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path: root/Completion
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/User/_perl b/Completion/User/_perl
deleted file mode 100644
index 64163c3a1..000000000
--- a/Completion/User/_perl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-#compdef perl
-# zsh completion code for the Perl interpreter
-# Adam Spiers <>
-_perl () {
-  _arguments -s \
-    '-0-:input record separator in octal (\0, if no argument): ' \
-    '-a[autosplit mode with -n or -p (splits $_ into @F)]' \
-    "-c[check syntax only (runs BEGIN and END blocks)]" \
-    '-d[run scripts under debugger]' \
-    '-d\:-[run under control of a debugging/tracing module]:debugging/tracing module:_perl_modules' \
-    '-D-:set debugging flags (argument is a bit mask or flags): ' \
-    "*-e+:one line of script. Several -e's allowed. Omit [programfile]." \
-    "-F-:split() pattern for autosplit (-a). The //'s are optional.: " \
-    '-h[list help summary]' \
-    '-i-[edit <> files in place (make backup if extension supplied)]:backup file extension: ' \
-    '*-I-[specify @INC/#include directory (may be used more than once)]:include path:_files -/' \
-    '-l-[enable line ending processing, specifies line terminator]:output record separator in octal: ' \
-    \*{-m,-M}"-[module.. executes \`use/no module...' before executing your script.]:module:_perl_m_opt" \
-    "-n[assume 'while (<>) { ... }' loop around your script]" \
-    "-p[assume loop like -n but print line also like sed]" \
-    "-P[run script through C preprocessor before compilation]" \
-    "-s[enable some switch parsing for switches after script name]" \
-    "-S[look for the script using PATH environment variable]" \
-    "-T[turn on tainting checks]" \
-    "-u[dump core after parsing script]" \
-    "-U[allow unsafe operations]" \
-    "-v[print version number, patchlevel plus VERY IMPORTANT perl info]" \
-    "-V-[print perl configuration information]:configuration keys:_perl_config_vars" \
-    '-x-[strip off text before #!perl line and perhaps cd to directory]:directory to cd to:_files -/' \
-    '*:Perl script:_files -/ -g \*.p\[ml\]'
-_perl_m_opt () {
-  compset -P '-'
-  if compset -P '*='; then
-    _message 'module arguments, comma separated'
-  else
-    _perl_modules -S= -q
-  fi
-_perl_config_vars () {
-  if (( ! $+_perl_config_vars )); then
-    # perl | perl ... nasty, but is there another way?
-    _perl_config_vars=( $(perl -V |
-			    perl -ne 'push @m, (/(\w+)(?==)/g);' \
-			         -e  'END {print join "\n", @m}' ) )
-  fi
-  local add_colon='-P:'
-  compset -P '*:' && add_colon=''
-  local delimiter='\ '
-  (( compstate[quoting] )) && delimiter=' '
-  compset -P '* ' && compset -q
-  compadd "$expl[@]" $add_colon -S$delimiter -q -a _perl_config_vars
-_perl "$@"