a$prompt_padding$prompt_line_1b"
+  else
+    prompt_padding_size=$(( $COLUMNS
+                              - $#prompt_line_1a_no_color_expanded ))
+    if [[ $prompt_padding_size -ge 0 ]]; then
+      prompt_padding=$(printf "%$prompt_padding_size.${prompt_padding_size}s" "$prompt_padding_text")
+      prompt_line_1="$prompt_line_1a$prompt_padding"
+    else
+      prompt_pwd_size=$(( $COLUMNS - 5 ))
+      prompt_line_1="$prompt_gfx_tbox$prompt_l_paren%{$prompt_bold_color2%}%$prompt_pwd_size<...<%~%<<$prompt_r_paren%{$prompt_color1$prompt_gfx_hyphen%}"
+    fi
+  fi
+  pre_prompt="$prompt_line_1$prompt_newline$prompt_line_2"
+  PS1="$pre_prompt%{$fg_bold_white%}$prompt_char "
+  PS2="$prompt_line_2%{$prompt_gfx_bbox_to_mbox$fg_bold_white%}%_> "
+  PS3="$prompt_line_2%{$prompt_gfx_bbox_to_mbox$fg_bold_white%}?# "
+prompt_adam2_preexec () {
+  print -n "$fg_no_bold_white"
+prompt_adam2_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_blue_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_blue_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14c12b0fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_blue_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+for code in 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260; do
+  local varname=char_$code
+  : ${(P)varname=$(echo -n "\\0$code")}
+# Blue
+# Created by BadlandZ in v.0.4b
+# Adapted by jf
+# Changed By Spidey 08/06 Adding Ending brackets %}
+prompt_blue_setup () {
+  PS1="%{$fg_blue$bg_blue$bold_color%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_blue$bold_color%}%n@%m%{$reset_color%}\
+  %{$fg_blue$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_grey$bold_color%} \
+  %D{%a %b %d} %D{%I:%M:%S%P} $prompt_newline%{$fg_blue$bg_grey$bold_color%}%~/%{$reset_color%} "
+    PS2="%{$fg_blue$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$reset_color%}>"
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_blue_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_combo_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_combo_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9a44ba1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_combo_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+for code in 333 262 261 260 260 261 262 333 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260 260 261 262 333 333 262 261 260; do
+  local varname=char_$code
+  : ${(P)varname=$(echo -n "\\0$code")}
+# Created by James Manning <>
+# Changed by Spidey 08/06
+prompt_combo_setup () {
+  PS1="%{$bold_color$fg_blue$bold_color%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$bold_color$fg_white$bg_blue%}%n@%m%{$reset_color$fg_blue$bg_grey%}$char_260$char_261$char_262$char_333%{$reset_color$fg_blue$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$bold_color$fg_white$bg_grey%} %D{%a %b %d} %D{%I:%M:%S%P}$prompt_newline%{$bold_color$fg_yellow$bg_grey%}$PWD>%{$reset_color%} "
+  PS2="%{$bold_color$fg_blue$bold_color%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$reset_color$fg_blue$bg_grey%}$char_260$char_261$char_262$char_333%{$reset_color$fg_blue$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$bold_color$bold_color$fg_blue%}>%{$reset_color%} "
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_combo_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_cyan_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_cyan_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32e790f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_cyan_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+for code in 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260; do
+  local varname=char_$code
+  : ${(P)varname=$(echo -n "\\0$code")}
+# Created by Jim Foltz <>
+# Changed by Spidey 08/06
+prompt_cyan_setup () {
+  PS1="%{$fg_cyan$bg_cyan$bold_color%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_cyan$bold_color%}%n@%m%{$reset_color$fg_cyan$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_grey$bold_color%} %D{%a %b %d} %D{%I:%M:%S%P} $prompt_newline%{$fg_cyan$bg_grey$bold_color%}%~/%{$reset_color%} "
+  PS2="%{$fg_cyan$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$reset_color%}>"
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_cyan_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_elite2_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_elite2_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6bb0b076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_elite2_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+# Created by icetrey <>
+# Added by Spidey 08/06
+prompt_elite2_setup () {
+  local GRAD1=`tty|cut -d/ -f3`
+  local COLOR1="%{$reset_color$fg_cyan%}"
+  local COLOR2="%{$bold_color$fg_cyan%}"
+  local COLOR3="%{$bold_color$fg_grey%}"
+  local COLOR4="%{$reset_color%}"
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_elite2_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_elite_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_elite_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5b43fc84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_elite_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+for code in 332 304 304 371 371 371 372 300 304 304 371 372; do
+  local varname=char_$code
+  : ${(P)varname=$(echo -n "\\0$code")}
+# Created by KrON from windowmaker on IRC
+# Changed by Spidey 08/06
+prompt_elite_setup () {
+  PS1="%{$fg_red%}$char_332$char_304%{$fg_blue%}(%{$fg_red%}%n%{$fg_blue%}@%{$fg_red%}%m%{$fg_blue%})%{$fg_red%}-%{$fg_blue%}(%{$fg_red%}%D{%I:%M%P}%{$fg_blue%}-:-%{$fg_red%}%D{%m}%{$fg_blue$fg_red%}/%D{%d}%{$fg_blue%})%{$fg_red%}$char_304-%{$fg_blue]%}$char_371%{$fg_red%}-$char_371$char_371%{$fg_blue%}$char_372$prompt_newline%{$fg_red%}$char_300$char_304%{$fg_blue%}(%{$fg_red%}%1~%{$fg_blue%})%{$fg_red%}$char_304$char_371%{$fg_blue%}$char_372%{$reset_color%}"
+  PS2="> "
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_elite_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_fire_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_fire_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd26dd10a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_fire_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+for code in 333 262 261 260 260 261 262 333; do
+  local varname=char_$code
+  : ${(P)varname=$(echo -n "\\0$code")}
+# Inspired by Raster (Carsten Haitzler of Red Hat Advanced Development Labs)
+# Created by BadlandZ
+# Changed by Spidey 08/06
+prompt_fire_setup () {
+  local GRAD1='%{$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%}'
+  local GRAD2='%{$char_260$char_261$char_262$char_333%}'
+  local COLOR1='%{$bold_color$fg_yellow$bg_yellow%}'
+  local COLOR2='%{$bold_color$fg_white$bg_yellow%}'
+  local COLOR3='%{$reset_color$fg_red$bg_yellow%}'
+  local COLOR4='%{$reset_color$fg_red$bg_grey%}'
+  local COLOR5='%{$bold_color$fg_yellow$bg_grey%}'
+  local COLOR6='%{$bold_color$fg_white$bg_grey%}'
+  local GRAD0='%{$reset_color%}'
+    PS1=$COLOR1$GRAD1$COLOR2'%n@%m'$COLOR3$GRAD2$COLOR4$GRAD1$COLOR6' %D{%a %b %d} %D{%I:%M:%S%P} '$NONE'$prompt_newline'$COLOR5'%~/'$GRAD0' '
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_fire_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_green_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_green_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b08d5d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_green_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+for code in 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260; do
+  local varname=char_$code
+  : ${(P)varname=$(echo -n "\\0$code")}
+# Created by Jim Foltz <>
+# Changed by Spidey 08/06
+prompt_green_setup () {
+  PS1="%{$fg_green$bg_green$bold_color%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_green$bold_color%}%n@%m%{$reset_color$fg_green$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_grey$bold_color%} %D{%a %b %d} %D{%I:%M:%S%P} $prompt_newline%{$fg_green$bg_grey$bold_color%}%~/%{$reset_color%} "
+  PS2="%{$fg_green$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$reset_color%}>"
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_green_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_magenta_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_magenta_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bc256267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_magenta_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+for code in 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260; do
+  local varname=char_$code
+  : ${(P)varname=$(echo -n "\\0$code")}
+# Created by Jim Foltz <>
+# Changed by Spidey 08/06
+prompt_magenta_setup () {
+  PS1="%{$fg_magenta$bg_magenta$bold_color%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_magenta$bold_color%}%n@%m%{$reset_color$fg_magenta$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_grey$bold_color%} %D{%a %b %d} %D{%I:%M:%S%P} $prompt_newline%{$fg_magenta$bg_grey$bold_color%}%~/%{$reset_color%} "
+  PS2="%{$fg_magenta$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$reset_color%}>"
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_magenta_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_off_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_off_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..318060e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_off_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+# Very simple prompt
+prompt_off_setup () {
+  PS1="%# "
+  PS2="> "
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_off_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_red_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_red_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e10d43bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_red_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+for code in 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260; do
+  local varname=char_$code
+  : ${(P)varname=$(echo -n "\\0$code")}
+# Created by Jim Foltz <>
+# Changed by Spidey 08/06
+prompt_red_setup () {
+  PS1="%{$fg_red$bg_red$bold_color%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_red$bold_color%}%n@%m%{$reset_color$fg_red$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_grey$bold_color%} %D{%a %b %d} %D{%I:%M:%S%P}$prompt_newline%{$fg_red$bg_grey$bold_color%}%~/%{$reset_color%} "
+  PS2="%{$fg_red$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$reset_color%}>"
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_red_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_redhat_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_redhat_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2605545fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_redhat_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+# Red Hat Default Prompt
+# Styled like the default prompt in Red Hat 5.1
+prompt_redhat_setup () {
+  PS1="[%n@%m %1~]\\$ "
+  PS2="> "
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_redhat_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_suse_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_suse_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8bb9ac38f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_suse_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+# SuSE Default Prompt
+# Styled like the default prompt in SuSE 5.2
+prompt_suse_setup () {
+  PS1="%n@%m:%~/ > "
+  PS2="> "
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_suse_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_white_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_white_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a8184b9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_white_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+for code in 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260; do
+  local varname=char_$code
+  : ${(P)varname=$(echo -n "\\0$code")}
+# Created by Jim Foltz <>
+# Changed by Spidey 08/06
+prompt_white_setup () {
+  PS1="%{$fg_white$bg_white$bold_color%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_white$bold_color%}%n@%m%{$reset_color$fg_white$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_grey$bold_color%} %D{%a %b %d} %D{%I:%M:%S%P} $prompt_newline%{$fg_white$bg_grey$bold_color%}%~/%{$reset_color%} "
+  PS2="%{$fg_white$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$reset_color%}>"
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_white_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/prompt_yellow_setup b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_yellow_setup
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31a8ac1b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/prompt_yellow_setup
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Converted to zsh prompt theme by bash2zshprompt, written by <>
+for code in 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260 333 262 261 260; do
+  local varname=char_$code
+  : ${(P)varname=$(echo -n "\\0$code")}
+# Created by Jim Foltz <>
+# Changed by Spidey 08/06
+prompt_yellow_setup () {
+  PS1="%{$fg_yellow$bg_yellow$bold_color%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_yellow$bold_color%}%n@%m%{$reset_color$fg_yellow$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$fg_white$bg_grey$bold_color%} %D{%a %b %d} %D{%I:%M:%S%P}$prompt_newline%{$fg_yellow$bg_grey$bold_color%}%~/%{$reset_color%} "
+  PS2="%{$fg_yellow$bg_grey%}$char_333$char_262$char_261$char_260%{$reset_color%}>"
+  precmd () { }
+  preexec () { }
+prompt_yellow_setup "$@"
diff --git a/Functions/Prompts/promptinit b/Functions/Prompts/promptinit
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2cf2a4674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Prompts/promptinit
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# zsh prompt themes extension
+# Load with `autoload -U promptinit; promptinit'.
+typeset -gU prompt_themes
+typeset -g prompt_theme
+promptinit () {
+  emulate -L zsh
+  local ppath='' name
+  # Autoload all prompt_*_setup functions in fpath
+  for theme in $fpath/prompt_*_setup(N); do
+    if [[ $theme == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]; then
+      name="$match[1]"
+      if [[ -r "$theme" ]]; then
+        prompt_themes=($name $prompt_themes)
+        autoload -U prompt_${name}_setup
+      else
+        print "Couldn't find theme $theme" 
+      fi
+    else
+      print "eh?"
+    fi
+  done
+  # Color definitions come in handy
+  autoload -U colors
+  colors
+  # Variables common to all prompt styles
+  prompt_newline=$(echo -ne "\n%{\r%}")
+prompt () {
+  local opt preview theme usage old_theme
+  usage='Usage: prompt <options>
+    -l              List currently available prompt themes
+    -p [<themes>]   Preview given themes (defaults to all)
+    -h [<theme>]    Display help (for given theme)
+    -s <theme>      Set and save theme
+    <theme>         Switch to new theme immediately (changes not saved)'
+  getopts "hlps" opt
+  case "$opt" in
+    h) if [[ -n "$2" && -n $prompt_themes[(r)$2] ]]; then
+         if functions prompt_$2_help >/dev/null; then
+	   print "Help for $2 theme:\n"
+           prompt_$2_help
+         else
+           print "No help available for $2 theme"
+         fi
+       else
+         print "$usage"
+       fi
+       ;;
+    l) print Currently available prompt themes:
+       print $prompt_themes
+       return
+       ;;
+    p) if (( ! $+prompt_theme )); then
+         print "Cannot preview; current prompt is non-themeable and would"
+	 print "be destroyed."
+	 return
+       fi
+       preview=( $prompt_themes )
+       [[ -n "$2" && -n $prompt_themes[(r)$2] ]] && preview=( $*[2,-1] )
+       for theme in $preview; do
+         [[ $theme == $prompt_theme[1] ]] && continue
+         print "\nTheme: $theme"
+         prompt_${theme}_setup
+	 precmd
+	 print -n -P "${PS1}"
+	 preexec
+	 print "command arg1 arg2 ... argn"
+       done
+       print
+       prompt_${prompt_theme}_setup
+       ;;
+    s) print "Set and save not yet implemented.  Please ensure your ~/.zshrc"
+       print "contains something similar to the following:\n"
+       print "  autoload -U promptinit"
+       print "  promptinit"
+       print "  prompt $*[2,-1]"
+       ;;
+    *) if [[ -z "$1" || -z $prompt_themes[(r)$1] ]]; then
+         print "$usage"
+         return
+       fi
+       prompt_$1_setup "$*[2,-1]"
+       prompt_theme=( $* )
+       # Avoid screwing up the environment listing
+       PSZZZZ=$reset_color
+       RPSZZZZ=$reset_color
+       PROMPTZZZZ=$reset_color
+       RPROMPTZZZZ=$reset_color
+       promptzzzz=$reset_color
+       ;;
+  esac
+promptinit "$@"