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4 files changed, 591 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Test/04redirect.ztst b/Test/04redirect.ztst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85bcaee43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/04redirect.ztst
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# Tests corresponding to the `Redirection' texinfo node.
+  mkdir redir.tmp && cd redir.tmp
+  print 'This is file redir' >redir  &&  cat redir
+0:'>' and '<' redirection
+>This is file redir
+  rm -f redir
+  print 'This is still file redir' <>redir >&0  &&  cat <>redir
+0:'<>' redirection
+>This is still file redir
+  rm -f redir
+  print 'With a bar' >|redir  &&  cat redir
+0:'>|' redirection
+>With a bar
+  rm -f redir
+  print 'With a bang' >!redir  &&  cat redir
+0:'>!' redirection
+>With a bang
+  rm -f redir
+  print 'Line 1' >>redir  &&  print 'Line 2' >>redir  &&  cat redir
+0:'>>' redirection
+>Line 1
+>Line 2
+  rm -f redir
+  print 'Line a' >>|redir  &&  print 'Line b' >>!redir
+0:'>>|' and '>>!' redirection
+  foo=bar
+  cat <<'  HERE'
+  $foo
+  eval "$(print 'cat <<HERE\n$foo\nHERE')"
+>  $foo
+  cat <<-HERE
+# note tabs at the start of the following lines
+	$foo$foo
+0:Here-documents stripping tabs
+  cat <<<"This is a line with a $foo in it"
+0:'<<<' redirection
+>This is a line with a bar in it
+  exec 3>redir  &&  print hello >&3  &&  print goodbye >&3  && cat redir
+0:'>&' redirection
+  exec 3<redir && read foo <&3 && print $foo && read foo <&3 && print $foo
+0:'<&' redirection
+  read foo <&-
+1:'<&-' redirection
+  print foo >&-
+0:'>&-' redirection
+  fn() { local foo; read foo; print $foo; }
+  coproc fn
+  print test output >&p
+  read bar <&p
+  print $bar
+0:'>&p' and '<&p' redirection
+>test output
+  ( print Output; print Error >& 2 ) >&errout  &&  cat errout
+0:'>&FILE' handling
+  rm -f errout
+  ( print Output2; print Error2 >& 2 ) &>errout  &&  cat errout
+0:'&>FILE' handling
+  rm -f errout
+  ( print Output3; print Error3 >& 2 ) >&|errout  &&  cat errout
+  ( print Output4; print Error4 >& 2 ) >&!errout  &&  cat errout
+  ( print Output5; print Error5 >& 2 ) &>|errout  &&  cat errout
+  ( print Output6; print Error6 >& 2 ) &>!errout  &&
+  ( print Output7; print Error7 >& 2 ) >>&errout  &&
+  ( print Output8; print Error8 >& 2 ) &>>errout  &&
+  ( print Output9; print Error9 >& 2 ) >>&|errout  &&
+  ( print Output10; print Error10 >& 2 ) &>>|errout  &&
+  ( print Output11; print Error11 >& 2 ) >>&!errout  &&
+  ( print Output12; print Error12 >& 2 ) &>>!errout  &&  cat errout
+0:'>&|', '>&!', '&>|', '&>!' redirection
+  rm -f errout
+  ( print Output; print Error 1>&2 ) 1>errout 2>&1  && cat errout
+0:'Combining > with >& (1)'
+  rm -f errout
+  ( print Output; print Error 1>&2 ) 2>&1 1>errout   &&  print errout:  &&
+  cat errout
+0:'Combining > with >& (2)'
+# Following two tests have to be separated since in
+#   print bar >foo >bar && print "$(<foo) $(<bar)"
+# the multios aren't flushed until after the substitutions take
+# place.  This can't be right.
+  rm -f errout
+  print doo be doo be doo >foo >bar 
+0:setup 2-file multio
+  print "foo: $(<foo)\nbar: $(<bar)"
+0:read 2-file multio
+>foo: doo be doo be doo
+>bar: doo be doo be doo
+  rm -f foo bar
+  print dont be dont be dont >foo | sed 's/dont/wont/g' >bar
+0:setup file+pipe multio
+  print "foo: $(<foo)\nbar: $(<bar)"
+0:read file+pipe multio
+>foo: dont be dont be dont
+>bar: wont be wont be wont
+  rm -f *
+  touch out1 out2
+  print All files >*
+0:setup multio with globbing
+  print *
+  print "out1: $(<out1)\nout2: $(<out2)"
+0:read multio with globbing
+>out1 out2
+>out1: All files
+>out2: All files
+  print This is out1 >out1
+  print This is out2 >out2
+0:setup multio for input
+# Currently, <out{1,2} doesn't work: this is a bug.
+  cat <out*
+0:read multio input
+>This is out1
+>This is out2
+  cat out1 | sed s/out/bout/ <out2
+0:read multio input with pipe
+>This is bout1
+>This is bout2
+  unset NULLCMD
+  >out1
+1:null redir with NULLCMD unset
+?ZTST_execchunk:2: redirection with no command
+  print cat input >out1
+  <out1
+?ZTST_execchunk:2: redirection with no command
+  >out1
+  [[ ! -s out1 ]] || print out1 is not empty
+0:null redir with NULLCMD=:
+  print cat input >out1
+  <out1
+>cat input
+  NULLCMD=cat
+  >out1
+  cat out1
+0:null redir with NULLCMD=cat
diff --git a/Test/05command.ztst b/Test/05command.ztst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..958106493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/05command.ztst
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+  storepath=($path)
+  mkdir command.tmp command.tmp/dir1 command.tmp/dir2
+  cd command.tmp
+  print '#!/bin/sh\necho This is top' >tstcmd
+  print '#!/bin/sh\necho This is dir1' >dir1/tstcmd
+  print '#!/bin/sh\necho This is dir2' >dir2/tstcmd
+  chmod 755 tstcmd dir1/tstcmd dir2/tstcmd
+  ./tstcmd
+0:./prog execution
+>This is top
+  path=($ZTST_testdir/command.tmp/dir1
+        $ZTST_testdir/command.tmp/dir2
+        .)
+  tstcmd
+  path=($storepath)
+0:path (1)
+>This is dir1
+  path=(. command.tmp/dir{1,2})
+  tstcmd
+  path=($storepath)
+0:path (2)
+>This is top
+  functst() { print $# arguments:; print -l $*; }
+  functst "Eines Morgens" "als Gregor Samsa"
+  functst ""
+  functst "aus unrühigen Träumen erwachte"
+  foo="fand er sich in seinem Bett"
+  bar=
+  rod="zu einem ungeheuren Ungeziefer verwandelt."
+  functst $foo $bar $rod
+# set up alias for next test
+  alias foo='print This is alias one'
+0:function argument passing
+>2 arguments:
+>Eines Morgens
+>als Gregor Samsa
+>1 arguments:
+>1 arguments:
+>aus unrühigen Träumen erwachte
+>2 arguments:
+>fand er sich in seinem Bett
+>zu einem ungeheuren Ungeziefer verwandelt.
+  alias foo='print This is alias two'
+  fn() { foo; }
+  fn
+0:Aliases in functions
+>This is alias one
+  foo='Global foo'
+  traptst() { local foo="Local foo"; trap 'print $foo' EXIT; }
+  traptst
+0:EXIT trap environment
+>Global foo
+  functst() { return 0; print Ha ha; return 1; }
+  functst
+0:return (1)
+  functst() { return 1; print Ho ho; return 0; }
+  functst
+1:return (2)
+  unfunction functst
+  fpath=(.)
+  print "print This is functst." >functst
+  autoload functst
+  functst
+0:autoloading (1)
+>This is functst.
+  unfunction functst
+  print "functst() { print This, too, is functst; }; print Hello." >functst
+  typeset -fu functst
+  functst
+  functst
+0:autoloading with initialization
+>This, too, is functst
+  unfunction functst
+  print "print Yet another version" >functst
+  functst() { autoload -X; }
+  functst
+0:autoloading via -X
+>Yet another version
+  chpwd() { print Changed to $PWD; }
+  cd .
+  unfunction chpwd
+>Changed to $ZTST_testdir/command.tmp
+# Hard to test periodic, precmd and preexec non-interactively.
+  fn() { TRAPEXIT() { print Exit; }; }
+  fn
+  unfunction fn
+  print 'TRAPDEBUG() {
+      print Line $LINENO
+    }
+    :
+    unfunction TRAPDEBUG
+  }' > fn
+  autoload fn
+  fn
+  rm fn
+>Line 1
+>Line 1
+  unfunction fn
+  print 'trap '\''print Line $LINENO'\'' DEBUG
+    :
+    trap - DEBUG
+  }' > fn
+  autoload fn
+  fn
+  rm fn
+0:trap DEBUG
+>Line 1
+>Line 2
+  TRAPZERR() { print Command failed; }
+  true
+  false
+  true
+  false
+  unfunction TRAPZERR
+>Command failed
+>Command failed
+  trap 'print Command failed again.' ZERR
+  true
+  false
+  true
+  false
+  trap - ZERR
+0:trap ZERR
+>Command failed again.
+>Command failed again.
diff --git a/Test/06arith.ztst b/Test/06arith.ztst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35d1ba494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/06arith.ztst
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Tests corresponding to the texinfo node `Arithmetic Evaluation'
+  integer light there
+  (( light = 42 )) &&
+  let 'there = light' &&
+  print $(( there ))
+0:basic integer arithmetic
+  float light there
+  integer rnd
+  (( light = 3.1415 )) &&
+  let 'there = light' &&
+  print -- $(( rnd = there * 10000 ))
+# save rounding problems by converting to integer
+0:basic floating point arithmetic
+  print $(( 0x10 + 0X01 + 2#1010 ))
+0:base input
+  float light
+  (( light = 4 ))
+  print $light
+  typeset -F light
+  print $light
+0:conversion to float
+  integer i
+  (( i = 32.5 ))
+  print $i
+0:conversion to int
+  integer i
+  (( i = 4 - - 3 * 7 << 1 & 7 ^ 1 | 16 ** 2 ))
+  print $i
+0:precedence (arithmetic)
+  print $(( 1 < 2 || 2 < 2 && 3 > 4 ))
+0:precedence (logical)
+  print $(( 1 + 4 ? 3 + 2 ? 4 + 3 ? 5 + 6 ? 4 * 8 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 ))
+0:precedence (ternary)
+  print $(( 3 ? 2 ))
+1:parsing ternary (1)
+?ZTST_execchunk:2: ':' expected
+  print $(( 3 ? 2 : 1 : 4 ))
+1:parsing ternary (2)
+?ZTST_execchunk:2: ':' without '?'
+  print $(( 0, 4 ? 3 : 1, 5 ))
+0:comma operator
+  foo=000
+  print $(( ##A + ##\C-a + #foo + $#foo ))
+0:#, ## and $#
+  integer i
+  (( i = 3 + 5 * 1.75 ))
+  print $i
+0:promotion to float
+  typeset x      &&
+  (( x = 3.5 ))  &&
+  print $x       &&
+  (( x = 4 ))    &&
+  print $x
+0:use of scalars to store integers and floats
diff --git a/Test/07cond.ztst b/Test/07cond.ztst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7fff51ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/07cond.ztst
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Tests corresponding to the texinfo node `Conditional Expressions'
+  umask 077
+  mkdir cond.tmp
+  cd cond.tmp
+  touch	unmodified
+  touch zerolength
+  print 'Garbuglio' >nonzerolength
+  touch modish
+  chmod g+s modish
+  chmod u+s modish
+  chmod +t modish
+  touch unmodish
+  chmod 000 unmodish
+  [[ -a zerolength && ! -a nonexistent ]]
+0:-a cond
+  # Find a block special file system.  This is a little tricky.
+  block=$(df / | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 }') &&
+  [[ -b $block && ! -b zerolength ]]
+0:-b cond
+  char=(/dev/tty*([1]))
+  [[ -c $char && ! -c $block ]]
+0:-c cond
+  [[ -d . && ! -d zerolength ]]
+0:-d cond
+  [[ -e zerolength && ! -e nonexistent ]]
+0:-e cond
+  [[ -f zerolength && ! -f cond && ! -f $char && ! -f $block && ! -f . ]]
+0:-f cond
+  [[ -g modish && ! -g zerolength ]]
+0:-g cond
+  ln -s zerolength link
+  [[ -h link && ! -h zerolength ]]
+0:-h cond
+  [[ -k modish && ! -k zerolength ]]
+0:-k cond
+  foo=foo
+  bar=
+  [[ -n $foo && ! -n $bar && ! -n '' ]]
+0:-n cond
+  [[ -o rcs && ! -o norcs && -o noerrexit && ! -o errexit ]]
+0:-o cond
+  mknod pipe p
+  [[ -p pipe && ! -p zerolength ]]
+0:-p cond
+  [[ -r zerolength && ! -r unmodish ]]
+0:-r cond
+  [[ -s nonzerolength && ! -s zerolength ]]
+0:-s cond
+# no simple way of guaranteeing test for -t
+  [[ -u modish && ! -u zerolength ]]
+0:-u cond
+  [[ -x $ZTST_testdir/ztst.zsh && ! -x zerolength ]]
+0:-x cond
+  [[ -z $bar && -z '' && ! -z $foo ]]
+0:-z cond
+  [[ -L link && ! -L zerolength ]]
+0:-L cond
+# hard to guarantee a file not owned by current uid
+  [[ -O zerolength ]]
+0:-O cond
+# there may be strange cases where this doesn't work, e.g.
+# inherited funny groups for directories via setgid.
+  [[ -G zerolength ]]
+0:-G cond
+# can't be bothered with -S
+  cat unmodified
+  touch newnewnew
+  [[ -N newnewnew && ! -N unmodified ]]
+0:-N cond
+  [[ newnewnew -nt zerolength && ! (unmodified -nt zerolength) ]]
+0:-nt cond
+  [[ zerolength -ot newnewnew && ! (zerolength -ot unmodified) ]]
+0:-ot cond
+  [[ link -ef zerolength && ! (link -ef nonzerolength) ]]
+0:-ef cond
+  [[ foo = foo && foo != bar && foo == foo && foo != '' ]]
+0:=, == and != conds
+  [[ bar < foo && foo > bar ]]
+0:< and > conds
+  [[ $(( 3 + 4 )) -eq 0x07 && $(( 5 * 2 )) -ne 0x10 ]]
+0:-eq and -ne conds
+  [[ 3 -lt 04 && 05 -gt 2 ]]
+0:-lt and -gt conds
+  [[ 3 -le 3 && ! (4 -le 3) ]]
+0:-le cond
+  [[ 3 -ge 3 && ! (3 -ge 4) ]]
+0:-ge cond
+  [[ 1 -lt 2 || 2 -lt 2 && 3 -gt 4 ]]
+0:|| and && in conds
+  [[ -e /dev/fd/0 ]]
+0:/dev/fd support in conds