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path: root/Completion/Unix
diff options
authorOliver Kiddle <opk@users.sourceforge.net>2003-07-02 10:25:05 +0000
committerOliver Kiddle <opk@users.sourceforge.net>2003-07-02 10:25:05 +0000
commit1cb11615aa337d98022a48c1c3c8c5c33b0b57c2 (patch)
tree666f075271d340fabcc63b564e1c296aa3715f9e /Completion/Unix
parentbedc4995d225195a2e48c0d9430ceb97adfb7e2f (diff)
merge changes back from 4.1
Diffstat (limited to 'Completion/Unix')
19 files changed, 789 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_ant b/Completion/Unix/Command/_ant
index 473fdf33c..e81fbfc02 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_ant
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_ant
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #compdef ant
 typeset -A opt_args
-local state line curcontext="$curcontext"
+local state line curcontext="$curcontext" ret=1
 local target='*:target:->target'
 _arguments -C \
@@ -21,11 +21,13 @@ _arguments -C \
   '-propertyfile[load properties from specified file]:property file:_files' \
   '-inputhandler[specify class which will handle input requests]:class:_java_class' \
   '-find[search for buildfile]:file:_files' \
-  $target && return
+  $target && ret=0
 if [[ -n $state ]]; then
   targets=( $(sed -n 's/ *<target name="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p' < build.xml) )
   # ant can be used to get a list of targets for us like this but it is slow
   # targets=( ${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program targets $words[1] -projecthelp)"}:# *}# } )
-  _wanted targets expl target compadd -a targets
+  _wanted targets expl target compadd -a targets && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_arp b/Completion/Unix/Command/_arp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72b60fd2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_arp
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#compdef arp
+local state line expl curcontext="$curcontext"
+_arguments -C \
+ '(-d -s -f 1)-a[show entries for all or specified hosts]:host:->hostintable' \
+ '(-a -s -f 1)-d[delete entry from table]:host:->hostintable' \
+ '(-a -d -f 1)-s[create an arp entry]:host:_hosts:ethernet address::*:option:(temp trail pub)' \
+ '(-a -d -s 1)-f[read multiple entries from file]:file:_files' \
+ '(-a)1:host:->hostintable'
+[[ "$state" = hostintable ]] &&
+  _wanted hosts expl 'host' compadd ${${${(f)"$(${words[1]} -a)"}##[ ?(]#}%%[ )]*}
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_bzip2 b/Completion/Unix/Command/_bzip2
index 160d77b2d..97cfe6a84 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_bzip2
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_bzip2
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #compdef bzip2 bunzip2 bzcat=bunzip2 bzip2recover
-local decompress expl state line curcontext="$curcontext"
+local decompress expl state line curcontext="$curcontext" ret=1
 typeset -A opt_args
 case "$service" in
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ case "$service" in
     '(-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6    -8 -9)-7' \
     '(-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7    -9)-8' \
     '(-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8	)-9' \
-    '*:files:->files' && return 0
+    '*:files:->files' && ret=0
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ if [[ "$state" = files ]]; then
       $+opt_args[--test] )) && unset decompress
   if [[ -z "$decompress" ]]; then
     _description files expl 'compressed file'
-    _files "$expl[@]" -g '*.(bz2|tbz|tbz2)' && return 0
+    _files "$expl[@]" -g '*.(bz2|tbz|tbz2)' && return
     _description files expl 'file to compress'
-    _files "$expl[@]" -g '*~*.(bz2|tbz|tbz2)' && return 0
+    _files "$expl[@]" -g '*~*.(bz2|tbz|tbz2)' && return
-return 1
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_compress b/Completion/Unix/Command/_compress
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2e6fe8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_compress
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#compdef compress uncompress
+local expl state line bits common_args1 common_args2 decompress ret=1
+local curcontext="$curcontext"
+typeset -A opt_args
+bits=( {9..16} )
+common_args1=( \
+  '-n[omit compressed file header from compressed file]' \
+  '-V[display current version and compile options]' \
+  '*:files:->files')
+common_args2=( \
+  '-c[write on standard output]' \
+  '(-F)-f[force overwrite]' \
+  '(-f)-F[force overwrite]' \
+  '(-v)-q[suppress display of compression statistics]' \
+  '(-q)-v[display compression statistics]' \
+  "${common_args1[@]}" )
+case "$service" in
+  compress)
+    _arguments -C -s \
+      "-b[specify maximum number of bits used to replace common substring]:bits:(${bits[*]})" \
+      '-C[produce output compatible with BSD 2.0]' \
+      '(-b -C)-d[decompress]' \
+      "${common_args2[@]}" && ret=0
+  ;;
+  uncompress)
+    _arguments -C -s "${common_args2[@]}" && ret=0
+    decompress=yes
+  ;;
+  zcat)
+    _arguments -C -s "${common_args1[@]}" && ret=0
+    decompress=yes
+  ;;
+if [[ "$state" = files ]]; then
+  if [[ -z "$decompress" ]] || (( $+opt_args[-d] )); then
+    _description files expl 'file to compress'
+    _files "$expl[@]" -g '*~*.Z' && return
+  else
+    _description files expl 'compressed file'
+    _files "$expl[@]" -g '*.Z' && return
+  fi
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_ecasound b/Completion/Unix/Command/_ecasound
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb6b724a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_ecasound
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#compdef ecasound
+local curcontext="$curcontext" state line expl
+typeset -A opt_args
+_arguments \
+  '-c[start in interactive mode]' \
+  '(-q)-d\:-[debug level]:debug level' \
+  '-D[print all debug information to stderr]' \
+  '(-d)-q[quiet mode, no output]' \
+  '(-)--help[show usage information]' \
+  '(-)--version[show version information]' \
+  '-n\:-[set the name of chainsetup]:chainsetup name' \
+  '-s\:-[create a new chainsetup from file]:chainsetup file:_files' \
+  '-sr\:-[set internal sampling rate]:Internal sampling rate:(8000 11025 22050 44100 48000)' \
+  '*-a\:-[select active signal chains]:chain name' \
+  '-b\:-[set the size of buffer in samples]:buffer size:->b' \
+  '-m\:-[force use of specified mix mode]:Mix mode:((auto\:Automatic simple\:Only\ one\ input/cain/output normal\:Normal\ single-threaded\ mode))' \
+  '-r[use realtime scheduling policy (SCHED_FIFO)]' \
+  '-r\:-[use realtime scheduling policy (SCHED_FIFO)]:sched_priority' \
+  '-x[truncate outputs]' \
+  '*-z\:-[enable feature]:feature:->z' \
+  '-t\:-[set processing time in seconds]:seconds (int/float)' \
+  '-tl[enable looping]' \
+  '*-f\:-[set sampling parameters for the following input/output files]: :->f' \
+  '*-y\:-[set starting position for last specified input/output]:seconds' \
+  '*-i\:-[specifies a new input source]:input source:->io' \
+  '*-o\:-[specifies a new output source]:output source:->io' \
+  '*-Md\:-[set the active MIDI-device]:device name:_files' \
+  '*-Mms\:-[send MMC start/stop to MIDI device-id]:device id' \
+  '*-mss[sends MIDI-sync to the selected MIDI-device]' \
+  '*-pf\:-[use the first preset found from file as chain operator]:preset file:_files -g *.epp' \
+  '*-pn\:-[find preset from global preset database]:preset name:->pn' \
+  '*-ev[analyze sample data to find max apm value without clipping]' \
+  '*-ezf[find the optimal value for DC-adjusting]' \
+  '*-eS\:-[audio stamp]:stamp-id (int)' \
+  '*-ea\:-[amplify signal]:amplification value (percent)' \
+  '*-eac\:-[amplify signal of channel]: :->eac' \
+  '*-eaw\:-[amplify singal (clipping)]: :->eaw' \
+  '*-eal\:-[limits audio level]:limit (percent)' \
+  '*-ec\:-[compressor (a simple one)]: :->ec' \
+  '*-eca\:-[a more advanced compressor]: :->eca' \
+  '*-enm\:-[noise gate. (each channel is processes separately)]: :->enm' \
+  '*-ei\:-[pitch shifter (modifies audio pitch by altering its length)]:pitch-shift (percent)' \
+  '*-epp\:-[normal pan effect]:panning (0=left, 50=center, 100=right)' \
+  '*-ezx\:-[adjusts the signal DC (use -ezf to find optimal values)]: :->ezx' \
+  '*-eem-[envelope modulation]: :->emod' \
+  '*-ef-[apply filter effects]: :->filters' \
+  '*-erc\:-[copy channel]: :->erc' \
+  '*-erm\:-[mix all channels to one channel]:to channel' \
+  '*-et-[time based effects]: :->teffects' \
+  '*-el\:-[LADSPA Plugin]: :->el' \
+  '*-eli\:-[LADSPA Plugin]: :->el' \
+  '*-gc\:-[time crop gate]: :->gc' \
+  '*-ge\:-[threshold gate]: :->ge' \
+  && return 0
+case $state in
+  filters)
+    _values -S : 'filter effect' \
+      '1[resonant bandpass filter]: :->ef1' \
+      '3[resonant lowpass filter]: :->ef3' \
+      '4[resonant lowpass filter (3rd-order, 36dB)]: :->ef4' \
+      'a[allpass filter]: :->efa' \
+      'c[comb filter]: :->efc' \
+      'b[bandpass filter]: :->efb' \
+      'h[highpass filter]:cutoff frequency' \
+      'i[inverse comb filter]: :->efi' \
+      'l[lowpass filter]:cutoff frequency' \
+      'r[bandreject filter]: :->efr' \
+      's[resonator (resonating bandpass filter)]: :->efs'
+  ;;
+  teffects)
+    _values -S : 'time based effect' \
+      'c[chorus]: :->etc' \
+      'd[delay effect]: :->etd' \
+      'e[a more advanced reverb effect]: :->ete' \
+      'f[fake-stereo effect]:delay time (msec)' \
+      'l[flanger]: :->etl' \
+      'm[multitap delay]: :->etm' \
+      'p[phaser]: :->etp' \
+      'r[reverb effect]: :->etr'
+  ;;
+  emod)
+    _values -S : 'envelopme modulation' \
+      'b[pulse gate]: :->eemb' \
+      'p[pulse gate (hz)]: :->eemp' \
+      't[tremolo effect]: :->eemt'
+  ;;
+case $state in
+  b)
+    _wanted -V sizes expl 'buffer size' compadd \
+        1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536
+  ;;
+  f)
+    if compset -P '*,*,*,'; then
+      _values 'interleaving' \
+        'i[interleaved stream format]' \
+	'n[noninterleaved]'
+    elif compset -P '*,*,'; then
+      _message 'sampling rate'
+    elif compset -P '*,'; then
+      _message 'channels'
+    else
+      _values 'sampling parameters' \
+        'u8[unsigned 8-bit]' \
+	's16_le[signed 16-bit little endian]' \
+	's16_be[signed 16-bit big endian]' \
+	's24_le[signed 24-bit little endian]' \
+	's24_be[signed 24-bit big endian]' \
+	's32_le[signed 32-bit little endian]' \
+	's32_be[signed 32-bit big endian]' \
+	'f32_le[32-bit float (little endian)]' \
+	'f32_be[32-bit float (big endian)]'
+    fi
+  ;;
+  z)
+    _values -s , feature \
+      '(nodb)db[enable double-buffering]' \
+      '(db)nodb[disable double-buffering]' \
+      'dbsize[set db buffer size]:buffer size in sample frames:(0 1 2 4 8 16)' \
+      '(nointbuf)intbuf[use extra internal buffering for realtime devices]' \
+      '(intbuf)nointbuf[prevent extra internal buffering for realtime devices]' \
+      'xruns[processing will be halted when a under/overrun occurs]' \
+      'psr[enable the precise-sample-rates]'
+  ;;
+  io)
+    if compset -P 'alsa,'; then
+      if [[ -e /proc/asound ]]; then
+	eval `grep "^[[:digit:]]" < /proc/asound/cards|awk 'BEGIN {print "_values '\''ALSA device'\''" }; {print "'\''" $1 "[" $6, $7, $8, $9 "]'\''"}'||echo _message Wrong`
+      else
+	_message 'ALSA information bot found in proc filesystem'
+      fi
+    else
+      _alternative \
+        'files:input/output file:_files -g "*.(aif|aiff|mid|wav|ewf|mp3|mp2)"' \
+        'streams:stream:(stdin stdout)' \
+	'devices:realtime device:((/dev/dsp alsa\:alsa\ device null\:null\ device))'
+    fi
+  ;;
+  pn)
+    _wanted presets expl preset compadd \
+        ${${(M)${(f)"$(</usr/share/ecasound/effect_presets)"}:#[a-z]*}%% *}
+  ;;
+  etd)
+    if compset -P 3 '*,'; then
+      _message 'mix (wet) (percent)'
+    elif compset -P 2 '*,'; then
+      _message 'number of delays'
+    elif compset -P '*,'; then
+      _values -s , 'surround mode' \
+              '0[normal]' \
+              '1[surround]' \
+              '2[stereo-spread]'
+    else
+      _message 'delay time (msec)'
+    fi
+  ;;
+  ge)
+    if compset -P 2 '*,'; then
+      _values 'volume mode'
+              'rms'
+    elif compset -P '*,'; then
+      _message 'close threshold (percent)'
+    else
+      _message 'open threshold (percent)'
+    fi
+  ;;
+  *)
+    # all the rest are comma separated lists for which we use a message prompt
+    typeset -A msgs
+    local str
+    msgs=(
+      eac  'amplification value (percent):channel'								     				  
+      eaw  'amplification value (percent):channel:max-clipped-samples'						     				  
+      ec   'compression rate (decibels):threshold (0.0-1.0)'							     				  
+      eca  'peak-level:release-time (seconds):fast compression rate (0.0-1.0):compression rate'		     				  
+      enm  'threshold-level:pre-hold-time (msec):attack-time (msec):post-hold-time (msec):release-time (msec)'     				  
+      ezx  'left DC fix value:right CD fix value'								     				  
+      eemb 'pulse frequency (beats per minute):on time (msec)'
+      eemp 'pulse frequency (hz):on time (percent)'
+      eemt 'tremolo speed (beats per second):depth (percent)'
+      ef1  'center frequency:width (Hz)'
+      ef3  'cutoff frequency:resonance:gain'
+      ef4  'cutoff:resonance'
+      efa  'delay (samples):feedback (percent)'
+      efc  'delay (samples):radius (0-1.0)'
+      efb  'center frequency:width (Hz)'
+      efi  'delay (samples):radius (0-1.0)'
+      efr  'center frequency:width (Hz)'
+      efs  'center frequency:width (Hz)'
+      erc  'from channel:to channel'
+      etc  'delay time (msec):variance time (samples):feedback (percent):lfo frequency'
+      ete  'room size (metres):feedback level (percent):amount of reverbed signal added to the original (wet) (percent)'
+      etl  'delay time (msec):variance time (samples):feedback (percent):lfo frequency'
+      etm  'delay time (msec):number of delays:mix (wet) (percent)'
+      etp  'delay time (msec):variance time (samples):feedback (percent):lfo frequency'
+      etr  'delay time (msec):surround mode:feedback (percent)'
+      el   'unique LADSPA name/number'
+      gc   'start time (seconds):length (seconds)'
+    )
+    str=$msgs[$state]
+    while compset -P 1 '*,'; do
+      str="${str#*:}"
+    done
+    _message "${str%%:*}"
+  ;;      
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_elinks b/Completion/Unix/Command/_elinks
index 584a3cfe0..6e2832daf 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_elinks
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_elinks
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ _arguments -C -A '-*' \
   '(1)*-stdin[read document from stdin]::boolean:(0 1)' \
   '*-touch-files[touch files in ~/.elinks when running with -no-connect/-session-ring]::boolean:(0 1)' \
   '(- 1)-version[print version information and exit]' \
-  '1:url:->url' && return
+  '1:url:->url' && ret=0
 if [[ "$state" = url ]]; then
   local elinks_bookmarks
@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ if [[ "$state" = url ]]; then
     'urls:url:_urls' && return
-return 1
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_finger b/Completion/Unix/Command/_finger
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ffb52d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_finger
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#compdef finger
+local curcontext="$curcontext" state line match ret=1
+typeset -A opt_args
+if (( ! $+_finger_args )); then
+  local help="$(_call_program options finger -\\\? 2>&1)"
+  local -A optionmap
+## `finger -\?':
+# SunOS 5.7:
+# finger: illegal option -- ?
+# Usage: finger [-bfhilmpqsw] [-t l|h|l,h] [name1 [name2 ...] ]
+# SunOS 4.1.4:
+# Usage: finger [-bfhilmpqsw] [login1 [login2 ...] ]
+# IRIX 6.3:
+# Usage: finger [-bfhilmpqsw] [login1 [login2 ...] ]
+# NetBSD 1.4.1:
+# finger: illegal option -- ?
+# usage: finger [-lmpsho] [login ...]
+# FreeBSD 2.2.8
+# finger: illegal option -- ?
+# usage: finger [-lmpshoT] [login ...]
+# BSD/OS 3.0:
+# finger: illegal option -- ?
+# usage: finger [-lmps] [login ...]
+# 4.4BSD Lite:
+# usage: finger [-lmps] [login ...]
+# Debian GNU/Linux (potato) (netstd 3.07-10):
+# finger: invalid option -- ?
+# usage: finger [-lmps] [login ...]
+  if [[ "$help" = *\[-(#b)(lmps[a-zA-Z]#)* ]]; then
+    # BSD style
+    optionmap=(
+      '*m*' '-m[match to login name]'
+      '*l*' '(-s -o)-l[force long format]'
+      '*s*' '(-l -p)-s[force short format]'
+      '*p*' '(-s -o)-p[suppress .forward, .plan and .project]'
+      '*o*' '(-l -p)-o[print office information]'
+      '*T*' '-T[disable T/TCP]'
+    )
+    _finger_args=($optionmap[(K)$match[1]])
+  elif [[ "$help" = *\[-(#b)(bfhilmpqsw[a-zA-Z]#)* ]]; then
+    # System V style
+    optionmap=(
+      '*m*' '-m[match to login name]'
+      '*l*' '(   -i -q -s -f       -w)-l[force long format]'
+      '*i*' '(-l    -q -s -b -h -p -w)-i[force idle format]'
+      '*q*' '(-l -i    -s -b -h -p -w)-q[force quick format]'
+      '*s*' '(-l -i -q    -b -h -p)-s[force short format]'
+      '*b*' '(-i -q -s)-b[suppress home and shell]'
+      '*f*' '(-l)-f[suppress header]'
+      '*h*' '(-i -q -s)-h[suppress .project]'
+      '*p*' '(-i -q -s)-p[suppress .plan]'
+      '*w*' '(-i -q -l)-w[suppress full name]'
+    )
+    _finger_args=($optionmap[(K)$match[1]])
+  else
+    _finger_args=()
+  fi
+_arguments -C -s $_finger_args '*:finger targets:->finger-targets' && ret=0
+case "$state" in
+  _user_at_host -t other-accounts "$@" && return
+  ;;
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_gpg b/Completion/Unix/Command/_gpg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32a51cb08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_gpg
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#compdef gpg gpgv
+local curcontext="$curcontext" state line expl ret=1
+typeset -A opt_args
+_arguments -C -s -S -A "-*" \
+  '(-s --sign)'{-s,--sign}'[make a signature]' \
+  '--clearsign[make a clear text signature]' \
+  '(-b --detach-sign)'{-b,--detach-sign}'[make a detached signature]' \
+  '(-e --encrypt)'{-e,--encrypt}'[encrypt data. this option may be combined  with --sign]' \
+  '(-c --symmetric)'{-c,--symmetric}'[encrypt with symmetric cypher only]' \
+  '--store[store only]' \
+  '--decrypt[decrypt file or stdin]' \
+  '--verify[verify a signature]:file attachment:_files' \
+  '--verify-files[verify a list of files]:_files attachment_files' \
+  '(-f --encrypt-files)'{-f,--encrypt-files}'[encrypt files]' \
+  '--decrypt-files[decrypt files]' \
+  '--list-keys[list all keys]' \
+  '--list-public-keys[list all public keys]' \
+  '--list-secret-keys[list all secret keys]' \
+  '--list-sigs[lists keys and signatures]:key attachment:_pub-keys-list' \
+  '--check-sigs[lists key, signatures and check them]:key attachment:_pub-keys-list' \
+  '--fingerprint[list all keys with their fingerprints]:key attachment:_pub-keys-list' \
+  '--list-packets[list only the sequence of packets]' \
+  '--gen-key[generate a new pair key]' \
+  '--edit-key[a menu for edit yours keys]:key attachment:_pub-keys-list' \
+  '--sign-key[sign a key]:key attachment:_pub-keys-list '\
+  '--lsign-key[sign a key but mark as non-exportable]:key attachment:_pub-keys-list' \
+  '--nrsign-key[sign a key non-revocably]' \
+  '--delete-key[remove key from public keyring]:key attachment:_pub-keys-list' \
+  '--delete-secret-key[remove key from public & private keyring]:key attachment:_sec-keys-list' \
+  '--delete-secret-and-public-key:key attachment:_sec-keys-list' \
+  '--gen-revoke[generate a revocation certificate]' \
+  '--desig-revoke[generate a designated revocation certificate]' \
+  '--export[export all key from all keyrings]' \
+  '--send-keys[send keys to a keyserver]:key attachment:_pub-keys-list' \
+  '--export-all[export all key and not OpenPGP compatible keys]' \
+  '--export-secret-keys:key attachment:_sec-keys-list' \
+  '--export-secret-subkeys:key attachment:_sec-keys-list' \
+  '--import[import a gpg key from a file]:_files attachment:_files' \
+  '--fast-import[import a file without build trustdb]:_files attachment:_files' \
+  '--recv-keys[receive a list of keys from a keyserver]:key attachment:_pub-keys-list' \
+  '--refresh-keys[update all keys from a keyserver]' \
+  '--search-keys[search for keys on a key server]' \
+  '--update-trustdb[update the trust database]' \
+  '--check-trustdb[unattended trust database update]' \
+  '--fix-trustdb[fix a corrupted trust database]' \
+  '--export-ownertrust[list the assigned ownertrust values in ASCII format]:file:_files' \
+  '--import-ownertrust[update the trustdb with a file]:file:_files' \
+  '--dearmor[de-Armor a file or stdin]' \
+  '--enarmor[en-Armor a file or stdin]' \
+  '--print-md[print message digests]:algorithm:->ciphers::file:_files' \
+  '--print-mds[print message digests]::file:_files' \
+  '--gen-random:count' --gen-prime \
+  '--version[print info on program version and supported algorithms]' \
+  '--warranty[print warranty info]' \
+  '(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[display usage information]' \
+  '(-a --armor)'{-a,--armor}'[create ASCII armored output]' \
+  '(-o --output)'{-o+,--output}'[write output to file]:output file:_files' \
+  '(-u --local-user)'{-u+,--local-user}'[use name as the user ID to sign]:user attachment:_users'\
+  '--default-key[specify default user-id for signatures]:key:->secret-key' \
+  '*'{-r+,--recipient}'[specify user to encrypt for]:recipient:->public-key' \
+  '--default-recipient[specify default recipient]:recipient:->public-key' \
+  '--default-recipient-self[use default key as default recipient]' \
+  '--no-default-recipient[reset default recipient]' \
+  '*--encrypt-to[specify recipient]:->public-key' \
+  '(--encrypt-to)--no-encrypt-to[disable the use of all --encrypt-to keys]' \
+  '(-q --quiet)*'{-v,--verbose}'[increase amount of output]' \
+  '(-q --quiet -v --verbose)'{-q,--quiet}'[reduce amount of output]' \
+  '(-z --compress)'{-z,--compress}'[specify compression level]:compression level:((0\:no\ compression 1\:minimum 2 3 4 5 6\:default 7 8 9\:maximum))' \
+  '(-t --textmode)'{-t,--textmode}'[use canonical text mode]' \
+  '(-n --dry-run)'{-n,--dry-run}"[don't make any changes]" \
+  '(-i --interactive --batch)'{-i,--interactive}'[prompt before overwriting files]' \
+  '(-i --interactive --no-batch)--batch[use batch mode]' \
+  '--no-tty[never output to tty]' \
+  '(--batch)--no-batch[disable batch mode]' \
+  '(--no)--yes[assume "yes" on most questions]' \
+  '(--yes)--no[assume "no" on most questions]' \
+  '--default-cert-check-level:check level:((0\:no\ claim 1\:no\ verification 2\:casual\ verification 3\:extensive\ verification))' \
+  '--trusted-key[assume that the specified key is trustworthy]:long key id' \
+  '--always-trust[skip key validation]' \
+  '--keyserver[specify key server to use]:key server:_hosts' \
+  '--keyserver-options[specify keyserver options]:options' \
+  '--import-options[specify options for importing keys]:options' \
+  '--export-options[specify options for exporting keys]:options' \
+  --show-photos --no-show-photos '--photo-viewer:command:_command_names -e'\
+  --exec-path:path:_dir_list' \
+  --show-keyring[display keyring name when listing keys]' \
+  '--keyring[add specified file to list of keyrings]:file' \
+  '--secret-keyring[add specified file to list of secret keyrings]:file' \
+  --homedir:directory:_directories \
+  '--charset:character set:(iso-8859-1 iso-8859-2 koi8-r utf-8)' \
+  '--utf8-strings' '--no-utf8-strings[arguments are not in UTF8]' \
+  '(--no-options)--options[specify file to read options from]:options file:_files' \
+  "(--options)--no-options[don't read options file]" \
+  --{status,logger,attribute,passphrase,command}-fd:file\ descriptor:_file_descriptors \
+  '--sk-comments[include secret key comments when exporting keys]' \
+  '(--emit-version)--no-version[omit version string in clear text signatures]' \
+  '(--no-version)--emit-version[force writing of version string in clear text signatures]' \
+  '(-N --notation-data)'{-N,--notation-data}'[put parameter in signature]:name=value' \
+  '(--no-show-notation)--show-notation[show key signature notations]' \
+  "(--show-notation)--no-show-notation[don't show key signature notations]" \
+  '--set-policy-url:policy url' \
+  '(--no-show-policy-url)--show-policy-url' \
+  "(--show-policy-url)--no-show-policy-url" \
+  '--set-filename[specify file which is stored in messages]:file:_files' \
+  '(--for-your-eyes-only)--for-your-eyes-only' \
+  "(--for-your-eyes-only)--no-for-your-eyes-only" \
+  --completes-needed:number --marginals-needed:number --max-cert-depth:number \
+  --{{,disable-,s2k-}cipher,{,s2k-,cert-}digest,disable-pubkey}'-algo:cipher:->ciphers' \
+  --s2k-mode:value --simple-sk-checksum \
+  '--compress-algo:compression algorithm:((0\:disable\ compression 1\:zlib 2\:rfc1950))' \
+  --no-sig-cache --no-sig-create-check --{,no-}auto-check-trustdb --throw-keyid \
+  --not-dash-escaped --escape-from-lines --use-agent \
+  --rfc1991 --{,no-}pgp2 --{,no}pgp6 --{,no}pgp7 --openpgp \
+  --{,no-}force-v3-sigs --{,no}force-v4-certs --force-mdc --disable-mdc \
+  --{,no-}allow-non-selfsigned-uid --allow-freeform-uid \
+  --ignore-time-conflict --ignore-valid-from \
+  --ignore-crc-error --ignore-mdc-error --lock-once --lock-multiple --lock-never \
+  --no-random-seed-file --no-verbose --no-greeting --no-secmem-warning \
+  --no-permission-warning --no-mdc-warning --no-armor --no-default-keyring \
+  --skip-verify --with-colons --with-key-data --with-fingerprint \
+  --fast-list-mode --fixed-list-mode --list-only --no-literal --set-filesize \
+  --emulate-md-encode-bug --show-session-key --override-session-key:string \
+  --{,no-}ask-sig-expire --{,no}ask-cert-expire --{,no}expert \
+  --merge-only --allow-secret-key-import --try-all-secrets \
+  --enable-special-filenames --no-expensive-trust-checks --group:name=value \
+  --preserve-permissions --personal-{cipher,digest,compress}-preferences:string \
+  --default-preference-list:string \
+  '*:args:->args' && ret=0
+if [[ $state = args ]]; then
+  if (( ${+opt_args[--export]} || ${+opt_args[--list-keys]} )); then
+    state=public-key
+  elif (( ${+opt_args[--list-secret-keys]} )); then
+    state=secret-key
+  else
+    _files && return
+  fi
+case "$state" in
+  public-key)
+    _wanted public-keys expl 'public key' \
+	compadd ${${(Mo)$(gpg --list-keys 2>/dev/null):%<*>}//(<|>)/} && return
+  ;;
+  secret-key)
+    _wanted secretkeys expl 'secret key' compadd \
+	${${(Mo)$(gpg --list-secret-keys 2>/dev/null):%<*>}//(<|>)/} && return
+  ;;
+  ciphers)
+    _wanted ciphers expl cipher compadd \
+        ${${(s.,.)${(M)${(f)"$(gpg --version)"}:#Cipher*}#*:}# } && return
+  ;;
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_gzip b/Completion/Unix/Command/_gzip
index 46664958d..8d8a5390c 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_gzip
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_gzip
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #compdef gzip gunzip gzcat=gunzip
-local decompress expl curcontext="$curcontext" state line
+local decompress expl curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1
 typeset -A opt_args
 case "$service" in
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ gzip)
     '(--fast -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7    -9 --best)-8' \
     '(--fast -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8    --best)-9' \
     '(--fast -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9       )--best' \
-    '*:files:->files' && return 0
+    '*:files:->files' && ret=0
@@ -64,19 +64,21 @@ files)
   if (( $+opt_args[-r] || $+opt_args[--recursive] )); then
     if [[ -z "$decompress" ]]; then
       _description directories expl 'directory to compress'
-      _files "$expl[@]" -/
+      _files "$expl[@]" -/ && return
       _description directories expl 'compressed directory'
-      _files "$expl[@]" -/
+      _files "$expl[@]" -/ && return
     if [[ -z "$decompress" ]]; then
       _description files expl 'file to compress'
-      _files "$expl[@]" -g '*~*.(([tT]|)[gG]|)[zZ]'
+      _files "$expl[@]" -g '*~*.(([tT]|)[gG]|)[zZ]' && return
       _description files expl 'compressed file'
-      _files "$expl[@]" -g '*.(([tT]|)[gG]|)[zZ]'
+      _files "$expl[@]" -g '*.(([tT]|)[gG]|)[zZ]' && return
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_java b/Completion/Unix/Command/_java
index 5f78bb05a..76f3358b1 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_java
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_java
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #compdef javac java javadoc appletviewer jar jdb javah javap extcheck rmic rmiregistry rmid serialvar native2ascii keytool jarsigner policytool
-local expl tmp jdb_args jar_cmd match basedir
+local expl tmp jdb_args jar_cmd match basedir ret=1
 local curcontext="$curcontext" state line jf
 typeset -A opt_args tmpassoc
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ javadoc)
     '-helpfile[specify alternative help link]:helpfile path/filename:' \
     '-stylesheet[specify alternative HTML style sheet]:stylesheet path/filename:' \
     '-docencoding[specify character encoding for output HTML files]:encoding:->encoding' \
-    '*:package name, source file or @list:->docsrc' && return 0
+    '*:package name, source file or @list:->docsrc' && ret=0
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ jar)
       'v[verbose mode]' \
       'm[specify manifest file]' \
       '0[store only without using ZIP compression]' \
-      'M[do not create manifest file]'
+      'M[do not create manifest file]' && return
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ rmic)
   if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
-    _wanted ports expl 'port to listen' _ports
+    _wanted ports expl 'port to listen' _ports && return
     _message 'no more arguments'
@@ -360,11 +360,11 @@ case "$state" in
   if [[ -prefix :*, ]]; then
     compset -P :
-    _values -s , "debug info" lines vars source
+    _values -s , "debug info" lines vars source && return
     _description debuginfo expl "debug info"
-    compadd -P: "$expl[@]" none
-    compadd -P: -qS, "$expl[@]" lines vars source
+    compadd -P: "$expl[@]" none && ret=0
+    compadd -P: -qS, "$expl[@]" lines vars source && ret=0
@@ -373,12 +373,12 @@ classpath|sourcepath|bootstrapclasspath|docletpath)
   compset -S ':*'
   _alternative \
     "classpath:$state:_path_files -qS: -g '*.(jar|zip)'" \
-    "classpath:$state:_path_files -r': ' -/"
+    "classpath:$state:_path_files -r': ' -/" && return
   compset -P '*:'
-  _path_files -/
+  _path_files -/ && return
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ encoding)
   if compset -P '*='; then
-    _default
+    _default && return
     _message 'property name'
@@ -514,30 +514,30 @@ class|doclet)
   if compset -P @; then
-    _wanted files expl 'package/source list file' _files
+    _wanted files expl 'package/source list file' _files && return
-    _wanted files expl 'package or source' _files -g '*.java'
+    _wanted files expl 'package or source' _files -g '*.java' && return
   if [[ -prefix - ]]; then
-    _describe -o 'option' tmp --
+    _describe -o 'option' tmp -- && return
   elif [[ "$words[CURRENT - 2]" == -C ]]; then
-    _wanted file expl 'input file' _files -W "($words[CURRENT - 1])"
+    _wanted file expl 'input file' _files -W "($words[CURRENT - 1])" && return
   elif [[ "$words[CURRENT - 1]" == -C ]]; then
-    _wanted directories expl 'chdir to' _files -/
+    _wanted directories expl 'chdir to' _files -/ && return
   elif [[ $words[2] = *x* ]]; then
-        jf="$words[3]"
-        if [[ $jf != $_jar_cache_name && -f $jf ]]; then
-            _jar_cache_list=("${(@f)$($words[1] tf $jf)}")
-            _jar_cache_name=$jf
-        fi
+    jf="$words[3]"
+    if [[ $jf != $_jar_cache_name && -f $jf ]]; then
+      _jar_cache_list=("${(@f)$($words[1] tf $jf)}")
+      _jar_cache_name=$jf
+    fi
-        _wanted files expl 'file from archive' _multi_parts / _jar_cache_list
+    _wanted files expl 'file from archive' _multi_parts / _jar_cache_list && return
-    _wanted files expl 'input file' _files
+    _wanted files expl 'input file' _files && return
@@ -545,3 +545,5 @@ jararg)
   _message "unknown state: $state"
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_links b/Completion/Unix/Command/_links
index d21fae9db..899c10108 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_links
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_links
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #compdef links
-local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
+local curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1
 typeset -A opt_args
 _arguments -C \
@@ -25,10 +25,13 @@ _arguments -C \
   '(-help)-source[dump the source page]' \
   '(-help)-unrestartable-receive-timeout[timeout on non restartable connections]:secs:' \
   '(-help)-version[prints the links version number and exit]' \
-  ':url:->html' && return 0
+  ':url:->html' && ret=0
 case "$state" in
   _files -g '*.html' || _urls
+  return
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_look b/Completion/Unix/Command/_look
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0258c276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_look
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#compdef look
+local curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1
+typeset -A opt_args
+_arguments -C -s \
+  '-t+[termination character]:termination character:' \
+  '-f[case insensitive]' \
+  '-d[dictionary order]' \
+  ':string:->string' \
+  ':dictionary file:_files' && ret=0
+case "$state" in
+  if [[ -n "$PREFIX" ]]; then
+    _wanted values expl 'word prefix' compadd - $(_call_program values $words[1] $PREFIX) && return
+  else
+    _message 'word prefix'
+  fi
+  ;;
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_lynx b/Completion/Unix/Command/_lynx
index 855213b7c..6bbe01449 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_lynx
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_lynx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #compdef lynx
-local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
+local curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1
 typeset -A opt_args
 _arguments -C \
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ _arguments -C \
   '-vikeys' \
   '-width=:NUMBER:' \
   '-with_backspaces' \
-  ':url:->html' && return 0
+  ':url:->html' && ret=0
 case "$state" in
@@ -137,9 +137,11 @@ restrictions)
     disk_save dotfiles download editor exec exec_frozen externals file_url \
     goto inside_ftp inside_news inside_rlogin inside_telnet jump mail \
     multibook news_post options_save outside_ftp outside_news outside_rlogin \
-    outside_telnet print shell suspend telnet_port useragent
+    outside_telnet print shell suspend telnet_port useragent && return
-  _alternative 'files:file:_files -g "*.x#html"' 'urls:url:_urls'
+  _alternative 'files:file:_files -g "*.x#html"' 'urls:url:_urls' && return
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_lzop b/Completion/Unix/Command/_lzop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd3c94689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_lzop
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#compdef lzop
+local expl state line decompress disp curcontext="$curcontext" ret=1
+typeset -A opt_args
+_arguments -C -s \
+  '(--to-stdout --stdout)-c[write on standard output]' \
+  '(-c --stdout)--to-stdout[write on standard output]' \
+  '(-c --to-stdout)--stdout[write on standard output]' \
+  '(--decompress --uncompress -x -extract)-d[decompress]' \
+  '(-d --uncompress -x -extract)--decompress[decompress]' \
+  '(-d --decompress -x -extract)--uncompress[decompress]' \
+  '(--extract -d --decompress --uncompress -n --name -p --path)-x[extract]' \
+  '(-x -d --decompress --uncompress -n --name -p --path)-x[extract]' \
+  '(--force)-f[force overwrite]' \
+  '(-f)--force[force overwrite]' \
+  '(--help -H)-h[display help message]' \
+  '(-h -H)--help[display help message]' \
+  '(-h --help)-H[display help message]' \
+  '(--list)-l[list compressed file contents]' \
+  '(-l)--list[list compressed file contents]' \
+  '(--license)-L[display software license]' \
+  '(-L)--license[display software license]' \
+  '(--no-name -N --name)-n[do not save or restore the original name and time stamp]' \
+  '(-n -N --name)--no-name[do not save or restore the original name and time stamp]' \
+  '(--name -n --no-name)-N[save or restore the original name and time stamp]' \
+  '(-N -n --no-name)--name[save or restore the original name and time stamp]' \
+  '--no-mode[do not restore original mode]' \
+  '--no-time[do not restore original time stamp]' \
+  '(--quiet --silent)-q[suppress all warnings]' \
+  '(-q --silent)--quiet[suppress all warnings]' \
+  '(-q --quiet)--silent[suppress all warnings]' \
+  '(--recursive)-r[operate recursively on directories]' \
+  '(-r)--recursive[operate recursively on directories]' \
+  '(--suffix)-S+[specify suffix for compressed files]:suffix:' \
+  '(-S)--suffix=[specify suffix for compressed files]:suffix:' \
+  '(--test)-t[test compressed file integrity]' \
+  '(-t)--test[test compressed file integrity]' \
+  '*-v[verbose mode]' \
+  '*--verbose[verbose mode]' \
+  '(--version)-V[display version number]' \
+  '(-V)--version[display version number]' \
+  '(       -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 --best)--fast' \
+  '(--fast    -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 --best)-1' \
+  '(--fast -1    -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 --best)-2' \
+  '(--fast -1 -2    -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 --best)-3' \
+  '(--fast -1 -2 -3    -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 --best)-4' \
+  '(--fast -1 -2 -3 -4    -6 -7 -8 -9 --best)-5' \
+  '(--fast -1 -2 -3 -4 -5    -7 -8 -9 --best)-6' \
+  '(--fast -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6    -8 -9 --best)-7' \
+  '(--fast -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7    -9 --best)-8' \
+  '(--fast -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8    --best)-9' \
+  '(--fast -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9       )--best' \
+  '--ls=[list each compressed file in a format similar to ls -ln]:ls flag:->flags' \
+  '--info[list internal header fields for each compressed file]' \
+  '(--sysinfo)-I[display information about the system]' \
+  '(-I)--sysinfo[display information about the system]' \
+  '(--outfile)-o[specify output file]:output file:_files' \
+  '(-o)--outfile=[specify output file]:output file:_files' \
+  '(--path)-p[write output files to specified directory]:directory:_files -/' \
+  '(-p)--path=[write output files to specified directory]:directory:_files -/' \
+  '(--no-checksum)-F[do not store or verify a checksum]' \
+  '(-F)--no-checksum[do not store or verify a checksum]' \
+  "(--keep -U --unlink --delete)-k[keep (don't delete) input files]" \
+  "(-k -U --unlink --delete)--keep[keep (don't delete) input files]" \
+  '(--unlink --delete)-U[delete input files]' \
+  '(-U --delete)--unlink[delete input files]' \
+  '(-U --unlink)--delete[delete input files]' \
+  '--no-stdin[do not try to read stdin]' \
+  '--no-warn[suppress all warnings]' \
+  '--ignore-warn[suppress all warnings and never exit with status 2]' \
+  '--no-color[do not use an color escape sequences]' \
+  '--mono[assume a mono ANSI terminal]' \
+  '--color[assume a color ANSI terminal]' \
+  '--intro[display intro sequence]' \
+  '--filter=[preprocess data with a special multimedia filter]:number' \
+  '*:files:->files' && ret=0
+case "$state" in
+  files)
+    if (( $+opt_args[-d] || $+opt_args[--decompress] ||
+	$+opt_args[--uncompress] || $+opt_args[-x] || $+opt_args[--extract] ||
+	$+opt_args[--test] || $+opt_args[-t] || $+opt_args[--list] ||
+	$+opt_args[-l] || $+opt_args[--ls] || $+opt_args[--info] )); then
+      _description files expl 'compressed file'
+      _files "$expl[@]" -g '*.[tl]zo' && ret=0
+    else
+      _description files expl 'file to compress'
+      _files "$expl[@]" -g '*~*.[tl]zo' && ret=0
+    fi
+  ;;
+  flags)
+    disp=( \
+      "F -- Append a \`*' for executable files" \
+      "G -- Inhibit display of group information" \
+      "Q -- Enclose file names in double quotes" )
+    disp=( ${disp[@]%[Z$PREFIX] -*} )
+    compset -P '[FGQ]*'
+    compadd -d disp - ${disp[@]% -*} && ret=0
+  ;;
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_mt b/Completion/Unix/Command/_mt
index 8d2689539..4d750537c 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_mt
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_mt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #compdef mt
 local -a args cmds
-local state line curcontext="$curcontext"
+local state line curcontext="$curcontext" ret=1
 args=( '(-)-f[specify raw tape device]:tape device:_files' )
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ elif [[ $OSTYPE = solaris* ]]; then
 _arguments -C "$args[@]" '(--help --version -V)1:operation:->operation' \
-    '2:count:' && return
+    '2:count:' && ret=0
-[[ -n "$state" ]] && _describe -t operations 'operation' cmds
+[[ -n "$state" ]] && _describe -t operations 'operation' cmds && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_sccs b/Completion/Unix/Command/_sccs
index e4af91a97..ff68c0c9a 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_sccs
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_sccs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ _sccs_files() {
   _files -W $dir -g \*\(:s/s.//\) "$@"
-local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
+local curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1
 typeset -A opt_args
 local subcmds ropt copt sfiles finalpath
@@ -27,12 +27,13 @@ if [[ $service = sccs ]]; then
     '-r[run with real and not effective user ID]' \
     '-d+[specify root prefix]:root prefix:_directories' \
     '-p+[specify subdirectory of history file]:path to history file:_directories' \
-    '*::command:->subcmd' && return 0
+    '*::command:->subcmd' && ret=0
   if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
-    _wanted commands expl 'sccs command' compadd -a subcmds
-    return
+    _wanted commands expl 'sccs command' compadd -a subcmds && ret=0
+  (( ret )) || return 0
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_telnet b/Completion/Unix/Command/_telnet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5921105b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_telnet
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#compdef telnet
+# Parameter used:
+#  telnet_hosts_ports_users
+#    The array that contains 3-tuples `host:port:user'.
+local curcontext="$curcontext" state line expl ret=1
+typeset -A opt_args
+if (( ! $+_telnet_args )); then
+  local help="$(_call_program options telnet -\? < /dev/null 2>&1)"
+  local -A optionmap
+  optionmap=(
+    '*\[-8\]*' '-8[allow 8-Bit data]'
+    '*\[-E\]*' '-E[disable an escape character]'
+    '*\[-K\]*' '-K[no automatic login]'
+    '*\[-L\]*' '-L[allow 8-Bit data on output]'
+    '*\[-N\]*' '-N[suppress reverse lookup]'
+    '*\[-S tos\]*' '-S+:IP type-of-service:'
+    '*\[-X atype\]*' '-X+:authentication type to disable:'
+    '*\[-a\]*' '-a[attempt automatic login]'
+    '*\[-c\]*' '-c[disable .telnetrc]'
+    '*\[-d\]*' '-d[debug mode]'
+    '*\[-e char\]*' '-e+[specify escape character]:escape character:'
+    '*\[-f/*' '-f'
+    '*/-F\]*' '-F'
+    '*\[-k realm\]*' '-k+:realm:'
+    '*\[-l user\]*' '-l+[specify user]:user:->users'
+    '*\[-n tracefile\]*' '-n+[specify tracefile]:tracefile:_files'
+    '*\[-r\]*' '-r[rlogin like user interface]'
+    '*\[-s src_addr\]*' '-s+[set source IP address]:src_addr:'
+    '*\[-x\]*' '-x'
+    '*\[-t transcom\]*' '-t+:transcom:'
+    '*\[-noasynch\]*' '-noasynch'
+    '*\[-noasyncnet\]*' '-noasyncnet'
+    '*\[-noasynctty\]*' '-noasynctty'
+  )
+  _telnet_args=($optionmap[(K)"$help"])
+  (( $#_telnet_args )) || _telnet_args=( '-l+[specify user]:user:->users' )
+_arguments -C -s \
+  "$_telnet_args[@]" \
+  ':host:->hosts' \
+  ':port:->ports' && ret=0
+case "$state" in
+  _wanted hosts expl host \
+      _combination -s '[@:]' '' users-hosts-ports \
+          ${opt_args[-l]:+users=${opt_args[-l]:q}} \
+          hosts - && ret=0
+  ;;
+  _wanted ports expl port \
+      _combination -s '[@:]' '' users-hosts-ports \
+          ${opt_args[-l]:+users=${opt_args[-l]:q}} \
+          hosts="${line[1]:q}" \
+          ports - && ret=0
+  ;;
+  _wanted users expl user \
+      _combination -s '[@:]' '' users-hosts-ports \
+      ${line[2]:+hosts="${line[2]:q}"} \
+      ${line[3]:+ports="${line[3]:q}"} \
+      users - && ret=0
+  ;;
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_w3m b/Completion/Unix/Command/_w3m
index 5f1eee59c..02a995a92 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_w3m
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_w3m
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #compdef w3m
-local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
+local curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1
 typeset -A opt_args
 _arguments \
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ _arguments \
   '-o[option]:option-value:' \
   '-config:config file:_files' \
   '-debug' \
-  ':url:->url' && return 0
+  ':url:->url' && ret=0
 case $state in
@@ -39,10 +39,12 @@ case $state in
 	if [[ -s ~/.w3m/history ]]; then
-	   compadd $_w3mhistory
+	   compadd $_w3mhistory && ret=0
-	_urls -f
+	_urls -f && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_zip b/Completion/Unix/Command/_zip
index 6f83b748f..c7a0aea5d 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_zip
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_zip
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #compdef zip unzip zipinfo
 local suffixes suf zipfile uzi
-local expl curcontext="$curcontext" state line
+local expl curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1
 typeset -A opt_args
 case $service in
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ case $service in
       '-x[exclude the following names]' \
       '-i[include only the following names]' \
       "(-f -d -R -q -c -b -@ -F -FF -A -T -y -e -h -u -m -g -j -l -ll -L -v -z -t -tt -o -D -J -X -n -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9):zip file:_files -g '(#i)*.(zip|[jw]ar)'" \
-      '*:file:->files' && return 0
+      '*:file:->files' && ret=0
     _arguments -C -s \
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ case $service in
       '-x[exclude the following names]' \
       '-Z[zipinfo mode]:zipinfomode:->zipinfo' \
       "(-p -f -u -l -t -z -n -o -j -C -X -q -qq -a -aa -v -L -M)1:zip file:_files -g '(#i)*.(zip|[jw]ar)'" \
-      '*:file:->files' && return 0
+      '*:file:->files' && ret=0
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ if [[ $service == zipinfo ]] || [[ -n $uzi ]]; then
       '-M[page output]' \
       '-x[exclude the following names]' \
       "(-1 -2 -s -m -l -v -h -z -C -t -T -M)1:zip file:_files -g '(#i)*.(zip|[jw]ar)'" \
-      '*:file:->files' && return 0
+      '*:file:->files' && ret=0
 case $state in
@@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ case $state in
     compset -S ':*' || suf=":."
     suffixes=( *.*(N:e) )
     _wanted suffixes expl suffixes \
-	compadd -S "$suf" -r ": \t" .$^suffixes && return 0
+	compadd -S "$suf" -r ": \t" .$^suffixes && ret=0
     if [[ $service = zip ]] && (( ! ${+opt_args[-d]} )); then
-      _files -g '^(#i)*.(zip|[jw]ar)' && return 0
+      _files -g '^(#i)*.(zip|[jw]ar)' && ret=0
       zipfile=( $~line[1](|.zip|.ZIP) )
       [[ -z $zipfile[1] ]] && return 1
@@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ case $state in
 	_zip_cache_list=( ${(f)"$(zipinfo -1 $_zip_cache_name)"} )
      _wanted files expl 'file from archive' \
-	 _multi_parts / _zip_cache_list && return 0
+	 _multi_parts / _zip_cache_list && return
+return ret