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authorOliver Kiddle <opk@users.sourceforge.net>2003-01-30 15:19:07 +0000
committerOliver Kiddle <opk@users.sourceforge.net>2003-01-30 15:19:07 +0000
commitc53cbd300df75cb140fc3790fba91c3da4e78527 (patch)
parent8df030872c95122d58d83ffc16bf5e9290a6ff3b (diff)
18153: new function for emulating bash's programmable completion system
4 files changed, 195 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 82106e411..37a81aa12 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2003-01-29  Oliver Kiddle  <opk@zsh.org>
+	* 18149, 18153, 18156: Completion/bashcompinit, Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo:
+	new function for emulating bash's programmable completion system
 2003-01-27  Oliver Kiddle  <opk@zsh.org>
 	* Doug Kearns: 18141: Completion/Unix/Command/_elinks:
diff --git a/Completion/.distfiles b/Completion/.distfiles
index f1e1c87b3..65ab759c1 100644
--- a/Completion/.distfiles
+++ b/Completion/.distfiles
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
-    .cvsignore .distfiles README Makefile.in
+.cvsignore   README       compaudit    compdump     compinit     compinstall
diff --git a/Completion/bashcompinit b/Completion/bashcompinit
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32901e1f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/bashcompinit
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+_bash_complete() {
+  local ret=1
+  local -a suf matches
+  local COMP_LINE="$words"
+  local -A savejobstates savejobtexts
+  set -- $=_bash_comps[$service]
+  (( COMP_POINT = 1 + ${#${(j. .)words[1,CURRENT-1]}} + $#QIPREFIX + $#IPREFIX + $#PREFIX ))
+  (( COMP_CWORD = CURRENT - 1))
+  COMP_WORDS=( $words )
+  BASH_VERSINFO=( 2 05b 0 1 release )
+  savejobstates=( ${(kv)jobstates} )
+  savejobtexts=( ${(kv)jobtexts} )
+  [[ ${argv[${argv[(I)nospace]:-0}-1]} = -o ]] && suf=( -S '' )
+  matches=( ${(f)"$(compgen $@)"} )
+  if [[ -n $matches ]]; then
+    if [[ ${argv[${argv[(I)filenames]:-0}-1]} = -o ]]; then
+      compset -P '*/' && matches=( ${matches##*/} )
+      compset -S '/*' && matches=( ${matches%%/*} )
+      compadd -f "${suf[@]}" -a matches && ret=0
+    else
+      compadd "${suf[@]}" -a matches && ret=0
+    fi
+  fi
+  if (( ret )); then
+    if [[ ${argv[${argv[(I)default]:-0}-1]} = -o ]]; then
+      _default "${suf[@]}" && ret=0
+    elif [[ ${argv[${argv[(I)dirnames]:-0}-1]} = -o ]]; then
+      _directories "${suf[@]}" && ret=0
+    fi
+  fi
+  return ret
+compgen() {
+  local opts prefix suffix job OPTARG OPTIND ret=1 
+  local -a name res results jids
+  local -A shortopts
+  emulate -L sh
+  setopt kshglob noshglob braceexpand nokshautoload
+  shortopts=(
+    a alias b builtin c command d directory e export f file
+    g group j job k keyword u user v variable
+  )
+  while getopts "o:A:G:C:F:P:S:W:X:abcdefgjkuv" name; do
+    case $name in
+      [abcdefgjkuv]) OPTARG="${shortopts[$name]}" ;&
+      A)
+        case $OPTARG in
+	  alias) results=( "${results[@]}" "${(k)aliases[@]}" ) ;;
+	  arrayvar) results=( "${results[@]}" "${(k@)parameters[(R)array*]}" ) ;;
+	  binding) results=( "${results[@]}" "${(k)widgets[@]}" ) ;;
+	  builtin) results=( "${results[@]}" "${(k)builtins[@]}" "${(k)dis_builtins[@]}" ) ;;
+	  command)
+	    results=(
+	      "${results[@]}" "${(k)commands[@]}" "${(k)aliases[@]}"
+	      "${(k)builtins[@]}" "${(k)functions[@]}" "${(k)reswords[@]}"
+	    )
+	  ;;
+	  directory)
+	    setopt bareglobqual
+	    results=( "${results[@]}" ${IPREFIX}${PREFIX}*${SUFFIX}${ISUFFIX}(N-/) )
+	    setopt nobareglobqual
+	  ;;
+	  disabled) results=( "${results[@]}" "${(k)dis_builtins[@]}" ) ;;
+	  enabled) results=( "${results[@]}" "${(k)builtins[@]}" ) ;;
+	  export) results=( "${results[@]}" "${(k)parameters[(R)*export*]}" ) ;;
+	  file)
+	    setopt bareglobqual
+	    results=( "${results[@]}" ${IPREFIX}${PREFIX}*${SUFFIX}${ISUFFIX}(N) )
+	    setopt nobareglobqual
+	  ;;
+	  function) results=( "${results[@]}" "${(k)functions[@]}" ) ;;
+	  group)
+	    emulate zsh
+	    _groups -U -O res
+	    emulate sh
+	    setopt kshglob noshglob braceexpand
+	    results=( "${results[@]}" "${res[@]}" )
+	  ;;
+	  hostname)
+	    emulate zsh
+	    _hosts -U -O res
+	    emulate sh
+	    setopt kshglob noshglob braceexpand
+	    results=( "${results[@]}" "${res[@]}" )
+	  ;;
+	  job) results=( "${results[@]}" "${savejobtexts[@]%% *}" );;
+	  keyword) results=( "${results[@]}" "${(k)reswords[@]}" ) ;;
+	  running)
+	    jids=( "${(@k)savejobstates[(R)running*]}" )
+	    for job in "${jids[@]}"; do
+	      results=( "${results[@]}" ${savejobtexts[$job]%% *} )
+	    done
+	  ;;
+	  stopped)
+	    jids=( "${(@k)savejobstates[(R)suspended*]}" )
+	    for job in "${jids[@]}"; do
+	      results=( "${results[@]}" ${savejobtexts[$job]%% *} )
+	    done
+	  ;;
+	  setopt|shopt) results=( "${results[@]}" "${(k)options[@]}" ) ;;
+	  signal) results=( "${results[@]}" "SIG${^signals[@]}" ) ;;
+	  user) results=( "${results[@]}" "${(k)userdirs[@]}" ) ;;
+      	  variable) results=( "${results[@]}" "${(k)parameters[@]}" ) ;;
+	  helptopic) ;;
+	esac
+      ;;
+      F)
+        COMPREPLY=()
+	$OPTARG "${words[0]}" "${words[CURRENT-1]}" "${words[CURRENT-2]}"
+	results=( "${results[@]}" "${COMPREPLY[@]}" )
+      ;;
+      G)
+        setopt nullglob
+        results=( "${results[@]}" ${~OPTARG} )
+	unsetopt nullglob
+      ;;
+      W) eval "results=( "${results[@]}" $OPTARG )" ;;
+      C) results=( "${results[@]}" $(eval $OPTARG) ) ;;
+      P) prefix="$OPTARG" ;;
+      S) suffix="$OPTARG" ;;
+      X)
+        if [[ ${OPTARG[0]} = '!' ]]; then
+	  results=( "${(M)results[@]:#${OPTARG#?}}" )
+	else
+ 	  results=( "${results[@]:#$OPTARG}" )
+	fi
+      ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # support for the last, `word' option to compgen. Zsh's matching does a
+  # better job but if you need to, comment this in and use compadd -U
+  #shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
+  #(( $# )) && results=( "${(M)results[@]:#$1*}" )
+  print -l -- "$prefix${^results[@]}$suffix"
+complete() {
+  emulate -L zsh
+  local args void cmd print remove
+  args=( "$@" )
+  zparseopts -D -a void o: A: G: W: C: F: P: S: X: a b c d e f g j k u v \
+      p=print r=remove
+  if [[ -n $print ]]; then
+    for cmd in ${(k)_bash_comps}; do
+      print "complete ${_bash_comps[$cmd]} $cmd"
+    done
+  elif [[ -n $remove ]]; then
+    for cmd; do
+      unset "_bash_comps[$cmd]"
+    done
+  else
+    for cmd; do
+      _bash_comps[$cmd]="${args[1,-1-$#]}"
+    done
+    compdef _bash_complete "$@"
+  fi
+typeset -gA _bash_comps
+unfunction bashcompinit
+autoload -U bashcompinit
+return 0
diff --git a/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo b/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
index 685690227..ac938a9fb 100644
--- a/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
+++ b/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
@@ -2646,6 +2646,14 @@ tt(COMPLETE_IN_WORD) option is set; otherwise, the cursor will
 be moved to the end of the current word before the completion code is
 called and hence there will be no suffix.
+This function provides compatibility with bash's programmable completion
+system. When run it will define the functions, tt(compgen) and
+tt(complete) which correspond to the bash builtins with the same names. It
+will then be possible to use completion specifications and functions
+written for bash.
 texinode(Bindable Commands)(Completion Functions)(Control Functions)(Completion System)