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path: root/Completion/Unix/Command
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authorOliver Kiddle <>2021-06-03 00:12:54 +0200
committerOliver Kiddle <>2021-06-03 00:12:54 +0200
commitf4b2a03625680ad27a3bc77ccec358582aee9094 (patch)
tree52ffeacfdd83d1fc3b4c285f06a4c58c565813e2 /Completion/Unix/Command
parenta21c0b334c38e6d2a29bc7e0d7697b23d720b64c (diff)
48952: expand octal codes for record separators in perl completion
Diffstat (limited to 'Completion/Unix/Command')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_perl b/Completion/Unix/Command/_perl
index 0914264fe..4a917903c 100644
--- a/Completion/Unix/Command/_perl
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_perl
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
 #compdef perl
-# zsh completion code for the Perl interpreter
-# Adam Spiers <>
-# Completions currently based on Perl 5.14.1.
 typeset -A opt_args
 _perl () {
   _arguments -s \
-    '-0-[input record separator ($/)]:$/ in octal or hex (\0, if no argument)' \
+    '-0-[input record separator ($/)]:: :_perl_input_seps' \
     '-a[autosplit mode with -n or -p (splits $_ into @F)]' \
     '-C-[control some unicode features]: :_perl_unicode_flags' \
     "-c[check syntax only (runs BEGIN and END blocks)]" \
@@ -24,7 +20,7 @@ _perl () {
     '-h[list help summary]' \
     '-i-[edit <> files in place (make backup if extension supplied)]:backup file extension: ' \
     '*-I-[specify @INC/#include directory (may be used more than once)]:include path:_files -/' \
-    '-l-[enable line ending processing, specifies line terminator]:output record separator in octal: ' \
+    '-l-[enable line ending processing, specifies line terminator]:: :_perl_output_seps' \
     \*{-m,-M}"-[module.. executes \`use/no module...' before executing your script]:module:_perl_m_opt" \
     "-n[assume 'while (<>) { ... }' loop around your script]" \
     "-p[assume loop like -n but print line also like sed]" \
@@ -63,6 +59,27 @@ _perl_m_opt () {
+_perl_input_seps() {
+  if [[ $#PREFIX -eq 1 && $PREFIX != [0-9a-zA-Z] ]]; then
+    # convert a non-octal or potential option character into octal representation
+    compadd -i "$IPREFIX" -U $(( [##8] ##$PREFIX ))
+  else
+    _describe -x -t separators "input record separator, $/ in octal or hex (\0, if no argument) [\n]" '(
+      0:paragraph\ mode
+      777:slurp\ whole\ input\ files
+    )' || _comp_mesg=yes
+  fi
+_perl_output_seps() {
+  if [[ $#PREFIX -eq 1 && $PREFIX != [0-9a-zA-Z] ]]; then
+    # convert a non-octal or potential option character into octal representation
+    compadd -i "$IPREFIX" -U $(( [##8] ##$PREFIX ))
+  else
+    _message -e separators "output record separator, $\\ in octal or hex [$/]"
+  fi
 _perl_config_vars () {
   if (( ! $+_perl_config_vars )); then
     _perl_config_vars=( $(perl -MConfig -e 'print join("\n", keys %Config);') )
@@ -80,44 +97,48 @@ _perl_config_vars () {
 _perl_unicode_flags () {
   _values -s '' 'unicode bitmask or flags' \
-    'I[  1 STDIN is assumed to be in UTF-8]' \
-    'O[  2 STDOUT will be in UTF-8]' \
-    'E[  4 STDERR will be in UTF-8]' \
-    'S[  7 I + O + E]' \
-    'i[  8 UTF-8 is the default PerlIO layer for input streams]' \
-    'o[ 16 UTF-8 is the default PerlIO layer for output streams]' \
-    'D[ 24 i + o]' \
+    '(S)I[  1 STDIN is assumed to be in UTF-8]' \
+    '(S)O[  2 STDOUT will be in UTF-8]' \
+    '(S)E[  4 STDERR will be in UTF-8]' \
+    '(I O E)S[  7 I + O + E]' \
+    '(D)i[  8 UTF-8 is the default PerlIO layer for input streams]' \
+    '(D)o[ 16 UTF-8 is the default PerlIO layer for output streams]' \
+    '(i o)D[ 24 i + o]' \
     'A[ 32 the @ARGV elements are expected to be strings encoded in UTF-8]' \
     'L[ 64 make "IOEioA" conditional on the locale environment variables]' \
     'a[256 set ${^UTF8CACHE} to -1, used for debugging]' \
 _perl_debugging_flags () {
-  _values -s '' 'debugging bitmask or flags' \
-    'p[      1 Tokenizing and parsing (with v, displays parse stack)]' \
-    's[      2 Stack snapshots (with v, displays all stacks)]' \
-    'l[      4 Context (loop) stack processing]' \
-    't[      8 Trace execution]' \
-    'o[     16 Method and overloading resolution]' \
-    'c[     32 String/numeric conversions]' \
-    'P[     64 Print profiling info, preprocessor command for -P, source file input state]' \
-    'm[    128 Memory and SV allocation]' \
-    'f[    256 Format processing]' \
-    'r[    512 Regular expression parsing and execution]' \
-    'x[   1024 Syntax tree dump]' \
-    'u[   2048 Tainting checks]' \
-    'U[   4096 Unofficial, User hacking (reserved for private, unreleased use)]' \
-    'H[   8192 Hash dump -- usurps values()]' \
-    'X[  16384 Scratchpad allocation]' \
-    'D[  32768 Cleaning up]' \
-    'S[  66536 Thread synchronization]' \
-    'T[ 131072 Tokenising]' \
-    'R[ 262144 Include reference counts of dumped variables (eg when using -Ds)]' \
-    'J[ 524288 Do not s,t,P-debug (Jump over) opcodes within package DB]' \
-    'v[1048576 Verbose: use in conjunction with other flags]' \
-    'C[2097152 Copy On Write]' \
-    'A[4194304 Consistency checks on internal structures]' \
-    'q[8388608 quiet - currently only suppresses the "EXECUTING" message]' \
+  _values -s '' 'debug flag or bitmask' \
+    'p[        1 tokenizing and parsing (with v, display parse stack)]' \
+    's[        2 stack snapshots (with v, display all stacks)]' \
+    'l[        4 context (loop) stack processing]' \
+    't[        8 trace execution]' \
+    'o[       16 method and overload resolution]' \
+    'c[       32 string/numeric conversions]' \
+    'P[       64 print profiling info, source file input state]' \
+    'm[      128 memory and SV allocation]' \
+    'f[      256 format processing]' \
+    'r[      512 regular expression parsing and execution]' \
+    'x[     1024 syntax tree dump]' \
+    'u[     2048 tainting checks]' \
+    'U[     4096 unofficial, user hacking (reserved for private, unreleased use)]' \
+    'X[    16384 scratchpad allocation]' \
+    'D[    32768 cleaning up]' \
+    'S[    66536 Op slab allocation]' \
+    'T[   131072 tokenising]' \
+    'R[   262144 include reference counts of dumped variables (e.g. when using -Ds)]' \
+    "J[   524288 show s,t,P-debug (don't jump over) on opcodes within package DB]" \
+    'v[  1048576 verbose: use in conjunction with other flags]' \
+    'C[  2097152 copy-on-write]' \
+    'A[  4194304 consistency checks on internal structures]' \
+    'q[  8388608 quiet - currently only suppresses the "EXECUTING" message]' \
+    'M[ 16777216 trace smart match resolution]' \
+    'B[ 33554432 dump subroutine definitions, including special blocks like BEGIN]' \
+    'L[ 67108864 trace locale-related info]' \
+    'i[134217728 trace PerlIO layer processing]' \
+    'y[268435456 trace y///, tr/// compilation and execution]'
 _perl "$@"