summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/Test
diff options
authorTanaka Akira <>2000-02-29 15:51:21 +0000
committerTanaka Akira <>2000-02-29 15:51:21 +0000
commit6513a23fbe0f93cbfa5bacafb7ebdd2765791563 (patch)
treec61f79eb60df0e43d627bab59b9e13d9ea9615b2 /Test
parent39bcee62e9569e02c1d548af0f868f1ce3d75ad1 (diff)
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'Test')
2 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Test/53completion.ztst b/Test/53completion.ztst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00f1c9218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/53completion.ztst
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Tests for completion system.
+  comptest () { $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f $ZTST_srcdir/comptest -z $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -d $ZTST_testdir/compdump.tmp "$@" }
+  mkdir comp.tmp
+  cd comp.tmp
+  mkdir dir1
+  mkdir dir2
+  touch file1
+  touch file2
+  comptest $': \t\t\t\t\t\t\t'
+0:directories and files
+>line: {: }{}
+>line: {: dir1/}{}
+>line: {: dir2/}{}
+>line: {: file1}{}
+>line: {: file2}{}
+>line: {: dir1/}{}
+>line: {: dir2/}{}
+  comptest -c '_users () { compadd user1 user2 }' $': ~\t\t\t\t\t'
+>line: {: ~user}{}
+>line: {: ~user}{}
+>line: {: ~user1}{}
+>line: {: ~user2}{}
+>line: {: ~user1}{}
+ code='compdef _tst tst; _tst () { _arguments ":desc1:(arg1)" }'
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst a\t'
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst ar\t'
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst arg\t'
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst arg1\t'
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst r\t'
+>line: {tst r}{}
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst x\t'
+>line: {tst x}{}
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst a \t'
+>line: {tst a }{}
+>MESSAGE:{no more arguments}
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst a b \t'
+>line: {tst a b }{}
+>MESSAGE:{no more arguments}
+ code='compdef _tst tst; _tst () { _arguments ":desc1:(a b)" }'
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+>line: {tst }{}
+ code='compdef _tst tst; _tst () { _arguments ":desc1:(arg1)" ":desc2:(arg2)" ":desc3:(arg3)" }'
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst arg1 \t'
+>line: {tst arg1 arg2 }{}
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst arg1 arg2 \t'
+>line: {tst arg1 arg2 arg3 }{}
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \C-D'
+# code='compdef _tst tst; _tst () { _arguments "-\+[opt]" }'
+# comptest -c "$code" $'tst -\C-D'
+#>NO:{-+ -- opt}
+ code='compdef _tst tst; _tst () { _arguments "1:desc1:(arg1)" }'
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst \t'
+>line: {tst arg1 }{}
+ code='compdef _tst tst; _tst () { _arguments "-x" ":arg:" }'
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst -\t'
+>line: {tst -x }{}
+ code='compdef _tst tst; _tst () { _arguments "-x:arg:" }'
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst -x\t'
+>line: {tst -x }{}
+ code='
+   compdef _tst tst
+   _tst () { _arguments "-a" "*::rest:_tst2" }
+   _tst2 () { compadd - -b }
+ '
+ comptest -c "$code" $'tst arg -\t'
+>line: {tst arg -b }{}
diff --git a/Test/comptest b/Test/comptest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aae996105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/comptest
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/local/bin/zsh -f
+zmodload zsh/zpty
+setopt extendedglob
+while getopts Dd:c:z: opt; do
+  case $opt in
+    D) debug=yes;;
+    d) dump=(-d "$OPTARG");;
+    c) code="$OPTARG";;
+    z) zsh="$OPTARG";;
+  esac
+(( OPTIND > 1 )) && shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
+'stty columns 80 rows 24
+bindkey -e
+autoload -U compinit
+compinit $dump
+"'zstyle ":completion:*" group-name ""
+zstyle ":completion*:messages" format "<MESSAGE>%d</MESSAGE>
+zstyle ":completion*:descriptions" format "<DESCRIPTION>%d</DESCRIPTION>
+zstyle ":completion*:options" verbose yes
+zstyle ":completion*:values" verbose yes
+setopt noalwayslastprompt listrowsfirst completeinword
+zmodload zsh/complist
+expand-or-complete-with-report () {
+  print -lr "<WIDGET><expand-or-complete>"
+  zle expand-or-complete
+  zle clear-screen
+  zle -R
+list-choices-with-report () {
+  print -lr "<WIDGET><list-choices>"
+  zle list-choices
+  zle clear-screen
+  zle -R
+finish () {
+  print "<WIDGET><finish>"
+  exit 0
+zle -N expand-or-complete-with-report
+zle -N list-choices-with-report
+zle -N finish
+bindkey "^I" expand-or-complete-with-report
+bindkey "^D" list-choices-with-report
+bindkey "^Z" finish
+export PS1="<PROMPT>"
+zpty zsh "$zsh" -f
+zpty -r zsh log "*<PROMPT>*"
+zpty -w zsh "eval ${init:q}"
+zpty -r zsh log "*<PROMPT>*"
+zpty -w zsh "$input"$'\C-Z'
+zpty -r zsh log "*<WIDGET><finish>*"
+shift logs
+for log in "$logs[@]"; do
+  if [[ "$log" = (#b)*$'<LBUFFER>'(*)$'</LBUFFER>\r\n<RBUFFER>'(*)$'</RBUFFER>'* ]]; then
+    print -lr "line: {$match[1]}{$match[2]}"
+  fi
+  while (( ${(N)log#*(#b)(<LC><(??)><RC>(*)<EC>|<DESCRIPTION>(*)</DESCRIPTION>|<MESSAGE>(*)</MESSAGE>)} )); do
+    log="${log[$mend[1]+1,-1]}"
+    if (( 0 <= $mbegin[2] )); then
+      if [[ $match[2] != TC && $match[3] != \ # ]]; then
+	print "$match[2]:{$match[3]}"
+      fi
+    elif (( 0 <= $mbegin[4] )); then
+      print "DESCRIPTION:{$match[4]}"
+    elif (( 0 <= $mbegin[5] )); then
+      print "MESSAGE:{$match[5]}"
+    fi
+  done