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path: root/Completion/Core/compinit
diff options
authorTanaka Akira <>1999-04-15 18:05:38 +0000
committerTanaka Akira <>1999-04-15 18:05:38 +0000
commite74702b467171dbdafb56dfe354794a212e020d9 (patch)
treec295b3e9b2e93e2de10331877442615b0f37e779 /Completion/Core/compinit
parentc175751b501a3a4cb40ad4787340a597ea769be4 (diff)
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'Completion/Core/compinit')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Completion/Core/compinit b/Completion/Core/compinit
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec5867838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Core/compinit
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# Initialisation for new style completion. This mainly contains some helper
+# function and aliases. Everything else is split into different files in this
+# directory that will automatically be made autoloaded (see the end of this
+# file).
+# The names of the files that will be considered for autoloading have to
+# start with a underscores (like `_setopt).
+# The first line of these files will be read and has to say what should be
+# done with its contents:
+#   `#defcomp <names ...>'
+#     if the first line looks like this, the file is
+#     autoloaded as a function and that function will
+#     be called to generate the matches when completing
+#     for one of the commands whose <name> is given
+#   `#defpatcomp <pattern>'
+#     this defines a function that should be called to generate
+#     matches for commands whose name matches <pattern>; note
+#     that only one pattern may be given
+#   `#defkeycomp <style> [ <key-sequence> ... ]
+#     this is used to bind special completions to all the given
+#     <key-sequence>(s). The <style> is the name of one of the built-in
+#     completion widgets (complete-word, delete-char-or-list,
+#     expand-or-complete, expand-or-complete-prefix, list-choices,
+#     menu-complete, menu-expand-or-complete, or reverse-menu-complete).
+#     This creates a widget behaving like <style> so that the
+#     completions are chosen as given in the the rest of the file,
+#     rather than by the context.  The widget has the same name as
+#     the autoload file and can be bound using bindkey in the normal way.
+#   `#autoload'
+#     this is for helper functions that are not used to
+#     generate matches, but should automatically be loaded
+#     when they are called
+# Note that no white space is allowed between the `#' and the rest of
+# the string.
+# See the file `compdump' for how to speed up initialiation.
+# If you are using global matching specifications with `compctl -M ...'
+# have a look at the files `_match_test' and `_match_pattern'. To make
+# all the example functions use matching as specified with `-M' these
+# need some editing.
+# If we got the `-d'-flag, we will automatically dump the new state (at
+# the end).
+if [[ "$1" = -d ]]; then
+  _i_autodump=1
+  _i_autodump=0
+# The associative array containing the definitions for the commands.
+# Definitions for patterns will be stored in the normal array `_patcomps'.
+typeset -A _comps
+# This function is used to register or delete completion functions. For
+# registering completion functions, it is invoked with the name of the
+# function as it's first argument (after the options). The other
+# arguments depend on what type of completion function is defined. If
+# none of the `-p' and `-k' options is given a function for a command is
+# defined. The arguments after the function name are then interpreted as
+# the names of the command for which the function generates matches.
+# With the `-p' option a function for a name pattern is defined. This 
+# function will be invoked when completing for a command whose name 
+# matches the pattern given as argument after the function name (in this
+# case only one argument is accepted).
+# With the `-k' option a function for a special completion keys is 
+# defined and immediatly bound to those keys. Here, the extra arguments
+# are the name of one of the builtin completion widgets and any number
+# of key specifications as accepted by the `bindkey' builtin.
+# In any case the `-a' option may be given which makes the function
+# whose name is given as the first argument be autoloaded. When defining
+# a function for command names the `-n' option may be given and keeps
+# the definitions from overriding any previous definitions for the
+# commands.
+# For deleting definitions, the `-d' option must be given. Without the
+# `-p' option, this deletes definitions for functions for the commands
+# whose names are given as arguments. If combined with the `-p' option
+# it deletes the definitions for the patterns given as argument.
+# The `-d' option may not be combined with the `-k' option, i.e.
+# definitions for key function can not be removed.
+# Examples:
+#  compdef -a foo bar baz
+#    make the completion for the commands `bar' and `baz' use the
+#    function `foo' and make this function be autoloaded
+#  compdef -p foo 'c*'
+#    make completion for all command whose name begins with a `c'
+#    generate matches by calling the function `foo' before generating
+#    matches defined for the command itself
+#  compdef -k foo list-choices '^X^M' '\C-xm'
+#    make the function `foo' be invoked when typing `Control-X Control-M'
+#    or `Control-X m'; the function should generate matches and will
+#    behave like the `list-choices' builtin widget
+#  compdef -d bar baz
+#   delete the definitions for the command names `bar' and `baz'
+compdef() {
+  local opt autol type func delete new i
+  # Get the options.
+  while getopts "anpkd" opt; do
+    case "$opt" in
+    a)    autol=yes;;
+    n)    new=yes;;
+    [pk]) if [[ -n "$type" ]]; then
+            # Error if both `-p' and `-k' are given (or one of them
+	    # twice).
+            echo "$0: type already set to $type"
+	    return 1
+	  fi
+	  if [[ "$opt" = p ]]; then
+	    type=pattern
+	  else
+	    type=key
+	  fi
+	  ;;
+    d) delete=yes;;
+    esac
+  done
+  shift OPTIND-1
+  if [[ -z "$delete" ]]; then
+    # Adding definitions, first get the name of the function name
+    # and probably do autoloading.
+    func="$1"
+    [[ -n "$autol" ]] && autoload "$func"
+    shift
+    case "$type" in
+    pattern)
+      if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then
+        echo "$0: only one pattern allowed"
+	return 1
+      fi
+      # Patterns are stored in strings like `c* foo', with a space
+      # between the pattern and the function name.
+      _patcomps=("$_patcomps[@]" "$1 $func")
+      ;;
+    key)
+      if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
+        echo "$0: missing keys"
+	return 1
+      fi
+      # Define the widget.
+      zle -C "$func" "$1" "$func"
+      shift
+      # And bind the keys...
+      for i; do
+        bindkey "$i" "$func"
+      done
+      ;;
+    *)
+      # For commands store the function name in the `_comps'
+      # associative array, command names as keys.
+      for i; do
+        [[ -z "$new" || "${+_comps[$i]}" -eq 0 ]] && _comps[$i]="$func"
+      done
+      ;;
+    esac
+  else
+    # Handle the `-d' option, deleting.
+    case "$type" in
+    pattern)
+      # Note the space.
+      for i; do
+        _patcomps=("${(@)patcomps:#$i *}")
+      done
+      ;;
+    key)
+      # Oops, cannot do that yet.
+      echo "$0: cannot restore key bindings"
+      return 1
+      ;;
+    *)
+      # Deleting definitons for command is even simpler.
+      for i; do
+        unset "_comps[$i]"
+      done
+    esac
+  fi
+# Now we automatically make the definition files autoloaded.
+# First we get the name of a dump file if this will be used.
+: ${COMPDUMP:=$0.dump}
+if [[ ! -o extendedglob ]]; then
+  _i_noextglob=yes
+  setopt extendedglob
+typeset -U _i_files
+_i_files=( ${^~fpath}/_*~*~(N:t) )
+# If we have a dump file, load it.
+if [[ -f "$COMPDUMP" ]]; then
+  read -rA _i_line < "$COMPDUMP"
+  if [[ _i_autodump -eq 1 && $_i_line[2] -eq $#_i_files ]]; then
+    builtin . "$COMPDUMP"
+    _i_done=yes
+  fi
+  unset _i_line
+if [[ -z "$_i_done" ]]; then
+  for _i_dir in $fpath; do
+    [[ $_i_dir = . ]] && continue
+    for _i_file in $_i_dir/_*~*~(N); do
+      read -rA _i_line < $_i_file
+      _i_tag=$_i_line[1]
+      shift _i_line
+      if [[ $_i_tag = '#defcomp' ]]; then
+        compdef -na "${_i_file:t}" "${_i_line[@]}"
+      elif [[ $_i_tag = '#defpatcomp' ]]; then
+        compdef -pa "${_i_file:t}" "${_i_line[@]}"
+      elif [[ $_i_tag = '#defkeycomp' ]]; then
+        compdef -ka "${_i_file:t}" "${_i_line[@]}"
+      elif [[ $_i_tag = '#autoload' ]]; then
+	autoload ${_i_file:t}
+      fi
+    done
+  done
+  bindkey |
+    while read -rA _i_line; do
+      if [[ "$_i_line[2]" = complete-word ||
+	"$_i_line[2]" = delete-char-or-list ||
+	"$_i_line[2]" = expand-or-complete ||
+	"$_i_line[2]" = expand-or-complete-prefix ||
+	"$_i_line[2]" = list-choices ||
+	"$_i_line[2]" = menu-complete ||
+	"$_i_line[2]" = menu-expand-or-complete ||
+	"$_i_line[2]" = reverse-menu-complete ]]; then
+	zle -C _complete_$_i_line[2] $_i_line[2] _main_complete
+	bindkey "${_i_line[1][2,-2]}" _complete_$_i_line[2]
+      fi
+    done
+  unset _i_dir _i_line _i_file _i_tag
+  # If autodumping was requested, do it now.
+  (( _i_autodump )) && builtin . ${_i_initname:h}/compdump
+[[ -z "$_i_noextglob" ]] || unsetopt extendedglob
+unset _i_files _i_initname _i_done _i_autodump _i_noextglob