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authorOliver Kiddle <opk@users.sourceforge.net>2005-03-21 16:50:17 +0000
committerOliver Kiddle <opk@users.sourceforge.net>2005-03-21 16:50:17 +0000
commite222689ea14bcf037ef5085d85216c8bd2ddd3d0 (patch)
parent9e942b364aa50cc3a64baab2de39ad030dde2c22 (diff)
merge changes from 4.3 branch
9 files changed, 609 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 8ed24db55..fb3be9e25 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -8,6 +8,16 @@
 	* 20959 (variant of 20958): Src/params.c, Src/Module/parameter.c,
 	Test/V01zmodload.ztst: fix crash unloading zsh/parameter and test.
+2005-03-03  Oliver Kiddle  <opk@zsh.org>
+	* 20921, 20924: Src/utils.c, Completion/Unix/Command/_iconv:
+	using UCS-4BE instead of ISO-10646 to identify character
+	encoding is more portable; make error message more specific;
+	find more encodings in iconv completion on Solaris
+	* Henryk Konsek: 20918 (modified): Completion/Unix/Command/_unace:
+	new completion for unace
 2005-03-02  Clint Adams  <clint@zsh.org>
 	* 20906: Completion/Unix/Command/_make: patch from
@@ -20,6 +30,19 @@
 	a single-character Makefile variable if it is a digit.  Avoids
 	an infinite recursion from a Makefile referencing $1.
+2005-02-25  Oliver Kiddle  <opk@zsh.org>
+	* 20867: Completion/Unix/Command/_ant: handle imported files
+	that are specified using a relative path
+2005-02-24  Oliver Kiddle  <opk@zsh.org>
+	* Konstantin Sobolev: 20832 (modified):
+	Completion/Unix/Command/_ant: gather targets from imported files
+	* 20862: configure.ac, Src/system.h, Src/utils.c: attempt to
+	fix configure scripts to detect iconv properly
 2005-02-21  Peter Stephenson  <pws@csr.com>
 	* 20837: Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo: typos.
@@ -94,6 +117,17 @@
 	as errors, causing initialisation scripts, functions, etc., etc.
 	to exit.
+2005-01-21  Oliver Kiddle  <opk@zsh.org>
+	* unposted: remove Completion/Unix/Command/_larch: larch has
+	been superceded by tla and is no longer available
+	* 20734: Completion/Linux/Command/_valgrind: rewrite to handle
+	version 2.2.0 of valgrind
+	* 20730 (modified): Completion/Base/Completer/_expand: fix 
+	suffix style to regard quoted special characters as not special
 2005-01-19  Peter Stephenson  <pws@csr.com>
 	* 20728 (with typo fixed): configure.ac, Doc/Zsh/builtins.yo,
diff --git a/Completion/Base/Completer/_expand b/Completion/Base/Completer/_expand
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4bb9ab777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Base/Completer/_expand
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# This completer function is intended to be used as the first completer
+# function and allows one to say more explicitly when and how the word
+# from the line should be expanded than expand-or-complete.
+# This function will allow other completer functions to be called if
+# the expansions done produce no result or do not change the original
+# word from the line.
+setopt localoptions nonomatch
+[[ _matcher_num -gt 1 ]] && return 1
+local exp word sort expr expl subd suf=" " force opt asp tmp opre pre epre
+local continue=0
+(( $# )) &&
+    while getopts gsco opt; do
+      force="$force$opt"
+    done
+if [[ "$funcstack[2]" = _prefix ]]; then
+[[ "$word" = *\$(|\{[^\}]#) ||
+   ( "$word" = *\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]## && $+parameters[${word##*\$}] -eq 0 ) ]] &&
+    return 1
+### I'm not sure about the pattern to use in the following test.
+# It once was:
+#  [[ "$word" = (\~*/|\$(|[=~#^+])[a-zA-Z0-9_\[\]]##[^a-zA-Z0-9_\[\]]|\$\{*\}?)[^\$\{\}\(\)\<\>?^*#~]# ]] &&
+zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:" suffix &&
+  [[ "$word" = (\~*/*|*\$(|[=~#^+])[a-zA-Z0-9_\[\]]##[^a-zA-Z0-9_\[\]]|*\$\{*\}?) &&
+     "${(e)word}" != (#s)(*[^\\]|)[][^*?\(\)\<\>\{\}\|]* ]] &&
+  return 1
+zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" accept-exact tmp ||
+    [[ ! -o recexact ]] || tmp=1
+if [[ "$tmp" != (yes|true|on|1) ]]; then
+  { [[ "$word" = \~(|[-+]) ||
+       ( "$word" = \~[-+][1-9]## && $word[3,-1] -le $#dirstack ) ]] && return 1 }
+  { [[ ( "$word" = \~* && ${#userdirs[(I)${word[2,-1]}*]}+${#nameddirs[(I)${word[2,-1]}*]} -gt 1 ) ||
+       ( "$word" = *\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]## && 
+         ${#parameters[(I)${word##*\$}*]} -ne 1 ) ]] && continue=1 }
+  [[ continue -eq 1 && "$tmp" != continue ]] && return 1
+# In exp we will collect the expansions.
+# First try substitution. That weird thing spanning multiple lines
+# changes quoted spaces, tabs, and newlines into spaces and protects
+# this function from aborting on parse errors in the expansion.
+if [[ "$force" = *s* ]] ||
+   zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:" substitute; then
+###  We once used this:
+###  [[ ! -o ignorebraces && "${#${exp}//[^\{]}" = "${#${exp}//[^\}]}" ]] &&
+###      eval exp\=\( ${${(q)exp}:gs/\\{/\{/:gs/\\}/\}/} \) 2>/dev/null
+###  instead of the following loop to expand braces.  But that made
+###  parameter expressions such as ${foo} be expanded like brace
+###  expansions, too (and with braceccl set...).
+   if [[ ! -o ignorebraces && "${#${exp}//[^\{]}" = "${#${exp}//[^\}]}" ]]; then
+     local otmp
+     tmp=${(q)word}
+     while [[ $#tmp != $#otmp ]]; do
+       otmp=$tmp
+       tmp=${tmp//(#b)\\\$\\\{(([^\{\}]|\\\\{|\\\\})#)([^\\])\\\}/\\$\\\\{${match[1]}${match[3]}\\\\}}
+     done
+     eval exp\=\( ${tmp:gs/\\{/\{/:gs/\\}/\}/} \) 2>/dev/null
+   fi
+###  There's a bug: spaces resulting from brace expansion are quoted in
+###  the following expression, too.  We don't want that, but I have no
+###  idea how to fix it.
+  eval 'exp=( ${${(e)exp//\\[ 	
+]/ }//(#b)([ 	
+])/\\$match[1]} )' 2>/dev/null
+  exp=( ${exp:s/\\\$/\$} )
+# If the array is empty, store the original string again.
+[[ -z "$exp" ]] && exp=("$word")
+# Now try globbing.
+[[ "$force" = *g* ]] || zstyle -T ":completion:${curcontext}:" glob &&
+    eval 'exp=( ${~exp//(#b)\\[ 	
+]/$match[1]} ); exp=( ${(q)exp} )' 2>/dev/null
+### Don't remember why we once used this instead of the (q) above.
+#    eval 'exp=( ${~exp} ); exp=( ${exp//(#b)([][()|*?^#~<>\\=])/\\${match[1]}} )' 2>/dev/null
+# If we don't have any expansions or only one and that is the same
+# as the original string, we let other completers run.
+(( $#exp )) || exp=("$subd[@]")
+[[ $#exp -eq 1 && "${exp[1]//\\}" = "${word//\\}"(|\(N\)) ]] && return 1
+# With subst-globs-only we bail out if there were no glob expansions,
+# regardless of any substitutions
+{ [[ "$force" = *o* ]] ||
+  zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:" subst-globs-only } &&
+  [[ "$subd" = "$exp"(|\(N\)) ]] &&  return 1
+zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" keep-prefix tmp || tmp=changed
+if [[ "$word" = (\~*/*|*\$*/*) && "$tmp" = (yes|true|on|1|changed) ]]; then
+  if [[ "$word" = *\$* ]]; then
+    opre="${(M)word##*\$[^/]##/}"
+  else
+    opre="${word%%/*}"
+  fi
+  eval 'epre=( ${(e)~opre} )' 2> /dev/null
+  if [[ -n "$epre" && $#epre -eq 1 ]]; then
+    pre="${(q)epre[1]}"
+    [[ ( "$tmp" != changed || $#exp -gt 1 ||
+       "${opre}${exp[1]#${pre}}" != "$word" ) && "${exp[1]}" = $pre* ]] &&
+       exp=( ${opre}${^exp#${pre}} )
+  fi
+  [[ $#exp -eq 1 && "$exp[1]" = "$word" ]] && return 1
+# Now add as matches whatever the user requested.
+zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" sort sort
+[[ "$sort" = (yes|true|1|on) ]] && exp=( "${(@o)exp}" )
+if zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" add-space tmp; then
+  if [[ "$tmp" != *subst* || "$word" != *\$* || "$exp[1]" = *\$* ]]; then
+    [[ "$tmp" = *file* ]] && asp=file
+    [[ "$tmp" = *(yes|true|1|on|subst)* ]] && asp="yes$asp"
+  fi
+  asp=file
+# If there is only one expansion, add a suitable suffix
+if (( $#exp == 1 )); then
+  if [[ -d ${exp[1]/${opre}/${pre}} && "$exp[1]" != */ ]]; then
+    suf=/
+  elif [[ "$asp" = yes* ||
+          ( "$asp" = *file && -f "${exp[1]/${opre}/${pre}}" ) ]]; then
+    suf=' '
+  else
+    suf=
+  fi
+if [[ -z "$compstate[insert]" ]] ;then
+  if [[ "$sort" = menu ]]; then
+    _description expansions expl expansions "o:$word"
+  else
+    _description -V expansions expl expansions "o:$word"
+  fi
+  compadd "$expl[@]" -UQ -qS "$suf" -a exp
+  _tags all-expansions expansions original
+  if [[ $#exp -gt 1 ]] && _requested expansions; then
+    local i j normal space dir
+    if [[ "$sort" = menu ]]; then
+      _description expansions expl expansions "o:$word"
+    else
+      _description -V expansions expl expansions "o:$word"
+    fi
+    normal=()
+    space=()
+    dir=()
+    for i in "$exp[@]"; do
+      j="${i/${opre}/${pre}}"
+      if [[ -d "$j" && "$i" != */ ]]; then
+        dir=( "$dir[@]" "$i" )
+      elif [[ "$asp" = yes* || ( "$asp" = *file && -f "$j" ) ]]; then
+        space=( "$space[@]" "$i" )
+      else
+	normal=( "$normal[@]" "$i" )
+      fi
+    done
+    (( $#dir ))    && compadd "$expl[@]" -UQ -qS/ -a dir
+    (( $#space ))  && compadd "$expl[@]" -UQ -qS " " -a space
+    (( $#normal )) && compadd "$expl[@]" -UQ -qS "" -a normal
+  fi
+  if _requested all-expansions expl 'all expansions'; then
+    local disp dstr
+    if [[ "${#${exp}}" -ge COLUMNS ]]; then
+      disp=( -ld dstr )
+      dstr=( "${(r:COLUMNS-5:)exp} ..." )
+    else
+      disp=()
+    fi
+    [[ -o multios ]] && exp=($exp[1] $compstate[redirect]${^exp[2,-1]})
+    compadd "$disp[@]" "$expl[@]" -UQ -qS "$suf" - "$exp"
+  fi
+  _requested original expl original && compadd "$expl[@]" -UQ - "$word"
+  compstate[insert]=menu
+return continue
diff --git a/Completion/Linux/Command/_valgrind b/Completion/Linux/Command/_valgrind
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18778c5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Linux/Command/_valgrind
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#compdef valgrind -value-,VALGRIND_OPTS,-default-
+local curcontext="$curcontext" state line common cmd
+local -a args args_{memcheck,addrcheck,cachegrind,helgrind,massif}
+  '1:command name:_command_names -e'
+  '*::args :_normal'
+if [[ $service = *_OPTS* ]]; then
+  compset -q
+  words=( fake "$words[@]" )
+  (( CURRENT++ ))
+  cmd=()
+  '--sloppy-malloc=-[round malloc sizes to multiple of 4]:enable:(yes no)'
+  '--alignment=-[set minimum alignment of allocations]:number'
+  $common
+  '--partial-loads-ok=-:enable:(yes no)'
+  '--freelist-vol=-[volume of freed blocks queue]:blocks'
+  '--leak-check=-[search for memory leaks at exit]:enable:(yes no)'
+  '--leak-resolution=-[how much bt merging in leak check]:(low med high)'
+  '--show-reachable=-[show reachable blocks in leak check]:enable:(yes no)'
+  '--workaround-gcc296-bugs=-:enable:(yes no)'
+  $args_addrcheck
+  '--avoid-strlen-errors=-[suppress errs from inlined strlen]:enable:(yes no)'
+  '--I1=-[set I1 cache manually]:size,assoc,line_size'
+  '--D1=-[set D1 cache manually]:size,assoc,line_size'
+  '--L2=-[set L2 cache manually]:size,assoc,line_size'
+  $common
+  '--private-stacks=-[assume thread stacks are used privately]:enable:(yes no)'
+  '--show-last-access=-[show location of last word access on error]:locations:(no some all)'
+  $common
+  '--heap=-[profile heap blocks]:enable:(yes no)'
+  '--heap-admin=-[specify average admin bytes per heap block]:bytes'
+  '--stacks=-[enable profile stacks]:enable:(yes no)'
+  '--depth=-[depth of contexts]:depth'
+  '--alloc-fn=-[specify alloc function]:function'
+  '--format=-[specify format of textual output]:format:(text html)'
+_arguments -C ${(P)args} $cmd \
+  '(--tool --skin)'{--tool,--skin}'=-[specify valgrind tool]:valgrind tool:->tools' \
+  '(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[show help information]' \
+  '--help-debug[show help info including debugging options]' \
+  '--version[show version]' \
+  '(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[run silently; only print error msgs]' \
+  '(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[be more verbose]' \
+  '--trace-children=-[valgrind-ise child processes]:enable:(yes no)' \
+  '--track-fds=-[track open file descriptors]:enable:(yes no)' \
+  '--time-stamp=-[add timestamps to log messages]:enable:(yes no)' \
+  '--run-libc-freeres=-[free up glibc memory at exit]:enable:(yes no)' \
+  '--weird-hacks=-[enable hack]:hack:(lax-ioctls)' \
+  '--signal-polltime=-[signal poll period (ms)]:period' \
+  '--lowlat-signals=-[improve thread signal wake-up latency]:enable:(yes no)' \
+  '--lowlat-syscalls=-[improve thread syscall wake-up latency]:enable:(yes no)' \
+  '--pointercheck=-[enforce client address space limits]:enable:(yes no)' \
+  '--log-fd=-[log messages to specified file descriptor]:file descriptor:_file_descriptors' \
+  '--log-file=-[log messages to specified file]:file:_files' \
+  '--log-socket=-[log messages to socket]:ipaddr\:port' \
+  '--demangle=-[automatically demangle C++ names]:enable:(yes no)' \
+  '--num-callers=-[specify no of callers to show in stack traces]:number' \
+  '--error-limit=-[stop showing new errors if too many]:enable:(yes no)' \
+  '--show-below-main=-[continue stack traces below main()]:enable:(yes no)' \
+  '--suppressions=-[suppress errors described in specified file]:file:_files' \
+  '--gen-suppressions=-[print suppressions for errors detected]:enable:(yes no)' \
+  '--db-attach=-[start debugger when errors detected]:enable:(yes no)' \
+  '--db-command=-[specify command to start debugger]:command:_command_names -e' \
+  '--input-fd=-[specify file descriptor for input]:file descriptor:_file_descriptors' && return
+if [[ -n "$state" ]]; then
+  _wanted tools exl 'valgrind tool' compadd ${=${${(f)"$(_call_program \
+      tools valgrind --tool= 2>&1)"}[(r)Available*,-1]}[2,-1]} && return
+return 1
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/.distfiles b/Completion/Unix/Command/.distfiles
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8d93beed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/.distfiles
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+_a2ps         _bittorrent   _darcs
+_dvi          _gzip         _man          _rcs          _w3m
+_apachectl    _enscript     _iconv        _mh           _rlogin       _webbrowser
+_cdrecord     _fakeroot     _imagemagick  _mount        _sh           _wget
+_arp          _fetchmail    _init_d       _mutt         _slrn         _whereis
+_bison        _find         _ispell       _mysql_utils  _socket       _whois
+_bzip2        _finger       _java         _ncftp        _ssh          _xargs
+_chown        _flex         _joe          _nslookup     _strip        _yodl
+_compress     _gcc          _killall      _pack         _stty         _yp
+_configure    _gdb          _look         _patch        _su           _zcat
+_cpio         _getconf      _lp           _pbm          _sudo         _zdump
+_cvs          _gnu_generic  _ls           _perl         _tar          _zip
+_dd           _gprof        _lynx         _perldoc      _telnet       _pine
+_dict         _grep         _lzop         _prcs         _tiff         _elm
+_diff         _gs           _make         _psutils      _tin	      _mail
+_last         _loadkeys     _ruby         _sysctl       _links        _samba
+_user_admin   _rsync        _arping	  _spamassassin _mtools       _ifconfig
+_fsh          _chkconfig    _cdcd         _irssi        _mysqldiff    _sccs
+_aap          _ant          _antiword     _apm          _attr
+_baz          _bogofilter
+_cal          _chmod        _du           _ecasound     _elinks       _figlet
+_getent       _global       _gpg          _gphoto2      _less         _lsof
+_mencal       _mt           _mtr          _netcat       _nice         _nmap
+_perforce     _php          _postfix      _printenv     _python
+_raggle       _rar	    _renice
+_sablotron    _screen       _sed          _subversion
+_texinfo      _tla          _tidy
+_unace        _uniq         _vorbis       _vux          _wiggle       _xmlsoft
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_ant b/Completion/Unix/Command/_ant
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ef0e733d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_ant
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#compdef ant -value-,ANT_ARGS,-default-
+typeset -A opt_args
+local buildfile tmp state line curcontext="$curcontext" ret=1
+local targets importedfiles
+local c target='*:target:->target'
+c=( $ANT_HOME/lib/*.jar )
+if [[ $service = *ANT_ARGS* ]]; then
+  compset -q
+  words=( fake "$words[@]" )
+  (( CURRENT++ ))
+  unset target
+_arguments -C \
+  '-help[display usage information]' \
+  '-projecthelp[print project help information]' \
+  '-version[display version information]' \
+  '-diagnostics[display info useful to problem diagnosis]' \
+  '(-q -quiet)'{-q,-quiet}'[be extra quiet]' \
+  '(-v -verbose)'{-v,-verbose}'[be more verbose]' \
+  '-debug[print debugging information]' \
+  '-emacs[produce logging information without adornments]' \
+  '(-l -logfile)'{-l,-logfile}'[use specified file for log]:logfile:_files' \
+  '-logger[the class which is to perform logging]:classname:_java_class -cp ${(j.:.)c}' \
+  '*-listener[add an instance of class as a project listener]:classname:_java_class -cp ${(j.:.)c}' \
+  '(-f -file -buildfile -find)'{-f,-file,-buildfile}'[use specified build file]:build file:_files' \
+  '*-D[specify property with value to use]:property:->property' \
+  '-propertyfile[load properties from specified file]:property file:_files' \
+  '-inputhandler[specify class which will handle input requests]:class:_java_class -cp ${(j.\:.)c}' \
+  '(-f -file -buildfile)-find[search for build file towards the root of filesystem]:build file:(build.xml)' \
+  $target && ret=0
+case $state in
+  property)
+    if compset -P '*='; then
+      _default
+    else
+      _message -e properties 'property name'
+    fi
+  ;;
+  target)
+    if zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:targets" call-command; then
+      # Run ant -projecthelp also passing any of -find, -buildfile or -f options.
+      # Parse output into an array of the format "target:description".
+      # For the array to be set with correct argument boundaries, the entire
+      # set statement needs to be eval'd.  On Cygwin, need to kill \r's output
+      # from Java or parsing will fail.
+      eval set -A tmp "${$(_call_program targets "$words[1]" $buildxml -projecthelp |
+	while read target desc
+	do
+          # This loop reads ant -projecthelp output from versions 1.3 to 1.5
+          ln="${target}${desc:+:$desc}"
+          [[ $target = "" ]] && continue  # skip blank lines
+          case $ln in
+              (Buildfile:*)
+                  buildfile=$desc
+              ;;
+              (Default:target:*)
+                  # with version 1.5, target is on the same line
+                  default_target="${${desc/target:/}# }"
+                  # versions 1.3 and 1.4 with default target on a separate line
+                  if [[ -z $default_target ]]; then
+                      read junk
+                      read default_target junk
+                  fi
+                  # Output target again indicating its the default one.
+                  print -n "'${default_target}:(Default target) ' "
+              ;;
+              (Searching:*|Main:targets:|Subtargets:|BUILD:SUCCESSFUL|Total:time:
+	      *)
+              ;;
+              (*)
+                  # Return target and description
+                  print -n "'$ln' "
+              ;;
+          esac
+	done
+      )//$'\015'}"
+      _describe 'target' tmp && ret=0
+    else
+      if [[ -n $opt_args[-find] ]]; then
+	buildfile=( (../)#${opt_args[-find]:-build.xml}(N[-1]) )
+      else
+	buildfile=${(v)opt_args[(I)(-f|-file|-buildfile)]:-build.xml}
+      fi
+      if [[ -f $buildfile ]]; then
+        importedfiles=( $(sed -n "s/ *<import[^>]* file=[\"']\([^\"']*\)[\"'].*/\1/p" < $buildfile) )
+        targets=( $(sed -n "s/ *<target[^>]* name=[\"']\([^\"']*\)[\"'].*/\1/p" $buildfile) )
+        (( $#importedfiles )) && targets+=( $(cd $buildfile:h;
+	    sed -n "s/ *<target[^>]* name=[\"']\([^\"']*\)[\"'].*/\1/p" $importedfiles) )
+	_wanted targets expl target compadd -a targets && ret=0
+      else
+	_message -e targets target
+      fi
+    fi
+  ;;
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_iconv b/Completion/Unix/Command/_iconv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92fa17e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_iconv
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#compdef iconv
+local expl curcontext="$curcontext" state line ret=1
+local LOCPATH="${LOCPATH:-/usr/lib/nls/loc}"
+local -U codeset
+if _pick_variant gnu=GNU unix --version; then
+  local exargs="--list -? --help --usage --version -V"
+  _arguments -C -S -s \
+    "(-f --from-code $exargs)"{-f+,--from-code=}'[specify code set of input file]:code set:->codeset' \
+    "(-t --to-code $exargs)"{-t+,--to-code=}'[specify code set for output]:code set:->codeset' \
+    '(- 1)--list[list all character code sets]' \
+    "($exargs)-c[omit invalid characters from output]" \
+    "(-o --output $exargs)"{-o+,--output=}'[specify output file]:output file:_files' \
+    "(-s --silent --verbose $exargs)"{-s,--silent}'[suppress warnings]' \
+    "(-s --silent $exargs)--verbose[print progress information]" \
+    '(-)'{-\?,--help}'[display help information]' \
+    '(-)--usage[display a short usage message]' \
+    '(-)'{-V,--version}'[print program version]' \
+    '1:input file:_files' && return 0
+  if [[ $state = codeset ]]; then
+    if compset -P '*/'; then
+      _wanted option expl option compadd "$@" /TRANSLIT && ret=0
+    else
+      _wanted codesets expl 'code set' compadd "$@" \
+	  -M 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z} r:|-=* r:|=*' \
+	  ${${${(f)"$(_call_program codesets iconv --list|sed -n '/^$/,$ p')"}## #}%//} && ret=0
+    fi
+  fi
+  return ret
+  _arguments -C \
+    '-f[specify code set of input file]:code set:->codeset' \
+    '-t[specify code set for output]:code set:->codeset' \
+    '1:file:_files' && return 0
+  if [[ $state = codeset ]]; then
+    if [[ -f /usr/lib/iconv/iconv_data ]]; then  # IRIX & Solaris
+      codeset=( ${${(f)"$(</usr/lib/iconv/iconv_data)"}%%[[:blank:]]*} )
+      codeset+=( /usr/lib/iconv/*%*.so(Ne.'reply=( ${${REPLY:t}%%%*} ${${REPLY:r}#*%} )'.) )
+    elif [[ -d $LOCPATH/iconv ]]; then  # OSF
+      codeset=( $LOCPATH/iconv/*(N:t) )
+      codeset=( ${(j:_:s:_:)codeset} )
+    else
+      return 1
+    fi
+    _wanted codesets expl 'code set' compadd "$@" -a codeset
+  fi
diff --git a/Completion/Unix/Command/_unace b/Completion/Unix/Command/_unace
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8226ec28a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Unix/Command/_unace
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#compdef unace
+_arguments -S \
+  '-c[show comments]' \
+  '-f[full path matching]' \
+  '-o[overwrite files]' \
+  '-p+[specify password]:password' \
+  '-y[assume yes on all queries]' \
+  '-x+[specify files to exclude]:files' \
+  '-h[print help information]' \
+  '1:unace command:((
+    e\:extract\ files
+    l\:list\ archive
+    t\:test\ archive\ integrity
+    v\:list\ archive\ \(verbose\)
+    x\:extract\ files\ with\ full\ path
+  ))' \
+  '*:files:_files -g "*.ace(-.)"'
diff --git a/Src/utils.c b/Src/utils.c
index f62d0a766..aa165b7f5 100644
--- a/Src/utils.c
+++ b/Src/utils.c
@@ -3455,6 +3455,7 @@ dquotedzputs(char const *s, FILE *stream)
 # if defined(HAVE_NL_LANGINFO) && defined(CODESET) && !defined(__STDC_ISO_10646__)
 /* Convert a character from UCS4 encoding to UTF-8 */
 ucs4toutf8(char *dest, unsigned int wval)
@@ -3479,7 +3480,7 @@ ucs4toutf8(char *dest, unsigned int wval)
     case 4: dest[3] = (wval & 0x3f) | 0x80; wval >>= 6;
     case 3: dest[2] = (wval & 0x3f) | 0x80; wval >>= 6;
     case 2: dest[1] = (wval & 0x3f) | 0x80; wval >>= 6;
-	*dest = wval | (0xfc << (6 - len)) & 0xfc;
+	*dest = wval | ((0xfc << (6 - len)) & 0xfc);
     case 1: *dest = wval;
@@ -3521,11 +3522,10 @@ getkeystring(char *s, int *len, int fromwhere, int *misc)
     size_t count;
     unsigned int wval;
-# if defined(HAVE_NL_LANGINFO) && defined(CODESET) && (defined(HAVE_ICONV_H) || defined(HAVE_ICONV) || defined(HAVE_LIBICONV))
+# if defined(HAVE_NL_LANGINFO) && defined(CODESET) && defined(HAVE_ICONV)
     iconv_t cd;
     char inbuf[4];
     size_t inbytes, outbytes;
-    char *inptr;
     size_t count;
 # endif
@@ -3642,17 +3642,17 @@ getkeystring(char *s, int *len, int fromwhere, int *misc)
 		    t += ucs4toutf8(t, wval);
 		} else {
-#   if defined(HAVE_ICONV_H) || defined(HAVE_ICONV) || defined(HAVE_LIBICONV)
+#   ifdef HAVE_ICONV
+		    ICONV_CONST char *inptr = inbuf;
     	    	    inbytes = 4;
 		    outbytes = 6;
-    	    	    inptr = inbuf;
-		    /* assume big endian convention for UCS-4 */
+		    /* store value in big endian form */
 		    for (i=3;i>=0;i--) {
 			inbuf[i] = wval & 0xff;
 			wval >>= 8;
-    	    	    cd = iconv_open(nl_langinfo(CODESET), "ISO-10646");
+    	    	    cd = iconv_open(nl_langinfo(CODESET), "UCS-4BE");
 		    if (cd == (iconv_t)-1) {
 			zerr("cannot do charset conversion", NULL, 0);
 			if (fromwhere == 4) {
@@ -3663,10 +3663,10 @@ getkeystring(char *s, int *len, int fromwhere, int *misc)
 			*len = t - buf;
 			return buf;
-                    count = iconv(cd, (char **)&inptr, &inbytes, &t, &outbytes);
+                    count = iconv(cd, &inptr, &inbytes, &t, &outbytes);
 		    if (count == (size_t)-1) {
-                        zerr("cannot do charset conversion", NULL, 0);
+                        zerr("character not in range", NULL, 0);
 		        *t = '\0';
 			*len = t - buf;
 			return buf;
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 96bcd2dad..f79a5592d 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -727,13 +727,45 @@ fi
 AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, socket)
-AC_CHECK_LIB(iconv, iconv)
+dnl ---------------
+dnl ---------------
-case "$host_os" in
-  cygwin | darwin*)
-    dnl cygwin iconv() is really libiconv()
-    AC_CHECK_LIB(iconv, libiconv) ;;
+dnl Find iconv. It may be in libiconv and may be iconv() or libiconv()
+if test "x$ac_cv_header_iconv_h" = "xyes"; then
+  AC_CHECK_FUNC(iconv, ac_found_iconv=yes, ac_found_iconv=no)
+  if test "x$ac_found_iconv" = "xno"; then
+    AC_CHECK_LIB(iconv, iconv, ac_found_iconv=yes)
+    if test "x$ac_found_iconv" = "xno"; then
+      AC_CHECK_LIB(iconv, libiconv, ac_found_iconv=yes)
+    fi
+    if test "x$ac_found_iconv" != "xno"; then
+      LIBS="-liconv $LIBS"
+    fi
+  fi
+if test "x$ac_found_iconv" = xyes; then
+  AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ICONV, 1, [Define if you have the iconv() function.])
+dnl Check if iconv uses const in prototype declaration
+if test "x$ac_found_iconv" = "xyes"; then
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK(for iconv declaration, ac_cv_iconv_const,
+    [AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include <stdlib.h>
+        #include <iconv.h>]],
+        [[#ifdef __cplusplus
+          "C"
+          #endif
+          #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
+          size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);
+          #else
+          size_t iconv();
+          #endif]])],
+      [ac_cv_iconv_const=],
+      [ac_cv_iconv_const=const])])
+  AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([ICONV_CONST], $ac_cv_iconv_const,
+    [Define as const if the declaration of iconv() needs const.])
 if test x$enable_pcre = xyes; then
 dnl pcre-config should probably be employed here