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2 files changed, 230 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo b/Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo
index a5b62e1f5..68a922aca 100644
--- a/Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo
+++ b/Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo
@@ -1462,28 +1462,76 @@ example(autoload -U pick-web-browser
 alias -s html=pick-web-browser)
 It is provided as an intelligent front end to dispatch a web browser.
-It will check if an X Windows display is available, and if so
-if there is already a browser running which can accept a remote
-connection.  In that case, the file will be displayed in that browser;
-you should check explicitly if it has appeared in the running browser's
-window.  Otherwise, it will start a new browser according to a builtin
-set of preferences.
-Alternatively, tt(pick-web-browser) can be run as a zsh script.
-Two styles are available to customize the choice of browsers:
-tt(x-browsers) when running under the X Windows System, and
-tt(tty-browsers) otherwise.  These are arrays in decreasing order
-of preference consiting of the command name under which to start the
+It may be run as either a function or a shell script.  The status
+255 is returned if no browser could be started.
+Various styles are available to customize the choice of browsers:
+The value of the style is an array giving preferences in decreasing order
+for the type of browser to use.  The values of elements may be
+Use a GUI browser that is already running when an X Window display is
+available.  The browsers listed in the tt(x-browsers) style are tried
+in order until one is found; if it is, the file will be displayed in
+that browser, so the user may need to check whether it has appeared.
+If no running browser is found, one is not started.  Browsers other than
+Firefox, Opera and Konqueror are assumed to understand the Mozilla
+syntax for opening a URL remotely.
+Start a new GUI browser when an X Window display is available.  Search for
+the availability of one of the browsers listed in the tt(x-browsers) style
+and start the first one that is found.  No check is made for an already
+running browser.
+Start a terminal-based browser.  Search for the availability of one
+of the browsers listed in the tt(tty-browsers) style and start the
+first one that is found.
+If the style is not set the default tt(running x tty) is used.
+An array in decreasing order
+of preference of browsers to use when running under the X Window System.
+The array consists of the command name under which to start the
 browser.  They are looked up in the context tt(:mime:) (which may
 be extended in future, so appending `tt(*)' is recommended).  For
-example(zstyle ':mime:*' x-browsers opera konqueror netscape)
+example(zstyle ':mime:*' x-browsers opera konqueror firefox)
 specifies that tt(pick-web-browser) should first look for a runing
-instance of Opera, Konqueror or Netscape, in that order, and if it
-fails to find any should attempt to start Opera.
+instance of Opera, Konqueror or Firefox, in that order, and if it
+fails to find any should attempt to start Opera.  The default is
+tt(firefox mozilla netscape opera konqueror).
+An array similar to tt(x-browsers), except that it gives browsers to
+use use when no X Window display is available.  The default is
+tt(elinks links lynx).
+If it is set this style is used to pick the command
+used to open a page for a browser.  The context is
+tt(:mime:browser:new:$browser:) to start a new browser or
+tt(:mime:browser:running:$browser:) to open a URL in a browser already
+runing on the current X display, where tt($browser) is the value matched
+in the tt(x-browsers) or tt(tty-browsers) style.  The escape sequence
+tt(%b) in the style's value will be replaced by the browser, while tt(%u)
+will be replaced by the URL.  If the style is not set, the default for all
+new instances is equivalent to tt(%b %u) and the defaults for using running
+browsers are equivalent to the values tt(kfmclient openURL %u) for
+Konqueror, tt(firefox -new-tab %u) for Firefox, tt(opera -newpage %u)
+for Opera, and tt(%b -remote "openUrl+LPAR()%u+RPAR()") for all others.
diff --git a/Functions/MIME/pick-web-browser b/Functions/MIME/pick-web-browser
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe42c0bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions/MIME/pick-web-browser
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# Function to find a web browser to run on a URL or file.
+# Can also be run as a script.  It is suitable for use as
+# a suffix alias:
+#   alias -s html=pick-web-browser
+# The single argument is the URL or file name which may be of any type.
+# The only processing which occurs is that if the argument is a file,
+# it is converted into a URL.  As the function takes account of
+# any necessary conversions to the file name (for example, if it
+# contains spaces), it is generally preferable to pass in raw file
+# names rather than convert them to URLs elsewhere.
+# The function takes account of the fact that many X Windows browsers
+# which are already running on the current display can take a command
+# to pass the URL to that process for handling.  A typical sign
+# that this has happened is that apparently nothing happens --- you
+# need to check the browser window.
+# If no $DISPLAY is set, the function tries to start a terminal-based
+# browser instead.
+emulate -L zsh
+setopt extendedglob cbases nonomatch warncreateglobal
+zmodload -i zsh/zutil
+local -a xbrowsers ttybrowsers
+# X Windows browsers which might be running and can accept
+# a remote URL.
+zstyle -a :mime: x-browsers xbrowsers ||
+  xbrowsers=(firefox mozilla netscape opera konqueror)
+# Preferred command line browsers.
+zstyle -a :mime: tty-browsers ttybrowsers ||
+  ttybrowsers=(elinks links lynx)
+# Characters in addition to alphanumerics which can appear literally
+# in a URL.  `-' should be the first if it appears, so append others
+# to the end.
+local litc="-_./"
+local -a windows remoteargs match mbegin mend
+local url browser command
+if [[ -f $url ]]; then
+  if [[ $url = *[^-_[:alnum:]]* ]]; then
+    # Convert special characters into hex escapes.
+    local sofar
+    while [[ $url = (#b)([${litc}[:alnum:]]#)([^${litc}[:alnum:]])(*) ]]
+      do
+      sofar+="$match[1]%${$(( [#16] ##$match[2] ))##0x}"
+      url=$match[3]
+    done
+    url="$sofar$url"
+  fi
+  # Turn this into a local URL
+  if [[ $url = /* ]]; then
+      url=file://$url
+  else
+      url=file://$PWD/$url
+  fi
+local bstyle
+local -a bstyles
+zstyle -a :mime: browser-styles bstyles || bstyles=(running x tty)
+for bstyle in $bstyles; do
+  case $bstyle in
+    (running)
+    [[ -z $DISPLAY ]] && continue
+    # X Windows running
+    # Get the name of all windows running; use the internal name, not
+    # the friendly name, which is less useful.
+    #
+    # The nasty but portable version.
+    # The nice but non-portable version uses Perl, even though perl
+    # is more portable.
+    #    windows=(${(f)"$(xwininfo -root -all | 
+    #	sed -ne 's/.*".*": ("\(.*\)" ".*").*/\1/p' |sort | uniq)"})
+    windows=(${(f)"$(xwininfo -root -all | 
+         perl -ne '/.*"(.*)": \("(.*)" "(.*)"\).*/ and $w{$2} = 1;
+                   END { print join("\n", keys %w), "\n" }')"})
+    # Is any browser we've heard of running?
+    for browser in $xbrowsers; do
+      # Some browser executables call themselves <browser>-bin
+      if [[ $windows[(I)(#i)$browser(|[.-]bin)] -ne 0 ]]; then
+	if zstyle -s ":mime:browser:running:${browser}:" command command; then
+	  # The (q)'s here and below are pure paranoia:  no browser
+	  # name is going to include metacharacters, and we already
+	  # converted difficult characters in the URL to hex.
+	  zformat -f command $command b:${(q)browser} u:${(q)url}
+	  eval $command
+	else
+	  case $browser in
+	    (konqueror)
+	    # kfmclient is less hairy and better supported than direct
+	    # use of dcop.  Run kfmclient --commands
+	    # for more information.  Note that as konqueror is a fully
+	    # featured file manager, this will actually do complete
+	    # MIME handling, not just web pages.
+	    kfmclient openURL $url ||
+	    dcop $(dcop|grep konqueror) default openBrowserWindow $url
+	    ;;
+	    (firefox)
+	    # open in new tab
+	    $browser -new-tab $url
+	    ;;
+	    (opera)
+	    $browser -newpage $url
+	    ;;
+	    (*)
+	    # Mozilla bells and whistles are described at:
+	    # http://www.mozilla.org/unix/remote.html
+	    $browser -remote "openURL($url)"
+	    ;;
+	  esac
+	fi
+	return
+      fi
+    done
+    ;;
+    (x)
+    [[ -z $DISPLAY ]] && continue
+    # Start our preferred X Windows browser in the background.
+    for browser in $xbrowsers; do
+      if eval "[[ =$browser != \\=$browser ]]"; then
+	if zstyle -s ":mime:browser:new:${browser}:" command command; then
+	  zformat -f command $command b:${(q)browser} u:${(q)url}
+	  eval $command "&"
+	else
+	  # The following is to make the job text more readable.
+	  eval ${(q)browser} ${(q)url} "&"
+	fi
+	return
+      fi
+    done
+    ;;
+    (tty)
+    # Start up dumb terminal browser.
+    for browser in $ttybrowsers; do
+      if eval "[[ =$browser != \\=$browser ]]"; then
+	if zstyle -s ":mime:browser:new:${browser}" command command; then
+	  zformat -f command $command b:${(q)browser} u:${(q)url}
+	  eval $command
+	else
+	  $browser $url
+	fi
+	return
+      fi
+    done
+    ;;
+  esac
+# No eligible browser.
+return 255