summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/Completion/X/_xset
diff options
authorSven Wischnowsky <>2001-04-02 12:15:55 +0000
committerSven Wischnowsky <>2001-04-02 12:15:55 +0000
commit2ccd80757eede29dafffa65913aa1fae3e558798 (patch)
tree6587c8e407ee7a73e6c3c9329eaf9986593b9a87 /Completion/X/_xset
parente238143974e38a1245f277380b25af9a88803c95 (diff)
moved to Completion/X/Command/_xset
Diffstat (limited to 'Completion/X/_xset')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/X/_xset b/Completion/X/_xset
deleted file mode 100644
index 819a2040d..000000000
--- a/Completion/X/_xset
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-#compdef xset
-local word=$'[^\0]#\0'
-local nul=$'\0'
-local guard='-_xset_guard ${match[1]%?}'
-_xset_guard () {
-  local opt="$1" o
-  (( no[$opt]-- ))
-  for o in ${=eo[$opt]}; do
-    no[$o]=0
-  done 
-  :
-_xset_compopts () {
-  local expl
-  local opt tmp
-  tmp=()
-  for opt in ${(k)no[(R)*~0]}
-  do
-    if (( $+desc[$opt] )); then
-      tmp=("$tmp[@]" "$opt:$desc[$opt]")
-    else
-      tmp=("$tmp[@]" "$opt")
-    fi
-  done
-  _describe -o options tmp -- ||
-  _describe -o options allopts --
-_xset_compfpadd () {
-  _files "$expl[@]" -/
-_xset_compfpdel () {
-  compadd "$expl[@]" - ${(s:,:)${"$(xset q)"##*
-Font Path:
- #}%%
-_regex_arguments _xset_parse \
-  "/$word/" \
-  \( "/-d(isplay|)$nul/" "$guard" "/$word/" ':option-display:display:_x_display' \
-  \| "/-c$nul/" "$guard" \
-  \| "/c$nul/" "$guard" \
-    \( "/(on|off)$nul/" ':option-c-bool:click:(on off)' \
-    \| "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-c-volume:volume:' \
-    \| \) \
-  \| "/-b$nul/" "$guard" \
-  \| "/b$nul/" "$guard" \
-    \( "/(on|off)$nul/" ':option-b-bool:bell:(on off)' \
-    \| "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-b-volume:bell volume:' \
-      \( "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-b-pitch:bell pitch:' \
-	\( "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-b-duration:bell duration:' \
-	\| \) \
-      \| \) \
-    \| \) \
-  \| "/bc$nul/" "$guard" \
-  \| "/-bc$nul/" "$guard" \
-  \| "/fp$nul/" "$guard" "/$word/" ':option-fp:font path:(default rehash)' \
-  \| "/(fp[+=]|[+]fp)$nul/" "$guard" "/$word/" ':option-fp-add:font path:{compset -P "*,"; _xset_compfpadd}' \
-  \| "/(fp-|-fp)$nul/" "$guard" "/$word/" ':option-fp-del:font path:{compset -P "*,"; _xset_compfpdel}' \
-  \| "/-led$nul/" "$guard" \
-    \( "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-led-number:led number:' \
-    \| \) \
-  \| "/led$nul/" "$guard" \
-    \( "/(on|off)$nul/" ':option-led-bool:led:(on off)' \
-    \| "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-led-number:led number:' \
-    \| \) \
-  \| "/m(ouse|)$nul/" "$guard" \
-    \( "/default$nul/" ':option-mouse-default:mouse parameter:(default)' \
-    \| "/[0-9]##(/[0-9]##|)$nul/" ':option-mouse-mult-div:accel_mult/accel_div:' \
-      \( "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-mouse-threshold:threshold:' \
-      \| \) \
-    \| \) \
-  \| "/[-+]dpms$nul/" "$guard" \
-  \| "/dpms$nul/" "$guard" \
-    \( "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-dpms-standby:standby timeout:' \
-      \( "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-dpms-suspend:suspend timeout:' \
-	\( "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-dpms-off:off timeout:' \
-	\| \) \
-      \| \) \
-    \| "/force$nul/" ':option-dpms-force:force DPMS state:(force)' \
-       "/(on|standby|suspend|off)$nul/" ':option-dpms-state:DPMS state:(on standby suspend off)' \
-    \) \
-  \| "/s$nul/" "$guard" \
-    \( "/(blank|noblank|expose|noexpose|default|on|activate|reset)$nul/" \
-       ':option-s:screen saver:(blank noblank expose noexpose default on activate reset off)' \
-    \| "/off$nul/" \( "/off$nul/" ':option-s-off-period:period off:(off)' \| \) \
-    \| "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-s-timeout:length:' \
-      \( "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-s-period:period:' \
-      \| \) \
-    \| \) \
-  \| "/-r$nul/" "$guard" \
-    \( "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-r-keycode:keycode:' \
-    \| \) \
-  \| "/r$nul/" "$guard" \
-    \( "/(on|off)$nul/" ':option-r-autorepeat:autorepeat:(on off)' \
-    \| "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-r-keycode:keycode:' \
-    \| \) \
-  \| "/p$nul/" "$guard" \
-    "/[0-9]##$nul/" ':option-p-pixel:pixel:' \
-    "/$word/" ':option-p-color:color:_x_color' \
-  \| "/(-|)k$nul/" "$guard" \
-  \| "/(-|)q$nul/" "$guard" \
-  \| "/[]/" ':options:options:_xset_compopts' \
-  \) \#
-_xset () {
-  local expl allopts
-  typeset -A desc no eo
-  desc=(
-    b 'specify bell parameters'
-    -b 'disable bell'
-    bc 'enable bug compatibility'
-    -bc 'disable bug compatibility'
-    c 'control key click'
-    -c 'disable key click'
-    -dpms 'disable DPMS'
-    +dpms 'enable DPMS'
-    dpms 'specify DPMS parameter'
-    fp\= 'set font path'
-    fp 'control font path'
-    -fp 'remove font path elements'
-    fp- 'remove font path elements'
-    +fp 'prepend font path elements'
-    fp+ 'append font path elements'
-    led 'control keyboard LEDs'
-    -led 'turn off all LEDs'
-    m 'specify mouse parameters'
-    mouse 'specify mouse parameters'
-    p 'specify pixel color values'
-    r 'enable autorepeat'
-    -r 'disable autorepeat'
-    s 'specify screen saver parameters'
-    q 'query current information'
-    k 'enable lock'
-    -k 'disable lock'
-    -display 'display'
-  )
-  no=(
-    -display 1 -d 0
-    -c 1 c 1
-    -b 1 b 1
-    -bc 1 bc 1
-    fp 1 fp= 1 +fp 1 fp+ 1 -fp 1 fp- 1
-    -led 1 led 1
-    mouse 1 m 0
-    +dpms 1 -dpms 1 dpms 1
-    s 1
-    -r 1 r 1
-    p 1
-    -k 1 k 1
-    -q 0 q 1
-  )
-  allopts=()
-  for opt in ${(k)no}
-  do
-    if (( $+desc[$opt] )); then
-      allopts=("$allopts[@]" "$opt:$desc[$opt]")
-    else
-      allopts=("$allopts[@]" "$opt")
-    fi
-  done
-  eo=(
-    -display	'-display -d'
-    -d		'-display -d'
-    -c		'-c c'
-    c		'-c c'
-    -b		'-b b'
-    b		'-b b'
-    -bc		'-bc bc'
-    bc		'-bc bc'
-    fp+		'fp fp='
-    fp-		'fp fp='
-    +fp		'fp fp='
-    -fp		'fp fp='
-    m		'm mouse'
-    mouse	'm mouse'
-    -dpms	'+dpms -dpms dpms'
-    +dpms	'+dpms -dpms dpms'
-    dpms	'+dpms -dpms dpms'
-    -k		'-k k'
-    k		'-k k'
-  )
-  _xset_parse
-_xset "$@"