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5 files changed, 1 insertions, 603 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/Base/_values b/Completion/Base/_values
index 441c670ad..4be3e8203 100644
--- a/Completion/Base/_values
+++ b/Completion/Base/_values
@@ -365,370 +365,3 @@ else
 [[ nm -ne "$compstate[nmatches]" ]]
-setopt localoptions extendedglob
-local name arg def descr xor str tmp ret=1 expl nm="$compstate[nmatches]"
-local snames odescr gdescr sep
-typeset -A names onames xors _values
-# Probably fill our cache.
-if [[ "$*" != "$_vals_cache_args" ]]; then
-  _vals_cache_args="$*"
-  unset _vals_cache_{sep,descr,names,onames,snames,xors,odescr}
-  typeset -gA _vals_cache_{names,onames,xors}
-  _vals_cache_snames=()
-  _vals_cache_odescr=()
-  # Get the separator, if any.
-  if [[ "$1" = -s ]]; then
-    _vals_cache_sep="$2"
-    shift 2
-  fi
-  # This is the description string for the values.
-  _vals_cache_descr="$1"
-  shift
-  # Now parse the descriptions.
-  while (( $# )); do
-    # Get the `name', anything before an unquoted colon.
-    if [[ "$1" = *[^\\]:* ]]; then
-      name="${${${(M)1#*[^\\]:}[1,-2]}//\\\\:/:}"
-    else
-      name="$1"
-    fi
-    descr=''
-    xor=''
-    # Get a description, if any.
-    if [[ "$name" = *\[*\] ]]; then
-      descr="${${name#*\[}[1,-2]}"
-      name="${name%%\[*}"
-    fi
-    # Get the names of other values that are mutually exclusive with
-    # this one.
-    if [[ "$name" = \(*\)* ]]; then
-      xor="${${name[2,-1]}%%\)*}"
-      name="${name#*\)}"
-    fi
-    # Finally see if this value may appear more than once.
-    if [[ "$name" = \** ]]; then
-      name="$name[2,-1]"
-    else
-      xor="$xor $name"
-    fi
-    # Store the information in the cache.
-    _vals_cache_odescr=( "$_vals_cache_odescr[@]" "${name}:$descr" )
-    [[ -n "$xor" ]] && _vals_cache_xors[$name]="${${xor##[ 	]#}%%[ 	]#}"
-    # Get the description and store that.
-    if [[ "$1" = *[^\\]:* ]]; then
-      descr=":${1#*[^\\]:}"
-    else
-      descr=''
-    fi
-    if [[ "$descr" = ::* ]]; then
-       # Optional argument.
-      _vals_cache_onames[$name]="$descr[3,-1]"
-    elif [[ "$descr" = :* ]]; then
-      # Mandatory argument.
-      _vals_cache_names[$name]="$descr[2,-1]"
-    else
-      # No argument.
-      _vals_cache_snames=( "$_vals_cache_snames[@]" "$name" )
-    fi
-    shift
-  done
-snames=( "$_vals_cache_snames[@]" )
-names=( "${(@kv)_vals_cache_names}" )
-onames=( "${(@kv)_vals_cache_onames}" )
-xors=( "${(@kv)_vals_cache_xors}" )
-odescr=( "$_vals_cache_odescr[@]" )
-if [[ -n "$sep" ]]; then
-  # We have a separator character. We parse the PREFIX and SUFFIX to
-  # see if any of the values that must not appear more than once are
-  # already on the line.
-  while [[ "$PREFIX" = *${sep}* ]]; do
-    # Get one part, remove it from PREFIX and put it into IPREFIX.
-    tmp="${PREFIX%%${sep}*}"
-    PREFIX="${PREFIX#*${sep}}"
-    IPREFIX="${IPREFIX}${tmp}${sep}"
-    # Get the value `name'.
-    name="${tmp%%\=*}"
-    if [[ "$tmp" = *\=* ]]; then
-      _values[$name]="${tmp#*\=}"
-    else
-      _values[$name]=''
-    fi
-    # And remove the descriptions for the values this one makes
-    # superfluous.
-    if [[ -n "$xors[$name]" ]]; then
-      snames=( "${(@)snames:#(${(j:|:)~${=xors[$name]}})}" )
-      odescr=( "${(@)odescr:#(${(j:|:)~${=xors[$name]}}):*}" )
-      unset {names,onames,xors}\[${^=tmp}\]
-    fi
-  done
-  if [[ "$SUFFIX" =  *${sep}* ]]; then
-    # The same for the suffix.
-    str="${SUFFIX%%${sep}*}"
-    SUFFIX="${SUFFIX#*${sep}}"
-    while [[ -n "$SUFFIX" ]]; do
-      tmp="${PREFIX%%${sep}*}"
-      if [[ "$SUFFIX" = *${sep}* ]]; then
-        SUFFIX="${SUFFIX#*${sep}}"
-      else
-        SUFFIX=''
-      fi
-      PREFIX="${PREFIX#*${sep}}"
-      IPREFIX="${IPREFIX}${tmp}${sep}"
-      name="${tmp%%\=*}"
-      if [[ "$tmp" = *\=* ]]; then
-        _values[$name]="${tmp#*\=}"
-      else
-        _values[$name]=''
-      fi
-      if [[ -n "$xors[$name]" ]]; then
-        snames=( "${(@)snames:#(${(j:|:)~${=xors[$name]}})}" )
-        odescr=( "${(@)odescr:#(${(j:|:)~${=xors[$name]}}):*}" )
-        unset {names,onames,xors}\[${^=tmp}\]
-      fi
-    done
-    SUFFIX="$str"
-  fi
-if [[ "$str" = *\=* ]]; then
-  # The string from the line contains a `=', so we get the stuff before
-  # it and after it and see what we can do here...
-  name="${str%%\=*}"
-  arg="${str#*\=}"
-  if (( $snames[(I)${name}] )); then
-    # According to our information, the value doesn't get an argument,
-    # so give up.
-    _message "\`${name}' gets no value"
-    return 1
-  elif (( $+names[$name] )); then
-    # It has to get an argument, we skip over the name and complete
-    # the argument (below).
-    def="$names[$name]"
-    if ! compset -P '*\='; then
-      IPREFIX="${IPREFIX}${name}="
-      PREFIX="$arg"
-      SUFFIX=''
-    fi
-  elif (( $+onames[$name] )); then
-    # Gets an optional argument, same as previous case.
-    def="$onames[$name]"
-    if ! compset -P '*\='; then
-      IPREFIX="${IPREFIX}${name}="
-      PREFIX="$arg"
-      SUFFIX=''
-    fi
-  else
-    local pre="$PREFIX" suf="$SUFFIX"
-    # The part before the `=' isn't a known value name, so we see if
-    # it matches only one of the known names.
-    if [[ "$PREFIX" = *\=* ]]; then
-      PREFIX="${PREFIX%%\=*}"
-      pre="${pre#*\=}"
-      SUFFIX=''
-    else
-      SUFFIX="${SUFFIX%%\=*}"
-      pre="${suf#*\=}"
-      suf=''
-    fi
-    tmp=( "${(@k)names}" "${(@k)onames}" )
-    compadd -M 'r:|[-_]=* r:|=*' -D tmp - "$tmp[@]"
-    if [[ $#tmp -eq 1 ]]; then
-      # It does, so we use that name and immediatly start completing
-      # the argument for it.
-      IPREFIX="${IPREFIX}${tmp[1]}="
-      PREFIX="$pre"
-      SUFFIX="$suf"
-      def="$names[$tmp[1]]"
-      [[ -z "$def" ]] && def="$onames[$tmp[1]]"
-    elif (( $#tmp )); then
-      _message "ambiguous option \`${PREFIX}${SUFFIX}'"
-      return 1
-    else
-      _message "unknown option \`${PREFIX}${SUFFIX}'"
-      return 1
-    fi
-  fi
-  # No `=', just complete value names.
-  _description expl "$gdescr"
-  [[ -n "$sep" && ${#snames}+${#names}+${#onames} -ne 1 ]] &&
-      expl=( "-qS$sep" "$expl[@]" )
-  tmp=''
-  if [[ -n "$compconfig[describe_values]" &&
-        "$compconfig[describe_values]" != *\!${words[1]}* ]]; then
-    if _display tmp odescr -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*'; then
-      if (( $#snames )); then
-        compadd "$expl[@]" -y tmp -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*' - \
-                "$snames[@]" && ret=0
-        compadd -n -S= -J "_$gdescr" -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*' - \
-                "${(@k)names}" && ret=0
-        compadd -n -qS= -J "_$gdescr" -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*' - \
-                "${(@k)onames}" && ret=0
-      elif (( $#names )); then
-        compadd -n -S= "$expl[@]" -y tmp -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*' - \
-                "${(@k)names}" && ret=0
-        compadd -n -qS= -J "_$gdescr" -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*' - \
-                "${(@k)onames}" && ret=0
-      else
-        compadd -n -qS= "$expl[@]" -y tmp -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*' - \
-                "${(@k)onames}" && ret=0
-      fi
-    fi
-  fi
-  if [[ -z "$tmp" ]]; then
-    compadd "$expl[@]" -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*' - "$snames[@]" && ret=0
-    compadd -S= "$expl[@]" -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*' - "${(@k)names}" && ret=0
-    compadd -qS= "$expl[@]" -M 'r:|[_-]=* r:|=*' - "${(@k)onames}" && ret=0
-  fi
-  return ret
-if [[ -z "$def" ]]; then
-  _message 'no value'
-  return 1
-  local action
-  descr="${${${(M)def#*[^\\]:}[1,-2]}//\\\\:/:}"
-  action="${${def#*[^\\]:}//\\\\:/:}"
-  _description expl "$descr"
-  # We add the separator character as a autoremovable suffix unless
-  # we have only one possible value left.
-  [[ -n "$sep" && ${#snames}+${#names}+${#onames} -ne 1 ]] &&
-      expl=( "-qS$sep" "$expl[@]" )
-  if [[ "$action" = -\>* ]]; then
-    values=( "${(@kv)_values}" )
-    state="${${action[3,-1]##[ 	]#}%%[ 	]#}"
-    compstate[restore]=''
-    return 1
-  else
-    typeset -A values
-    values=( "${(@kv)_values}" )
-    if [[ "$action" = \ # ]]; then
-      # An empty action means that we should just display a message.
-      _message "$descr"
-      return 1
-    elif [[ "$action" = \(\(*\)\) ]]; then
-      local ws
-      # ((...)) contains literal strings with descriptions.
-      eval ws\=\( "${action[3,-3]}" \)
-      if _display tmp ws; then
-        compadd "$expl[@]" -y tmp - "${(@)ws%%:*}"
-      else
-        _message "$descr"
-        return 1
-      fi
-    elif [[ "$action" = \(*\) ]]; then
-      # Anything inside `(...)' is added directly.
-      compadd "$expl[@]" - ${=action[2,-2]}
-    elif [[ "$action" = \{*\} ]]; then
-      # A string in braces is evaluated.
-      eval "$action[2,-2]"
-    elif [[ "$action" = \ * ]]; then
-      # If the action starts with a space, we just call it.
-      ${(e)=~action}
-    else
-      # Otherwise we call it with the description-arguments built above.
-      action=( $=action )
-      ${(e)action[1]} "$expl[@]" ${(e)~action[2,-1]}
-    fi
-  fi
-[[ nm -ne "$compstate[nmatches]" ]]
diff --git a/Completion/User/_hosts b/Completion/User/_hosts
index a159a9291..6b2f350aa 100644
--- a/Completion/User/_hosts
+++ b/Completion/User/_hosts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#compdef ftp ncftp ping rwho rup xping traceroute telnet
+#compdef ftp ncftp ping rwho rup xping traceroute nslookup telnet
 local expl
diff --git a/Completion/User/_nslookup b/Completion/User/_nslookup
index b10e8d3d7..7d2a12142 100644
--- a/Completion/User/_nslookup
+++ b/Completion/User/_nslookup
@@ -157,162 +157,3 @@ if [[ -n "$state" ]]; then
 return ret
-#compdef nslookup
-# This may also be called from the `nslookup' wrapper function during
-# `vared'iting a line.
-# In this case this function tries to call other user-defined functions
-# for certain contexts before adding completion. If these functions are
-# defined, they are called and the default completions from this function
-# are not added. The functions called are named `_nslookup_<state>', with
-# `<state>' being any of:
-#  command
-#    When completing the first word on the line.
-#  redirect
-#    When completing after a redirection operator.
-# Also, when completing after the first word, if the first word contains
-# only lower case letters, we try to call the function `_nslookup_<word>',
-# where `<word>' is the first word from the line. If the first word contains
-# other characters than lower case letters, we try to call the function
-# `_nslookup_host'.
-setopt localoptions extendedglob
-local state expl ret=1 setopts
-  'all[print current values]' \
-  '(nodebug)debug[simple debugging information]' \
-  '(debug)nodebug[no simple debugging information]' \
-  '(nod2)d2[extra debugging information]' \
-  '(d2)nod2[no extra debugging information]' \
-  '(nodefname)defname[append default domain name]' \
-  '(defname)nodefname[don'"'"'t append default domain name]' \
-  '(nosearch)search[append search list]' \
-  '(search)nosearch[don'"'"'t append search list]' \
-  '(norecurse)recurse[name server may query other servers]' \
-  '(recurse)norecurse[name server may not query other servers]' \
-  '(novc)vc[use virtual circuit]' \
-  '(vc)novc[don'"'"'t use virtual circuit]' \
-  '(noignoretc)ignoretc[ignore packet truncation errors]' \
-  '(ignoretc)noignoretc[don'"'"'t ignore packet truncation errors]' \
-  'class[change query class]:query class:((in\:Internet\ class chaos\:CHAOS\ class hesiod\:MIT\ Athena\ Hesiod\ class any\:wildcard\ \(any\ of\ the\ above\)))'
-  'domain[change default domain]:default domain:_hosts'
-  'srchlist[change default domain and search list]: :->srchlist'
-  'port[change name server port]:name server port:'
-  {query,}type'[change type of information query]:query information type:((a\:internet\ address cname\:canonical\ name\ for\ alias hinfo\:CPU\ and\ operating\ system\ type minfo\:mailbox\ or\ mail\ list\ information mx\:mail\ exchanger ns\:name\ server\ for\ zone ptr\:host\ name\ or\ other\ information soa\:domain\'"'"'s\ \`start-of-authority\'"'"'\ information txt\:text\ information uinfo\:user\ information wks\:supported\ well-known\ services))'
-  'retry[change number of retries]:number of retries:'
-  'root[change name of root server]:root server:_hosts'
-  'timeout[change initial timeout interval]:timeout (seconds):'
-if [[ -n "$compcontext" ]]; then
-  if [[ CURRENT -eq 1 ]]; then
-    funcall ret _nslookup_command && return ret
-    _description expl 'command'
-    compadd "$expl[@]" - server lserver root finger ls view help set && ret=0
-    _hosts && ret=0
-    return ret
-  elif [[ "$compstate[context]" = redirect ]]; then
-    funcall ret _nslookup_redirect && return ret
-    if [[ "$words[1]" != (finger|ls) ]]; then
-      _message "redirection not allowed for command \`$words[1]'"
-      return 1
-    elif [[ "$compstate[redirect]" = '>' ]]; then
-      _description expl 'write to file'
-    elif [[ "$compstate[redirect]" = '>>' ]]; then
-      _description expl 'append to file'
-    else
-      _message "unknown redirection operator \`$compstate[redirect]'"
-      return 1
-    fi
-    _files "$expl[@]"
-    return
-  fi
-  if [[ "$words[1]" = [a-z]## ]]; then
-    funcall ret _nslookup_$words[1] && return ret
-  else
-    funcall ret _nslookup_host && return ret
-  fi
-  case "$words[1]" in
-  (|l)server)
-    _description expl 'new default server'
-    _hosts "$expl[@]"
-    return
-    ;;
-  root|exit|help|\?)
-    return 1
-    ;;
-  finger)
-    _message 'finger name'
-    return 1
-    ;;
-  ls)
-    _arguments -s \
-      '-t[records of given type]:query information type:((a\:internet\ address cname\:canonical\ name\ for\ alias hinfo\:CPU\ and\ operating\ system\ type minfo\:mailbox\ or\ mail\ list\ information mx\:mail\ exchanger ns\:name\ server\ for\ zone ptr\:host\ name\ or\ other\ information soa\:domain\'"'"'s\ \`start-of-authority\'"'"'\ information txt\:text\ information uinfo\:user\ information wks\:supported\ well-known\ services))' \
-     '-a[aliases of hosts in domain]' \
-     '-d[all records]' \
-     '-h[CPU and operating system information]' \
-     '-s[well-known services]' \
-     ':domain:_hosts'
-    return
-    ;;
-  view)
-    _description expl 'view file'
-    _files "$expl[@]"
-    return
-    ;;
-  set)
-    typeset -A values
-    _values 'state information' "$setopts[@]" && ret=0
-    [[ -z "$state" ]] && return ret
-    ;;
-  *)
-    _description expl 'server'
-    _hosts "$expl[@]"
-    return
-  esac
-# Now comes the command line option completion part.
-if [[ -z "$state" ]]; then
-  local line
-  typeset -A options
-  _arguments \
-    "-${(@)^${(@M)setopts:#*\]:*}/\[/=[}" \
-    "-${(@)^setopts:#(\(|*\]:)*}" \
-    "${(@)^${(@)${(@M)setopts:#\(*}/\)/)-}/\(/(-}" \
-    ':host to find:_hosts' \
-    ':server:_hosts' && ret=0
-# This is completion after `srchlist' for both types.
-if [[ -n "$state" ]]; then
-  if compset -P '*/'; then
-    _description expl 'search list entry'
-  else
-    _description expl 'default domain name and first search list entry'
-  fi
-  if [[ -n "$_vals_cache_multi" ]]; then
-    _hosts "$expl[@]" -qS/ -r "/\\- \\t\\n$_vals_cache_multi"
-  else
-    _hosts "$expl[@]" -qS/
-  fi
-  return
-return ret
diff --git a/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo b/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
index ba85cc95f..492128bfb 100644
--- a/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
+++ b/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
@@ -1126,48 +1126,6 @@ arguments) should be printed, the configuration key
 tt(describe_values) is used in the same way as the key
 tt(describe_options) is used by the tt(_arguments) function.
-This is used to complete values (strings) and their arguments or
-lists of such values. If the first argument is the option `tt(-s)',
-the second argument is used as the character that separates multiple
-The first argument (after the option and separator character if they
-are given) is used as a string to print as a description before
-listing the values.
-All other arguments describe the possible values and their
-arguments in the same format used for the description of options by
-the tt(_arguments) function (see above). The only difference is that
-there is no required minus or plus sign at the beginning and that
-values can have only one argument.
-example(_values -s , '...' \
-        '*foo[bar]' \
-        '(two)*one[number]:first count:' \
-        'two[another number]::second count:(1 2 3)')
-This describes three possible values: `tt(foo)', `tt(one)', and
-`tt(two)'. The first one is described as `tt(bar)', gets no argument 
-and may appear more than once. The second one is described as
-`tt(number)', may appear more than once, and gets one mandatory
-argument described as `tt(first count)' for which no action is
-specified so that it will not be completed automatically. The
-`tt((one))' at the beginning says that if the value `tt(one)' is on
-the line, the value `tt(two)' will not be  considered to be a possible
-completion any more. Finally, the last value (`tt(two)') is described
-as `tt(another number)' and gets an optional argument decribed as
-`tt(second count)' which will be completed from the strings `tt(1)',
-`tt(2)', and `tt(3)'. The tt(_values) function will complete lists of
-these values separated by commas.
-To decide if the descriptions for the values (not those for the
-arguments) should be printed, the configuration key
-tt(describe_values) is used in the same way as the key
-tt(describe_options) is used by the tt(_arguments) function.
 texinode(Completion Directories)(Bindable Commands)(Completion Functions)(Completion System)
diff --git a/Functions/Misc/nslookup b/Functions/Misc/nslookup
index 775e01e85..15afb2ff1 100644
--- a/Functions/Misc/nslookup
+++ b/Functions/Misc/nslookup
@@ -32,37 +32,3 @@ done
 print -p exit
 wait $pid
-# Simple wrapper function for `nslookup'. With completion if you are using
-# the function based completion system.
-setopt localoptions completealiases
-local char line compcontext=nslookup pid
-trap 'print -p exit;return' INT
-coproc command nslookup
-while read -pk1 char; do
-  line="$line$char"
-  [[ "$line" = *'
-> ' ]] && break
-print -nr - "$line"
-while vared -p '> ' line; do
-  print -p "$line"
-  line=''
-  while read -pk1 char; do
-    line="$line$char"
-    [[ "$line" = *'
-> ' ]] && break
-  done
-  print -nr - "$line"
-  line=''
-print -p exit
-wait $pid