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path: root/Completion/Core
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Diffstat (limited to 'Completion/Core')
2 files changed, 57 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/Core/_parameters b/Completion/Core/_parameters
index 824d8dbc9..a6336424c 100644
--- a/Completion/Core/_parameters
+++ b/Completion/Core/_parameters
@@ -1,16 +1,67 @@
 # This should be used to complete parameter names if you need some of the
-# extra options of compadd. It completes only non-local parameters. All
-# arguments are given to compadd.
+# extra options of compadd. It completes only non-local parameters.
+# If the first argument is `-s' or `-b' auto_param_slash will be tested
+# and slashes will be added to parameters containing a directory. `-s' is
+# for parameter expansions without braces and `-b' is for expansions with
+# braces. A `-' as the first argument is ignored and in all cases all
+# other arguments will be given to `compadd'.
-local expl
+setopt localoptions extendedglob
+local pars expl slash suf
+if [[ "$1" = -s ]]; then
+  slash=normal
+  suf="$2"
+  shift 2
+elif [[ "$1" = -b ]]; then
+  slash=brace
+  suf="$2"
+  shift 2
+elif [[ "$1" = - ]]; then
+  shift
 _description expl parameter
 if zmodload -e parameter; then
   setopt localoptions extendedglob
-  compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - ${(k)parameters[(R)^*local*]}
+  pars=( ${(k)parameters[(R)^*local*]} )
+  pars=( ${${${(f)"$(typeset +)"}:#*local *}##* } )
+if [[ -n "$slash" && -o autoparamslash ]]; then
+  local i dirs nodirs ret=1
+  dirs=()
+  nodirs=()
+  for i in $pars; do
+    if [[ -d "${(P)i}" ]]; then
+      dirs=( $dirs $i )
+    else
+      nodirs=( $nodirs $i )
+    fi
+  done
+  if [[ "$slash" = normal ]]; then
+    compadd -S "/${suf%% #}" -r ' [/:' "$expl[@]" "$@" - $dirs && ret=0
+    compadd -S "$suf" -r ' [:' "$expl[@]" "$@" - $nodirs && ret=0
+  elif [[ "$slash" = brace ]]; then
+    compadd -S "}/${suf%% #}" -r '-:?#%+=[/}' "$expl[@]" "$@" - $dirs && ret=0
+    compadd -S "}$suf" -r '-:?#%+=[/}' "$expl[@]" "$@" - $nodirs && ret=0
+  fi
+  return ret
-  compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - ${${${(f)"$(typeset +)"}:#*local *}##* }
+  if [[ "$slash" = normal ]]; then
+    compadd -S "$suf" -r ' [:' "$expl[@]" "$@" - $pars
+  elif [[ "$slash" = brace ]]; then
+    compadd -S "}$suf" -r '-:?#%+=[/}' "$expl[@]" "$@" - $pars
+  else
+    compadd "$expl[@]" "$@" - $pars
+  fi
diff --git a/Completion/Core/compinit b/Completion/Core/compinit
index f160e7dcf..04438327c 100644
--- a/Completion/Core/compinit
+++ b/Completion/Core/compinit
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ if [[ -z "$_i_done" ]]; then
       case $_i_tag in
 	if [[ $_i_line[1] = -[pPk](n|) ]]; then
-	  compdef ${_i_line[1]}a "${_i_file:t}" "${(@)_i_line[2,-1]}"
+	  compdef ${_i_line[1]}na "${_i_file:t}" "${(@)_i_line[2,-1]}"
 	  compdef -na "${_i_file:t}" "${_i_line[@]}"