summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/Completion/Unix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Completion/Unix')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 1158 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_hg b/Completion/Unix/Command/_hg
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b72605b3..000000000
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_hg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1077 +0,0 @@
-#compdef hg
-# Zsh completion script for mercurial.  Rename this file to _hg and copy
-# it into your zsh function path (/usr/share/zsh/site-functions for
-# instance)
-# If you do not want to install it globally, you can copy it somewhere
-# else and add that directory to $fpath. This must be done before
-# compinit is called. If the file is copied to ~/.zsh.d, your ~/.zshrc
-# file could look like this:
-# fpath=("$HOME/.zsh.d" $fpath)
-# autoload -U compinit
-# compinit
-# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Steve Borho <>
-# Copyright (C) 2006-9 Brendan Cully <>
-# Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
-# licence or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
-# software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any
-# purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following
-# two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
-# In no event shall the authors be liable to any party for direct,
-# indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of
-# the use of this software and its documentation, even if the authors
-# have been advised of the possibility of such damage.
-# The authors specifically disclaim any warranties, including, but not
-# limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
-# a particular purpose.  The software provided hereunder is on an "as
-# is" basis, and the authors have no obligation to provide maintenance,
-# support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.
-emulate -LR zsh
-setopt extendedglob
-local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
-typeset -A _hg_cmd_globals
-_hg() {
-  local cmd _hg_root
-  integer i=2
-  _hg_cmd_globals=()
-  while (( i < $#words ))
-  do
-    case "$words[$i]" in
-      -R|--repository)
-        eval _hg_root="$words[$i+1]"
-        _hg_cmd_globals+=("$words[$i]" "$_hg_root")
-        (( i += 2 ))
-        continue
-      ;;
-      -R*)
-        _hg_cmd_globals+="$words[$i]"
-        eval _hg_root="${words[$i]#-R}"
-       (( i++ ))
-       continue
-      ;;
-      --cwd|--config)
-        # pass along arguments to hg completer
-        _hg_cmd_globals+=("$words[$i]" "$words[$i+1]")
-        (( i += 2 ))
-        continue
-      ;;
-      -*)
-        # skip option
-        (( i++ ))
-        continue
-      ;;
-    esac
-    if [[ -z "$cmd" ]]
-    then
-      cmd="$words[$i]"
-      words[$i]=()
-      (( CURRENT-- ))
-    fi
-    (( i++ ))
-  done
-  if [[ -z "$cmd" ]]
-  then
-    _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-    ':mercurial command:_hg_commands'
-    return
-  fi
-  # resolve abbreviations and aliases
-  if ! (( $+functions[_hg_cmd_${cmd}] ))
-  then
-    local cmdexp
-    (( $#_hg_cmd_list )) || _hg_get_commands
-    cmdexp=$_hg_cmd_list[(r)${cmd}*]
-    if [[ $cmdexp == $_hg_cmd_list[(R)${cmd}*] ]]
-    then
-      # might be nice to rewrite the command line with the expansion
-      cmd="$cmdexp"
-    fi
-    if [[ -n $_hg_alias_list[$cmd] ]]
-    then
-      cmd=$_hg_alias_list[$cmd]
-    fi
-  fi
-  curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:hg-${cmd}:"
-  zstyle -s ":completion:$curcontext:" cache-policy update_policy
-  if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]
-  then
-    zstyle ":completion:$curcontext:" cache-policy _hg_cache_policy
-  fi
-  if (( $+functions[_hg_cmd_${cmd}] ))
-  then
-    _hg_cmd_${cmd}
-  else
-    # complete unknown commands normally
-    _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-      '*:files:_hg_files'
-  fi
-_hg_cache_policy() {
-  typeset -a old
-  # cache for a minute
-  old=( "$1"(mm+10) )
-  (( $#old )) && return 0
-  return 1
-_hg_get_commands() {
-  typeset -ga _hg_cmd_list
-  typeset -gA _hg_alias_list
-  local hline cmd cmdalias
-  _call_program hg hg debugcomplete -v | while read -A hline
-  do
-    cmd=$hline[1]
-    _hg_cmd_list+=($cmd)
-    for cmdalias in $hline[2,-1]
-    do
-      _hg_cmd_list+=($cmdalias)
-      _hg_alias_list+=($cmdalias $cmd)
-    done
-  done
-_hg_commands() {
-  (( $#_hg_cmd_list )) || _hg_get_commands
-  _describe -t commands 'mercurial command' _hg_cmd_list
-_hg_revrange() {
-  compset -P 1 '*:'
-  _hg_tags "$@"
-_hg_tags_internal() {
-  local -a expl
-  typeset -a hgtags
-  hgtags=( ${(f)"$(_hg_cmd tags -q 2>/dev/null)"} )
-  _wanted tags expl 'tags' compadd -a - hgtags
-_hg_bookmarks_internal() {
-  local -a expl
-  typeset -a hgbookmarks
-  hgbookmarks=( ${(f)"$(_hg_cmd bookmarks -q 2>/dev/null)"} )
-  _wanted bookmarks expl 'bookmarks' compadd -a - hgbookmarks
-_hg_branches_internal() {
-  local -a expl
-  typeset -a hgbranches
-  hgbranches=( ${(f)"$(_hg_cmd branches -q 2>/dev/null)"} )
-  _wanted branches expl 'branches' compadd -a - hgbranches
-_hg_tags() {
-  _alternative \
-    'bookmarks:bookmark:_hg_bookmarks_internal' \
-    'tags:tag:_hg_tags_internal'
-# likely merge candidates
-_hg_mergerevs() {
-  typeset -a heads
-  local revset='sort(head() and not ., -rev)'
-  heads=(${(f)"$(_hg_cmd log -r '$revset' --template '{rev}\\n')"})
-  (( $#heads )) && _describe -t heads 'heads' heads
-_hg_files() {
-  if [[ -n "$_hg_root" ]]
-  then
-    [[ -d "$_hg_root/.hg" ]] || return
-    case "$_hg_root" in
-      /*)
-        _files -W $_hg_root
-      ;;
-      *)
-        _files -W $PWD/$_hg_root
-      ;;
-    esac
-  else
-    _files
-  fi
-_hg_status() {
-  [[ -d $PREFIX ]] || PREFIX=$PREFIX:h
-  status_files=(${(ps:\0:)"$(_hg_cmd status -0n$1 ./$PREFIX 2>/dev/null)"})
-_hg_unknown() {
-  typeset -a status_files
-  _hg_status u
-  _wanted files expl 'unknown files' _multi_parts / status_files
-_hg_missing() {
-  typeset -a status_files
-  _hg_status d
-  _wanted files expl 'missing files' _multi_parts / status_files
-_hg_modified() {
-  typeset -a status_files
-  _hg_status m
-  _wanted files expl 'modified files' _multi_parts / status_files
-_hg_committable() {
-  typeset -a status_files
-  # A file is a candidate for `hg commit` if it is:
-  # - modified (m), or
-  # - added (a), or
-  # - removed (r)
-  _hg_status mar
-  _wanted files expl 'committable files' _multi_parts / status_files
-_hg_resolve() {
-  local rstate rpath
-  [[ -d $PREFIX ]] || PREFIX=$PREFIX:h
-  _hg_cmd resolve -l ./$PREFIX 2> /dev/null | while read rstate rpath
-  do
-    [[ $rstate == 'R' ]] && resolved_files+=($rpath)
-    [[ $rstate == 'U' ]] && unresolved_files+=($rpath)
-  done
-_hg_resolved() {
-  typeset -a resolved_files unresolved_files
-  _hg_resolve
-  _wanted files expl 'resolved files' _multi_parts / resolved_files
-_hg_unresolved() {
-  typeset -a resolved_files unresolved_files
-  _hg_resolve
-  _wanted files expl 'unresolved files' _multi_parts / unresolved_files
-_hg_config() {
-    typeset -a items
-    items=(${${(%f)"$(_call_program hg hg showconfig)"}%%\=*})
-    (( $#items )) && _describe -t config 'config item' items
-  \\:dump \\:fail \\:local \\:merge \\:merge-local \\:merge-other \\:merge3
-  \\:other \\:prompt \\:tagmerge \\:union
-_hg_merge_tools() {
-  typeset -a external_tools
-  _describe -t internal_tools 'internal merge tools' _hg_internal_merge_tools
-  external_tools=(${(f)"$(_hg_cmd showconfig merge-tools | cut -d . -f 2)"})
-  (( $#external_tools )) && _describe -t external_tools 'external merge tools' external_tools
-_hg_addremove() {
-  _alternative 'files:unknown files:_hg_unknown' \
-    'files:missing files:_hg_missing'
-_hg_ssh_urls() {
-  if [[ -prefix */ ]]
-  then
-    if zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:files" remote-access
-    then
-      local host=${PREFIX%%/*}
-      typeset -a remdirs
-      compset -p $(( $#host + 1 ))
-      local rempath=${(M)PREFIX##*/}
-      local cacheid="hg:${host}-${rempath//\//_}"
-      cacheid=${cacheid%[-_]}
-      compset -P '*/'
-      if _cache_invalid "$cacheid" || ! _retrieve_cache "$cacheid"
-      then
-        remdirs=(${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program files ssh -a -x $host ls -1FL "${(q)rempath}" 2> /dev/null)"}##*/}%/})
-        _store_cache "$cacheid" remdirs
-      fi
-      _describe -t directories 'remote directory' remdirs -S/
-    else
-      _message 'remote directory'
-    fi
-  else
-    if compset -P '*@'
-    then
-      _hosts -S/
-    else
-      _alternative 'hosts:remote host name:_hosts -S/' \
-        'users:user:_users -S@'
-    fi
-  fi
-_hg_urls() {
-  if compset -P bundle://
-  then
-    _files
-  elif compset -P ssh://
-  then
-    _hg_ssh_urls
-  elif [[ -prefix *: ]]
-  then
-    _urls
-  else
-    local expl
-    compset -S '[^:]*'
-    _wanted url-schemas expl 'URL schema' compadd -S '' - \
-      http:// https:// ssh:// bundle://
-  fi
-_hg_paths() {
-  typeset -a paths pnames
-  _hg_cmd paths 2> /dev/null | while read -A pnames
-  do
-    paths+=($pnames[1])
-  done
-  (( $#paths )) && _describe -t path-aliases 'repository alias' paths
-_hg_remote() {
-  _alternative 'path-aliases:repository alias:_hg_paths' \
-    'directories:directory:_files -/' \
-    'urls:URL:_hg_urls'
-_hg_clone_dest() {
-  _alternative 'directories:directory:_files -/' \
-    'urls:URL:_hg_urls'
-# Common options
-    '(--repository -R)'{-R+,--repository=}'[repository root directory or name of overlay bundle file]:repository:_files -/'
-    '--cwd=[change working directory]:new working directory:_files -/'
-    '(--noninteractive -y)'{-y,--noninteractive}'[do not prompt, automatically pick the first choice for all prompts]'
-    '(--verbose -v)'{-v,--verbose}'[enable additional output]'
-    '*--config[set/override config option]:defined config items:_hg_config'
-    '(--quiet -q)'{-q,--quiet}'[suppress output]'
-    '(--help -h)'{-h,--help}'[display help and exit]'
-    '--debug[enable debugging output]'
-    '--debugger[start debugger]'
-    '--encoding=[set the charset encoding]:encoding'
-    '--encodingmode=[set the charset encoding mode]:encoding mode'
-    '--traceback[always print a traceback on exception]'
-    '--time[time how long the command takes]'
-    '--profile[print command execution profile]'
-    '--version[output version information and exit]'
-    '--hidden[consider hidden changesets]'
-  '*'{-I+,--include=}'[include names matching the given patterns]:dir:_files -W $(_hg_cmd root) -/'
-  '*'{-X+,--exclude=}'[exclude names matching the given patterns]:dir:_files -W $(_hg_cmd root) -/')
-  '(--text -a)'{-a,--text}'[treat all files as text]'
-  '(--git -g)'{-g,--git}'[use git extended diff format]'
-  '--nodates[omit dates from diff headers]'
-  '(--tool -t)'{-t+,--tool=}'[specify merge tool]:merge tool:_hg_merge_tools'
-  '(--dry-run -n)'{-n,--dry-run}'[do not perform actions, just print output]')
-  '--template[display with template]:template'
-  '(-m --message -l --logfile --edit -e)'{-e,--edit}'[edit commit message]'
-  '(-e --edit -l --logfile --message -m)'{-m+,--message=}'[use <text> as commit message]:message:'
-  '(-e --edit -m --message --logfile -l)'{-l+,--logfile=}'[read the commit message from <file>]:log file:_files')
-  '(--ssh -e)'{-e+,--ssh=}'[specify ssh command to use]:command'
-  '--remotecmd=[specify hg command to run on the remote side]:remote command'
-  '--insecure[do not verify server certificate (ignoring web.cacerts config)]'
-  '(--subrepos -S)'{-S,--subrepos}'[recurse into subrepositories]'
-_hg_cmd() {
-  _call_program hg hg --config ui.verbose=0 --config defaults."$1"= \
-    "$_hg_cmd_globals[@]" "$@" 2> /dev/null
-_hg_cmd_add() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_dryrun_opts $_hg_subrepos_opts \
-  '*:unknown files:_hg_unknown'
-_hg_cmd_addremove() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_dryrun_opts $_hg_subrepos_opts \
-  '(--similarity -s)'{-s+,--similarity=}'[guess renamed files by similarity (0<=s<=100)]:similarity' \
-  '*:unknown or missing files:_hg_addremove'
-_hg_cmd_annotate() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
-  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[annotate the specified revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  "--no-follow[don't follow copies and renames]" \
-  '(--text -a)'{-a,--text}'[treat all files as text]' \
-  '(--user -u)'{-u,--user}'[list the author (long with -v)]' \
-  '(--file -f)'{-f,--file}'[list the filename]' \
-  '(--date -d)'{-d,--date}'[list the date (short with -q)]' \
-  '(--number -n)'{-n,--number}'[list the revision number (default)]' \
-  '(--changeset -c)'{-c,--changeset}'[list the changeset]' \
-  '(--line-number -l)'{-l,--line-number}'[show line number at the first appearance]' \
-  '*:files:_hg_files'
-_hg_cmd_archive() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_subrepos_opts \
-  '--no-decode[do not pass files through decoders]' \
-  '(--prefix -p)'{-p+,--prefix=}'[directory prefix for files in archive]:prefix' \
-  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[revision to distribute]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '(--type -t)'{-t+,--type=}'[type of distribution to create]:archive type:(files tar tbz2 tgz uzip zip)' \
-  '*:destination:_files'
-_hg_cmd_backout() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_mergetool_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
-    '--merge[merge with old dirstate parent after backout]' \
-    '(--date -d)'{-d+,--date=}'[record the specified date as commit date]:date' \
-    '--parent[parent to choose when backing out merge]' \
-    '(--user -u)'{-u+,--user=}'[record the specified user as committer]:user' \
-    '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-    '(--message -m)'{-m+,--message=}'[specify commit message]:text' \
-    '(--logfile -l)'{-l+,--logfile=}'[read commit message from specified file]:log file:_files'
-_hg_cmd_bisect() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(-)'{-r,--reset}'[reset bisect state]' \
-  '(--extend -e)'{-e,--extend}'[extend the bisect range]' \
-  '(--good -g --bad -b --skip -s --reset -r)'{-g,--good}'[mark changeset good]'::revision:_hg_tags \
-  '(--good -g --bad -b --skip -s --reset -r)'{-b,--bad}'[mark changeset bad]'::revision:_hg_tags \
-  '(--good -g --bad -b --skip -s --reset -r)'{-s,--skip}'[skip testing changeset]' \
-  '(--command -c --noupdate -U)'{-c+,--command=}'[use command to check changeset state]':commands:_command_names \
-  '(--command -c --noupdate -U)'{-U,--noupdate}'[do not update to target]'
-_hg_cmd_bookmarks() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[force]' \
-  '(--rev -r --delete -d --rename -m)'{-r+,--rev=}'[set bookmark at revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '(--rev -r --delete -d --rename -m)'{-d,--delete}'[delete a given bookmark]' \
-  '(--rev -r --delete -d --rename -m)'{-m+,--rename=}'[rename given bookmark]:bookmark:_hg_bookmarks_internal' \
-  '(--inactive -i)'{-i,--inactive}'[mark a bookmark inactive]' \
-  ':bookmark:_hg_bookmarks_internal'
-_hg_cmd_branch() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[set branch name even if it shadows an existing branch]' \
-  '(--clean -C)'{-C,--clean}'[reset branch name to parent branch name]'
-_hg_cmd_branches() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--closed -c)'{-c,--closed}'[show normal and closed branches]'
-_hg_cmd_bundle() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[run even when the destination is unrelated]' \
-  '(2)*--base[a base changeset assumed to be available at the destination]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '*'{-b+,--branch=}'[a specific branch you would like to bundle]:branch:_hg_branches_internal' \
-  '*'{-r+,--rev=}'[a changeset intended to be added to the destination]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '--all[bundle all changesets in the repository]' \
-  '--type[bundle compression type to use (default: bzip2)]:bundle type' \
-  ':output file:_files' \
-  ':destination repository:_files -/'
-_hg_cmd_cat() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
-  '(--output -o)'{-o+,--output=}'[print output to file with formatted name]:format string' \
-  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '--decode[apply any matching decode filter]' \
-  '*:file:_hg_files'
-_hg_cmd_clone() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts \
-  '(--noupdate -U)'{-U,--noupdate}'[do not update the new working directory]' \
-  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[include the specified changeset]:revision' \
-  '--uncompressed[use uncompressed transfer (fast over LAN)]' \
-  ':source repository:_hg_remote' \
-  ':destination:_hg_clone_dest'
-_hg_cmd_commit() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_subrepos_opts \
-  '(--addremove -A)'{-A,--addremove}'[mark new/missing files as added/removed before committing]' \
-  '(--message -m)'{-m+,--message=}'[specify commit message]:text' \
-  '(--logfile -l)'{-l+,--logfile=}'[read commit message from specified file]:log file:_files' \
-  '(--date -d)'{-d+,--date=}'[record the specified date as commit date]:date' \
-  '(--user -u)'{-u+,--user=}'[record the specified user as committer]:user' \
-  '--amend[amend the parent of the working directory]' \
-  '--close-branch[mark a branch head as closed]' \
-  '(--interactive -i)'{-i,--interactive}'[use interactive mode]' \
-  '(--secret -s)'{-s,--secret}'[use the secret phase for committing]' \
-  '*:file:_hg_committable'
-_hg_cmd_copy() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_dryrun_opts \
-  '(--after -A)'{-A,--after}'[record a copy that has already occurred]' \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[forcibly copy over an existing managed file]' \
-  '*:file:_hg_files'
-_hg_cmd_diff() {
-  local context state state_descr line ret=1
-  typeset -A opt_args
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_diff_opts $_hg_subrepos_opts \
-  '*'{-r+,--rev=}'[revision]:revision:_hg_revrange' \
-  '(--show-function -p)'{-p,--show-function}'[show which function each change is in]' \
-  '(--ignore-all-space -w)'{-w,--ignore-all-space}'[ignore white space when comparing lines]' \
-  '(--ignore-space-change -b)'{-b,--ignore-space-change}'[ignore changes in the amount of white space]' \
-  '(--ignore-blank-lines -B)'{-B,--ignore-blank-lines}'[ignore changes whose lines are all blank]' \
-  '*:file:->diff_files' && ret=0
-  if [[ $state == 'diff_files' ]]
-  then
-    if [[ -n ${opt_args[(I)-r|--rev]} ]]
-    then
-      _hg_files && ret=0
-    else
-      _hg_modified && ret=0
-    fi
-  fi
-  return ret
-_hg_cmd_export() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_diff_opts \
-  '(--output -o)'{-o+,--output=}'[print output to file with formatted name]:format string' \
-  '--switch-parent[diff against the second parent]' \
-  '*:revision:_hg_tags'
-_hg_cmd_forget() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
-  '*:file:_hg_files'
-_hg_cmd_grep() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
-  '(--print0 -0)'{-0,--print0}'[end filenames with NUL]' \
-  '--all[print all revisions with matches]' \
-  '(--follow -f)'{-f,--follow}'[follow changeset or file history]' \
-  '(--ignore-case -i)'{-i,--ignore-case}'[ignore case when matching]' \
-  '(--files-with-matches -l)'{-l,--files-with-matches}'[print only filenames and revs that match]' \
-  '(--line-number -n)'{-n,--line-number}'[print matching line numbers]' \
-  '*'{-r+,--rev=}'[search in given revision range]:revision:_hg_revrange' \
-  '(--user -u)'{-u,--user}'[print user who committed change]' \
-  '1:search pattern:' \
-  '*:files:_hg_files'
-_hg_cmd_heads() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_template_opts \
-  '(--topo -t)'{-t,--topo}'[show topological heads only]' \
-  '(--closed -c)'{-c,--closed}'[show normal and closed branch heads]' \
-  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[show only heads which are descendants of rev]:revision:_hg_tags'
-_hg_cmd_help() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--extension -e)'{-e,--extension}'[show only help for extensions]' \
-  '(--command -c)'{-c,--command}'[show only help for commands]' \
-  '(--keyword -k)'{-k,--keyword}'[show topics matching keyword]' \
-  '*:mercurial command:_hg_commands'
-_hg_cmd_identify() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[identify the specified rev]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '(--num -n)'{-n,--num}'[show local revision number]' \
-  '(--id -i)'{-i,--id}'[show global revision id]' \
-  '(--branch -b)'{-b,--branch}'[show branch]' \
-  '(--tags -t)'{-t,--tags}'[show tags]' \
-  '(--bookmarks -B)'{-B,--bookmarks}'[show bookmarks]'
-_hg_cmd_import() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--strip -p)'{-p+,--strip=}'[directory strip option for patch (default: 1)]:count' \
-  '(--message -m)'{-m+,--message=}'[use <text> as commit message]:text:' \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[skip check for outstanding uncommitted changes]' \
-  '--bypass[apply patch without touching the working directory]' \
-  '--no-commit[do not commit, just update the working directory]' \
-  '--partial[commit even if some hunks fail]' \
-  '--exact[abort if patch would apply lossily]' \
-  '--import-branch[use any branch information in patch (implied by --exact)]' \
-  '(--date -d)'{-d+,--date=}'[record the specified date as commit date]:date' \
-  '(--user -u)'{-u+,--user=}'[record the specified user as committer]:user' \
-  '(--similarity -s)'{-s+,--similarity=}'[guess renamed files by similarity (0<=s<=100)]:similarity' \
-  '*:patch:_files'
-_hg_cmd_incoming() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts $_hg_template_opts $_hg_subrepos_opts \
-  '(--no-merges -M)'{-M,--no-merges}'[do not show merge revisions]' \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[run even when the remote repository is unrelated]' \
-  '(--patch -p)'{-p,--patch}'[show patch]' \
-  '*'{-r+,--rev=}'[a remote changeset intended to be added]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '(--newest-first -n)'{-n,--newest-first}'[show newest record first]' \
-  '--bundle[file to store the bundles into]:bundle file:_files' \
-  ':source:_hg_remote'
-_hg_cmd_init() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts \
-  ':dir:_files -/'
-_hg_cmd_locate() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
-  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[search repository as it stood at revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '(--print0 -0)'{-0,--print0}'[end filenames with NUL, for use with xargs]' \
-  '(--fullpath -f)'{-f,--fullpath}'[print complete paths from the filesystem root]' \
-  '*:search pattern:_hg_files'
-_hg_cmd_log() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_template_opts \
-  '(--follow --follow-first -f)'{-f,--follow}'[follow changeset or history]' \
-  '(-f --follow)--follow-first[only follow the first parent of merge changesets]' \
-  '(--copies -C)'{-C,--copies}'[show copied files]' \
-  '*'{-k+,--keyword=}'[search for a keyword]:keyword' \
-  '(--limit -l)'{-l+,--limit=}'[limit number of changes displayed]:limit' \
-  '*'{-r+,--rev=}'[show the specified revision or revset]:revision:_hg_revrange' \
-  '(--no-merges -M)'{-M,--no-merges}'[do not show merges]' \
-  '(--only-merges -m)'{-m,--only-merges}'[show only merges]' \
-  '(--patch -p)'{-p,--patch}'[show patch]' \
-  '*'{-P+,--prune=}'[do not display revision or any of its ancestors]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '*:files:_hg_files'
-_hg_cmd_manifest() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '--all[list files from all revisions]' \
-  ':revision:_hg_tags'
-_hg_cmd_merge() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_mergetool_opts \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[force a merge with outstanding changes]' \
-  '(--rev -r 1)'{-r+,--rev=}'[revision to merge]:revision:_hg_mergerevs' \
-  '(--preview -P)'{-P,--preview}'[review revisions to merge (no merge is performed)]' \
-  ':revision:_hg_mergerevs'
-_hg_cmd_outgoing() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts $_hg_template_opts $_hg_subrepos_opts \
-  '(--no-merges -M)'{-M,--no-merges}'[do not show merge revisions]' \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[run even when the remote repository is unrelated]' \
-  '(--patch -p)'{-p,--patch}'[show patch]' \
-  '*'{-r+,--rev=}'[a changeset intended to be included in the destination]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '(--newest-first -n)'{-n,--newest-first}'[show newest record first]' \
-  ':destination:_hg_remote'
-_hg_cmd_parents() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_template_opts \
-  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[show parents of the specified rev]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  ':last modified file:_hg_files'
-_hg_cmd_paths() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  ':path:_hg_paths'
-_hg_cmd_phase() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--public -p --draft -d --secret -s)'{-p,--public}'[set changeset phase to public]' \
-  '(--public -p --draft -d --secret -s)'{-d,--draft}'[set changeset phase to draft]' \
-  '(--public -p --draft -d --secret -s)'{-s,--secret}'[set changeset phase to secret]' \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[allow to move boundary backward]' \
-  '*'{-r+,--rev=}'[target revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '*:revision:_hg_tags'
-_hg_cmd_pull() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[run even when the remote repository is unrelated]' \
-  '(--update -u)'{-u,--update}'[update to new tip if changesets were pulled]' \
-  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[a specific revision up to which you would like to pull]:revision' \
-  ':source:_hg_remote'
-_hg_cmd_push() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_remote_opts \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[force push]' \
-  '*'{-r+,--rev=}'[a changeset intended to be included in the destination]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '*'{-B,--bookmark=}'[bookmark to push]:bookmark:_hg_bookmarks_internal' \
-  '*'{-b,--branch=}'[branch to push]:branch:_hg_branches_internal' \
-  '--new-branch[allow pushing a new branch]' \
-  ':destination:_hg_remote'
-_hg_cmd_remove() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_subrepos_opts \
-  '(--after -A)'{-A,--after}'[record delete for missing files]' \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[forget added files, delete modified files]' \
-  '*:file:_hg_files'
-_hg_cmd_rename() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_dryrun_opts \
-  '(--after -A)'{-A,--after}'[record a rename that has already occurred]' \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[forcibly copy over an existing managed file]' \
-  '*:file:_hg_files'
-_hg_cmd_resolve() {
-  local context state state_descr line ret=1
-  typeset -A opt_args
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_mergetool_opts \
-  '(--all -a)'{-a,--all}'[select all unresolved files]' \
-  '(--no-status -n)'{-n,--no-status}'[hide status prefix]' \
-  '(--list -l --mark -m --unmark -u)'{-l,--list}'[list state of files needing merge]:*:merged files:->resolve_files' \
-  '(--mark -m --list -l --unmark -u)'{-m,--mark}'[mark files as resolved]:*:unresolved files:_hg_unresolved' \
-  '(--unmark -u --list -l --mark -m)'{-u,--unmark}'[mark files as unresolved]:*:resolved files:_hg_resolved' \
-  '*:file:_hg_unresolved' && ret=0
-  if [[ $state == 'resolve_files' ]]
-  then
-    _alternative 'files:resolved files:_hg_resolved' \
-      'files:unresolved files:_hg_unresolved' && ret=0
-  fi
-  return ret
-_hg_cmd_revert() {
-  local context state state_descr line ret=1
-  typeset -A opt_args
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_dryrun_opts \
-  '(--all -a :)'{-a,--all}'[revert all changes when no arguments given]' \
-  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[revision to revert to]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '(--no-backup -C)'{-C,--no-backup}'[do not save backup copies of files]' \
-  '(--date -d)'{-d+,--date=}'[tipmost revision matching date]:date' \
-  '*:file:->diff_files' && ret=0
-  if [[ $state == 'diff_files' ]]
-  then
-    if [[ -n ${opt_args[(I)-r|--rev]} ]]
-    then
-      _hg_files && ret=0
-    else
-      typeset -a status_files
-      _hg_status mard
-      _wanted files expl 'modified, added, removed or deleted file' _multi_parts / status_files && ret=0
-    fi
-  fi
-  return ret
-_hg_cmd_serve() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_subrepos_opts \
-  '(--accesslog -A)'{-A+,--accesslog=}'[name of access log file to write to]:log file:_files' \
-  '(--errorlog -E)'{-E+,--errorlog=}'[name of error log file to write to]:log file:_files' \
-  '(--daemon -d)'{-d,--daemon}'[run server in background]' \
-  '(--port -p)'{-p+,--port=}'[port to listen on (default: 8000)]:listen port' \
-  '(--address -a)'{-a+,--address=}'[address to listen on (default: all interfaces)]:interface address' \
-  '--prefix[prefix path to serve from (default: server root)]:prefix' \
-  '(--name -n)'{-n+,--name=}'[name to show in web pages (default: working directory)]:repository name' \
-  '--web-conf=[name of the hgweb config file]:config file:_files' \
-  '--pid-file=[name of file to write process ID to]:pid file:_files' \
-  '--cmdserver[for remote clients]' \
-  '(--templates -t)'{-t+,--templates=}'[web template directory]:template dir:_files -/' \
-  '--style=[web template style]:style' \
-  '--stdio[for remote clients]' \
-  '(--ipv6 -6)'{-6,--ipv6}'[use IPv6 in addition to IPv4]' \
-  '--certificate=[SSL certificate file]:certificate file:_files'
-_hg_cmd_showconfig() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--untrusted -u)'{-u,--untrusted}'[show untrusted configuration options]' \
-  '(--edit -e)'{-e,--edit}'[edit user config]' \
-  '(--local -l --global -g)'{-l,--local}'[edit repository config]' \
-  '(--local -l --global -g)'{-g,--global}'[edit global config]' \
-  ':config item:_hg_config'
-_hg_cmd_status() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_subrepos_opts \
-  '(--all -A)'{-A,--all}'[show status of all files]' \
-  '(--modified -m)'{-m,--modified}'[show only modified files]' \
-  '(--added -a)'{-a,--added}'[show only added files]' \
-  '(--removed -r)'{-r,--removed}'[show only removed files]' \
-  '(--deleted -d)'{-d,--deleted}'[show only deleted (but tracked) files]' \
-  '(--clean -c)'{-c,--clean}'[show only files without changes]' \
-  '(--unknown -u)'{-u,--unknown}'[show only unknown (not tracked) files]' \
-  '(--ignored -i)'{-i,--ignored}'[show ignored files]' \
-  '(--no-status -n)'{-n,--no-status}'[hide status prefix]' \
-  '(--copies -C)'{-C,--copies}'[show source of copied files]' \
-  '(--print0 -0)'{-0,--print0}'[end filenames with NUL, for use with xargs]' \
-  '*--rev=[show difference from revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '--change=[list the changed files of a revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '*:files:_files'
-_hg_cmd_summary() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '--remote[check for push and pull]'
-_hg_cmd_tag() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--local -l)'{-l,--local}'[make the tag local]' \
-  '(--message -m)'{-m+,--message=}'[message for tag commit log entry]:message' \
-  '(--date -d)'{-d+,--date=}'[record the specified date as commit date]:date' \
-  '(--user -u)'{-u+,--user=}'[record the specified user as committer]:user' \
-  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[revision to tag]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[force tag]' \
-  '--remove[remove a tag]' \
-  ':tag name:'
-_hg_cmd_tip() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_template_opts \
-  '(--patch -p)'{-p,--patch}'[show patch]'
-_hg_cmd_unbundle() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--update -u)'{-u,--update}'[update to new tip if changesets were unbundled]' \
-  '*:files:_files'
-_hg_cmd_update() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_mergetool_opts \
-  '(--clean -C)'{-C,--clean}'[discard uncommitted changes (no backup)]' \
-  '(--check -c)'{-c,--check}'[require clean working directory]' \
-  '(--date -d)'{-d+,--date=}'[tipmost revision matching date]:date' \
-  '(--rev -r)'{-r+,--rev=}'[revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  ':revision:_hg_tags'
-# HGK
-_hg_cmd_view() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--limit -l)'{-l+,--limit=}'[limit number of changes displayed]:limit' \
-  ':revision range:_hg_tags'
-# MQ
-_hg_qseries() {
-  typeset -a patches
-  patches=(${(f)"$(_hg_cmd qseries 2> /dev/null)"})
-  (( $#patches )) && _describe -t hg-patches 'patches' patches
-_hg_qapplied() {
-  typeset -a patches
-  patches=(${(f)"$(_hg_cmd qapplied 2> /dev/null)"})
-  if (( $#patches ))
-  then
-    patches+=(qbase qtip)
-    _describe -t hg-applied-patches 'applied patches' patches
-  fi
-_hg_qunapplied() {
-  typeset -a patches
-  patches=(${(f)"$(_hg_cmd qunapplied 2> /dev/null)"})
-  (( $#patches )) && _describe -t hg-unapplied-patches 'unapplied patches' patches
-# unapplied, including guarded patches
-_hg_qdeletable() {
-  typeset -a unapplied
-  unapplied=(${(f)"$(_hg_cmd qseries 2> /dev/null)"})
-  for p in $(_hg_cmd qapplied)
-  do
-    unapplied=(${unapplied:#$p})
-  done
-  (( $#unapplied )) && _describe -t hg-allunapplied-patches 'all unapplied patches' unapplied
-_hg_qguards() {
-  typeset -a guards
-  local guard
-  compset -P "+|-"
-  _hg_cmd qselect -s 2> /dev/null | while read guard
-  do
-    guards+=(${guard#(+|-)})
-  done
-  (( $#guards )) && _describe -t hg-guards 'guards' guards
-  '(--summary -s)'{-s,--summary}'[print first line of patch header]')
-_hg_cmd_qapplied() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_qseries_opts
-_hg_cmd_qdelete() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--keep -k)'{-k,--keep}'[keep patch file]' \
-  '*'{-r+,--rev=}'[stop managing a revision]:applied patch:_hg_revrange' \
-  '*:unapplied patch:_hg_qdeletable'
-_hg_cmd_qdiff() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts \
-  '*:pattern:_hg_files'
-_hg_cmd_qfold() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_h_commit_opts \
-  '(--keep -k)'{-k,--keep}'[keep folded patch files]' \
-  '*:unapplied patch:_hg_qunapplied'
-_hg_cmd_qgoto() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[overwrite any local changes]' \
-  ':patch:_hg_qseries'
-_hg_cmd_qguard() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--list -l)'{-l,--list}'[list all patches and guards]' \
-  '(--none -n)'{-n,--none}'[drop all guards]' \
-  ':patch:_hg_qseries' \
-  '*:guards:_hg_qguards'
-_hg_cmd_qheader() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  ':patch:_hg_qseries'
-_hg_cmd_qimport() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--existing -e)'{-e,--existing}'[import file in patch dir]' \
-  '(--name -n 2)'{-n+,--name=}'[patch file name]:name:' \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[overwrite existing files]' \
-  '*'{-r+,--rev=}'[place existing revisions under mq control]:revision:_hg_revrange' \
-  '*:patch:_files'
-_hg_cmd_qnew() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_commit_opts \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[import uncommitted changes into patch]' \
-  ':patch:'
-_hg_cmd_qnext() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_qseries_opts
-_hg_cmd_qpop() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--all -a :)'{-a,--all}'[pop all patches]' \
-  '(--name -n)'{-n+,--name=}'[queue name to pop]:' \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[forget any local changes]' \
-  ':patch:_hg_qapplied'
-_hg_cmd_qprev() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_qseries_opts
-_hg_cmd_qpush() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--all -a :)'{-a,--all}'[apply all patches]' \
-  '(--list -l)'{-l,--list}'[list patch name in commit text]' \
-  '(--merge -m)'{-m+,--merge=}'[merge from another queue]:' \
-  '(--name -n)'{-n+,--name=}'[merge queue name]:' \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[apply if the patch has rejects]' \
-  ':patch:_hg_qunapplied'
-_hg_cmd_qrefresh() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_pat_opts $_hg_commit_opts \
-  '(--git -g)'{-g,--git}'[use git extended diff format]' \
-  '(--short -s)'{-s,--short}'[short refresh]' \
-  '*:files:_hg_files'
-_hg_cmd_qrename() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  ':patch:_hg_qseries' \
-  ':destination:'
-_hg_cmd_qselect() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '(--none -n :)'{-n,--none}'[disable all guards]' \
-  '(--series -s :)'{-s,--series}'[list all guards in series file]' \
-  '--pop[pop to before first guarded applied patch]' \
-  '--reapply[pop and reapply patches]' \
-  '*:guards:_hg_qguards'
-_hg_cmd_qseries() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_qseries_opts \
-  '(--missing -m)'{-m,--missing}'[print patches not in series]'
-_hg_cmd_qunapplied() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_qseries_opts
-_hg_cmd_qtop() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts $_hg_qseries_opts
-_hg_cmd_strip() {
-  _arguments -s -S : $_hg_global_opts \
-  '*'{-r+,--rev=}'[revision]:revision:_hg_tags' \
-  '(--force -f)'{-f,--force}'[force removal of changesets, discard uncommitted changes (no backup)]' \
-  '--no-backup[no backups]' \
-  '(--keep -k)'{-k,--keep}'[do not modify working directory during strip]' \
-  '*'{-B+,--bookmark=}'[remove revs only reachable from given bookmark]:bookmark:_hg_bookmarks_internal' \
-  '*:revision:_hg_tags'
-_hg "$@"
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_notmuch b/Completion/Unix/Command/_notmuch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6174d2c00..000000000
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_notmuch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#compdef notmuch
-  local -a notmuch_commands
-  notmuch_commands=(
-    'setup:interactively set up notmuch for first use'
-    'new:find and import any new message to the database'
-    'insert:add a new message into the maildir and notmuch database'
-    'search:search for messages matching the search terms, display matching threads as results'
-    'address:get addresses from messages matching the given search terms'
-    'reply:constructs a reply template for a set of messages'
-    'show:show all messages matching the search terms'
-    'tag:add or remove tags for all messages matching the search terms'
-    'dump:creates a plain-text dump of the tags of each message'
-    'restore:restores the tags from the given file'
-    'compact:compact the notmuch database'
-    'reindex:re-index all messages matching the search terms'
-    'help:show details on a command'
-    'compact:compact the notmuch database'
-    'config:access the notmuch configuration file'
-    'count:count messages matching the given search terms'
-  )
-  _describe -t command 'command' notmuch_commands
-  _files
-  local -a notmuch_help_topics
-  notmuch_help_topics=(
-    'search-terms:common search-term syntax'
-    'hooks:hooks that will be run before or after certain commands'
-    'properties:message property conventions and documentation'
-  )
-  _describe -t notmuch-help-topics 'topic' notmuch_help_topics
-  _alternative \
-    _notmuch_commands \
-    _notmuch_help_topics
-  _files
-  _arguments -s : \
-    '--max-threads=[display only the first x threads from the search results]:number of threads to show: ' \
-    '--first=[omit the first x threads from the search results]:number of threads to omit: ' \
-    '--sort=[sort results]:sorting:((newest-first\:"reverse chronological order" oldest-first\:"chronological order"))'
-  local ret=1
-  if (( CURRENT > 2 )) ; then
-    local cmd=${words[2]}
-    curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:notmuch-$cmd"
-    (( CURRENT-- ))
-    shift words
-    if ! _call_function ret _notmuch_$cmd; then
-      _default && ret=0
-    fi
-    return ret
-  else
-    _notmuch_commands
-  fi
-_notmuch "$@"