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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 330 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/Core/_main_complete b/Completion/Core/_main_complete
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c2a61cce..000000000
--- a/Completion/Core/_main_complete
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-# The main loop of the completion code. This is what is called when 
-# completion is attempted from the command line.
-# If you want to complete only set or unset options for the unsetopt
-# and setopt builtin, un-comment these lines:
-#   local _set_options _unset_options
-#   _set_options=(${(k)options[(R)on]})
-#   _unset_options=(${(k)options[(R)off]})
-# This is needed because completion functions may set options locally
-# which makes the output of setopt and unsetopt reflect a different
-# state than the global one for which you are completing.
-setopt localoptions ${_comp_options[@]}
-exec </dev/null	# ZLE closes stdin, which can cause errors
-# Failed returns from this code are not real errors
-setopt localtraps noerrexit ; trap - ZERR
-local func funcs ret=1 tmp _compskip format nm call match min max i num\
-      _completers _completer _completer_num curtag _comp_force_list \
-      _matchers _matcher _c_matcher _matcher_num _comp_tags _comp_mesg  \
-      mesg str context state line opt_args val_args curcontext="$curcontext" \
-      _last_nmatches=-1 _last_menu_style _def_menu_style _menu_style sel \
-      _saved_exact="${compstate[exact]}" \
-      _saved_lastprompt="${compstate[last_prompt]}" \
-      _saved_list="${compstate[list]}" \
-      _saved_insert="${compstate[insert]}" \
-      _saved_colors="$ZLS_COLORS"
-typeset -U _lastdescr _comp_ignore _comp_colors
-[[ -z "$curcontext" ]] && curcontext=:::
-zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" insert-tab tmp || tmp=no
-if [[ "$tmp" = *pending(|[[:blank:]]*) ||
-      ( "$tmp" = *pending=(#b)([0-9]##)(|[[:blank:]]*) && 
-        PENDING -ge $match[1] ) ]]; then
-  compstate[insert]=tab
-  return 0
-if [[ "$compstate[insert]" = tab* ]]; then
-  { [[ "$tmp" = (|[[:blank:]]*)(yes|true|on|1)(|[[:blank:]]*) ]] &&
-    { [[ "$curcontext" != :* || -z "$compstate[vared]" ]] ||
-        zstyle -t ":completion:vared${curcontext}:" insert-tab } } && return 0
-  compstate[insert]="${compstate[insert]//tab /}"
-# Special completion contexts after `~' and `='.
-if [[ -z "$compstate[quote]" ]]; then
-  if compset -P 1 '='; then
-    compstate[context]=equal
-  elif [[ "$PREFIX" != */* && "$PREFIX[1]" = '~' ]]; then
-    compset -p 1
-    compstate[context]=tilde
-  fi
-# Initial setup.
-_setup default
-_def_menu_style=( "$_last_menu_style[@]"
-# We can't really do that because the current value of $MENUSELECT
-# may be the one set by this function.
-# There is a similar problem with $ZLS_COLORS in _setup.
-#                  ${MENUSELECT+select${MENUSELECT:+\=$MENUSELECT}}
-                )
-if zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:default" list-prompt tmp; then
-  LISTPROMPT="$tmp"
-  zmodload -i zsh/complist
-if zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:default" select-prompt tmp; then
-  MENUPROMPT="$tmp"
-  zmodload -i zsh/complist
-if zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:default" select-scroll tmp; then
-  MENUSCROLL="$tmp"
-  zmodload -i zsh/complist
-# Get the names of the completers to use in the positional parameters.
-if (( $# )); then
-  if [[ "$1" = - ]]; then
-    if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then
-      _completers=()
-    else
-      _completers=( "$2" )
-      call=yes
-    fi
-  else
-    _completers=( "$@" )
-  fi
-  zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:" completer _completers ||
-      _completers=( _complete _ignored )
-# And now just call the completer functions defined.
-# Call the pre-functions.
-funcs=( "$compprefuncs[@]" )
-for func in "$funcs[@]"; do
-  "$func"
-for tmp in "$_completers[@]"; do
-  if [[ -n "$call" ]]; then
-    _completer="${tmp}"
-  elif [[ "$tmp" = *:-* ]]; then
-    _completer="${${tmp%:*}[2,-1]//_/-}${tmp#*:}"
-    tmp="${tmp%:*}"
-  elif [[ $tmp = *:* ]]; then
-    _completer="${tmp#*:}"
-    tmp="${tmp%:*}"
-  else
-    _completer="${tmp[2,-1]//_/-}"
-  fi
-  curcontext="${curcontext/:[^:]#:/:${_completer}:}"
-  zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:" matcher-list _matchers ||
-      _matchers=( '' )
-  _matcher_num=1
-  _matcher=''
-  for _c_matcher in "$_matchers[@]"; do
-    if [[ "$_c_matcher" == +* ]]; then
-      _matcher="$_matcher $_c_matcher[2,-1]"
-    else
-      _matcher="$_c_matcher"
-    fi
-    _comp_mesg=
-    if [[ -n "$call" ]]; then
-      if "${(@)argv[3,-1]}"; then
-        ret=0
-        break 2
-      fi
-    elif "$tmp"; then
-      ret=0
-      break 2
-    fi
-    (( _matcher_num++ ))
-  done
-  [[ -n "$_comp_mesg" ]] && break
-  (( _completer_num++ ))
-if [[ $compstate[old_list] = keep || nm -gt 1 ]]; then
-  [[ _last_nmatches -ge 0 && _last_nmatches -ne nm ]] &&
-      _menu_style=( "$_last_menu_style[@]" "$_menu_style[@]" )
-  tmp=$(( compstate[list_lines] + BUFFERLINES + 1 ))
-  _menu_style=( "$_menu_style[@]" "$_def_menu_style[@]" )
-  if [[ "$compstate[list]" = *list && tmp -gt LINES &&
-        ( -n "$_menu_style[(r)select=long-list]" ||
-          -n "$_menu_style[(r)(yes|true|on|1)=long-list]" ) ]]; then
-    compstate[insert]=menu
-  elif [[ "$compstate[insert]" = "$_saved_insert" ]]; then
-    if [[ -n "$compstate[insert]" &&
-          -n "$_menu_style[(r)(yes|true|1|on)=long]" && tmp -gt LINES ]]; then
-        compstate[insert]=menu
-    else
-      sel=( "${(@M)_menu_style:#(yes|true|1|on)*}" )
-      if (( $#sel )); then
-	min=9999999
-        for i in "$sel[@]"; do
-          if [[ "$i" = *\=[0-9]* ]]; then
-  	    num="${i#*\=}"
-  	    [[ num -lt 0 ]] && num=0
-  	  elif [[ "$i" != *\=* ]]; then
-  	    num=0
-          else
-	    num=9999999
-  	  fi
-  	  [[ num -lt min ]] && min="$num"
-	  (( min )) || break
-        done
-      fi
-      sel=( "${(@M)_menu_style:#(no|false|0|off)*}" )
-      if (( $#sel )); then
-	max=9999999
-        for i in "$sel[@]"; do
-          if [[ "$i" = *\=[0-9]* ]]; then
-  	    num="${i#*\=}"
-  	    [[ num -lt 0 ]] && num=0
-          elif [[ "$i" != *\=* ]]; then
-  	    num=0
-  	  else
-  	    num=9999999
-  	  fi
-  	  [[ num -lt max ]] && max="$num"
-	  (( max )) || break
-        done
-      fi
-      if [[ ( -n "$min" && nm -ge min && ( -z "$max" || nm -lt max ) ) ||
-            ( -n "$_menu_style[(r)auto*]" &&
-              "$compstate[insert]" = automenu ) ]]; then
-        compstate[insert]=menu
-      elif [[ -n "$max" && nm -ge max ]]; then
-        compstate[insert]=unambiguous
-      elif [[ -n "$_menu_style[(r)auto*]" &&
-              "$compstate[insert]" != automenu ]]; then
-        compstate[insert]=automenu-unambiguous
-      fi
-    fi
-  fi
-  if [[ "$compstate[insert]" = *menu* ]]; then
-    [[ "$MENUSELECT" = 00 ]] && MENUSELECT=0
-    if [[ -n "$_menu_style[(r)no-select*]" ]]; then
-      unset MENUSELECT
-    elif [[ -n "$_menu_style[(r)select=long*]" ]]; then
-      if [[ tmp -gt LINES ]]; then
-        zmodload -i zsh/complist
-        MENUSELECT=00
-      fi
-    fi
-    if [[ "$MENUSELECT" != 00 ]]; then
-      sel=( "${(@M)_menu_style:#select*}" )
-      if (( $#sel )); then
-	min=9999999
-        for i in "$sel[@]"; do
-          if [[ "$i" = *\=[0-9]* ]]; then
-  	    num="${i#*\=}"
-  	    [[ num -lt 0 ]] && num=0
-  	  elif [[ "$i" != *\=* ]]; then
-  	    num=0
-          else
-	    num=9999999
-  	  fi
-  	  [[ num -lt min ]] && min="$num"
-	  (( min )) || break
-        done
-        zmodload -i zsh/complist
-        MENUSELECT="$min"
-      else
-        unset MENUSELECT
-      fi
-    fi
-  fi
-elif [[ nm -le 1 && -n "$_comp_mesg" ]]; then
-  compstate[insert]=''
-  compstate[list]='list force'
-elif [[ nm -eq 0 && -z "$_comp_mesg" &&
-        $#_lastdescr -ne 0 && $compstate[old_list] != keep ]] &&
-     zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:warnings" format format; then
-  compstate[list]='list force'
-  compstate[insert]=''
-  tmp=( "\`${(@)^_lastdescr:#}'" )
-  case $#tmp in
-  1) str="$tmp[1]";;
-  2) str="$tmp[1] or $tmp[2]";;
-  *) str="${(j:, :)tmp[1,-2]}, or $tmp[-1]";;
-  esac
-  _setup warnings
-  zformat -f mesg "$format" "d:$str" "D:${(F)${(@)_lastdescr:#}}"
-  compadd -x "$mesg"
-[[ "$_comp_force_list" = always ||
-   ( "$_comp_force_list" = ?*  && nm -ge _comp_force_list ) ]] &&
-    compstate[list]="${compstate[list]//messages} force"
-if [[ "$compstate[old_list]" = keep ]]; then
-  ZLS_COLORS="$_saved_colors"
-elif (( $#_comp_colors )); then
-  ZLS_COLORS="${(j.:.)_comp_colors}"
-  unset ZLS_COLORS
-# Now call the post-functions.
-funcs=( "$comppostfuncs[@]" )
-for func in "$funcs[@]"; do
-  "$func"
-_lastcomp=( "${(@kv)compstate}" )
-return ret