summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/Completion/Solaris
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Completion/Solaris')
16 files changed, 519 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/.distfiles b/Completion/Solaris/Command/.distfiles
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c606773b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/.distfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_coreadm b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_coreadm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7cf529a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_coreadm
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#compdef coreadm
+_coreadm() {
+	local -a content option
+	content=(
+		"anon[Anonymous private mappings]"
+		"ctf[CTF type information]"
+		"data[Writable private file mappings]"
+		"dism[DISM mappings]"
+		"heap[Process heap]"
+		"ism[ISM mappings]"
+		"rodata[Read-only private file mappings]"
+		"shanon[Anonymous shared mappings]"
+		"shfile[File-backed shared mappings]"
+		"shm[System V shared memory]"
+		"stack[Process stack]"
+		"symtab[Symbol table sections for loaded files]"
+		"text[Readable and executable private file mappings]"
+	)
+	option=(
+		"global"\:"Allow global core dumps"
+		"global-setid"\:"Allow set-id global core dumps"
+		"log"\:"Generate a syslog message on global core dump"
+		"process"\:"Allow per-process core dumps"
+		"proc-setid"\:"Allow set-id per-process core dumps"
+	)
+	# _values doesn't quite work for us here -- the separator can be either
+	# "+" or "-"
+	_arguments -s \
+		- set1 \
+		'-g[Global core file name pattern]:' \
+		'-G[Global core file content]:content:_values -s + "content" $content' \
+		'-i[Per-process core file name pattern]:' \
+		'-I[Per-process core file content]:content:_values -s + "content" $content' \
+		'*-d[Disable core option]:option:(($option))' \
+		'*-e[Enable core option]:option:(($option))' \
+		- set2 \
+		'-p[PID-specific per-process core file name pattern]:' \
+		'-P[PID-specific per-process core file content]:content:_values -s + "content" $content' \
+		'*:pids:_pids' \
+		- set3 \
+		'-u[Update options from coreadm.conf]'
+_coreadm "$@"
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_dhcpinfo b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_dhcpinfo
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..076b015b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_dhcpinfo
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#compdef dhcpinfo
+_dhcpinfo() {
+	local -a mnemonics_v4 mnemonics_v6
+	mnemonics_v4=(
+		Subnet UTCoffst Router Timeserv IEN116ns DNSserv Logserv
+		Cookie Lprserv Impress Resource Hostname Bootsize Dumpfile
+		DNSdmain Swapserv Rootpath ExtendP IpFwdF NLrouteF PFilter
+		MaxIpSiz IpTTL PathTO PathTbl MTU SameMtuF Broadcst
+		MaskDscF MaskSupF RDiscvyF RSolictS StaticRt TrailerF
+		ArpTimeO EthEncap TcpTTL TcpKaInt TcpKaGbF NISdmain
+		NISservs NTPservs NetBNms NetBDsts NetBNdT NetBScop
+		XFontSrv XDispMgr LeaseTim Message T1Time T2Time NW_dmain
+		NWIPOpts NIS+dom NIS+serv TFTPsrvN OptBootF MblIPAgt
+		OptBootF MblIPAgt SMTPserv POP3serv NNTPserv WWWservs
+		Fingersv IRCservs STservs STDAservs UserClas SLP_DA SLP_SS
+		AgentOpt FQDN PXEarch BootFile BootPath BootSrvA BootSrvN
+		EchoVC LeaseNeg
+	)
+	mnemonics_v6=(
+		ClientID ServerID Preference Unicast UserClass VendorClass
+		SIPNames SIPAddresses DNSAddresses DNSSearch NISServers
+		NIS+Servers NISDomain NIS+Domain SNTPServers InfoRefresh
+		BCMCDomain BCMCAddresses
+	)
+	_arguments -A \
+		'-c[]' \
+		'-i[Interface]:interface:' \
+		'-n[Maximum number of lines]:limit:' \
+		':DHCP Parameter:_values "DHCP Parameter" $mnemonics_v4' \
+_dhcpinfo "$@"
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_dumpadm b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_dumpadm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37491946c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_dumpadm
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#compdef dumpadm
+_dumpadm() {
+	local -a content
+	content=(
+		"kernel"\:"Kernel memory pages only"
+		"all"\:"All memory pages"
+		"curproc"\:"Kernel memory pages plus curproc pages"
+	)
+	_arguments -s \
+		'-n[Dont run savecore on reboot]' \
+		'-u[Update dump configuration from dumpadm.conf]' \
+		'-y[Run savecore on reboot]' \
+		'-c[Set dump content]:dump content:(($content))' \
+		'-d[Set dump device]:block devices:_files -g "*(-%b)"' \
+		'-m[Set minfree size ]:' \
+		'-s[Set the savecore directory]:directory:_files -/' \
+		'-r[Alternate root directory]:directory:_files -/'
+_dumpadm "$@"
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_gcore b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_gcore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7b8d9466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_gcore
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#compdef gcore
+_gcore() {
+	local -a content
+	content=(
+		"anon[Anonymous private mappings]"
+		"ctf[CTF type information]"
+		"data[Writable private file mappings]"
+		"dism[DISM mappings]"
+		"heap[Process heap]"
+		"ism[ISM mappings]"
+		"rodata[Read-only private file mappings]"
+		"shanon[Anonymous shared mappings]"
+		"shfile[File-backed shared mappings]"
+		"shm[System V shared memory]"
+		"stack[Process stack]"
+		"symtab[Symbol table sections for loaded files]"
+		"text[Readable and executable private file mappings]"
+	)
+	_arguments -s \
+		'-p[Use per-process core file repository]' \
+		'-g[Use global core file repository]' \
+		'-F[Force grabbing the target process]' \
+		'-c[Set core file content]:_values -s + "content" $content' \
+		'-o[Set core file base name]:' \
+		'*:pids:_pids'
+_gcore "$@"
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_inetadm b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_inetadm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2588672ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_inetadm
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#compdef inetadm
+_inetadm() {
+	_arguments -s \
+		'-?[Help]' \
+		'-l[List service instance properties]:FMRI:_svcs_fmri -i' \
+		'-e[Enable specified instance]:FMRI:_svcs_fmri -i' \
+		'-d[Disable specified instance]:FMRI:_svcs_fmri -i' \
+		'-p[List inet service properties]' \
+		'-m[Modify service instance properties]:FMRI:_svcs_fmri -i' \
+		'-M[Modify inet service properties]'
+_inetadm "$@"
+# vi:tw=0
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_pfexec b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_pfexec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..227336223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_pfexec
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#compdef pfexec
+# This is a _values-like function that completes privileges and !-prefixed
+# privileges, comma-separated, and unique.
+_privset() {
+	local expl p
+	local -a privs
+	privs=( ${(f)"$(ppriv -l)"} all none zone basic )
+	# Ignore existing values
+	compset -P '*,'
+	# Ignore a leading !, maybe backslash-quoted
+	compset -P '\\#!'
+	# Remove already-referenced privs
+	for p in ${(s:,:)${IPREFIX//\\#\!/}}; do
+		privs=( ${privs:#$p} )
+	done
+	_wanted privs expl 'privilege' compadd -qS , -a privs
+_pfexec() {
+ 	_arguments \
+		'-P[privileges to acquire]:privspec:_privset' \
+ 		'(-):command name: _command_names -e' \
+ 		'*::arguments: _normal'
+_pfexec "$@"
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_ptree b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_ptree
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c75a211c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_ptree
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#compdef ptree
+_ptree() {
+	local curcontext="$curcontext" context state line ret=1
+	typeset -A opt_args
+	_arguments -s \
+		'-a[All processes]' \
+		'-c[Show contract memberships]' \
+		'-z[Show processes in zone]:zone:($(zoneadm list))' \
+		'*:pid or user:->pidoruser' && ret=0
+	if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then
+		_alternative \
+			'users:logged-in user:(${$(who -q)\:#(users=*|\#)})' \
+			'pids:pid:_pids'
+		ret=$?
+	fi
+	return $ret
+_ptree "$@"
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_savecore b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_savecore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63bb81fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_savecore
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#compdef savecore
+_savecore() {
+	_arguments -s \
+		'-L[Take live dump]' \
+		'-v[Verbose]' \
+		'-d[Disregard dump header valid flag]' \
+		'-f[Save crash dump from file]:file:_files' \
+		'::directory:_files -/'
+_savecore "$@"
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_svcadm b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_svcadm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2e91a6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_svcadm
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#compdef svcadm
+_svcadm() {
+	local context state line subcmds
+	typeset -A opt_args
+	subcmds=( enable disable restart refresh mark clear milestone )
+	if [[ $service == "svcadm" ]]; then
+		_arguments -C -A "-*" \
+			'-v[Print actions verbosely]' \
+			'*::command:->subcmd' && return 0
+		if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
+			_wanted commands expl 'svcadm subcommand' compadd -a subcmds
+			return
+		fi
+		service="$words[1]"
+		curcontext="${curcontext%:*}=$service:"
+	fi
+	case $service in
+	(enable)
+		_arguments \
+			'-r[Recursively enable dependencies]' \
+			'-s[Wait for service to come online]' \
+			'-t[State change is temporary]' \
+			'*:instance FMRI:_svcs_fmri -i'
+		;;
+	(disable)
+		_arguments \
+			'-s[Wait for service to become disabled]' \
+			'-t[State change is temporary]' \
+			'*:instance FMRI:_svcs_fmri -i'
+		;;
+	(mark)
+		_arguments \
+			'-I[Change state immediately]' \
+			'-t[State change is temporary]' \
+			':state:(degraded maintenance)' \
+			':instance FMRI:_svcs_fmri -i'
+		;;
+	(restart|refresh|clear)
+		_arguments \
+			'*:instance FMRI:_svcs_fmri -i'
+		;;
+	(milestone)
+		_arguments \
+			'-d[Make milestone the default]' \
+			'*:milestone FMRI:_svcs_fmri -m'
+		;;
+# 	# The delegate subcommand has been removed, replaced by just using
+# 	# the restarter fmri
+# 	(delegate)
+# 		_arguments \
+# 			'1:restarter FMRI:_svcs_fmri -r' \
+# 			'*:instance FMRI:_svcs_fmri -i'
+# 		;;
+	(*)
+		_message "unknown svcadm subcommand: $service"
+	esac
+_svcadm "$@"
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_svccfg b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_svccfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59f275f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_svccfg
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#compdef svccfg
+_svccfg() {
+	local context state line subcmds
+	subcmds=( apply extract import validate export inventory delete addpropvalue delpropvalue )
+	if [[ $service == "svccfg" ]]; then
+		_arguments -s \
+			'-?[Help]' \
+			'-v[Verbose]' \
+			'-s[FMRI on which to operate]:fmri:_svcs_fmri -c' \
+			- set1 \
+			'-f[Read commands from file]:command file:_files' \
+			- set2 \
+			'*::command:->subcmd' && return 0
+		if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
+			_wanted commands expl 'svccfg subcommand' compadd -a subcmds
+			return
+		fi
+		service="$words[1]"
+		curcontext="${curcontext%:*}=$service:"
+	fi
+	case $service in
+	(import)
+		_arguments \
+			'-V[Verify property updates]' \
+			':file:_files'
+		;;
+	(apply|validate|inventory)
+		_files
+		;;
+	(export)
+		_svcs_fmri -c
+		;;
+	(delete)
+		_arguments \
+			'-f[Force deletion if online or degraded]' \
+			'*:FMRI:_svcs_fmri -c'
+		;;
+	(extract)
+		;;
+	(*)
+		_message "unknown svccfg subcommand: $service"
+		;;
+	esac
+_svccfg "$@"
+# vi:tw=0
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_svcprop b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_svcprop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa166808a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_svcprop
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#compdef svcprop
+_svcprop() {
+	_arguments -s \
+		'-f[Designate properties by their FMRI]' \
+		'-q[Quiet]' \
+		'-t[Use multi-property output format]' \
+		'-v[Verbose]' \
+		- set1 \
+		'-w[Waits for the selected property or property group to change]' \
+		'-p[Prints values of named property or property group]' \
+		':FMRI:_svcs_fmri -i' \
+		- set2 \
+		'(-c -s)-C[Retrieve properties without composition]' \
+		'(-C -s)-c[Retrieve properties with composition]' \
+		'(-c -C)-s[Retrieve properties from snapshot]:snapshot:' \
+		'*-p[Prints values of named property or property group]' \
+		'*:FMRI:_svcs_fmri -i'
+_svcprop "$@"
+# vi:tw=0
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_svcs b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_svcs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0fcad2628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_svcs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#compdef svcs
+_svcs() {
+	local -a cols
+	cols=(
+		ctid\:"Contract ID" desc\:"Description" fmri\:"FMRI"
+		inst\:"Instance name" nsta\:"Next state (abbr)" nstate\:"Next state"
+		scope\:"Scope name" svc\:"Service name" sta\:"State (abbr)"
+		state\:"State" stime\:"Start time"
+	)
+	_arguments -s \
+		'(-l -x -d -D)-a[List all instances]' \
+		'(-l -x -D -a -R)-d[List dependencies]' \
+		'(-l -x -d -a -R)-D[List dependents]' \
+		'(-l -x)-H[Suppress header line]' \
+		'(-)-l[Print detailed status about services and instances]' \
+		'(-l -x)-o[Display specific columns]:column:_values -s , "column" ${^cols/\:/[}\]' \
+		'(-l -x)-p[List processes]' \
+		'(-l -x -d -D)-R[List services with the given restarter]:instance FMRI:_svcs_fmri -i' \
+		'(-l -x)-s[Sort by a column]:column:(($cols))' \
+		'(-l -x)-S[Reverse sort by a column]:column:(($cols))' \
+		'(-l)-v[verbose columns]' \
+		'(-l)-x[Display explanation for service states]' \
+		'(-l -x)-\?[Print help]' \
+		'*:FMRI or pattern:_svcs_fmri -i'
+_svcs "$@"
+# vi:tw=0
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Command/_zlogin b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_zlogin
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e93684b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Command/_zlogin
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#compdef zlogin
+_zlogin() {
+	_arguments -s \
+		'-E[Disable escape character]' \
+		'-e[Specify escape character]:character:' \
+		'-l[Specify username]:username:_users' \
+		':zonename:' \
+		- set1 \
+		'-C[Connect to zone console]' \
+		- set2 \
+		'-S["Safe" login mode]' \
+		':utility'
+_zlogin "$@"
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Type/.distfiles b/Completion/Solaris/Type/.distfiles
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cbe93b813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Type/.distfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/Completion/Solaris/Type/_svcs_fmri b/Completion/Solaris/Type/_svcs_fmri
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..684dc8d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Solaris/Type/_svcs_fmri
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+_svcs_fmri() {
+	local type="$argv[$#]"
+	local fmri_abbrevs m i
+	typeset -a -g _smf_fmris
+	local update_policy
+	zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy update_policy
+	if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]; then
+		zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy _smf_caching_policy
+	fi
+	# The cache really must be per-host
+	local cache_id=smf_fmri:$HOST
+	# TODO: Do something useful with the expand and/or ambiguous styles.
+	case $type in
+	(-i|-c)
+		# We probably also need an option to eliminate ambiguous
+		# results for use in places where that's not allowed.
+		# Grab all FMRIs that have a word beginning with $PREFIX,
+		# making sure not to return the portion of the FMRI before
+		# $PREFIX.  Use the cache if it exists and the user wants to.
+		if ( [[ $#_smf_fmris -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid $cache_id ) && ! _retrieve_cache $cache_id; then
+			_smf_fmris=( ${(f)"$(svcs -a -H -o fmri)"} )
+			_store_cache $cache_id _smf_fmris
+		fi
+		# Each element of the array is removed which doesn't match (^|.*/)$PREFIX.*
+		fmri_abbrevs=( ${(M)_smf_fmris:#((#s)|*[/:])$PREFIX*} )
+		# Go through the remaining elements and remove the characters
+		# in front of $PREFIX.
+		for i in {1..$#fmri_abbrevs}; do
+			# Either one of these will work, but they're too
+			# greedy, preventing multiple matches below.
+			fmri_abbrevs[i]=${${fmri_abbrevs[i]}/((#s)|*[\/:])(#b)($PREFIX*)/$match[1]}
+			#fmri_abbrevs[i]=${${(M)${fmri_abbrevs[i]}:#(#b)((#s)|*/)$PREFIX*}#$match[1]}
+		done
+		# Remove the "default" instance identifier if we can (not for
+		# svccfg)
+		# TODO Can't remove default when there are other instances.
+		if [[ $type == "-i" ]]; then
+			fmri_abbrevs=( ${fmri_abbrevs//:default(#e)/} )
+		fi
+		# Search for a second match within each result.
+		# for m in $fmri_abbrevs; do
+		# 	if [[ -n ${(M)m:#((#s)|*/)$PREFIX*/$PREFIX*} ]]; then
+		# 		fmri_abbrevs=( $fmri_abbrevs ${${(SMI:1:)m%%/$PREFIX*}#/} )
+		# 	fi
+		# done
+		# After playing with _multi_parts, I'm not sure it's actually that useful.
+		# _wanted fmri expl "full or unambiguously abbreviated FMRIs" _multi_parts / fmri_abbrevs
+		_wanted fmri expl "full or unambiguously abbreviated FMRIs" compadd $fmri_abbrevs
+		;;
+	(-m)
+		_wanted fmri expl "milestone FMRIs" \
+			compadd $(svcs -H -o fmri svc:/milestone/\*) all
+		;;
+	(-r)
+		# TODO: need some way to pick out only restarters
+		_wanted fmri expl "restarter FMRIs" compadd master svc:/network/inetd:default
+		;;
+	(*)
+		_message "unknown argument to _svcs_fmri: $type"
+		;;
+	esac
+_smf_caching_policy() {
+	# /etc/svc/repository.db is not a public interface, so this is kinda
+	# grody.
+	[[ ! -f "$1" || /etc/svc/repository.db -nt "$1" ]]
+_svcs_fmri "$@"