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path: root/Completion
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/Builtins/_zle b/Completion/Builtins/_zle
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d707a22c..000000000
--- a/Completion/Builtins/_zle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#compdef zle
-local expl ret=1 st
-local -a opts compwids state
-	  complete-word
-	  delete-char-or-list
-	  expand-or-complete
-	  expand-or-complete-prefix
-	  list-choices
-	  menu-complete
-	  menu-expand-or-complete
-	  reverse-menu-complete)
-opts=(-A -C -D -L -M -N -R -U -a -c -l \* :)
-_arguments -s -S \
-    "($opts)-A[define widget alias]:old widget:->widget :new widget:->widget" \
-    "($opts)-C[define completion widget]:new widget name:->comp-widget :completion widget:->builtin-comp-widget :widget shell function:->function" \
-    "($opts)-D[delete widget]:*:widget:->widget" \
-    "(${opts#-l})-L+[with -l, list as commands]:*:-:->listing" \
-    "(${opts#-[La]})-l+[list user-defined widgets]:*:-:->listing" \
-    "(${opts#-l})-a+[with -l, list all widgets]:*:-:->listing" \
-    "($opts)-M[display message]:message: " \
-    "($opts)-N[define new widget]:widget name:->widget-or-function ::widget shell function:->function" \
-    "(${opts#-c})-R+[redisplay]:*:-:->redisplay" \
-    "(${opts#-R})-c+[with -R, clear listing]:*:-:->redisplay" \
-    "($opts)-U[unget to input stack]:string: " \
-    '(-)::widget name:->call'
-[[ $state == listing ]] &&
-  _arguments -s -S \
-    "-l[list user-defined widgets]" \
-    "(-a)-L[list as commands]" \
-    "(-L)-a[list all widgets]" \
-    '(-)*:widget name:->widget'
-for st in $state; do
-  case $st in
-    (call)
-      if ((CURRENT > 2)); then
-	_arguments \
-          '(-N)-n[numeric prefix]:number: ' \
-	  '(-n)-N[reset numeric prefix]' \
-	  ':widget::' '(-)*:widget arguments: ' && ret=0
-	  # :widget:: is a placeholder so we needn't shift words
-	continue
-      fi
-      ;&
-    (widget*)
-      _wanted widgets expl widget compadd -k widgets && ret=0
-      [[ $st != *function ]] && continue
-      ;&
-    (function)
-      _wanted functions expl 'widget shell function' \
-	compadd -k functions && ret=0
-      ;;
-    (comp-widget)
-      _wanted widgets expl 'completion widget' \
-	compadd -k "widgets[(R)(*:|)(.|)(${(j(|))compwids})(|:*)]" && ret=0
-      ;&
-    (builtin-comp-widget)
-      _wanted widgets expl 'builtin completion widget' \
-	compadd -k "widgets[(I)(.|)(${(j(|))compwids})]" && ret=0
-      ;;
-    (redisplay)
-      _arguments -s \
-        "-R[redisplay]" \
-	"(*)-c[clear listing]" \
-	"(-)::status line: " "*:strings to list: " && ret=0
-      ;;
-    (*) ret=$?;;
-  esac
-return ret