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3 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index af07352db..372e36053 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2015-01-09  Mikael Magnusson  <>
+	* 30568: Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo, Functions/Misc/tetriscurses: Add
+	tetriscurses contrib function, port of tetris to zcurses
 2015-01-08  Peter Stephenson  <>
 	* Src/init.c, Src/input.c, Src/lex.c, Src/parse.c, Src/zsh.h,
diff --git a/Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo b/Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo
index 8c5e66b17..50432432b 100644
--- a/Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo
+++ b/Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo
@@ -3609,6 +3609,17 @@ If you quit in the middle of a game, the next invocation of the tt(tetris)
 widget will continue where you left off.  If you lost, it will start a new
+This is a port of the above to zcurses.  The input handling is improved
+a bit so that moving a block sideways doesn't automatically advance a
+timestep, and the graphics use unicode block graphics.
+This version does not save the game state between invocations, and is not
+invoked as a widget, but rather as:
+example(autoload -U tetriscurses
 item(tt(zargs) [ var(option) ... tt(-)tt(-) ] [ var(input) ... ] [ tt(-)tt(-) var(command) [ var(arg) ... ] ])(
 This function has a similar purpose to GNU xargs.  Instead of
diff --git a/Functions/Misc/tetriscurses b/Functions/Misc/tetriscurses
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..371456082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/Misc/tetriscurses
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+# I noticed we don't ship any contrib and/or example scripts using the
+# zcurses module, and also that the builtin tetris is sort of boring, so
+# I figured I'd port it to curses. It works pretty well, but I noticed
+# two problems with the zcurses module in the process:
+# 1. the HAVE_USE_DEFAULT_COLORS define seems to never be defined?
+# 2a. resizing the window causes 'zcurses input' to wait forever for a
+# key, even with a timeout defined.
+# Bart says:
+# >This probably has something to do with the special-casing around wgetch()
+# >for signals handled by the "trap" command.  See the big comment in
+# >Src/Modules/curses.c lines 1073-1103.
+# >It may be problematic to mix curses with the generic signal handling in
+# >the main shell.  We may need to swap in a SIGWINCH handler wrapper while
+# >the curses UI is active, and restore the main handler when leaving it.
+# 2b. resizing the window doesn't cause an event while running the
+# program, but if i resize before starting(?) i get an event RESIZE on
+# my first input call.
+# Bart says:
+# >There's probably some state that needs to be cleared on entry to
+# >zccmd_input() so that curses doesn't see something left over from the
+# >previous signal.  Unfortunately I don't know what that would be.
+if (( $LINES < 22 || $COLUMNS < 46 )); then
+  echo >&2 'terminal needs to be at least 22 lines and 46 columns'
+  return
+emulate -L zsh
+typeset -a tetris_shapes
+  0x0f00 0x4444 0x0f00 0x4444
+  0x4e00 0x4c40 0x0e40 0x4640
+  0x6600 0x6600 0x6600 0x6600
+  0x4620 0x6c00 0x4620 0x6c00
+  0x2640 0x6300 0x2640 0x6300
+  0x6440 0x8e00 0x44c0 0x0e20
+  0xc440 0x0e80 0x4460 0x2e00
+typeset -A tetris_rotations
+  0x0f00 0x4444 0x4444 0x0f00
+  0x4e00 0x4c40 0x4c40 0x0e40 0x0e40 0x4640 0x4640 0x4e00
+  0x6600 0x6600
+  0x4620 0x6c00 0x6c00 0x4620
+  0x2640 0x6300 0x6300 0x2640
+  0x6440 0x8e00 0x8e00 0x44c0 0x44c0 0x0e20 0x0e20 0x6440
+  0xc440 0x0e80 0x0e80 0x4460 0x4460 0x2e00 0x2e00 0xc440
+local tetris_vsz=20 tetris_hsz=11
+local tetris_blankline=${(l:11:: :)}
+local tetris_blankboard=${(j::):-${(l:11:: :)}${(s: :)^${(l:20:: :)}}}
+local tetris_board=$tetris_blankboard
+local tetris_score=0
+local tetris_lines=0
+local tetris_{block{,_next,_x,_y},i}
+function __tetris-next-block {
+  tetris_block_next=$tetris_shapes[1+RANDOM%$#tetris_shapes]
+function __tetris-new-block {
+  tetris_block=$tetris_block_next
+  __tetris-next-block
+  __tetris-draw-next-block
+  tetris_block_y=0
+  tetris_block_x=4
+  if ! __tetris-block-fits; then
+    __tetris-game-over
+  fi
+  __tetris-place-block "*"
+function __tetris-left {
+  __tetris-place-block " "
+  (( tetris_block_x-- ))
+  __tetris-block-fits || (( tetris_block_x++ ))
+  __tetris-place-block "*"
+function __tetris-right {
+  __tetris-place-block " "
+  (( tetris_block_x++ ))
+  __tetris-block-fits || (( tetris_block_x-- ))
+  __tetris-place-block "*"
+function __tetris-rotate {
+  __tetris-place-block " "
+  local save_block=$tetris_block
+  tetris_block=$tetris_rotations[$tetris_block]
+  __tetris-block-fits || tetris_block=$save_block
+  __tetris-place-block "*"
+function __tetris-drop {
+  __tetris-place-block " "
+  ((tetris_block_y++))
+  while __tetris-block-fits; do
+    ((tetris_block_y++))
+    ((tetris_score+=2))
+  done
+  ((tetris_block_y--))
+  __tetris-block-dropped
+function __tetris-timeout {
+  __tetris-place-block " "
+  ((tetris_block_y++))
+  if __tetris-block-fits; then
+    __tetris-place-block "*"
+    return
+  fi
+  ((tetris_block_y--))
+  __tetris-block-dropped
+function __tetris-block-dropped {
+  integer bonus=1
+  __tetris-place-block "O"
+  local fl=${tetris_blankline// /O} i=$((tetris_block_y*tetris_hsz))
+  repeat 4; do
+    if [[ $tetris_board[i+1,i+tetris_hsz] == $fl ]]; then
+      if (( fancygraphics )); then for char in {7..1}; do
+        tetris_board[i+1,i+tetris_hsz]=${tetris_blankline// /$char}
+        __tetris-render-screen
+        zcurses timeout score 50
+        zcurses input score
+      done; fi
+      tetris_board[i+1,i+tetris_hsz]=
+      tetris_board=$tetris_blankline$tetris_board
+      ((tetris_score+=100*(bonus++*(tetris_lines/10+10))))
+      ((tetris_lines+=1))
+      if ((tetris_lines % 10 == 0)); then
+        ((timestep = timestep * 0.80))
+      fi
+    fi
+    ((i += tetris_hsz))
+  done
+  __tetris-new-block
+function __tetris-block-fits {
+  local y x i=$((1+tetris_block_y*tetris_hsz+tetris_block_x)) b=0x8000
+  for ((y=0; y!=4; y++)); do
+    for ((x=0; x!=4; x++)); do
+      if ((tetris_block&b)); then
+        ((x+tetris_block_x >= 0)) || return 1
+        ((x+tetris_block_x < tetris_hsz)) || return 1
+        ((y+tetris_block_y >= 0)) || return 1
+        ((y+tetris_block_y < tetris_vsz)) || return 1
+        [[ $tetris_board[i] == " " ]] || return 1
+      fi
+      ((b >>= 1))
+      ((i++))
+    done
+    ((i+=tetris_hsz-4))
+  done
+  return 0
+function __tetris-draw-next-block {
+  local tetris_preview
+  local y x i=1 b=0x8000
+  for ((y=0; y!=4; y++)); do
+    tetris_preview="    "
+    for ((x=0; x!=4; x++)); do
+      ((tetris_block_next&b)) && tetris_preview[i]=\*
+      ((b >>= 1))
+      ((i++))
+    done
+    i=1
+    zcurses move preview $((y+1)) 1
+    zcurses string preview ${${${tetris_preview//O/$filled_block}//\*/$active_block}// /  }
+  done
+function __tetris-place-block {
+  local y x i=$((1+tetris_block_y*tetris_hsz+tetris_block_x)) b=0x8000
+  for ((y=0; y!=4; y++)); do
+    for ((x=0; x!=4; x++)); do
+      ((tetris_block&b)) && tetris_board[i]=$1
+      ((b >>= 1))
+      ((i++))
+    done
+    ((i+=tetris_hsz-4))
+  done
+function __tetris-render-screen {
+  local i x piece
+  setopt localoptions histsubstpattern extendedglob
+  local -a match mbegin mend
+  local -A animation
+  animation=( 7 ▇▇ 6 ▆▆ 5 ▅▅ 4 ▄▄ 3 ▃▃ 2 ▂▂ 1 ▁▁ )
+  for (( i = 0; i < tetris_vsz; i++ )); do
+    zcurses move gamearea $(( i + 1 )) 1
+    zcurses string gamearea ${${${${${tetris_board[1+i*tetris_hsz,(i+1)*tetris_hsz]}//O/$filled_block}//\*/$active_block}// /  }//(#b)([1-7])/$animation[$match[1]]}
+  done
+  zcurses clear score
+  zcurses move score 1 1
+  zcurses string score "Score: $tetris_score"$'\
+'" Lines: $tetris_lines"$'\
+'" Speed: ${timestep%.*} ms"
+  zcurses border gamearea
+  zcurses border score
+  zcurses border preview
+  zcurses refresh gamearea score preview $debug
+function __tetris-game-over {
+  gameover=1
+function __tetris-new-game {
+  gameover=0
+  timestep=1000
+  tetris_score=0
+  tetris_lines=0
+  __tetris-next-block
+  __tetris-new-block
+  __tetris-render-screen
+function __tetris-game-over-screen {
+  __tetris-debug "Died with $tetris_score points!"
+  tetris_board=$tetris_blankboard
+  local text="You got $tetris_score points!"
+  local gameover_height=4 gameover_width=$(( $#text + 2 ))
+  zcurses addwin gameover $gameover_height $gameover_width \
+                          $(( off_y + (game_height-gameover_height)/2 )) \
+                          $(( off_x + (game_width+score_width-gameover_width)/2 ))
+  zcurses move gameover 1 1
+  zcurses string gameover $text
+  text='Play again? [yn]'
+  zcurses move gameover 2 $(( (gameover_width - $#text)/2 ))
+  zcurses string gameover $text
+  zcurses border gameover
+  keepplaying=
+  until [[ $keepplaying = [ynq] ]]; do
+    zcurses input gameover keepplaying
+  done
+  zcurses delwin gameover
+  zcurses refresh stdscr
+  zcurses timeout gamearea ${timestep%.*}
+  __tetris-new-game
+function __tetris-debug {
+  if [[ -z $debug ]]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  zcurses scroll debug -1
+  zcurses move debug 0 0
+  zcurses string debug "$1"
+function __tetris-remove-wins {
+  local delwin
+  local -a delwins
+  delwins=(gamearea score debug gameover help preview)
+  for delwin in ${delwins:*zcurses_windows}; do
+    zcurses delwin $delwin
+  done
+function __tetris-help {
+  local i
+  local help_height=9 help_width=23
+  zcurses addwin help $help_height $help_width \
+                      $(( off_y + (game_height - help_height) / 2 )) \
+                      $(( off_x + (game_width + score_width - help_width) / 2 ))
+  zcurses move help 1 1
+  zcurses string help $'left: h, j, left\
+ right: right, n, l\
+ rotate: up, c, i\
+ soft drop: down, t, k\
+ hard drop: space\
+ quit: q\
+ press space to return'
+  zcurses border help
+  until [[ $i == [\ q] ]]; do
+    zcurses input help i
+    if [[ $i == q ]]; then
+      keepplaying=n
+    fi
+  done
+  zcurses delwin help
+  zcurses refresh stdscr
+zmodload zsh/curses && {
+  zcurses init
+  __tetris-remove-wins
+  zcurses refresh
+  echoti civis
+  local debug=
+  if (( ${@[(I)--debug|-d]} )); then
+    debug=debug
+  fi
+  local off_x off_y
+  local game_height=22   game_width=25
+  local score_height=5   score_width=20
+  local preview_height=6 preview_width=10
+  local filled_block active_block 
+  local fancygraphics
+  if zmodload zsh/langinfo && [[ $langinfo[CODESET] = UTF-8 ]]; then
+    filled_block=██
+    active_block=▒▒
+    fancygraphics=${@[(I)--silly]}
+  else
+    filled_block='[]'
+    active_block='()'
+    fancygraphics=0
+  fi
+  off_x=$(( (COLUMNS-game_width-score_width-1) / 2 ))
+  off_y=$(( (LINES-game_height) / 2 ))
+  zcurses clear stdscr redraw
+  zcurses refresh stdscr
+  zcurses addwin gamearea $game_height $game_width $off_y $off_x
+  zcurses scroll gamearea off
+  zcurses addwin score $score_height $score_width \
+                       $off_y $(( off_x + game_width + 1 ))
+  zcurses scroll score off
+  zcurses addwin preview $preview_height $preview_width \
+                         $(( off_y + score_height )) $(( off_x + game_width + 1 ))
+  zcurses scroll preview off
+  if [[ -n $debug ]]; then
+    zcurses addwin debug $(( game_height - score_height - preview_height - 1 )) \
+                         $score_width \
+                         $(( off_y + score_height + preview_height ))\
+                         $(( off_x + game_width + 1 ))
+  fi
+  typeset -F SECONDS
+  local now prev timestep timeout key kkey keepplaying=y gameover=0
+  prev=$SECONDS
+  __tetris-new-game
+  zcurses timeout gamearea 0
+  while [[ $keepplaying == y ]]; do
+    if zcurses input gamearea key kkey; then
+      __tetris-debug "got input $key$kkey"
+      case $key$kkey in
+        LEFT|h|j)  __tetris-left;;
+        RIGHT|n|l) __tetris-right;;
+        UP|c|i)    __tetris-rotate;;
+        DOWN|t|k)  __tetris-timeout; ((tetris_score++)); prev=$SECONDS;;
+        " ")       __tetris-drop;;
+        q)         break;;
+        F1|H)      __tetris-help;;
+      esac
+    else
+      __tetris-debug "timed out"
+      __tetris-timeout
+    fi
+    now=$SECONDS
+    if (( prev + timestep/1000. < now )); then
+      (( prev += timestep/1000. ))
+    fi
+    timeout=${$(( 1000.*(prev + timestep/1000. - now) + 1 ))%.*}
+    if (( timeout < 0 )); then
+      __tetris-debug "BUG: timeout < 0"
+      timeout=${timestep%.*}
+    fi
+    zcurses timeout gamearea $timeout
+    __tetris-debug "timeout: $timeout"
+    __tetris-render-screen
+    if [[ $gameover == 1 ]]; then
+      __tetris-game-over-screen
+    fi
+  done
+} always {
+  __tetris-remove-wins
+  echoti cnorm
+  zcurses end