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path: root/Completion
diff options
authorTanaka Akira <akr@users.sourceforge.net>1999-04-15 18:20:19 +0000
committerTanaka Akira <akr@users.sourceforge.net>1999-04-15 18:20:19 +0000
commit04a89199d02a3ee6c4b3d89a6c782bdb0a4f1bc8 (patch)
tree2215f99f95d55660fc939a029bf965c454d080b5 /Completion
parent7a0415cfd70a02b2280d27556c6c54cef1c86e1a (diff)
zsh-3.1.5-pws-12 zsh-3.1.5-pws-12
Diffstat (limited to 'Completion')
41 files changed, 1041 insertions, 255 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/.distfiles b/Completion/.distfiles
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c50107c61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/.distfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+    .distfiles README
diff --git a/Completion/Base/.distfiles b/Completion/Base/.distfiles
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e7635fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Base/.distfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+    .distfiles 
+    _brace_parameter _command_names _condition _default _equal
+    _long_options _match_pattern _match_pattern.orig _match_test _parameter
+    _precommand _redirect _subscript _tilde _vars 
diff --git a/Completion/Base/_command_names b/Completion/Base/_command_names
index eab314dfa..f21af674c 100644
--- a/Completion/Base/_command_names
+++ b/Completion/Base/_command_names
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
 #defcomp -command-
-local nm=$compstate[nmatches]
+local nm=$compstate[nmatches] ret=1
-compgen -c
+compgen -c && ret=0
-[[ nm -eq compstate[nmatches] ]] && _path_files -/g "*(*)"
+if [[ nm -eq compstate[nmatches] ]]; then
+  _path_files -/g "*(*)"
+  return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Base/_condition b/Completion/Base/_condition
index fb6b98b1b..db1adfd9a 100644
--- a/Completion/Base/_condition
+++ b/Completion/Base/_condition
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ if [[ "$prev" = -o ]]; then
 elif [[ "$prev" = -([no]t|ef) ]]; then
-  _files
-  compgen -v
+  local ret=1
+  _files && ret=0
+  compgen -v && ret=0
+  return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Base/_default b/Completion/Base/_default
index 569bd6382..9ea1a09db 100644
--- a/Completion/Base/_default
+++ b/Completion/Base/_default
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
 # and insert the line `[[ compstate[nmatches] -eq 0 ]] || return' after
 # `compcall'.
-compcall || return
+compcall || return 0
diff --git a/Completion/Base/_long_options b/Completion/Base/_long_options
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5d92632c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Base/_long_options
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+# This function tries to automatically complete long option names. For 
+# this it invokes the command from the line with the `--help' option
+# and then parses the output to find possible option names. For
+# options that get an argument after a `=', the function also tries to 
+# automatically find out what should be complete as the argument.
+# The possible completions for option-arguments can be described with
+# the arguments to this function. This is done by giving pairs of
+# patterns and actions as consecutive arguments. The actions specify
+# what should be done to complete arguemts of those options that match 
+# the pattern. The action may be a list of words in brackets or in
+# parentheses, separated by spaces. A list in brackets denotes
+# possible values for an optional argument, a list in parentheses
+# gives words to complete for mandatory arguments. If the action does
+# not start with a bracket or parentheses, it should be the name of a
+# command (probably with arguments) that should be invoked to complete 
+# after the equal sign. E.g.:
+#  _long_options '*\*'     '(yes no)' \
+#                '*=FILE*' '_files' \
+#                '*=DIR*'  '_files -/'
+# This makes `yes' and `no' be completed as the argument of options
+# whose description ends in a star, file names for options that
+# contain the substring `=FILE' in the description, and paths for
+# options whose description contains `=DIR'. Note the last two
+# patterns are not needed since this function always completes files
+# for option descriptions containing `=FILE' and paths for option
+# descriptions that contain `=DIR' or `=PATH'. These builtin patterns
+# can be overridden by patterns given as arguments, though.
+# This function also accepts the `-X', `-J', and `-V' options which
+# are given to `compadd'. Finally, it accepts the option `-t'. If this 
+# is given, completion is only done on words starting with two hyphens.
+local opt expl group test i name action ret=1 tmp suffix
+setopt extendedglob
+# Get the options.
+if [[ $1 = -*~--* ]]; then
+  while getopts "J:V:X:t" opt; do
+    case "$opt" in
+      [JV]) group=("-$opt" "$OPTARG");;
+      X)    expl=(-X "$OPTARG");;
+      t)    test=yes;;
+    esac
+  done
+  shift OPTIND-1
+# Test if we are completing after `--' if we were asked to do so.
+[[ -n "$test" && "$PREFIX" != --* ]] && return 1
+# We cache the information about options and the command name, see if
+# we can use the cache.
+if [[ "$words[1]" = (.|..)/* ]]; then
+  tmp="$PWD/$words[1]"
+  tmp="$words[1]"
+if [[ "$tmp" != $_lo_cache_cmd ]]; then
+  # No, store the new command name and clear the old parameters.
+  _lo_cache_cmd="$tmp"
+  (( $+_lo_cache_actions )) && unset "$_lo_cache_names[@]" _lo_cache_actions _lo_cache_names
+  local opts pattern anum=1 tmpo str
+  # Now get the long option names by calling the command with `--help'.
+  # The parameter expansion trickery first gets the lines as separate
+  # array elements. Then we select all lines whose first non-blank
+  # character is a hyphen. Since some commands document more than one
+  # option per line, separated by commas, we convert commas int
+  # newlines and then split the result again at newlines after joining 
+  # the old array elements with newlines between them. Then we select
+  # those elements that start with two hyphens, remove anything up to
+  # those hyphens and anything from the space or comma after the
+  # option up to the end. Finally all elements with option strings
+  # that contain uppercase letters are removed.
+  opts=("--${(@)^${(@)${(@)${(@M)${(@ps:\n:j:\n:)${(@)${(@M)${(@f)$("$words[1]" --help)}:#[ 	]#-*}//,/
+}}:#[ 	]#--*}#*--}%%[, ]*}:#(*-[A-Z]*|)}")
+  # The interpretation of the options is completely table driven. We
+  # use the positional parameters we were given and a few standard
+  # ones. Then we loop through this table.
+  set -- "$@" '*=FILE*' '_files' '*=(DIR|PATH)*' '_files -/' '*' ''
+  while [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; do
+    # First, we get the pattern and the action to use and take them
+    # from the positional parameters.
+    pattern="$1"
+    action="$2"
+    shift 2
+    # We get all options matching the pattern and take them from the
+    # list we have built. If no option matches the pattern, we
+    # continue with the next.
+    tmp=("${(@M)opts:##$~pattern}")
+    opts=("${(@)opts:##$~pattern}")
+    (( $#tmp )) || continue
+    # Now we collect the options for the pattern in an array. We also
+    # check if the options take an argument after a `=', and if this
+    # argument is optional. The name of the array built contains
+    # `_arg_' for mandatory arguments, `_optarg_' for optional
+    # arguments, and `_simple_' for options that don't get an
+    # argument. In `_lo_cache_names' we save the names of these
+    # arrays and in `_lo_cache_actions' the associated actions.
+    # If the action is a list of words in brackets, this denotes
+    # options that get an optional argument. If the action is a list
+    # of words in parentheses, the option has to get an argument.
+    # In both cases we just build the array name to use.
+    if [[ "$action[1]" = '[' ]]; then
+      name="_lo_cache_optarg_$anum"
+    elif [[ "$action[1]" = '(' ]]; then
+      name="_lo_cache_arg_$anum"
+    else
+      # If there are option strings with a `[=', we take make these
+      # get an optional argument...
+      tmpo=("${(@M)tmp:#*\[\=*}")
+      if (( $#tmpo )); then
+        # ...by removing them from the option list and storing them in 
+	# an array.
+        tmp=("${(@)tmp:#*\[\=*}")
+        tmpo=("${(@)${(@)tmpo%%\=*}//[^a-z0-9-]}")
+        _lo_cache_names[anum]="_lo_cache_optarg_$anum"
+        _lo_cache_actions[anum]="$action"
+        eval "_lo_cache_optarg_${anum}=(\"\$tmpo[@]\")"
+	(( anum++ ))
+      fi
+      # Now we do the same for option strings containing `=', these
+      # are options getting an argument.
+      tmpo=("${(@M)tmp:#*\=*}")
+      if (( $#tmpo )); then
+        tmp=("${(@)tmp:#*\=*}")
+        tmpo=("${(@)${(@)tmpo%%\=*}//[^a-z0-9-]}")
+        _lo_cache_names[anum]="_lo_cache_arg_$anum"
+        _lo_cache_actions[anum]="$action"
+        eval "_lo_cache_arg_${anum}=(\"\$tmpo[@]\")"
+	(( anum++ ))
+      fi
+      # The name for the options without arguments, if any.
+      name="_lo_cache_simple_$anum"
+    fi
+    # Now filter out any option strings we don't like and stuff them
+    # in an array, if there are still some.
+    tmp=("${(@)${(@)tmp%%\=*}//[^a-z0-9-]}")
+    if (( $#tmp )); then
+      _lo_cache_names[anum]="$name"
+      _lo_cache_actions[anum]="$action"
+      eval "${name}=(\"\$tmp[@]\")"
+      (( anum++ ))
+    fi
+  done
+# We get the string from the line and and see if it already contains a 
+# equal sign.
+if [[ "$str" = *\=* ]]; then
+  # It contains a `=', now we ignore anything up to it, but first save 
+  # the old contents of the special parameters we change.
+  local oipre opre osuf pre parto parta pat patflags anum=1
+  oipre="$IPREFIX"
+  opre="$PREFIX"
+  osuf="$SUFFIX"
+  pre="${str%%\=*}"
+  IPREFIX="${IPREFIX}${pre}="
+  PREFIX="${str#*\=}"
+  SUFFIX=""
+  # We will check if the arrays contain an option matching what's on
+  # the line. To do this good, we build a pattern.
+  [[ -n "$_comp_correct" && $#pre -le _comp_correct ]] && return 1
+  pat="${pre}*"
+  patflags=''
+  _match_pattern _long_options pat patflags
+  [[ -n "$_comp_correct" ]] && patflags="$patflags(#a$_comp_correct)"
+  # Then we walk through the array names. For each array we test if it 
+  # contains the option string. If so, we `invoke' the action stored
+  # with the name. If the action is a list of words, we just add them, 
+  # otherwise we invoke the command or function named.
+  for name in "$_lo_cache_names[@]"; do
+    action="$_lo_cache_actions[anum]"
+    if (( ${(@)${(@P)name}[(I)$pre]} )); then
+      if [[ "$action[1]" = (\[|\() ]]; then
+        compadd - ${=action[2,-2]}
+      elif (( $#action )); then
+        $=action
+      fi
+      # We found the option string, return.
+      return
+    fi
+    # The array did not contain the full option string, see if it
+    # contains a string matching the string from the line.
+    # If there is one, we store the option string in `parto' and the
+    # element from `_lo_actions' in `parta'. If we find more than one
+    # such option or if we already had one, we set `parto' to `-'.
+    tmp=("${(@M)${(@P)name}:#${~pat}}")
+    if [[ $#tmp -eq 1 ]]; then
+      if [[ -z "$parto" ]]; then
+        parto="$tmp[1]"
+	parta="$action"
+      else
+        parto=-
+      fi
+    elif (( $#tmp )); then
+      parto=-
+    fi
+    (( anum++ ))
+  done
+  # If we found only one matching option, we accept it and immediatly
+  # try to complete the string after the `='.
+  if [[ -n "$parto" && "$parto" != - ]]; then
+    IPREFIX="${parto}="
+    if (( $#parta )); then
+      if [[ "$parta[1]" = (\[|\() ]]; then
+        compadd - ${=parta[2,-2]}
+      else
+        $=parta
+      fi
+    else
+      compadd -S '' - "$PREFIX"
+    fi
+    return
+  fi
+  # The option string was not found, restore the special parameters.
+  IPREFIX="$oipre"
+  PREFIX="$opre"
+  SUFFIX="$osuf"
+# The string on the line did not contain a `=', or we couldn't
+# complete the option string since there were more than one matching
+# what's on the line. So we just ad the option string as possible
+# matches, giving the string from the `=' on as a suffix.
+if [[ "$str" = *\=* ]]; then
+  str="=${str#*\=}"
+  PREFIX="${PREFIX%%\=*}"
+  suffix=()
+  str=""
+  suffix=('-S=')
+for name in "$_lo_cache_names[@]"; do
+  action="$_lo_cache_actions[anum]"
+  if [[ "$name" = *_optarg_* ]]; then
+    compadd -M 'r:|-=* r:|=*' -Qq "$suffix[@]" -s "$str" - \
+            "${(@P)name}" && ret=0
+  elif [[ "$name" = *_arg_* ]]; then
+    compadd -M 'r:|-=* r:|=*' -Q "$suffix[@]" -s "$str" - \
+            "${(@P)name}" && ret=0
+  elif [[ -z "$str" ]]; then
+    compadd -M 'r:|-=* r:|=*' -Q - \
+            "${(@P)name}" && ret=0
+  fi
+  (( anum++ ))
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Base/_match_pattern b/Completion/Base/_match_pattern
index 3df115d5b..91930a571 100644
--- a/Completion/Base/_match_pattern
+++ b/Completion/Base/_match_pattern
@@ -28,4 +28,10 @@
 # like the `r:|[.-]=* r:|=*'. To make this work, the function `_match_test'
 # would have to be changed to `(( compstate[matcher] <= 2 ))'
+# When automatic correction is used (see the file `_main_complete'), you
+# probably don't want to set matching flags here as that may make the
+# results slightly unpredictable. For this, change the line above to:
+#   [[ compstate[matcher] -lt 0 ]] && eval "${3}='(#l)'"
 # The default implementation of this function is empty.
diff --git a/Completion/Base/_subscript b/Completion/Base/_subscript
index d50fd8335..670739a9a 100644
--- a/Completion/Base/_subscript
+++ b/Completion/Base/_subscript
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 #defcomp -subscript-
-_compalso -math-
+local ret=1
+_compalso -math- && ret=0
 [[ ${(Pt)${compstate[parameter]}} = assoc* ]] &&
-    compgen -k "( ${(kP)${compstate[parameter]}} )"
+  compgen -k "( ${(kP)${compstate[parameter]}} )" && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Builtins/.distfiles b/Completion/Builtins/.distfiles
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97906e91f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Builtins/.distfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+    .distfiles
+    _aliases _arrays _autoload _bg_jobs _bindkey _builtin _cd _command
+    _dirs _disable _echotc _enable _fc _functions _hash _jobs _kill
+    _limits _sched _set _setopt _source _trap _unhash _unsetopt _vars_eq
+    _wait _which _zftp _zle _zmodload 
diff --git a/Completion/Builtins/_bindkey b/Completion/Builtins/_bindkey
index d3d019492..6fca200ba 100644
--- a/Completion/Builtins/_bindkey
+++ b/Completion/Builtins/_bindkey
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
 #defcomp bindkey
-if [[ "$words[2]" = -*[DAN]* || "$words[CURRENT-1] = -*M ]]; then
+# Normally, this completes names of zle widgets, whether the builtin ones
+# or ones defined by the user.  Note that a - allows a wildcard before it,
+# so h-b-s-b will complete to history-beginning-search-backward.  You
+# can alter this by removing the -M ... from the second compgen.
+# Where appropriate, will complete keymaps instead of widgets.
+if [[ "$words[2]" = -*[DAN]* || "$words[CURRENT-1]" = -*M ]]; then
   compgen -s '$(bindkey -l)'
-  compgen -b
+  compgen -b -M 'r:|-=* r:|=*'
diff --git a/Completion/Builtins/_cd b/Completion/Builtins/_cd
index 65ce7f293..9a58effe0 100644
--- a/Completion/Builtins/_cd
+++ b/Completion/Builtins/_cd
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if [[ -position 3 ]]; then
   # Now remove all the common parts of $PWD and the completions from this
-  (( $#rep )) && compadd $rep
+  (( ! $#rep )) || compadd $rep
 elif [[ $words[1] = pu* && $PREFIX = [-+]* ]]; then
   # pushd: just complete the numbers, but show the full directory list with
   # numbers.
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ elif [[ $words[1] = pu* && $PREFIX = [-+]* ]]; then
   # lazy to type pushd.
-  local list lines
+  local list lines ret=1
   # get the list of directories with their canonical number
   lines="$(dirs -v)"
   # turn the lines into an array, removing the current directory
@@ -52,9 +53,11 @@ elif [[ $words[1] = pu* && $PREFIX = [-+]* ]]; then
   # get the array of numbers only
   list=(${list%%[ 	]*})
-  compgen -y '$lines' -Q -k list
-  [[ -z $compstate[list] ]] && compstate[list]=list
-  [[ -n $compstate[insert] ]] && compstat[insert]=menu
+  compgen -y '$lines' -Q -k list && ret=0
+  [[ -z $compstate[list] ]] && compstate[list]=list && ret=0
+  [[ -n $compstate[insert] ]] && compstat[insert]=menu && ret=0
+  return ret
 elif [[ $PREFIX != (\~|/|./|../)* && $#cdpath -ne 0 ]]; then
   _path_files -W cdpath -/
diff --git a/Completion/Builtins/_disable b/Completion/Builtins/_disable
index e3edafe2b..27db5c18f 100644
--- a/Completion/Builtins/_disable
+++ b/Completion/Builtins/_disable
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 #defcomp disable
-local prev="$words[CURRENT-1]"
+local prev="$words[CURRENT-1]" ret=1
-[[ "$prev" = -*a* ]] && compgen -ea
-[[ "$prev" = -*f* ]] && compgen -eF
-[[ "$prev" = -*r* ]] && compgen -ew
-[[ "$prev" != -* ]] && compgen -eB
+[[ "$prev" = -*a* ]] && compgen -ea && ret=0
+[[ "$prev" = -*f* ]] && compgen -eF && ret=0
+[[ "$prev" = -*r* ]] && compgen -ew && ret=0
+[[ "$prev" != -* ]]  && compgen -eB && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Builtins/_enable b/Completion/Builtins/_enable
index 111d1ae26..1baa09ed6 100644
--- a/Completion/Builtins/_enable
+++ b/Completion/Builtins/_enable
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 #defcomp enable
-local prev="$words[CURRENT-1]"
+local prev="$words[CURRENT-1]" ret=1
-[[ "$prev" = -*a* ]] && compgen -da
-[[ "$prev" = -*f* ]] && compgen -dF
-[[ "$prev" = -*r* ]] && compgen -dw
-[[ "$prev" != -* ]] && compgen -dB
+[[ "$prev" = -*a* ]] && compgen -da && ret=0
+[[ "$prev" = -*f* ]] && compgen -dF && ret=0
+[[ "$prev" = -*r* ]] && compgen -dw && ret=0
+[[ "$prev" != -* ]]  && compgen -dB && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Builtins/_kill b/Completion/Builtins/_kill
index c1afa78cb..36a23ccb2 100644
--- a/Completion/Builtins/_kill
+++ b/Completion/Builtins/_kill
@@ -5,7 +5,11 @@ local list
 if [[ -iprefix '-' ]]; then
   compgen -k "($signals[1,-3])"
-  compgen -P '%' -j
+  local ret=1
+  compgen -P '%' -j && ret=0
   list=("$(ps 2>/dev/null)")
-  compgen -y '$list' -s '`ps 2>/dev/null | tail +2 | cut -c1-5`'
+  compgen -y '$list' -s '`ps 2>/dev/null | tail +2 | cut -c1-5`' && ret=0
+  return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Builtins/_setopt b/Completion/Builtins/_setopt
index 98800152f..b458cb2b0 100644
--- a/Completion/Builtins/_setopt
+++ b/Completion/Builtins/_setopt
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 #defcomp setopt
-local nm=$compstate[nmatches]
+local nm=$compstate[nmatches] ret=1
 compgen -M 'L:|[nN][oO]= M:_= M:{A-Z}={a-z}' \
-         -s '$({ unsetopt kshoptionprint; unsetopt } 2>/dev/null)'
+         -s '$({ unsetopt kshoptionprint; unsetopt } 2>/dev/null)' && ret=0
 [[ compstate[nmatches] -eq nm ]] &&
-    compgen -M 'L:|[nN][oO]= M:_= M:{A-Z}={a-z}' -o
+    compgen -M 'L:|[nN][oO]= M:_= M:{A-Z}={a-z}' -o && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Builtins/_unhash b/Completion/Builtins/_unhash
index 63d61c991..a9050cb49 100644
--- a/Completion/Builtins/_unhash
+++ b/Completion/Builtins/_unhash
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 #defcomp unhash
-local fl="$words[2]"
+local fl="$words[2]" ret=1
-[[ "$fl" = -*d* ]] && compgen -n
-[[ "$fl" = -*a* ]] && compgen -a
-[[ "$fl" = -*f* ]] && compgen -F
-[[ "$fl" != -* ]] && compgen -m
+[[ "$fl" = -*d* ]] && compgen -n && ret=0
+[[ "$fl" = -*a* ]] && compgen -a && ret=0
+[[ "$fl" = -*f* ]] && compgen -F && ret=0
+[[ "$fl" != -* ]]  && compgen -m && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Builtins/_unsetopt b/Completion/Builtins/_unsetopt
index a5c85b1ef..1194e28a7 100644
--- a/Completion/Builtins/_unsetopt
+++ b/Completion/Builtins/_unsetopt
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 #defcomp unsetopt
-local nm=$compstate[nmatches]
+local nm=$compstate[nmatches] ret=1
 compgen -M 'L:|[nN][oO]= M:_= M:{A-Z}={a-z}' \
-         -s '$({ unsetopt kshoptionprint; setopt } 2>/dev/null)'
+         -s '$({ unsetopt kshoptionprint; setopt } 2>/dev/null)' && ret=0
 [[ compstate[nmatches] -eq nm ]] &&
-    compgen -M 'L:|[nN][oO]= M:_= M:{A-Z}={a-z}' -o
+    compgen -M 'L:|[nN][oO]= M:_= M:{A-Z}={a-z}' -o && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Builtins/_wait b/Completion/Builtins/_wait
index 6e3a4c3c9..9281a5cc2 100644
--- a/Completion/Builtins/_wait
+++ b/Completion/Builtins/_wait
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 #defcomp wait
-local list
+local list ret=1
-compgen -P '%' -j
+compgen -P '%' -j && ret=0
 list=("$(ps 2>/dev/null)")
-compgen -y '$list' -s '`ps 2>/dev/null | tail +2 | cut -c1-5`'
+compgen -y '$list' -s '`ps 2>/dev/null | tail +2 | cut -c1-5`' && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Builtins/_zftp b/Completion/Builtins/_zftp
index e93021acf..178d9d9e3 100644
--- a/Completion/Builtins/_zftp
+++ b/Completion/Builtins/_zftp
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ case $subcom in
   # dunno... try ordinary completion after all.
-  unset _compskip   
+  unset _compskip
+  return 1
diff --git a/Completion/Commands/.distfiles b/Completion/Commands/.distfiles
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f79d69704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Commands/.distfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+    .distfiles _correct_filename _most_recent_file 
diff --git a/Completion/Core/.distfiles b/Completion/Core/.distfiles
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ddf2a707e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Core/.distfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+    .distfiles
+    _compalso _files _main_complete _multi_parts _normal _path_files
+    _sep_parts compdump compinit
diff --git a/Completion/Core/_compalso b/Completion/Core/_compalso
index 6ff6cf0bf..52fb08f05 100644
--- a/Completion/Core/_compalso
+++ b/Completion/Core/_compalso
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
 # `_compalso -math-' to get the completions that would be generated for a
 # mathematical context.
-local tmp
+local tmp ret=1
-[[ -z "$tmp" ]] || "$tmp"
+[[ -z "$tmp" ]] || "$tmp" && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Core/_files b/Completion/Core/_files
index 471824bfe..506ddbc8e 100644
--- a/Completion/Core/_files
+++ b/Completion/Core/_files
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
 # Utility function for completing files of a given type or any file.
 # In many cases you will want to call this one instead of _path_files().
-local nm=$compstate[nmatches] ret
+local nm=$compstate[nmatches] ret=1
-_path_files "$@"
+_path_files "$@" && ret=0
 if [[ $# -ne 0 && compstate[nmatches] -eq nm ]]; then
   local opt opts
@@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ if [[ $# -ne 0 && compstate[nmatches] -eq nm ]]; then
     [[ "$opt" = [PSWFJVX] ]] && opts=("$opts[@]" "-$opt" "$OPTARG")
-  _path_files "$opts[@]"
-  return $ret
+  _path_files "$opts[@]" && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Core/_main_complete b/Completion/Core/_main_complete
index 34c5a3d3c..3571b712c 100644
--- a/Completion/Core/_main_complete
+++ b/Completion/Core/_main_complete
@@ -3,36 +3,47 @@
 # The main loop of the completion code. This is what is called when 
 # completion is attempted from the command line.
-# This code will automatically try to correct the string on the
-# line based on the strings generated for the context if the
-# parameter `COMPCORRECT' is set and normal completion didn't yield
-# any matches. These corrected strings will be shown in a list and
-# one can cycle through them as in a menucompletion. To use this 
-# feature, `COMPCORRECT' should be set to a number, specifying the
+# This code will automatically try to correct the string on the line
+# based on the strings generated for the context if
+# `compconfig[correct]' is set and normal completion didn't yield any
+# matches. These corrected strings will be shown in a list and one can
+#cycle through them as in a menucompletion. To use this feature,
+#`compconfig[correct]' should be set to a number, specifying the 
 # maximum number of errors that should be accepted. If the string also
 # contains a `n' or `N', the code will use the numeric argument as the
 # maximum number of errors if a numeric argument was given. If no
 # numeric argument was given, the number from the value of
-# `COMPCORRECT' will be used. E.g. with `COMPCORRECT=2n' two errors
-# will be accepted, but if the user gives another number with the
-# numeric argument, this will be prefered. Also, with `COMPCORRECT=0n',
-# normally no automatic correction will be tried, but if a numeric
-# argument is given, automatic correction will be used. Once the
-# number of errors to accept is determined, the code will repeatedly
-# try to generate matches by allowing one error, two errors, and so
-# on.
-# If the parameter `CCORIG' is set (independent of the value), the
-# line will first be left unchanged and consecutive TABs cycle through 
-# the list.
-# When using automatic correction, one can also set the parameter
-# `CCPROMPT' to a string that will be shown when multiple
-# correction results are displayed and the code starts cycling
-# through them (this string is used with the `-X' option and thus may
-# contain the control sequences `%n', `%B',...).
-local comp name _comp_correct comax
-setopt localoptions nullglob rcexpandparam globdots
+# `compconfig[correct]' will be used. E.g. with `compconfig[correct]=2n'
+# two errors will be accepted, but if the user gives another number
+# with the numeric argument, this will be prefered. Also, with
+# `compconfig[correct]=0n',normally no automatic correction will be
+# tried, but if a numeric argument is given, automatic correction will
+# be used. Once the number of errors to accept is determined, the code
+# will repeatedly try to generate matches by allowing one error, two
+# errors, and so on. Independent of the number of errors the user
+# wants to accept, the code will allow only fewer errors than there
+# are characters in the string from the line.
+# The value of `compconfig[correct_orig]' is used to determine if the
+# original string should be included in the list (and thus be
+# presented to the user when cycling through the corrections). If it
+# is set to any non-empty value, the original string will be
+# offered. If it contains the sub-string `last', the original string
+# will apear as the last string when cycling through the corrections,
+# otherwise it will appear as the first one (so that the command line
+# does not change immediatly). Also, if the value of
+# `compconfig[correct_orig]' contains the sub-string `always', the
+# original string will always be included, whereas normally it is
+# included only if more than one possible correction was generated.
+# Finally, `compconfig[correct_prompt]' may be set to a string that
+# should be printed before the list of corrected strings when cycling
+# through them. This string may contain the control sequences `%n',
+# `%B', etc. known from the `-X' option of `compctl'. Also, the
+# sequence `%e' will be replaced by the number of errors accepted to
+# generate the corrected strings.
+local comp name _comp_correct _correct_prompt comax
+setopt localoptions nullglob rcexpandparam
 unsetopt markdirs globsubst shwordsplit nounset ksharrays
 # Special completion contexts after `~' and `='.
@@ -91,25 +102,30 @@ while true; do
   # Use automatic correction?
-  if (( $+COMPCORRECT )); then
+  if (( $+compconfig[correct] )); then
     # Do we have matches?
     if (( compstate[nmatches] )); then
       # Yes, were they added using correction? (More than one match?)
-      if [[ -n "$_comp_correct" && compstate[nmatches] -gt 1 ]]; then
+      if [[ -n "$_comp_correct" &&
+            ( "$compconfig[correct_orig]" = *always* ||
+	      compstate[nmatches] -gt 1 ) ]]; then
-        # If we got more than one string from correction, we add the 
-	# original string as a possible match, let it not be shown in
-	# the list, and probably display the `CCPROMPT'.
-        (( $+CCORIG )) && builtin compadd -nQ - "$PREFIX$SUFFIX"
+        if [[ "$compconfig[correct_orig]" = *last* ]]; then
+	  builtin compadd -V _correct_orig -nQ - "$PREFIX$SUFFIX"
+        elif [[ -n "$compconfig[correct_orig]" ]]; then
+	  builtin compadd -nQ - "$PREFIX$SUFFIX"
+	fi
 	# If you always want to see the list of possible corrections,
 	# set `compstate[list]=list' here.
+	compstate[force_list]=list
       # Since we have matches, we don't want to try again.
@@ -117,25 +133,33 @@ while true; do
     if [[ -n "$_comp_correct" ]]; then
-      # Yes, give up if we reached the maximum number of tries,
-      # otherwise increment our counter.
+      # Yes, give up if we reached the maximum number of tries or the
+      # string from the line is too short, otherwise increment our 
+      # counter.
-      [[ _comp_correct -eq comax ]] && break
+      [[ _comp_correct -eq comax ||
+         "${#${:-$PREFIX$SUFFIX}}" -le _comp_correct+1 ]] && break
       (( _comp_correct++ ))
+      _correct_prompt="${compconfig[correct_prompt]//\%e/$_comp_correct}"
     elif [[ compstate[matcher] -eq compstate[total_matchers] ]]; then
+      # We don't try correction if the string is too short.
+      [[ "${#${:-$PREFIX$SUFFIX}}" -le 1 ]] && return
       # No matches and no correction tried yet, but we just tried the
       # last global match specification, so let's see if we should use
       # correction now. First, get the maximum number of errors.
-      if [[ "$COMPCORRECT" = *[nN]* && NUMERIC -ne 1 ]]; then
+      if [[ "$compconfig[correct]" = *[nN]* && NUMERIC -ne 1 ]]; then
         # Prefer the numeric argument if that has a sensible value.
-        comax="${COMPCORRECT//[^0-9]}"
+        comax="${compconfig[correct]//[^0-9]}"
-      # If the number of errors to accept is to small, give up.
+      # If the number of errors to accept is too small, give up.
       [[ "$comax" -lt 1 ]] && break
@@ -145,25 +169,31 @@ while true; do
       # ignored prefix).
       compadd() {
+        [[ "$*" != *-([a-zA-Z/]#|)U* &&
+           "${#${:-$PREFIX$SUFFIX}}" -le _comp_correct ]] && return
         if [[ "$PREFIX" = \~*/* ]]; then
-	if (( $+CCPROMPT )); then
-	  builtin compadd -X "$CCPROMPT" -J _correct "$@"
+	if [[ -n "$_correct_prompt" ]]; then
+	  builtin compadd -X "$_correct_prompt" -J _correct "$@"
 	  builtin compadd -J _correct "$@"
       compgen() {
+        [[ "$*" != *-([a-zA-Z/]#|)U* &&
+           "${#${:-$PREFIX$SUFFIX}}" -le _comp_correct ]] && return
         if [[ "$PREFIX" = \~*/* ]]; then
-	if (( $+CCPROMPT )); then
-	  builtin compgen "$@" -X "$CCPROMPT" -J _correct
+	if [[ -n "$_correct_prompt" ]]; then
+	  builtin compgen "$@" -X "$_correct_prompt" -J _correct
 	  builtin compgen "$@" -J _correct
@@ -179,6 +209,8 @@ while true; do
+      _correct_prompt="${compconfig[correct_prompt]//\%e/$_comp_correct}"
       # We also need to set `extendedglob' and to make the completion
       # code behave as if globcomplete were set.
diff --git a/Completion/Core/_normal b/Completion/Core/_normal
index f56849194..98337eae5 100644
--- a/Completion/Core/_normal
+++ b/Completion/Core/_normal
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-local comp command cmd1 cmd2 pat val name i ret
+local comp command cmd1 cmd2 pat val name i ret=1
 # Completing in command position? If not we set up `cmd1' and `cmd2' as
 # two strings we have search in the completion definition arrays (e.g.
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ local comp command cmd1 cmd2 pat val name i ret
 if [[ CURRENT -eq 1 ]]; then
-  [[ -z "$comp" ]] || "$comp"
-  return
+  [[ -z "$comp" ]] || "$comp" && ret=0
+  return ret
 elif [[ "$command[1]" == '=' ]]; then
   eval cmd1\=$command
@@ -28,11 +29,10 @@ for i in "$_patcomps[@]"; do
   pat="${i% *}"
   val="${i#* }"
   if [[ "$cmd1" == $~pat || "$cmd2" == $~pat ]]; then
-    "$val"
-    ret=$?
+    "$val" && ret=0
     if (( $+_compskip )); then
       unset _compskip
-      return $ret
+      return ret
@@ -53,4 +53,6 @@ if [[ -z "$comp" ]]; then
-[[ -z "$comp" ]] || "$comp"
+[[ -z "$comp" ]] || "$comp" && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Core/_path_files b/Completion/Core/_path_files
index 3c03c0c61..535ba537c 100644
--- a/Completion/Core/_path_files
+++ b/Completion/Core/_path_files
@@ -2,13 +2,15 @@
 # Utility function for in-path completion.
 # Supported arguments are: `-f', `-/', `-g <patterns>', `-J <group>',
-# `-V <group>', `-W paths', `-X explanation', and `-F <ignore>'. All but 
-# the last have the same syntax and meaning as for `compgen'. The
-# `-F <ignore>' option may be used to give a list of suffixes either by
-# giving the name of an array or literally by giving them in a string
-# surrounded by parentheses. Files with one of the suffixes thus given
-# are treated like files with one of the suffixes in the `fignore' array
-# in normal completion.
+# `-V <group>', `-W paths', `-X explanation', `-P prefix', `-S suffix',
+# `-q', `-r remove-chars', `-R remove-func', and `-F <ignore>'. All but 
+# the last have the same syntax and meaning as for `compgen' or
+# `compadd', respectively. The `-F <ignore>' option may be used to give
+# a list of suffixes either by giving the name of an array or
+# literally by giving them in a string surrounded by
+# parentheses. Files with one of the suffixes thus given are treated
+# like files with one of the suffixes in the `fignore' array in normal
+# completion.
 # This function uses the helper functions `_match_test' and `_match_pattern'.
@@ -20,9 +22,10 @@ _match_test _path_files || return 1
 local nm prepaths str linepath realpath donepath patstr prepath testpath rest
 local tmp1 collect tmp2 suffixes i ignore matchflags opt group sopt pats gopt
-local addpfx addsfx expl orig ostr nm=$compstate[nmatches]
+local addpfx addsfx expl orig ostr nm=$compstate[nmatches] menu remsfx patlast
+local origflags mflags
-setopt localoptions nullglob rcexpandparam globdots extendedglob
+setopt localoptions nullglob rcexpandparam extendedglob
 unsetopt markdirs globsubst shwordsplit nounset
@@ -33,16 +36,21 @@ gopt=''
 # Get the options.
-while getopts "P:S:W:F:J:V:X:f/g:" opt; do
+while getopts "P:S:qr:R:W:F:J:V:X:f/g:" opt; do
   case "$opt" in
   P)     addpfx=(-P "$OPTARG")
   S)     addsfx=(-S "$OPTARG")
+  q)     tmp1=yes
+         ;;
+  [rR])  remsfx=("-$opt" "$OPTARG")
+         ;;
   W)     tmp1="$OPTARG"
          if [[ "$tmp1[1]" = '(' ]]; then
            prepaths=( ${^=tmp1[2,-2]}/ )
@@ -76,6 +84,8 @@ while getopts "P:S:W:F:J:V:X:f/g:" opt; do
+[[ -n "$tmp1" && $#addsfx -ne 0 ]] && addsfx[1]=-qS
 # If we were given no file selection option, we behave as if we were given
 # a `-f'.
@@ -89,19 +99,25 @@ if [[ "$sopt" = - ]]; then
 # str holds the whole string from the command line with a `*' between
-# the prefix and the suffix.
+# the prefix and the suffix. Then we see if we will do menucompletion.
-if [[ -o globcomplete ]]; then
+if [[ $#compstate[pattern_match] -ne 0 ]]; then
+  [[ "$str" = \\\~* ]] && str="$str[2,-1]"
+[[ $compstate[insert] = *menu || -n "$_comp_correct" ||
+   ( $#compstate[pattern_match] -ne 0 &&
+     "$orig" != "${orig:q}" ) ]] && menu=yes
 # We will first try normal completion called with `compgen', but only if we
-# weren't given a `-F' option.
+# weren't given a `-F', `-r', or `-R' option.
-if (( ! $#ignore )); then
+if [[ $#ignore -eq 0 && $#remsfx -eq 0 && -z "$_comp_correct" ]]; then
   # First build an array containing the `-W' option, if there is any and we
   # want to use it. We don't want to use it if the string from the command line
   # is a absolute path or relative to the current directory.
@@ -124,11 +140,11 @@ if (( ! $#ignore )); then
   # If this generated any matches, we don't want to do in-path completion.
   [[ compstate[nmatches] -eq nm ]] || return 0
-  # No `-F' option, so we want to use `fignore'.
+# No `-F' option, so we want to use `fignore'.
-  ignore=(-F fignore)
+(( $#ignore )) || ignore=(-F fignore)
 # Now let's have a closer look at the string to complete.
@@ -176,6 +192,7 @@ fi
 _match_pattern _path_files patstr matchflags
 [[ -n "$_comp_correct" ]] && matchflags="$matchflags(#a$_comp_correct)"
 # We almost expect the pattern to have changed `..' into `*.*.', `/.' into
@@ -185,13 +202,40 @@ _match_pattern _path_files patstr matchflags
+# We take the last pathname component from the pattern and store it in
+# `patlast', replacing `*'s in it with patterns that match any character
+# but not slashes. Later we will generate matches using `patstr' with the
+# patterns we were given (like `*.c') appended to it, producing all matching
+# files. These filenames are then compared to `patlast' and all names not
+# matching that will be removed. All this is needed to be able to correctly
+# support `completeinword' as otherwise we would have something like `a*x'
+# from the line (the `*' was inserted above) and appending the `-g' pattern
+# `*.tex' would yield `a*x*.tex' which is not what we want.
+if [[ "$patstr" = */* ]]; then
+  if [[ -n "$_comp_correct" && "${#orig##*/}" -le _comp_correct ]]; then
+    patlast="*/${origflags}${${patstr##*/}//\*/[^/]#}"
+  else
+    patlast="*/${matchflags}${${patstr##*/}//\*/[^/]#}"
+  fi
+  patstr="${patstr%/*}/"
+  if [[ -n "$_comp_correct" && "$#orig" -le _comp_correct ]]; then
+    patlast="${origflags}${patstr//\*/[^/]#}"
+  else
+    patlast="${matchflags}${patstr//\*/[^/]#}"
+  fi
+  patstr=""
 # First we skip over all pathname components in `str' which really exist in
 # the file-system, so that `/usr/lib/l<TAB>' doesn't offer you `lib' and
 # `lib5'. Pathname components skipped this way are taken from `orig' and added
 # to `donepath'.
 while [[ "$orig" = */* ]] do
-  tmp1=( ${~matchflags}$realpath$donepath${orig%%/*}/${~patstr#*/}$^pats )
+  tmp1=( $realpath$donepath${orig%%/*}/${~matchflags}${~patstr#*/}$^pats )
+  tmp1=("${(@M)tmp1:#$~patlast}")
   [[ $#tmp1 -gt 0 && -e "$realpath$donepath${orig%%/*}" ]] || break
@@ -217,8 +261,13 @@ for prepath in "$prepaths[@]"; do
     # we get the globbing matches for the pathname component currently
     # handled.
+    if [[ -n "$_comp_correct" && "${#ostr%%/*}" -le _comp_correct ]]; then
+      mflags="$origflags"
+    else
+      mflags="$matchflags"
+    fi
-    tmp1="${prepath}${realpath}${testpath}${~matchflags}${str%%/*}(-/)"
+    tmp1="${prepath}${realpath}${testpath}${~mflags}${str%%/*}(-/)"
     tmp1=( $~tmp1 )
     if [[ $#tmp1 -eq 0 ]]; then
@@ -240,12 +289,19 @@ for prepath in "$prepaths[@]"; do
       suffixes=( $rest$^pats )
       suffixes=( "${(@)suffixes:gs.**.*.}" )
+      if [[ -n "$_comp_correct" && "${#ostr#*/}" -le _comp_correct ]]; then
+        mflags="$origflags"
+      else
+        mflags="$matchflags"
+      fi
       # In the loop the prefixes from the `tmp1' array produced above and
       # the suffixes we just built are used to produce possible matches
       # via globbing.
       for i in "$tmp1[@]" ; do
-        tmp2=( ${~i}/${~matchflags}${~suffixes} )
+        tmp2=( ${~i}/${~mflags}${~suffixes} )
+        tmp2=("${(@M)tmp2:#$~patlast}")
         [[ $#tmp2 -ne 0 ]] && collect=( $collect $i )
@@ -255,9 +311,6 @@ for prepath in "$prepaths[@]"; do
       # next `-W' path.
       if [[ $#collect -eq 0 ]]; then
-        compadd -QU "$addpfx[@]" "$addsfx[@]" "$group[@]" "$expl[@]" \
-                -i "$IPREFIX" -p "${linepath:q}${testpath:q}" -S "/${ostr#*/}" \
-		-W "$tmp1" -f "$ignore[@]" - "${(@)tmp1:q}"
         continue 2
       elif [[ $#collect -ne 1 ]]; then
         # If we have more than one possible match, this means that the
@@ -270,6 +323,7 @@ for prepath in "$prepaths[@]"; do
 	# Now produce all matching pathnames in `collect'.
         collect=( ${~collect}/${~matchflags}${~suffixes} )
+	collect=("${(@M)collect:#$~patlast}")
 	# And then remove the common path prefix from all these matches.
@@ -282,15 +336,16 @@ for prepath in "$prepaths[@]"; do
 	# these are file names and that `fignore' should be used as usual
 	# (the `-f' and `-F' options).
-	if [[ $compstate[insert] = *menu ]]; then
+	if [[ -n "$menu" ]]; then
           compadd -QU "$addpfx[@]" "$addsfx[@]" "$group[@]" "$expl[@]" \
-                  -i "$IPREFIX" -p "${linepath:q}${testpath:q}" -S "/${ostr#*/}" \
+                  -i "$IPREFIX" -p "$linepath${testpath:q}" \
+		  -s "/${ostr#*/}" \
 		  -W "$tmp1" -f "$ignore[@]" - "${(@)${(@)collect%%/*}:q}"
           for i in $collect; do
-            compadd -U "$addpfx[@]" "$addsfx[@]" "$group[@]" "$expl[@]" \
-	            -i "$IPREFIX" -p "$linepath$testpath" -s "/${i#*/}" \
-		    -M 'r:|/=*' -W "$tmp1" -f "$ignore[@]" - "${i%%/*}"
+            compadd -QU "$addpfx[@]" "$addsfx[@]" "$group[@]" "$expl[@]" \
+	            -i "$IPREFIX" -p "$linepath${testpath:q}" -s "/${${i#*/}:q}" \
+		    -M 'r:|/=*' -W "$tmp1" -f "$ignore[@]" - "${${i%%/*}:q}"
@@ -299,12 +354,27 @@ for prepath in "$prepaths[@]"; do
 	continue 2
       # We reach this point if only one of the path prefixes in `tmp1'
       # has a existing path-suffix matching the string from the line.
       # In this case we accept this match and continue with the next
       # path-name component.
       tmp1=( "$collect[1]" )
+    elif [[ -n "$_comp_correct" && "$mflags" = "$matchflags" ]]; then
+      # If we got only one match with auto-correction and if we get none
+      # without correction, stop now.
+      tmp2="${prepath}${realpath}${testpath}${~origflags}${str%%/*}(-/)"
+      tmp2=( $~tmp2 )
+      if [[ $#tmp1 -ne $#tmp2 ]]; then
+        compadd -QU "$addpfx[@]" -S '' "$group[@]" "$expl[@]" \
+                -i "$IPREFIX" -p "$linepath${testpath:q}" -s "/${ostr#*/}" \
+		- "${${tmp1#${prepath}${realpath}${testpath}}:q}"
+        continue 2
+      fi
     # This is also reached if the first globbing produced only one match
     # in this case we just continue with the next pathname component, too.
@@ -320,10 +390,17 @@ for prepath in "$prepaths[@]"; do
   # no path suffix, the `-W' we are currently handling, all the matches we
   # can produce in this directory, if any.
+  if [[ -n "$_comp_correct" && "${#ostr#*/}" -le _comp_correct ]]; then
+    mflags="$origflags"
+  else
+    mflags="$matchflags"
+  fi
   suffixes=( $str$^pats )
   suffixes=( "${(@)suffixes:gs.**.*.}" )
   tmp2=( ${~tmp1}${~matchflags}${~suffixes} )
+  tmp2=("${(@M)tmp2:#$~patlast}")
   if [[ $#tmp2 -eq 0 ]]; then
     # No match, insert the expanded path and add the original tail.
@@ -334,11 +411,11 @@ for prepath in "$prepaths[@]"; do
     [[ "$linepath$testpath$ostr" = "$PREFIX$SUFFIX" ]] && return 1
     compadd -QU -S '' "$group[@]" "$expl[@]" \
-            -i "$IPREFIX" -f - "${linepath:q}${testpath:q}$ostr"
+            -i "$IPREFIX" -f - "$linepath${testpath:q}$ostr"
-    compadd -U "$addpfx[@]" "$addsfx[@]" "$group[@]" "$expl[@]" \
-            -i "$IPREFIX" -p "$linepath$testpath" -f "$ignore[@]" \
-	    -W "$prepath$realpath$testpath" - "${(@)tmp2#$tmp1}"
+    compadd -QU "$addpfx[@]" "$addsfx[@]" "$remsfx[@]" "$group[@]" "$expl[@]" \
+            -i "$IPREFIX" -p "$linepath${testpath:q}" -f "$ignore[@]" \
+	    -W "$prepath$realpath$testpath" - "${(@)${(@)tmp2#$tmp1}:q}"
diff --git a/Completion/Core/_sep_parts b/Completion/Core/_sep_parts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c1cda2b9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Core/_sep_parts
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# This function can be used to separately complete parts of strings
+# where each part may be one of a set of matches and different parts
+# have different sets.
+# Arguments are alternatingly arrays and separator strings. Arrays may
+# be given by name or literally as words separated by white space in
+# parentheses, e.g.:
+#  _sep_parts '(foo bar)' @ hosts
+# This will make this function complete the strings in the array
+# `friends'. If the string on the line contains a `@', the substring
+# after it will be completed from the array `hosts'. Of course more
+# arrays may be given, each preceded by another separator string.
+# This function understands the `-J group', `-V group', and
+# `-X explanation' options.
+# This function does part of the matching itself and calls the functions
+# `_match_test' and `_match_pattern' for this.
+local str arr sep test testarr tmparr prefix suffixes matchers autosuffix
+local matchflags opt group expl nm=$compstate[nmatches]
+# Test if we should use this function for the global matcher in use.
+_match_test _sep_parts || return 1
+# Get the options.
+while getopts "J:V:X:" opt; do
+  case "$opt" in
+  [JV]) group=("-$opt" "$OPTARG");;
+  X)    expl=(-X "$OPTARG");;
+  esac
+shift OPTIND-1
+# Get the string from the line.
+[[ $#compstate[pattern_match] -ne 0 ]] || str="$str:q"
+# Walk through the arguments to find the longest unambiguous prefix.
+while [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; do
+  # Get the next array and separator.
+  arr="$1"
+  sep="$2"
+  if [[ "$arr[1]" == '(' ]]; then
+    tmparr=( ${=arr[2,-2]} )
+    arr=tmparr
+  fi
+  # Is the separator on the line?
+  [[ "$str" != *${sep}* ]] && break
+  # Build a pattern matching the possible matches and get all these
+  # matches in an array.
+  test="${str%%${sep}*}"
+  [[ -n "$_comp_correct" && $#test -le _comp_correct ]] && return 1
+  matchflags=""
+  _match_pattern _sep_parts test matchflags
+  [[ -n "$_comp_correct" ]] && matchflags="$matchflags(#a$_comp_correct)"
+  test="${matchflags}${test}"
+  testarr=( "${(@M)${(@P)arr}:#${~test}*}" )
+  testarr=( "${(@)testarr:#}" )
+  # If there are no matches we give up. If there is more than one
+  # match, this is the part we will complete.
+  (( $#testarr )) || return 1
+  [[ $#testarr -gt 1 ]] && break
+  # Only one match, add it to the prefix and skip over it in `str',
+  # continuing with the next array and separator.
+  prefix="${prefix}${testarr[1]}${sep}"
+  str="${str#*${sep}}"
+  shift 2
+# Get the array to work upon.
+if [[ "$arr[1]" == '(' ]]; then
+  tmparr=( ${=arr[2,-2]} )
+  arr=tmparr
+if [[ $# -le 1 || "$str" != *${2}* ]]; then
+  # No more separators, build the matches.
+  test="$str"
+  [[ -n "$_comp_correct" && $#test -le _comp_correct ]] && return 1
+  matchflags=""
+  _match_pattern _sep_parts test matchflags
+  [[ -n "$_comp_correct" ]] && matchflags="$matchflags(#a$_comp_correct)"
+  test="${matchflags}${test}"
+  testarr=( "${(@M)${(@P)arr}:#${~test}*}" )
+  testarr=( "${(@)testarr:#}" )
+[[ $#testarr -eq 0 || ${#testarr[1]} -eq 0 ]] && return 1
+# Now we build the suffixes to give to the completion code.
+while [[ $# -gt 0 && "$str" == *${1}* ]]; do
+  # Remove anything up to the the suffix.
+  str="${str#*${1}}"
+  # Again, we get the string from the line up to the next separator
+  # and build a pattern from it.
+  if [[ $# -gt 2 ]]; then
+    test="${str%%${3}*}"
+  else
+    test="$str"
+  fi
+  [[ -n "$_comp_correct" && $#test -le _comp_correct ]] && return 1
+  matchflags=""
+  _match_pattern _sep_parts test matchflags
+  [[ -n "$_comp_correct" ]] && matchflags="$matchflags(#a$_comp_correct)"
+  test="${matchflags}${test}"
+  # We incrementally add suffixes by appending to them the seperators
+  # and the strings from the next array that match the pattern we built.
+  arr="$2"
+  if [[ "$arr[1]" == '(' ]]; then
+    tmparr=( ${=arr[2,-2]} )
+    arr=tmparr
+  fi
+  tmparr=( "${(@M)${(@P)arr}:#${~test}*}" )
+  tmparr=( "${(@)tmparr:#}" )
+  suffixes=("${(@)^suffixes[@]}${1}${(@)^tmparr}")
+  # We want the completion code to generate the most specific suffix
+  # for us, so we collect matching specifications that allow partial
+  # word matching before the separators on the fly.
+  matchers=("$matchers[@]" "r:|${1:q}=*")
+  shift 2
+# If we were given at least one more separator we make the completion
+# code offer it by appending it as a autoremovable suffix.
+(( $# )) && autosuffix=(-qS "$1")
+# If we have collected matching specifications, we build an array
+# from it that can be used as arguments to `compadd'.
+[[ $#matchers -gt 0 ]] && matchers=(-M "$matchers")
+# Add the matches for each of the suffixes.
+for i in "$suffixes[@]"; do
+  compadd -U "$group[@]" "$expl[@]" "$matchers[@]" "$autosuffix[@]" \
+          -i "$IPREFIX" -p "$prefix" -s "$i" - "$testarr[@]"
+# This sets the return value to indicate that we added matches (or not).
+[[ nm -ne compstate[nmatches] ]]
diff --git a/Completion/Core/compdump b/Completion/Core/compdump
index 8be096f50..5fdee8c7a 100644
--- a/Completion/Core/compdump
+++ b/Completion/Core/compdump
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 # Print the number of files used for completion. This is used in compinit
 # to see if auto-dump should re-dump the dump-file.
 typeset -U _d_files
 _d_files=( ${^~fpath}/_*~*~(N:t) )
diff --git a/Completion/Core/compinit b/Completion/Core/compinit
index ec5867838..31d011565 100644
--- a/Completion/Core/compinit
+++ b/Completion/Core/compinit
@@ -37,18 +37,24 @@
 # Note that no white space is allowed between the `#' and the rest of
 # the string.
-# See the file `compdump' for how to speed up initialiation.
+# Functions that are used to generate matches should return zero if they
+# were able to add matches and non-zero otherwise.
+# See the file `compdump' for how to speed up initialisation.
 # If you are using global matching specifications with `compctl -M ...'
 # have a look at the files `_match_test' and `_match_pattern'. To make
 # all the example functions use matching as specified with `-M' these
 # need some editing.
 # If we got the `-d'-flag, we will automatically dump the new state (at
 # the end).
+# If we were given an argument, this will be taken as the name of the
+# file in which to store the dump.
 if [[ "$1" = -d ]]; then
+  shift
@@ -59,6 +65,18 @@ fi
 typeset -A _comps
+# This is the associative array used for configuration.
+typeset -A compconfig
+# Standard initialisation for `compconfig'.
+(( $# )) && compconfig[dump_file]="$1"
+[[ -z "$compconfig[dump_file]" ]] && compconfig[dump_file]="$0.dump"
+compconfig[correct_prompt]='correct to:'
 # This function is used to register or delete completion functions. For
 # registering completion functions, it is invoked with the name of the
 # function as it's first argument (after the options). The other
@@ -197,11 +215,25 @@ compdef() {
-# Now we automatically make the definition files autoloaded.
+# Functional interface to configuration. This takes its arguments
+# and sets the according values in `compconfig'.
+# Arguments may be `foo=bar' to set key `foo' to `bar' or `baz' to
+# set key `baz' to the empty string.
-# First we get the name of a dump file if this will be used.
+compconf() {
+  local i name
-: ${COMPDUMP:=$0.dump}
+  for i; do
+    if [[ "$i" = *\=* ]]; then
+      name="${i%%\=*}"
+      compconfig[$name]="${i#*\=}"
+    else
+      compconfig[$i]=''
+    fi
+  done
+# Now we automatically make the definition files autoloaded.
 if [[ ! -o extendedglob ]]; then
@@ -215,10 +247,10 @@ _i_done=''
 # If we have a dump file, load it.
-if [[ -f "$COMPDUMP" ]]; then
-  read -rA _i_line < "$COMPDUMP"
+if [[ -f "$compconfig[dump_file]" ]]; then
+  read -rA _i_line < "$compconfig[dump_file]"
   if [[ _i_autodump -eq 1 && $_i_line[2] -eq $#_i_files ]]; then
-    builtin . "$COMPDUMP"
+    builtin . "$compconfig[dump_file]"
   unset _i_line
diff --git a/Completion/README b/Completion/README
index 43ffcbcc2..f95e67699 100644
--- a/Completion/README
+++ b/Completion/README
@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ Core/compinit.  It is recommnded that you use the -d option, which outputs
 a file containing the necessary variables, bindkeys etc., making later
 loading much faster.  For example,
   [[ -f ~/completion/compinit ]] && . ~/completion/compinit -d
+The name of the file to use may be given as an extra argument.
 This will rebind any keys which do completion to use the new system.
 For more detailed instructions, including how to add new completions, see
-the top of Core/compinit.
+the top of Core/compinit. For information about how to configure the code,
+see the comment at the top of Core/_main_complete.
 The subdirectories contain:
@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ Core:
     This dumps the completions status for faster initialisation.  The
     easiest way of doing this is to use the -d option to compinit rather
     than calling compdump directly.
-  _comp_parts
+  _sep_parts
     Utility used for completing words with multiple separate parts, such as
@@ -67,10 +70,15 @@ Base:
     This handles completion of command arguments when no special function
     exists.  Usually this means completing files, but you can modify this
     as you wish.
+  _long_options
+    This handles options beginning with `--', as in many GNU commands.
+    The command must accept the --help option to list the possible options.
+    __long_options can also take arguments to help it decide what to
+    complete as the value of the option.
     These are used by Base/_path_files (and hence also Base/_files)
-    and Base/_comp_parts for file completion with control over
+    and Base/_sep_parts for file completion with control over
     matching (whether to complete case-insensitively, or to allow
     insertion before `.', etc.)  See _match_test for instructions.
     Note _path_files expects these files to be present.
diff --git a/Completion/User/.distfiles b/Completion/User/.distfiles
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee0017035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/User/.distfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+    .distfiles
+    _a2ps _compress _configure _dd _dvi _find _gunzip _gzip _hosts
+    _make _man _mh _pdf _ps _rcs _rlogin _strip _stty _tar _tar_archive
+    _tex _uncompress _x_options _xfig 
diff --git a/Completion/User/_a2ps b/Completion/User/_a2ps
index 600b58872..9923ae20d 100644
--- a/Completion/User/_a2ps
+++ b/Completion/User/_a2ps
@@ -1,22 +1,39 @@
 #defcomp a2ps
-if [[ "$PREFIX[1,2]" = -- ]]; then
-  _comp_parts '(--borders --compact --truncate-lines --interpret
-                --print-anyway --delegate)' '=' '(yes no)'
-  _comp_parts '(--major)' '=' '(rows columns)'
-  _comp_parts '(--end-of-line)' '=' '(r n nr rn any)'
+# This is for the GNU version of a2ps.
-  compgen -S= -k '(--medium --columns --rows --line-numbers
-                    --font-size --lines-per-page --chars-per-line
- 		    --tabsize --non-printable-format --encoding
-		    --title --stdin --prologue --highlight-level
-		    --strip-level --output --version-control --suffix
-		    --printer --copies --sides --page-prefeed
-		    --no-page-prefeed)'
-  compgen -qS= -k '(--margin --header --underlay --left-title
-                     --right-title --left-footer --footer --right-footer
-		     --pages --pretty-print)'
-  compgen -k '(--landscape --portrait --catman --no-header)'
-  _files -F fignore -g "*~*.ps"
+if [[ "$words[1]" != "$_a2ps_cache_cmd" ]]; then
+  local descr
+  _a2ps_cache_cmd="$words[1]"
+  descr=( "${(@)${(f@)$($words[1] --list=features)//
+ /	}:#}" )
+  _a2ps_cache_values=(
+      "${descr[(r)Known style sheets*]#*	}"
+      "${descr[(r)Known encodings*]#*	}"
+      "${descr[(r)Known media*]#*	}"
+      "${descr[(r)Known prologues*]#*	}"
+      "${descr[(r)Known PostScript Printer Descriptions*]#*	}"
+      "${descr[(r)Known output destination*]#*	}"
+      "${descr[(r)Known user options*]#*	}"
+      "${descr[(r)Known Variables*]#*	}"
+  )
+_long_options -t '*\*'                '(yes no)' \
+                 '*=DIRECTION'        '(rows columns)' \
+                 '*=TYPE'             '(r n nr rn any)' \
+		 '--highlight-level*' '(none normal heavy)' \
+		 '--version-control*' '(none off t numbered nil 
+		                        existing never simple)' \
+	         '--pretty-print*'    "[${_a2ps_cache_values[1]}]" \
+	         '--encoding*'        "(${_a2ps_cache_values[2]})" \
+	         '--medium*'          "[${_a2ps_cache_values[3]}]" \
+	         '--prologue*'        "[${_a2ps_cache_values[4]}]" \
+	         '--ppd*'             "[${_a2ps_cache_values[5]}]" \
+	         '--printer*'         "[${_a2ps_cache_values[6]}]" \
+	         '--user-option*'     "[${_a2ps_cache_values[7]}]" \
+	         '--variable*'        "[${_a2ps_cache_values[8]}]" ||
+    _files -F fignore -g '*~*.(ps|PS|eps|EPS)'
diff --git a/Completion/User/_configure b/Completion/User/_configure
index 050701fac..7559852e8 100644
--- a/Completion/User/_configure
+++ b/Completion/User/_configure
@@ -1,35 +1,4 @@
 #defcomp configure
-setopt localoptions extendedglob
-if [[ $PREFIX = *=* ]]; then
-  # Complete filenames after e.g. --prefix=
-  compgen -f
-  # Generate a list of options from configure --help
-  local -a pars
-  local i
-  pars=($($words[1] --help | awk '$1 ~ /--[a-z]*.*/ {print $1}'))
-  for i in $pars
-  do
-    case $i in
-      (--(((en|dis)able-FEATURE)|(with(out|)-PACKAGE))*)
-        : Skip standard help output
-      ;;
-      --enable)
-        : Skip standard help output
-      ;;
-      --*\[=* )
-        compadd -M 'r:|-=* r:|=*' -q -S = -- ${i%%\[=*}
-      ;;
-      --*=* )
-        compadd -M 'r:|-=* r:|=*' -S = -- ${i%%=*}
-      ;;
-      * )
-        compadd -M 'r:|-=* r:|=*' -- $i
-      ;;
-    esac
-  done
+_long_options '*=(E|)PREFIX*' '_files -/' \
+              '*=PROGRAM*'    '_command_names'
diff --git a/Completion/User/_dd b/Completion/User/_dd
index 86a47b1ab..63ae40f50 100644
--- a/Completion/User/_dd
+++ b/Completion/User/_dd
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ if [[ -iprefix conv= ]]; then
   # test alone will have that effect.
   [[ -string , ]]
   compgen -S, -q \
-  -k '(ascii ebcdic ibm block unblock lcase ucase swab noerror sync)'
+      -k '(ascii ebcdic ibm block unblock lcase ucase swab noerror sync)'
 elif [[ -iprefix 'if=' || -iprefix 'of=' ]]; then
diff --git a/Completion/User/_find b/Completion/User/_find
index 8fcdafb83..cb637fc26 100644
--- a/Completion/User/_find
+++ b/Completion/User/_find
@@ -10,8 +10,12 @@ elif [[ -iprefix - ]]; then
     {i,}{l,}name {no,}{user,group} path perm regex size true uid used \
     exec {f,}print{f,0,} ok prune ls'
 elif [[ -position 2 ]]; then
-  compgen -g '. ..'
-  _files -g '(-/)'
+  local ret=1
+  compgen -g '. ..' && ret=0
+  _files -g '(-/)' && ret=0
+  return ret
 elif [[ "$prev" = -((a|c|)newer|fprint(|0|f)) ]]; then
 elif [[ "$prev" = -fstype ]]; then
diff --git a/Completion/User/_man b/Completion/User/_man
index 67d59f24a..cd1badc4d 100644
--- a/Completion/User/_man
+++ b/Completion/User/_man
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 #defcomp man
 setopt localoptions rcexpandparam
 local rep
 if [[ $words[2] = (<->*|ln) ]]; then
   rep=( $manpath/(man|cat)${words[2]}/$PREFIX*$SUFFIX.<->*(N:t:r) )
diff --git a/Completion/User/_mh b/Completion/User/_mh
index 7e8575123..c6c018220 100644
--- a/Completion/User/_mh
+++ b/Completion/User/_mh
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 # Alter the following two to your own mh directory and the directory
 # where standard mh library files live.  (It works anyway, but this
 # will save a little time.)
 local mymhdir=~/Mail
 local mhlib=/usr/lib/mh
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ if [[ -iprefix - ]]; then
 elif [[ -iprefix '+' || -iprefix '@' || "$prev" = -draftfolder ]]; then
   # Complete folder names.
   local mhpath
   if [[ $IPREFIX != '@' ]]; then
     [[ $IPREFIX = '+' ]] || IPREFIX=+
@@ -53,7 +55,8 @@ elif [[ "$prev" = -[rw]cache ]]; then
   compadd public private never ask
   # Generate sequences.
-  local foldnam folddir f
+  local foldnam folddir f ret
   for f in $argv; do
     [[ $f = [@+]* ]] && foldnam=$f
@@ -66,7 +69,10 @@ else
     # leaving foldnam empty works here
-  compgen -s '$(mark $foldnam 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '\''{ print $1 }'\'')'
-  compadd reply next cur prev first last all unseen
-  compgen -W folddir -g '<->'
+  compgen -s '$(mark $foldnam 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '\''{ print $1 }'\'')' &&
+      ret=0
+  compadd reply next cur prev first last all unseen && ret=0
+  compgen -W folddir -g '<->' && ret=0
+  return ret
diff --git a/Completion/User/_rcs b/Completion/User/_rcs
index 5a751605c..5e53cb4da 100644
--- a/Completion/User/_rcs
+++ b/Completion/User/_rcs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ local nm=$compstate[nmatches]
 if [[ $compstate[nmatches] -eq nm && -d RCS && $words[1] != ci ]]; then
   local rep
   (( $#rep )) && compadd - $rep
diff --git a/Completion/User/_strip b/Completion/User/_strip
index 6962ac455..541c901ad 100644
--- a/Completion/User/_strip
+++ b/Completion/User/_strip
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 #defcomp strip
 _files -g '*(*)'
diff --git a/Completion/User/_tar b/Completion/User/_tar
index 84c490f1e..d11ee76c8 100644
--- a/Completion/User/_tar
+++ b/Completion/User/_tar
@@ -1,69 +1,125 @@
 #defcomp tar
 # Tar completion.  Features:
-#  - Assumes tar commands are in second position, tar archive is in third
-#    e.g. tar xvzf zsh-3.0.5.tar.gz ...
-#    Could search better.  Send me the patch.
+#  - Tries to collect tar commands from second position, single letter
+#    option, and long options.
 #  - `tar' can be called anything, will use the correct name
-#  - Preferentially completes *.tar and *.TAR files in third position
-#  - unless z or Z appears in the commands, in which case prefer *.tar.gz
-#    and similar (GNU tar).
-#  - From fourth position on, if command is x or t, completes files inside
-#    archive.  This is supposed to look pretty much as if the files are
-#    in an ordinary directory hierarchy.  Handles extraction from compressed
-#    archives (GNU tar).
+#  - Uses the function `_tar_archive' to complete archive files.
+#  - Tries to find out if compressed archives should be used.
+#  - Completes files inside archive.  This is supposed to look pretty
+#    much as if the files are in an ordinary directory hierarchy.
+#    Handles extraction from compressed archives (GNU tar).
 #  - Anywhere -- appears, gets a list of long options to complete from
-#    tar itself (GNU tar); this needs perl.  If you have GNU tar but not
-#    perl:  your system manager is weird.
+#    tar itself (GNU tar)
 #  - Things like --directory=... are also completed correctly.
 emulate -LR zsh
 setopt extendedglob
-local nm=$NMATCHES tcmd="$words[2]" tf="$words[3]"
+local _tar_cmd tf tmp del
-if [[ $PREFIX = *=* ]]; then
-  # For GNU tar arguments like --directory=
-  IPREFIX=${PREFIX%%\=*}=
-  if [[ $IPREFIX = --directory* ]]; then
-    _path_files -/
-  else
-    _files
+# First we collect in `_tar_cmd' single letter options describing what
+# should be done with the archive and if it is compressed. This
+# collected from options arguments that start with only one hyphen,
+# from some of the possible long options, and from the second word if
+# that does not start with a hyphen.
+(( $words[(I)--(un|)gzip] ))     && _tar_cmd="z$_tar_cmd"
+(( $words[(I)--(un|)compress] )) && _tar_cmd="Z$_tar_cmd"
+(( $words[(I)--list] ))          && _tar_cmd="t$_tar_cmd"
+(( $words[(I)--(extract|get)] )) && _tar_cmd="x$_tar_cmd"
+(( $words[(I)--create] ))        && _tar_cmd="c$_tar_cmd"
+# Other ways of finding out what we're doing:  first
+# look in the first argument if it's not an option
+if [[ "$words[2]" = *[txcdruA]*~-* ]]; then
+  _tar_cmd="$words[2]$_tar_cmd"
+elif [[ $_tar_cmd != *[txcdruA]* && CURRENT -gt 2 ]]; then
+  # look for more obscure long options: these aren't all handled.
+  (( $words[(I)--(diff|compare)] )) && _tar_cmd="d$_tar_cmd"
+  (( $words[(I)--append] )) && _tar_cmd="r$_tar_cmd"
+  (( $words[(I)--update] )) && _tar_cmd="u$_tar_cmd"
+  (( $words[(I)--(con|)catenate] )) && _tar_cmd="A$_tar_cmd"
+  (( $words[(I)--delete] )) && del=1
+# Next, we try to find the archive name and store it in `tf'. The name 
+# is searched after a `--file=' long option, in the third word if the
+# second one didn't start with a hyphen but contained a `f', and after 
+# an option argument starting with only one hyphen and containing a `f'.
+if (( tmp )); then
+  tf="${words[tmp][8,-1]}"
+  _tar_cmd="f$_tar_cmd"
+elif [[ "$words[2]" != -* && "$words[2]" = *f* ]]; then
+  tf="$words[3]"
+  _tar_cmd="f$_tar_cmd"
+  tmp="${words[(I)-*f*~--*]}"
+  if (( tmp )); then
+    tf="$words[tmp+1]"
+    _tar_cmd="f$_tar_cmd"
-elif [[ $PREFIX = --* ]]; then
-  # gnu tar, generate completions from --help
-  # ones followed by = get that as a suffix
-  local -a ownlist eqlist
-  local comp
-  $words[1] --help |
-  perl -ne 'while (/--[^[\s,='\'']+=?/g) { print "$&\n"; }' |
-  while read comp; do
-    if [[ $comp = *= ]]; then
-      eqlist[$#eqlist+1]=${comp%=}
-    else
-      ownlist[$#ownlist+1]=$comp
-    fi
-  done
-  compgen -S '=' -k eqlist
-  compgen -k ownlist
-elif [[ "$tcmd" = *[tx]*f* && $CURRENT -ge 4 ]] then
-  # Listing or extracting a particular file.  We run `tar t...'
-  # on the file, keeping the list of filenames cached, plus the
-  # name of the tarfile so we know if it changes.
+# Now we complete...
+if [[ "$PREFIX" = --* ]]; then
+  # ...long options after `--'.
+  _long_options '--owner*'          "_tilde" \
+                '*=(PROG|COMMAND)*' "_command_names" \
+		'*=ARCHIVE*'        "_tar_archive" \
+		'*=CONTROL*'        "[t numbered nil existing never simple]"
+elif [[ ( CURRENT -gt 2 && "$words[CURRENT-1]" = -*f* &&
+          "$words[CURRENT-1]" != --* ) ||
+        ( CURRENT -eq 3 && "$words[2]" = *f* && "$words[2]" != -* ) ]]; then
+  # ...archive files if we think they are wanted here.
+  _tar_archive
+elif [[ ( "$_tar_cmd" = *[xt]* || -n $del ) && -n "$tf" ]]; then
+  # ...and files from the archive if we found an archive name and tar
+  # commands. We run `tar t...' on the file, keeping the list of
+  # filenames cached, plus the name of the tarfile so we know if it
+  # changes.
   local largs=-tf
-  [[ $words[2] = *z* ]] && largs=-tzf
-  [[ $words[2] = *Z* ]] && largs=-tZf
-  if [[ $tf != $tar_cache_name ]]; then
-    tar_cache_list=("${(@f)$($words[1] $largs $tf)}")
-    tar_cache_name=$tf
+  if [[ $_tar_cmd = *z* ]]; then
+    largs=-tzf
+  elif [[ $_tar_cmd = *Z* ]]; then
+    largs=-tZf
+  else
+    # Some random compression program e.g. bzip2
+    tmp="${words[(r)--use-comp*]}"
+    [[ -n $tmp ]] && largs=($tmp -tf)
+  fi
+  if [[ $tf != $_tar_cache_name ]]; then
+    _tar_cache_list=("${(@f)$($words[1] $largs $tf)}")
+    _tar_cache_name=$tf
+  fi
+  _multi_parts / _tar_cache_list
+  # See if we should use a path prefix.  We have to use eval as the dir can
+  # be any unevaluated thing which appears on the command line, including a
+  # parameter.
+  tmp=${words[(r)--dir[a-z]#=*]}
+  if [[ -n $tmp ]]; then
+    eval "tmp=(${tmp#*=})"
+    _path_files -W tmp
+  else
+    _files
-  _multi_parts / tar_cache_list
-elif [[ "$tcmd" = *c*f* && $CURRENT -ge 4 ]] then
-  _files
-elif [[ "$tcmd" = *[zZ]*f* && $CURRENT -eq 3 ]] then
-  _files -g '*.((tar|TAR).(gz|Z)|.tgz)'
-elif [[ "$tcmd" = *f* && $CURRENT -eq 3 ]] then
-  _files -g '*.(tar|TAR)'
diff --git a/Completion/User/_tar_archive b/Completion/User/_tar_archive
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58e436c4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/User/_tar_archive
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This is used to generate filenames usable as a tar archive. This may
+# get one argument, a collection of tar option characters that may be
+# used to find out what kind of filename is needed. If no argument is
+# given but the parameter `_tar_cmd' is set, that is used.
+# If your version of `tar' supports this you may want to complete
+# things like `host:file' or `user@host:file' here.
+[[ $# -eq 0 && $+_tar_cmd -ne 0 ]] && set "$_tar_cmd"
+if [[ "$1" = *[tx]* ]]; then
+  if [[ "$1" = *[zZ]* ]]; then
+    _files -g '*.((tar|TAR).(gz|GZ|Z)|.tgz)'
+  else
+    _files -g '*.(tar|TAR)'
+  fi
+  _files