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authorTanaka Akira <akr@users.sourceforge.net>1999-08-01 14:48:28 +0000
committerTanaka Akira <akr@users.sourceforge.net>1999-08-01 14:48:28 +0000
commit61e68d70da5af5afe943f92cd94a8c96e78348d9 (patch)
parent14810d6df13e0564a606b74e4c4e918e80862e25 (diff)
29 files changed, 717 insertions, 247 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 18e38b19b..8db427571 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,100 @@
+1999-08-01  Peter Stephenson  <pws@ibmth.df.unipi.it>
+	* pws: Config/version.mk: zsh 3.1.6 released.
+1999-07-30  Peter Stephenson  <pws@ibmth.df.unipi.it>
+	* pws, Bart: 7321, 7325: Src/hist.c: NO_BANG_HIST wasn't working
+	  at all, but be careful not to disable too much when it's
+	  in effect.
+	* Tanaka Akira: 7318: Completion/User/_cvs: more improvements
+1999-07-29  Peter Stephenson  <pws@ibmth.df.unipi.it>
+	* pws: 7316: Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo: mention that compctl -M control
+	  is available and fix some typos.
+	* pws: unposted: Doc/Zsh/metafaq.yo: sites in Italy and Poland
+	  (the one in Italy is not `official', but is actively mirroring
+	  ftp.zsh.org anyway).
+	* Felix Rosencrantz: 7311: Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c: matching control
+	  left dangling pointers.
+	* Tanaka Akira: 7312: Completion/User/_cvs: don't quote ignore
+	  patterns.
+1999-07-28  Peter Stephenson  <pws@ibmth.df.unipi.it>
+	* pws: 7308, 7309: Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c: glob patterns were
+	  limited to PATH_MAX and length wasn't tested.
+	* Tanaka Akira: 7307: Completion/User/_cvs: remove parentheses,
+	  complete argument options.
+	* pws: 7305: Doc/Zsh/zftpsys.yo, Functions/Zftp/zfanon,
+	  Functions/Zftp/zfget, Functions/Zftp/zfopen,
+	  Functions/Zftp/zftp_chpwd: use URL-style paths in opening;
+	  zfget -c sends output to stdout; don't delete current directory
+	  information if we haven't really changed directory.
+	* Bart: 7301: Completion/User/_cvs: restored .file completion
+1999-07-27  Peter Stephenson  <pws@ibmth.df.unipi.it>
+	* pws: 7300: Completion/Core/compdump: wasn't ignoring . in fpath,
+	  although compinit was.
+	* pws: 7299: configure.in: don't use gcc -pedantic any more, since
+	  there are too many messages about `long long' and variable-sized
+	  arrays not being available in ISO C.
+	* pws: 7298: Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c: missing dupstring() in
+	  comp_match.
+	* pws: 7297: Completion/Core/_path_files, Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo:
+	  path_keepdir config key required for 7141 to come into effect
+	  due to significant side effects.
+	* Tanaka Akira: 7290, 7292: Completion/User/_cvs: condensed
+	  version of all _cvs completion stuff; completes files if not
+	  under CVS control; use compgen -p to work around problem with
+	  quoted characters.
+	* Andrej: 7827: Etc/Machines: Siemens info
+	* Bart: 7285, applied by hand: Completion/User/_cvs: parameter
+	  fixes, commit bug.
+	* Tanaka Akira: 7284: Completion/Core/compdump: careful when
+	  two shells start at once.
+	* Tanaka Akira: 7282: Completion/User/_cvs,
+	  Completion/User/_cvsaddp, Completion/User/_cvsentries_modified,
+	  Completion/User/_cvsprefix, Completion/User/_cvsremovep,
+	  Completion/User/_cvstargets, Completion/User/_cvstargets_modified:
+	  handle modified files using stat module.
+1999-07-26  Peter Stephenson  <pws@ibmth.df.unipi.it>
+	* Tanaka Akira: 7278: Completion/Base/_complete_opts:
+	  less verbosity
+1999-07-25  Peter Stephenson  <pws@ibmth.df.unipi.it>
+	* Tanaka Akira: 7276, 7277, 7279: Completion/User/{_cvs, _cvsaddp,
+	  _cvsentries, _cvsprefix, _cvsremovep, _cvsrepositories,
+	  _cvsrevisions, _cvstargets, _cvstest}, Misc/compctl-examples:
+	  more modular cvs new completion support including CVS/Entries;
+	  bug fix for old CVS completion.
+	* Bart: 7275: Doc/intro.ms: now works with groff.
+	* Bart: 7274: Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c: don't go beyond end of line
+	* pws: from Bart: Etc/CONTRIBUTORS, Etc/NEWS:  updates for 3.0.6
 1999-07-24  Peter Stephenson  <pws@ibmth.df.unipi.it>
 	* pws: version 3.1.6-test-3
diff --git a/Completion/Base/_complete_opts b/Completion/Base/_complete_opts
index 689e13e22..c27a8869f 100644
--- a/Completion/Base/_complete_opts
+++ b/Completion/Base/_complete_opts
@@ -81,7 +81,9 @@ case "${#no_arg}-${#with_arg}" in
 if [[ -z "$done" ]]; then
-  compadd - -${(k)^option_pairs:gs/://}
+  if (( $+complete_opts_verbose )); then
+    compadd - -${(k)^option_pairs:gs/://}
+  fi
diff --git a/Completion/Core/_path_files b/Completion/Core/_path_files
index 019e3abcf..04f4f1db3 100644
--- a/Completion/Core/_path_files
+++ b/Completion/Core/_path_files
@@ -260,7 +260,14 @@ for prepath in "$prepaths[@]"; do
       # original string in such a case so that the command line doesn't 
       # change but other completers still think there are matches.
-      if [[ -z "$tpre$tsuf" && "$pre" = */ && -z "$suf" ]]; then
+      # Problem:  this seems to stop _files from finding directory
+      # completions if there were no file completions, for
+      # example `_files *(*)' no longer completes subdirectories after
+      # a /.  For now, make this a configuration option, but
+      # probably it needs to be done better.
+      if [[ -n "$compconfig[path_keepdir]" && -z "$tpre$tsuf" &&
+	"$pre" = */ && -z "$suf" ]]; then
         compadd -nQS '' - "$linepath$donepath$orig"
diff --git a/Completion/Core/compdump b/Completion/Core/compdump
index f2729acc5..8f8a3ee77 100644
--- a/Completion/Core/compdump
+++ b/Completion/Core/compdump
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ emulate -L zsh
 typeset _d_file _d_f _d_bks _d_line _d_als
 typeset -U _d_files
-_d_files=( ${^~fpath}/_(|*[^~])(N:t) )
+_d_files=( ${^~fpath:/.}/_(|*[^~])(N:t) )
 print "#files: $#_d_files" > $_d_file
@@ -88,5 +88,7 @@ done >> $_d_file
 print >> $_d_file
+mv $_d_file ${_d_file%.$HOST.$$}
 unfunction compdump
 autoload -U compdump
diff --git a/Completion/User/.distfiles b/Completion/User/.distfiles
index 1491ba653..713be74dc 100644
--- a/Completion/User/.distfiles
+++ b/Completion/User/.distfiles
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-    _a2ps _bzip2 _bunzip2 _chown _compress _configure _cvs _dd _dvi _find
-    _gdb _groups _gunzip _gzip
+    _a2ps _bzip2 _bunzip2 _chown _compress _configure
+    _cvs _dd _dvi _find _gdb _groups _gunzip _gzip
     _hosts _use_lo _make _man _mh _pdf _ps
     _rcs _rlogin _sh _strip _stty _su
     _tar _tar_archive _tex _uncompress _x_options _xfig 
diff --git a/Completion/User/_cvs b/Completion/User/_cvs
index 4e191cecb..811d1c232 100644
--- a/Completion/User/_cvs
+++ b/Completion/User/_cvs
@@ -1,141 +1,333 @@
 #compdef cvs
-setopt localoptions extendedglob
-typeset -A commands
-commands=(add "ad new"            admin "adm rcs"         annotate ann
-          checkout "co get"       commit "ci com"         diff "di dif"
-          edit ""                 editors ""              export "exp ex"
-          history "hi his"        import "im imp"         init ""
-          log "lo rlog"           login "logon lgn"       logout ""
-          rdiff patch             release "re rel"        remove "rm delete"
-          status "st stat"        rtag "rt rfreeze"       tag "ta freeze"
-          unedit ""               update "up upd"         watch ""
-          watchers "")
-local com="${words[(i)(${(j:|:)${(kv)=commands}})]}"
-local showlist='compstate[list]=list; compstate[force_list]=yes'
-local showhint="$showlist ; compstate[insert]=''"
-local complete_D="compadd yesterday week\\ ago month\\ ago"
-local complete_k="compadd kv kvl k o b v"
-local complete_r="compadd -UX 'Enter tag name or rev number' ''; $showhint"
-local complete_m="compadd -UX 'Enter log message' -n ''; $showhint"
-if (( com < CURRENT )); then
-  case "$words[$com]" in
-    add|ad|new) # "+k:m:"
-      _complete_opts k: "$complete_k" m: "$complete_m" || _files
-      ;;
-    admin|adm|rcs) # "+ib::c:a:A:e:l::u::LUn:N:m:o:s:t::IqxV:k:"
-      _complete_opts i '' b:: '' c: '' a: '' A: '' e: '' l:: '' u:: '' L '' U '' n: '' N: '' m: "$complete_m" o: '' s: '' t:: '' I '' q '' x '' V: '' k: "$complete_k" || _files
-      ;;
-    annotate|ann) # "+lr:D:fR"
-      _complete_opts l '' r: '' D: '' f '' R '' || _files
-      ;;
-    checkout|co|get) # "+ANnk:d:flRpQqcsr:D:j:P"
-      _complete_opts A '' N '' n '' k: "$complete_k" d: '' f '' l '' R '' p '' Q '' q '' c '' s '' r: "$complete_r" D: "$complete_D" j: '' P '' || compadd MODULE
-      ;;
-    commit|ci|com) # "+nlRm:fF:r:"
-      _complete_opts n '' l '' R '' m: "$complete_m" f '' F: '' r: "$complete_r" || _files
-      ;;
-    diff|di|dif) # "+abcdefhilnpstuw0123456789BHNRC:D:F:I:L:U:V:W:k:r:"
-      _complete_opts a '' b '' c '' d '' e '' f '' h '' i '' l '' n '' p '' s '' t '' u '' w '' 0 '' 1 '' 2 '' 3 '' 4 '' 5 '' 6 '' 7 '' 8 '' 9 '' B '' H '' N '' R '' C: '' D: "$complete_D" F: '' I: '' L: '' U: '' V: '' W: '' k: "$complete_k" r: "$complete_r" || _files
-      ;;
-    edit) # "+lRa:"
-      _complete_opts l '' R '' a: '' || _files
-      ;;
-    editors) # "+lR"
-      _complete_opts l '' R '' || _files
-      ;;
-    export|exp|ex) # "+ANnk:d:flRpQqcsr:D:j:P"
-      _complete_opts A '' N '' n '' k: "$complete_k" d: '' f '' l '' R '' p '' Q '' q '' c '' s '' r: "$complete_r" D: "$complete_D" j: '' P '' || compadd MODULE
-      ;;
-    history|hi|his) # "+Tacelow?D:b:f:m:n:p:r:t:u:x:X:z:"
-      _complete_opts T '' a '' c '' e '' l '' o '' w '' \? '' D: "$complete_D" b: '' f: '' m: "$complete_m" n: '' p: '' r: '' t: '' u: '' x: '' X: '' z: '' || _files
-      ;;
-    import|im|imp) # "+Qqdb:m:I:k:W:"
-      _complete_opts Q '' q '' d '' b: '' m: "$complete_m" I: '' k: "$complete_k" W: '' || case $[CURRENT-com] in
-	1) if [[ "${+CVSROOT}" == 1 && "$CVSROOT" != :* ]]; then
-	     compgen -X "Enter repository name" -W "$CVSROOT" -g '*~*CVSROOT(/)' -s ''
-	   else
-	     compadd -UX "Enter repository name" -n '' && eval "$showhint"
-	   fi
-	   ;;
-	2) compadd -UX "Enter vendor tag name" -n '' && eval "$showhint";;
-	3) compadd -UX "Enter release tag name" -n '' && eval "$showhint";;
-	*) compadd -UX "No futher arguments used" -n '' && eval "$showhint";;
-	esac
-      ;;
-    init)
-      break
-      ;;
-    login|logon|lgn|logout)
-      _complete_opts || _files
-      ;;
-    rdiff|patch|pa) # "+V:k:cuftsQqlRD:r:"
-      _complete_opts V: '' k: "$complete_k" c '' u '' f '' t '' s '' Q '' q '' l '' R '' D: "$complete_D" r: "$complete_r" || _files
-      ;;
-    release|re|rel) # "+Qdq"
-      _complete_opts Q '' d '' q '' || _files -/
-      ;;
-    remove|rm|delete) # "+flR"
-      _complete_opts f '' l '' R '' || _files
-      ;;
-    status|st|stat) # "+vlR"
-      _complete_opts v '' l '' R '' || _files
-      ;;
-    tag|ta|freeze) # "+FQqlRcdr:D:bf"
-      _complete_opts F '' Q '' q '' l '' R '' c '' d '' r: "$complete_r" D: "$complete_D" b '' f '' || _files
-      ;;
-    unedit) # "+lR"
-      _complete_opts l '' R '' || _files
-      ;;
-    update|up|upd) # "+ApPflRQqduk:r:D:j:I:W:"
-      _complete_opts A '' p '' P '' f '' l '' R '' Q '' q '' d '' u '' k: "$complete_k" r: "$complete_r" D: "$complete_D" j: '' I: '' W: '' || _files
-      ;;
-    watch)
-      if (( CURRENT == com + 1 )); then
-        compadd on off add remove
-      else
-        case "$words[com+1]" in
-          on|off) # "+lR"
-            _complete_opts l '' R '' || _files
-            ;;
-          add|remove) # "+lRa:"
-            _complete_opts l '' R '' a: '' || _files
-            ;;
-        esac
-      fi
-      ;;
-    watchers) # "+lR"
-      _complete_opts l '' R '' || _files
-      ;;
-    *) _files;;
-  esac
-  return
+_cvs () {
+  setopt localoptions extendedglob
+  typeset -A commands
+  commands=(add "ad new"            admin "adm rcs"         annotate ann
+	    checkout "co get"       commit "ci com"         diff "di dif"
+	    edit ""                 editors ""              export "exp ex"
+	    history "hi his"        import "im imp"         init ""
+	    log "lo rlog"           login "logon lgn"       logout ""
+	    rdiff patch             release "re rel"        remove "rm delete"
+	    status "st stat"        rtag "rt rfreeze"       tag "ta freeze"
+	    unedit ""               update "up upd"         watch ""
+	    watchers "")
+  local com="${words[(i)(${(j:|:)${(kv)=commands}})]}"
+  local showlist='compstate[list]=list; compstate[force_list]=yes'
+  local showhint="$showlist ; compstate[insert]=''"
+  local complete_D="compadd today yesterday week\\ ago month\\ ago"
+  local complete_k="compadd kv kvl k o b v"
+  local complete_r="_cvsrevisions"
+  local complete_m="compadd -UX 'Enter log message' -n ''; $showhint"
+  if (( com < CURRENT )); then
+    case "$words[$com]" in
+      add|ad|new) # "+k:m:"
+	_complete_opts k: "$complete_k" m: "$complete_m" || _cvsaddp
+	;;
+      admin|adm|rcs) # "+ib::c:a:A:e:l::u::LUn:N:m:o:s:t::IqxV:k:"
+	_complete_opts i '' b:: '' c: '' a: '' A: '' e: '' l:: '' u:: '' L '' \
+	  U '' n: '' N: '' m: "$complete_m" o: '' s: '' t:: '' I '' q '' x '' \
+	    V: '' k: "$complete_k" ||
+	_cvstargets
+	;;
+      annotate|ann) # "+lr:D:fR"
+	_complete_opts l '' r: "$complete_r" D: "$complete_D" f '' R '' ||
+	_cvstargets
+	;;
+      checkout|co|get) # "+ANnk:d:flRpQqcsr:D:j:P"
+	_complete_opts A '' N '' n '' k: "$complete_k" d: '_files -/' f '' \
+	  l '' R '' p '' Q '' q '' c '' s '' r: "$complete_r" D: "$complete_D" \
+	  j: "$complete_r" P '' ||
+	_cvsrepositories
+	;;
+      commit|ci|com) # "+nlRm:fF:r:"
+	_complete_opts n '' l '' R '' m: "$complete_m" f '' F: _files \
+	  r: "$complete_r" ||
+	_cvstargets_modified
+	;;
+      diff|di|dif) # "+abcdefhilnpstuw0123456789BHNRC:D:F:I:L:U:V:W:k:r:"
+	_complete_opts a '' b '' c '' d '' e '' f '' h '' i '' l '' n '' p '' \
+	  s '' t '' u '' w '' 0 '' 1 '' 2 '' 3 '' 4 '' 5 '' 6 '' 7 '' 8 '' \
+	  9 '' B '' H '' N '' R '' C: '' D: "$complete_D" F: '' I: '' L: '' \
+	  U: '' V: '' W: '' k: "$complete_k" r: "$complete_r" ||
+	_cvstargets_modified || _cvstargets
+	;;
+      edit) # "+lRa:"
+	_complete_opts l '' R '' a: 'compadd edit unedit commit all none' ||
+	_cvstargets
+	;;
+      editors) # "+lR"
+	_complete_opts l '' R '' || _cvstargets
+	;;
+      export|exp|ex) # "+Nnk:d:flRQqr:D:"
+	_complete_opts N '' n '' k: "$complete_k" d: '_files -/' f '' l '' \
+	  R '' Q '' q '' r: "$complete_r" D: "$complete_D" ||
+	_cvsrepositories
+	;;
+      history|hi|his) # "+Tacelow?D:b:f:m:n:p:r:t:u:x:X:z:"
+	_complete_opts T '' a '' c '' e '' l '' o '' w '' \? '' \
+	  D: "$complete_D" b: '' f: '' m: "$complete_m" n: '' p: '' r: '' \
+	  t: '' u: '' x: '' X: '' z: '' ||
+	_cvstargets
+	;;
+      import|im|imp) # "+Qqdb:m:I:k:W:"
+	_complete_opts Q '' q '' d '' b: '' m: "$complete_m" I: _files \
+	  k: "$complete_k" W: '' ||
+	case $[CURRENT-com] in
+	  1) _cvsrepositories;;
+	  2) compadd -UX "Enter vendor tag name" -n '' && eval "$showhint";;
+	  3) compadd -UX "Enter release tag name" -n '' && eval "$showhint";;
+	  *) compadd -UX "No futher arguments used" -n '' && eval "$showhint";;
+	  esac
+	;;
+      init)
+	break
+	;;
+      login|logon|lgn|logout)
+	_complete_opts || _files
+	;;
+      rdiff|patch|pa) # "+V:k:cuftsQqlRD:r:"
+	_complete_opts V: '' k: "$complete_k" c '' u '' f '' t '' s '' Q '' \
+	  q '' l '' R '' D: "$complete_D" r: "$complete_r" ||
+	_cvstargets
+	;;
+      release|re|rel) # "+Qdq"
+	_complete_opts Q '' d '' q '' || _files -/
+	;;
+      remove|rm|delete) # "+flR"
+	_complete_opts f '' l '' R '' || _cvsremovep
+	;;
+      status|st|stat) # "+vlR"
+	_complete_opts v '' l '' R '' || _cvstargets
+	;;
+      tag|ta|freeze) # "+FQqlRcdr:D:bf"
+	_complete_opts F '' Q '' q '' l '' R '' c '' d '' r: "$complete_r" \
+	  D: "$complete_D" b '' f '' ||
+	_cvstargets
+	;;
+      unedit) # "+lR"
+	_complete_opts l '' R '' || _cvstargets
+	;;
+      update|up|upd) # "+ApPflRQqduk:r:D:j:I:W:"
+	_complete_opts A '' p '' P '' f '' l '' R '' Q '' q '' d '' u '' \
+	  k: "$complete_k" r: "$complete_r" D: "$complete_D" j: "$complete_r" \
+	  I: '' W: '' ||
+	_cvstargets
+	;;
+      watch)
+	if (( CURRENT == com + 1 )); then
+	  compadd on off add remove
+	else
+	  case "$words[com+1]" in
+	    on|off) # "+lR"
+	      _complete_opts l '' R '' || _cvstargets
+	      ;;
+	    add|remove) # "+lRa:"
+	      _complete_opts l '' R '' \
+	        a: 'compadd edit unedit commit all none' || \
+	      _cvstargets
+	      ;;
+	  esac
+	fi
+	;;
+      watchers) # "+lR"
+	_complete_opts l '' R '' || _cvstargets
+	;;
+      *) _files;;
+    esac
+    return
+  fi
+  _complete_opts \
+    H '' Q '' q '' r '' w '' l '' n '' t '' v '' f '' a '' \
+    b: "compadd /usr/local/bin" \
+    T: "compadd $TMPPREFIX:h $TMPDIR /tmp" \
+    e: "compadd vi" \
+    d: "compadd $_cvs_roots || _files -/" \
+    z: "compadd 9'" \
+    s: "_cvs_user_variable" \
+   || 
+  compadd ${(k)commands} ||
+  compadd ${(kv)=commands}
+_cvsrevisions () {
+  compadd - ${${${(M)${(f)"$(cvs -q status -vl .)"}:#	*}##[ 	]##}%%[ 	]*}
+_cvsrepositories () {
+  local root=$CVSROOT
+  [[ -f CVS/Root ]] && root=$(<CVS/Root)
+  if [[ $root = :* || ! -d $root ]]; then
+    compadd -UX "Enter repository name" -n '' &&
+    { compstate[list]=list; compstate[force_list]=yes; compstate[insert]='' }
+  else
+    compadd - \
+      $root/^CVSROOT(:t) \
+      ${${(M)${(f)"$(<$root/CVSROOT/modules)"}:#[^#]*}%%[ 	]*}
+  fi
+_cvsprefix () {
+  #if [[ -prefix */ ]]; then
+  if [[ x"$PREFIX" == x*/* ]]; then
+    qpref="${PREFIX%/*}/"
+    pref=$~qpref
+  else
+    qpref=
+    pref=./
+  fi
+_cvsdirentries () {
+  setopt localoptions nullglob unset
+  if [[ -f ${pref}CVS/Entries ]]; then
+    entries=(${${${(M)${(f)"$(<${pref}CVS/Entries)"}:#D/*}#D/}%%/*})
+  else
+    entries=()
+  fi
+_cvsentries () {
+  setopt localoptions nullglob unset
+  if [[ -f ${pref}CVS/Entries ]]; then
+    entries=(${${${${(f)"$(<${pref}CVS/Entries)"}:#D}#(D|)/}%%/*})
+  else
+    entries=()
+  fi
+_cvsentries_modified () {
+  if (( $+_cvsentries_modified_disable_stat )) ||
+    ! { zmodload -e stat || zmodload stat }; then
+    _cvsentries
+    return
+  fi
+  entries=()
+  local line Entries
+  typeset -A mtime
-case ${+cvs_roots} in
-  0)
-    cvs_roots=()
-    if [[ -f ~/.cvspass ]]; then
-      cvs_roots=(
-	$(cut -d ' ' -f 1 ~/.cvspass)
-      )
+  if [[ -f "${pref}CVS/Entries" ]]; then
+    Entries="$(<${pref}CVS/Entries)"
+  else
+    return
+  fi
+  local LANG=C
+  local OLDTZ="$TZ"; if ! (( $+TZ )); then unset OLDTZ; fi; export TZ=GMT
+  mtime=(${(s:/:)${(j:/:)${${${${(M)${(f)Entries}:#/*}#/}%/*/*}/\\/*\\///}}})
+  entries=(${${${(M)${(f)Entries}:#D/*}#D/}%%/*})
+  builtin stat -n +mtime -F '%a %b %e %T %Y' "$pref${(@k)^mtime}" |
+  while read line
+  do
+    line=${line#$pref}
+    if [[ x"$mtime[${line%% *}]" != x"${line#* }" ]]; then
+      entries=($entries "${line%% *}")
-    ;;
-_complete_opts \
-  H '' Q '' q '' r '' w '' l '' n '' t '' v '' f '' a '' \
-  b: "compadd /usr/local/bin" \
-  T: "compadd $TMPPREFIX:h $TMPDIR /tmp" \
-  e: "compadd vi" \
-  d: "compadd $cvs_roots || _files -/" \
-  z: "compadd 9'" \
-  s: "_cvs_user_variable" \
- || 
-compadd ${(k)commands} ||
-compadd ${(kv)=commands}
+  done
+  if (( $+OLDTZ )); then TZ="$OLDTZ"; else unset TZ; fi
+_cvsdirs () {
+  if [[ -d ${pref}CVS ]]; then
+    _cvsdirentries
+    case $#entries in
+      0) false;;
+      1) compgen "$@" -g "${entries:q}";;
+      *) compgen "$@" -g '('${(j:|:)entries:q}')';;
+    esac
+  else
+    _files
+  fi
+_cvstargets () {
+  local qpref pref entries
+  _cvsprefix
+  if [[ -d ${pref}CVS ]]; then
+    _cvsentries
+    case $#entries in
+      0) false;;
+      1) compgen -g "${entries:q}";;
+      *) compgen -g '('${(j:|:)entries:q}')';;
+    esac
+  else
+    _files
+  fi
+_cvstargets_modified () {
+  local qpref pref entries
+  _cvsprefix
+  if [[ -d ${pref}CVS ]]; then
+    _cvsentries_modified
+    case $#entries in
+      0) false;;
+      1) compgen -g "${entries:q}";;
+      *) compgen -g '('${(j:|:)entries:q}')';;
+    esac
+  else
+    _files 
+  fi
+_cvsremovep () {
+  local qpref pref entries
+  _cvsprefix
+  if [[ -d ${pref}CVS ]]; then
+    _cvsentries
+    setopt localoptions unset
+    local omit
+    omit=(${pref}*(D:t))
+    eval 'entries=(${entries:#('${(j:|:)omit:q}')})'
+    compadd -P "$qpref" - ${entries:q} ||
+    _cvsdirs
+  else
+    _files
+  fi
+_cvsaddp () {
+  local qpref pref entries
+  _cvsprefix
+  if [[ -d ${pref}CVS ]]; then
+    _cvsentries
+    setopt localoptions unset
+    local omit
+    omit=($_cvs_ignore_default ${entries:q} ${=cvsignore})
+    [[ -r ~/.cvsignore ]] && omit=($omit $(<~/.cvsignore))
+    [[ -r ${pref}.cvsignore ]] && omit=($omit $(<${pref}.cvsignore))
+    compgen -g '*~(*/|)('${(j:|:)omit}')(D)' ||
+    compgen -g '*~(*/|)('${(j:|:)entries:q}')(D)' ||
+    _cvsdirs
+  else
+    _files
+  fi
+if (( ! $+_cvs_ignore_default )); then
+  _cvs_ignore_default=(
+    RCS SCCS CVS CVS.adm RCSLOG 'cvslog.*' tags TAGS .make.state .nse_depinfo
+    '*\~' '\#*' '.\#*' ',*' '_$*' '*$' '*.old' '*.bak' '*.BAK' '*.orig' '*.rej'
+    '.del-*' '*.a' '*.olb' '*.o' '*.obj' '*.so' '*.exe' '*.Z' '*.elc' '*.ln'
+    core
+  )
+if (( ! $+_cvs_roots )); then
+  if [[ -f ~/.cvspass ]]; then
+    _cvs_roots=(${${(f)"$(<~/.cvspass)"}%% *})
+  else
+    _cvs_roots=()
+  fi
+_cvs "$@"
diff --git a/Config/version.mk b/Config/version.mk
index 2be6bb57f..5af4324a6 100644
--- a/Config/version.mk
+++ b/Config/version.mk
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
 # This must also serve as a shell script, so do not add spaces around the
 # `=' signs.
-VERSION_DATE='July 24, 1999'
+VERSION_DATE='July 30, 1999'
diff --git a/Doc/.distfiles b/Doc/.distfiles
index 46f1e7406..85ecba62c 100644
--- a/Doc/.distfiles
+++ b/Doc/.distfiles
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ DISTFILES_SRC='
     zsh.info zsh.info-[0-9]*
-    zsh_toc.html zsh_[0-9]*.html
+    zsh_*toc.html zsh_[0-9]*.html
     zsh.dvi zsh_us.ps zsh_a4.ps
diff --git a/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo b/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
index 29f83da4a..5a52ca9ad 100644
--- a/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
+++ b/Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo
@@ -6,12 +6,22 @@ cindex(completion, controlling)
 This describes the shell code for the new completion system.  It consists
-of varsious shell functions; those beginning `tt(comp)' are to be called
+of various shell functions; those beginning `tt(comp)' are to be called
 directly by the user, while those beginning `tt(_)' are called by the
 completion code.  The shell functions of the second set which implement
 completion behaviour and which may be bound to keystrokes, are referred to
 as `widgets'.
+Note that with the function-based completions described here, it
+is also possible to use the `tt(compctl -M ...)' mechanism to specify
+global matching control, such as case-insensitivity (`tt(abc)' will complete
+to a string beginning `tt(ABC)'), or wildcard behaviour on
+certain anchors (`tt(a-d)' will complete to abc-def as if there were a
+`tt(*)' after the `a').  See
+ifzman(the section `Matching Control' in zmanref(zshcompctl))\
+ifnzman(noderef(Matching Control))
+for further details.
 menu(Control Functions)
@@ -728,14 +738,28 @@ These functions also accept the `tt(-J)', `tt(-V)', `tt(-X)', `tt(-P)',
 `tt(-S)', `tt(-q)', `tt(-r)', and `tt(-R)' options from the
 tt(compadd) builtin.
-Finally, the tt(_path_files) function supports two configuration keys.
-If tt(path_expand) is set to any non-empty string, the partially
+Finally, the tt(_path_files) function supports three configuration keys.
+If this is set to any non-empty string, the partially
 typed path from the line will be expanded as far as possible even if
-trailing pathname components can not be completed. And if
-tt(path_cursor) is set to a non-empty string, the cursor will be left
+trailing pathname components can not be completed.
+If this is set to a non-empty string, the cursor will be left
 after the first ambiguous pathname component even when menucompletion
 is used.
+If this is set to a non-empty string, then if completion immediately after
+a slash fails, treat the original string as a successful completion.  This
+prevents a valid directory being treated as a candidate for correction.
+However, it has the side effect that a pattern completion, such as
+`tt(files -g *(*))', will no longer try to complete directories in this
+position if there are no file matches.
 This should be used to complete parameter names if you need some of the
 extra options of tt(compadd). All arguments are passed unchanged to
@@ -804,7 +828,7 @@ with two hyphens. The option `tt(-i) var(patterns)' can be used to
 give patterns for options which should not be completed. The patterns
 can be given as the name of an array parameter or as a literal list in 
 parentheses. E.g. `tt(-i "(--(en|dis)able-FEATURE*)")' will ignore the
-options `tt(--enable-FEATURE)' and `tt(--diable-FEATURE)'. Finally,
+options `tt(--enable-FEATURE)' and `tt(--disable-FEATURE)'. Finally,
 the option `tt(-s) var(pairs)' can be used to describe options
 aliases. Each var(pair) consists of a pattern and a
 replacement. E.g. some tt(configure)-scripts describe options only as
@@ -829,7 +853,7 @@ standard directory where it appears.
 The core scripts and functions.  You will certainly need these, though will
-probably not need to alter them.  Many of these are docmented above.
+probably not need to alter them.  Many of these are documented above.
 Other functions you will almost certainly want if you are going to use
@@ -862,8 +886,8 @@ startitem()
 item(tt(_correct_filename (^XC)))(
 Correct the filename path at the cursor position.  Allows up to six errors
 in the name.  Can also be called with an argument to correct
-a filepath, independently of zle; the correction is printed on standard
+a filename path, independently of zle; the correction is printed on
+standard output.
 item(tt(_correct_word) (^Xc))(
 Performs correction of the current argument using the usual contextual
diff --git a/Doc/Zsh/metafaq.yo b/Doc/Zsh/metafaq.yo
index c27f4f152..a47fac515 100644
--- a/Doc/Zsh/metafaq.yo
+++ b/Doc/Zsh/metafaq.yo
@@ -18,11 +18,12 @@ the code should generally go to the mailing list.
 texinode(Availability)(Mailing Lists)(Author)(Introduction)
 Zsh is available from the following anonymous FTP sites.  These mirror
-sites are kept frequently up to date.  The sites marked with em((G))
-may be mirroring tt(ftp.math.gatech.edu) instead of the primary site.
-The sites marked with em((H)) may be mirroring tt(ftp.cs.elte.hu)
-instead of the primary site.
+sites are kept frequently up to date.  The sites marked with em((H)) may be
+mirroring tt(ftp.cs.elte.hu) instead of the primary site.
+cindex(FTP sites for zsh)
+cindex(acquiring zsh by FTP)
+cindex(availability of zsh)
 item(Primary site)(
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ tt(http://www.zsh.org/pub/zsh/))
-tt(ftp://ftp.ips.gov.au/pub/packages/zsh/)  em((G))  em((H)))
+tt(ftp://ftp.ips.gov.au/pub/packages/zsh/)  em((H)))
@@ -56,19 +57,24 @@ item(Israel)(
-nofill(tt(ftp://ftp.tohoku.ac.jp/mirror/zsh/)  em((H))
-tt(ftp://ftp.nisiq.net/pub/shells/zsh/)  em((H))
+nofill(tt(ftp://ftp.nisiq.net/pub/shells/zsh/)  em((H))
-nofill(tt(ftp://ftp.siol.net/pub/unix/shells/zsh/)  em((H)))
@@ -78,8 +84,7 @@ nofill(tt(ftp://ftp.net.lut.ac.uk/zsh/)
diff --git a/Doc/Zsh/params.yo b/Doc/Zsh/params.yo
index f8089faf8..65c8e7599 100644
--- a/Doc/Zsh/params.yo
+++ b/Doc/Zsh/params.yo
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ cindex(subscripts)
 pindex(KSH_ARRAYS, use of)
 The same subscripting syntax is used for associative arrays,
-except that no arithmetic expansion is applied to var(EXP).
+except that no arithmetic expansion is applied to var(exp).
 A subscript of the form `tt([*])' or `tt([@])' evaluates to all
 elements of an array; there is no difference between the two
diff --git a/Doc/Zsh/zftpsys.yo b/Doc/Zsh/zftpsys.yo
index b99604d44..50fa2a800 100644
--- a/Doc/Zsh/zftpsys.yo
+++ b/Doc/Zsh/zftpsys.yo
@@ -99,6 +99,14 @@ Normally, the var(host), var(user) and var(password) are internally
 recorded for later re-opening, either by a tt(zfopen) with no arguments, or
 automatically (see below).  With the option `tt(-1)', no information is
+Both tt(zfopen) and tt(zfanon) (but not tt(zfparams)) understand URLs of
+the form tt(ftp://)var(host)/var(path...) as meaning to connect to the
+var(host), then change directory to var(path) (which must be a directory,
+not a file).  The `tt(ftp://)' can be omitted; the trailing `tt(/)' is enough
+to trigger recognition of the var(path).  Note prefixes other than
+`tt(ftp:)' are not recognized, and that all characters after the first
+slash beyond tt(host) are significant in var(path).
 item(tt(zfanon [ -1 ] var(host)))(
@@ -204,11 +212,13 @@ tt(zfrtime) below for more information.
-item(tt(zfget [ -Gt ] var(file1) ...))(
+item(tt(zfget [ -Gtc ] var(file1) ...))(
 Retrieve all the listed files var(file1) ... one at a time from the remote
 server.  If a file contains a `tt(/)', the full name is passed to the
 remote server, but the file is stored locally under the name given by the
-part after the final `tt(/)'.
+part after the final `tt(/)'.  The option tt(-c) (cat) forces all files to
+be sent as a single stream to standard output; in this case the tt(-t)
+option has no effect.
 item(tt(zfuget [ -Gvst ] var(file1) ...))(
diff --git a/Doc/intro.ms b/Doc/intro.ms
index 5024b9bfd..f4f7062d0 100644
--- a/Doc/intro.ms
+++ b/Doc/intro.ms
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 .nr PI 0
 .nr LL 6.5i
+.if \n(.g \{\
+.if "\*(.T"ascii" .ftr C R
+.if "\*(.T"latin1" .ftr C R
+.nr De \n[.ss]
 .de Ds
 .DS I .5i
 .ft C
@@ -12,7 +17,8 @@
 .ft R
+.ie \n(.g .ss \n(De
+.el .ss
 .de Sh
diff --git a/Etc/BUGS b/Etc/BUGS
index e89116f23..51aff5428 100644
--- a/Etc/BUGS
+++ b/Etc/BUGS
@@ -44,3 +44,18 @@ and ksh and may be removed in the future. A good fix would be to keep
 such patterns unchanged if they do not match regardless of the state of
 the nonomatch and nullglob options.
+Numeric ranges are still too greedy with using characters; for example,
+<1-1000>33 will not match 633 because the 633 matches the range.  Some
+backtracking will be necessary.
+Matching control can leave the wrong thing in the line.  For example,
+        touch Abc-Def-Ghij.txt
+        touch Abc-def.ghi.jkl_mno.pqr.txt
+        touch Abc_def_ghi_jkl_mno_pqr.txt
+        compctl -M 'm:{a-z}={A-Z} r:|[.,_-]=*'
+        ls a<TAB>
+        ls Abcdefghi
+which won't complete further.  It seems to get confused over the choice of
+possible punctuation characters, and the string won't complete further.
index 171b3f1a0..842199f95 100644
@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@ Version 3.1.6
   additional autoloading code; general code changes for extra efficiency;
   subscripting and ordering of globbing lists.
-* Peter Stephenson <pws@ibmth.df.unipi.it>: zftp and mapfile modules and
-  zf* functions; local parameters and typeset changes; changes in autoconf
+* Peter Stephenson <pws@zsh.org>: zftp and mapfile modules and zf*
+  functions; local parameters and typeset changes; changes in autoconf
   system; case-independent and approximate pattern matching; various
   options; a few completion modules; some zle changes; FAQ.
-* Bart Schaefer <schaefer@candle.brasslantern.com>: associative array
-  implementation; other parameter changes; keeping track of missing
-  patches; function autoloading changes.
+* Bart Schaefer <schaefer@zsh.org>: associative array implementation; other
+  parameter changes; keeping track of missing patches; function autoloading
+  changes.
 * Wayne Davison <wayne@clari.net>:  History code novelties and improvements
   with new options.
-* Geoff Wing <mason@primenet.com.au>:  Zle display code fixes, mailing
-  list and patch archive.
+* Geoff Wing <gcw@zsh.org>:  Zle display code fixes, mailing list and patch
+  archive.
 * Zoltán Hidvégi <hzoli@cs.elte.hu>: AIX dynamic loading code.
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Other improvements, bug fixes and design suggestions from all the above
 plus Andrej Borsenkow, Oliver Kiddle, Tanaka Akira, Naoki Wakamatsu, Tatuso
 Furukawa, Ville Herva, Will Day, Lehti Rahmi, Larry P. Schrof, Helmut
 Jarausch, Phil Pennock, Wilfredo Sanchez, Bruce Stephens, Gene Cohler,
-Ollivier Robert.
+Ollivier Robert, Felix Rosencrantz.
 Previous versions of zsh 3 were maintained by Zoltán Hidvégi and Andrew
 Main (Zefram).
@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ Version 3.0
   8-bit clean.  Made some reorganizations in exec.c.  Fixed signal
   handling bugs.  Fixed lots of bugs in various places.
-* Peter W. Stephenson <pws@ifh.de> the maintainer of the zsh FAQ.
+* Peter W. Stephenson <pws@zsh.org> the maintainer of the zsh FAQ.
   Reorganizations in exec.c.  Rewrote and reorganized the history code.
   Rewrote the zshcompctl manual page.  Fixed several bugs related to
   programmable completion.  Fixed several signal handling bugs.  Rewrote
   test and read builtins.  Lots of other bugfixes.
-* Andrew Main (Zefram) <zefram@fysh.org> reorganized builtin.c.
+* Andrew Main (Zefram) <zefram@zsh.org> reorganized builtin.c.
   Rewrote large parts of the zle vi mode.  Redirection fixes.  Reorganized
   parts of the completion code, added some enhancements and fixed lots of
   bugs.  Made zle fully 8-bit clean.  Fixed several zle bugs.  Reorganized
@@ -85,21 +85,21 @@ Version 3.0
   programmable completion code in zsh-2.5.0.  Several bugfixes in exec.c
   and jobs.c.  Lots of completion bugfixes and enhancements.
-* Geoff Wing <mason@werple.net.au> rewrote most of zle_refresh.c.  Some
+* Geoff Wing <gcw@zsh.org> rewrote most of zle_refresh.c.  Some
   other bugfixes.
 * Clive Messer <clive@epos.demon.co.uk> brought the texinfo documentation
-* Mark Borges <mdb@cdc.noaa.gov> maintains the zsh web page
-  (http://www.mal.com/zsh/).  Several documentation fixes.  Maintains the
-  texinfo documentation together with Clive.
+* Mark Borges <mdb@cdc.noaa.gov> contributed several documentation fixes
+  including further texinfo documentation updates and maintained the zsh
+  web pages during their tenure at www.mal.com.
 * Wayne Davison <wayne@clari.net> improved the the zle search functions
   and made them 8-bit clean.  Some other little bugfixes.
-* Bart Schaefer <schaefer@candle.brasslantern.com> submitted several
-  bugfixes, reported lots of bugs and gave many very useful suggestions.
+* Bart Schaefer <schaefer@zsh.org> submitted several bugfixes, reported
+  lots of bugs and gave many very useful suggestions.
 Version 2.5
diff --git a/Etc/MACHINES b/Etc/MACHINES
index 223b4a8f3..6f708acdb 100644
--- a/Etc/MACHINES
+++ b/Etc/MACHINES
@@ -56,9 +56,15 @@ HP: HP-UX 9, 10.20, 11.0
 	(rather than the 10.20 shl_load() function set).  More details of
 	any difficulties would be appreciated.
-	Should build `out-of-the-box'.  On AIX 3.x (at least),
-	--enable-zsh-mem will not work.
+IBM: AIX 3.2, 4.1
+	Should build `out-of-the-box', but --enable-zsh-mem will not work.
+	On 3.2, for 64-bit integer support you need to compile with gcc, as
+	the native compiler does not support ANSI simulataneously with
+	`long long'.  On 4.1, there appear to be problems using
+	--enable-dynamic (the default) with gcc (version was in
+	4.1, though native cc works. More information about this problem
+	would be appreciated.
 Linux: Linux (i386) [3.1.4]
 	Should build `out-of-the-box'.
@@ -81,14 +87,24 @@ Next: NextStep 3.*
 	Should build `out-of-the-box', but the zsh malloc routines are
 	not recommended.
-Reliant: Reliant UNIX
-	Should build `out-of-the-box'.
-Reliant: SINIX
-	Should build `out-of-the-box'.	There is a bad combination of
-	static and shared libraries that prevents the use of dynamic
-	linking; configure now detects this and will disable dynamic
-	linking even if you requested it.
+       Builds `out-of-the-box'. Dynamic loading is supported. 
+       Large Files and 64-bit integers are supported as of version 5.44
+       and CDS/CDS++ compiler.
+       MX (Intel) plattform: SINIX-L/M 5.41
+       Builds out-of-the-box with EGCS. Neither dynamic loading nor
+       64-bit integers are suported. Native compiler was not tried
+       mostly because GCC/EGCS builds out-of-the-box as well. If you 
+       succeed with native compiler, send a patch for this file
+       to zsh-workers.
+       RM (MIPS) plattform: SINIX-N/Y 5.42
+       Should build out-of-the-box but it was not tested. Neither
+       dynamic loading nor 64-bit integers are suported.
+       Note, that this version is obsolete and users are expected to 
+       update to Reliant UNIX.
 SGI: IRIX, 5.2, 5.3, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5
 	Should build `out-of-the-box'.
diff --git a/Etc/NEWS b/Etc/NEWS
index bba3283e6..e65503a23 100644
--- a/Etc/NEWS
+++ b/Etc/NEWS
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
 New features in zsh version 3.1.6 (beta version)
+Note also the changes for 3.0.6, which include changes between 3.1.5. and
 New completion system via shell functions; massive degree of
 programmability and configurability:
@@ -27,7 +29,8 @@ Other editing changes:
 History changes: new options HIST_NO_FUNCTIONS, HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST,
 HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS, SHARE_HISTORY, allow better control of when history is
-read and written and how duplicates are handled.
+read and written and how duplicates are handled.  New format for history
 Associative arrays plus enhanced parameter substitutions to retrieve keys
 and values.
@@ -47,10 +50,9 @@ New loadable modules:
     array interface.
 Debugging and prompt enhancements:
-  - LINENO is now very much more useful in scripts and functions and has
-    corresponding prompt escape %i
-  - $PS4 can contain %i as well as %N for script or function names
-    (default PS4 changed), also %_ for current shell structure executing; 
+  - $PS4 can contain %i for $LINENO as well as %N for script or function
+    names (default PS4 changed), also %_ for current shell structure
+    executing;
   - Prompt truncation %<...< is now more flexible: it applies to a
     whole section of the prompt, not just one escape.  You need to put
     %<< after the truncated escape to get the old behaviour.
@@ -58,8 +60,8 @@ Debugging and prompt enhancements:
     been output, else no (e.g. for outputting extra newlines).
 Parameter and expansion changes
-  - typeset -t MYPATH mypath creates tied path/PATH-like variables
-  - typeset -g allows operations on parameters without making them local
+  - `typeset -t MYPATH mypath' creates tied path/PATH-like variables
+  - `typeset -g' allows operations on parameters without making them local
   - New expansions
     - ${(t)param} prints type information for $param
     - ${(P)param} treats value of $param as the name of a param to
@@ -68,27 +70,79 @@ Parameter and expansion changes
     - ${foo/old/new} substitution, like bash; also (S) flag for shortest
     - $foo[(b.2.i)bar] starts searching $foo for bar starting at 2nd match
-    - more logical behaviour of nested parameters, now properly documented
-    - quote only nested expansion, e.g. ${(f)"$(<file)"} reads complete
-      `file', then splits lines into array.
 Builtin and function changes
   - stat module: `stat -H hash foo' gives you e.g. $hash[mtime]
-  - autoload -U autoloads functions without alias expansion.
+  - `autoload -U' autoloads functions without alias expansion.
 Other new options:
   - LOCAL_TRAPS allows signal traps to be local to functions (as in ksh).
   - NO_RCS can now be turned on at any point in initialization files.
   - NO_GLOBAL_RCS can force /etc/z* files after /etc/zshenv to be skipped.
     (Please don't use this as an excuse to stuff more into /etc/zshenv!)
-  - existing MAGIC_EQUAL_SUBST option is more useful; any argument containing
-    ...=~...:~... will perform filename expansion on the ~.
+  - Existing MAGIC_EQUAL_SUBST option is more useful; any argument containing
+    ...=~...:~... will perform filename expansion on the ~ (previously,
+    the string before `=' had to look like a parameter name).
+Configuration changes:
+  - Generation of signal names should be more reliable
+  - Customizable installation of shell functions from distribution.
+New features in zsh version 3.0.6
+Most of these changes are designed to improve compatibility with zsh
+version 3.1.6, the latest development release.  However, this release also
+fixes all known Year 2000 (Y2K) bugs in zsh 3.0.
+History changes:
+  - whitespace between words is ignored in history searches.
+  - new option HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS removes extra whitespace in the stored
+    history.
+  - support for reading (but not writing) version 3.1.6 history files.
+Globbing changes:
+  - the a, c, and m glob qualifiers can now test time in seconds.
+  - globbing of number ranges behaves more like character ranges in that
+    it can match a prefix of a number, e.g. `<1-5>*' matches 1, 2, 3, 4,
+    5, 17, 23skiddoo, 5986, etc., but not 6, 7, 8ball, 911, etc.
+Parameter and expansion changes:
+  - expansion of ~ and other globbing flags via ${~param} do not depend
+    upon EXTENDED_GLOB (bug fix).
+  - nested parameter substitutions require braces (this was always the
+    documented behavior, but previous parsers didn't enforce it).
+  - quote only nested expansion, e.g. ${(f)"$(<file)"} reads complete
+    `file', then splits lines into array.
+Builtin and function changes:
+  - `typeset -U' works on the colon-array version of linked parameters.
+  - `typeset +f' and `functions +' output the names (only) of functions.
+  - `emulate -L' has the effect of `setopt localoptions'.
+  - in fn1() { local foo; unset foo; foo=bar; }, foo is restored at local
+    level, whereas if the `unset foo' appeared in a nested function it
+    would have been restored at global level, which was presumably wrong.
+  - `foo=bar >&file' is a redirection, not a NULLCMD.
+  - any single complex command, such as `case ... esac', parses as if
+    semicolon-terminated (bug fix).
+  - the shell function `preexec', if defined, is run after parsing each
+    command line but before executing the command.
+Other changes:
+  - the option PRINT_EIGHT_BIT causes zsh to emit raw bytes in prompts
+    and completion lists even if the system ctype(3) package says that
+    those bytes are not "printable."
+Debugging enhancements:
+  - LINENO is now very much more useful in scripts and functions and is
+    reported correctly in most error messages.
+  - ERREXIT behavior is now consistent with newer Bourne-like shells,
+    e.g. with respect to `if' tests that fail.
 Configuration changes:
   - Large file and 64-bit integers on 32-bit machines supported where
     provided by OS.
-  - generation of signal names should be more reliable
-  - Customizable installation of shell functions from distribution.
+  - a few more system features, such as getpwnam/getpwuid, are tested for.
 New features in zsh version 3.1 (beta version)
diff --git a/Functions/Zftp/zfanon b/Functions/Zftp/zfanon
index d8a9d06a3..9624d48d9 100644
--- a/Functions/Zftp/zfanon
+++ b/Functions/Zftp/zfanon
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 emulate -L zsh
-local opt optlist once
+local opt optlist once dir
 while [[ $1 = -* ]]; do
   if [[ $1 = - || $1 = -- ]]; then
@@ -61,10 +61,20 @@ if [[ -z $EMAIL_ADDR ]]; then
   print "Using $EMAIL_ADDR as anonymous FTP password."
+if [[ $1 = */* ]]; then
+  1=${1##ftp://}
+  dir=${1#*/}
+  1=${1%%/*}
 if [[ $once = 1 ]]; then
-  zftp open $1 anonymous $EMAIL_ADDR
+  zftp open $1 anonymous $EMAIL_ADDR || return 1
   zftp params $1 anonymous $EMAIL_ADDR
-  zftp open
+  zftp open || return 1
+if [[ -n $dir ]]; then
+  zfcd $dir
 # }
diff --git a/Functions/Zftp/zfget b/Functions/Zftp/zfget
index 878a36346..cee0290b3 100644
--- a/Functions/Zftp/zfget
+++ b/Functions/Zftp/zfget
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
 # function zfget {
 # Get files from remote server.  Options:
+#   -c   cat: dump files to stdout.
+#          alias zfcat="zfget -c"
+#          zfpage() { zfget -c "$@" | eval $PAGER }
+#        are sensible things to do, but aren't done for you.  Note the
+#        second doesn't work on all OS's.
 #   -G   don't to remote globbing, else do
 #   -t   update the local file times to the same time as the remote.
 #        Currently this only works if you have the `perl' command,
 #        and that perl is version 5 with the standard library.
-#        See the function zfrtime for more gory details.
+#        See the function zfrtime for more gory details.  This has
+#        no effect with the -c option.
 # If the connection is not currently open, try to open it with the current
 # parameters (set by a previous zfopen or zfparams), then close it after
@@ -13,7 +19,7 @@
 emulate -L zsh
-local loc rem optlist opt nglob remlist time
+local loc rem optlist opt nglob remlist time cat
 integer stat do_close
 while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do
@@ -29,6 +35,8 @@ while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do
       t) time=1
+      c) cat=1
+	 ;;
       *) print option $opt not recognised >&2
@@ -48,11 +56,16 @@ for remlist in $*; do
   if (( $#remlist )); then
     for rem in $remlist; do
-      loc=${rem:t}
-      if zftp get $rem >$loc; then
-	[[ $time = 1 ]] && zfrtime $rem $loc
+      if [[ -n $cat ]]; then
+	zftp get $rem
+	stat=$?
-	stat=1
+	loc=${rem:t}
+	if zftp get $rem >$loc; then
+	  [[ $time = 1 ]] && zfrtime $rem $loc
+	else
+	  stat=1
+	fi
diff --git a/Functions/Zftp/zfopen b/Functions/Zftp/zfopen
index fa9b4f81d..b264aeaba 100644
--- a/Functions/Zftp/zfopen
+++ b/Functions/Zftp/zfopen
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 emulate -L zsh
-local optlist opt once
+local optlist opt once dir
 while [[ $1 = -* ]]; do
   if [[ $1 = - || $1 = -- ]]; then
@@ -31,12 +31,22 @@ done
 # both .netrc and .ncftp/bookmarks .  We could even try saving
 # the info in their for new hosts, like ncftp does.
+if [[ $1 = */* ]]; then
+  1=${1##ftp://}
+  dir=${1#*/}
+  1=${1%%/*}
 if [[ $once = 1 ]]; then
-  zftp open $*
+  zftp open $* || return 1
   # set parameters, but only if there was at least a host
   (( $# > 0 )) && zfparams $*
   # now call with no parameters
-  zftp open
+  zftp open || return 1
+if [[ -n $dir ]]; then
+  zfcd $dir
 # }
diff --git a/Functions/Zftp/zftp_chpwd b/Functions/Zftp/zftp_chpwd
index f1c2d5311..0b5bbd7d5 100644
--- a/Functions/Zftp/zftp_chpwd
+++ b/Functions/Zftp/zftp_chpwd
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
 # function zftp_chpwd {
 # You may want to alter chpwd to call this when $ZFTP_USER is set.
-# Cancel the filename cache for the current directory.
-# ...and also empty the stored directory listing cache.
-# As this function is called when we close the connection, this
-# is the only place we need to do these two things.
-[[ -n $zfcurdir && -f $zfcurdir ]] && rm -f $zfcurdir
+# If the directory really changed...
+if [[ $ZFTP_PWD != $zflastdir ]]; then
+  # Cancel the filename cache for the current directory.
+  zftp_fcache=()
+  # ...and also empty the stored directory listing cache.
+  # As this function is called when we close the connection, this
+  # is the only place we need to do these two things.
+  [[ -n $zfcurdir && -f $zfcurdir ]] && rm -f $zfcurdir
+  zfotherargs=
 if [[ -z $ZFTP_USER ]]; then
   # last call, after an FTP logout
diff --git a/Misc/compctl-examples b/Misc/compctl-examples
index 464660477..1b9fc0ac8 100644
--- a/Misc/compctl-examples
+++ b/Misc/compctl-examples
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ cvsprefix() {
 cvsentries() {
     setopt localoptions nullglob unset
     if [[ -f ${pref}CVS/Entries ]]; then
-	reply=( "${pref}${^${(@)${(@)${(f@)$(<${pref}CVS/Entries)}:#D*}#/}%%/*}" )
+	reply=( "${pref}${(@)^${(@)${(@)${(f@)$(<${pref}CVS/Entries)}:#D*}#/}%%/*}" )
diff --git a/Src/Zle/comp1.export b/Src/Zle/comp1.export
index 4b6dd92fd..ba2f433b9 100644
--- a/Src/Zle/comp1.export
+++ b/Src/Zle/comp1.export
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ clwords
@@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ compoldins
@@ -55,7 +53,6 @@ freecompctl
diff --git a/Src/Zle/zle.export b/Src/Zle/zle.export
index f63f45eb8..1e71e4bf3 100644
--- a/Src/Zle/zle.export
+++ b/Src/Zle/zle.export
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ lmatches
diff --git a/Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c b/Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c
index 9c7a19d87..9f4fa0c93 100644
--- a/Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c
+++ b/Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c
@@ -568,6 +568,8 @@ acceptlast(void)
 	cs = minfo.pos + minfo.len + minfo.insc - (*(minfo.cur))->qisl;
 	if (cs < l)
 	    foredel(l - cs);
+	else if (cs > ll)
+	    cs = ll;
 	inststrlen(" ", 1, 1);
 	if (parpre)
@@ -2121,6 +2123,7 @@ abort_match(void)
+    matchparts = matchsubs = NULL;
 /* This adds a new string in the static char buffer. The arguments are
@@ -2615,6 +2618,7 @@ comp_match(char *pfx, char *sfx, char *w, Comp cp,
 	/* We still break it into parts here, trying to build a sensible
 	 * cline list for these matches, too. */
+	w = dupstring(w);
 	wl = strlen(w);
 	*clp = bld_parts(w, wl, wl, NULL);
 	*exact = 0;
@@ -6280,8 +6284,8 @@ makecomplistflags(Compctl cc, char *s, int incmd, int compadd)
 			    gen_matches_files(1, 0, 0);
 			/* The compctl has a glob pattern (compctl -g). */
 			if (cc->glob) {
-			    int ns, pl = strlen(prpre), o;
-			    char *g = dupstring(cc->glob), pa[PATH_MAX];
+			    int ns, pl = strlen(prpre), o, paalloc;
+			    char *g = dupstring(cc->glob), *pa;
 			    char *p2, *p3;
 			    int ne = noerrs, md = opts[MARKDIRS];
@@ -6295,8 +6299,9 @@ makecomplistflags(Compctl cc, char *s, int incmd, int compadd)
 			    noerrs = 1;
 			    addwhat = -6;
+			    o = strlen(prpre);
+			    pa = (char *)zalloc(paalloc = o + PATH_MAX);
 			    strcpy(pa, prpre);
-			    o = strlen(pa);
 			    opts[MARKDIRS] = 0;
 			    /* The compctl -g string may contain more than *
@@ -6335,6 +6340,10 @@ makecomplistflags(Compctl cc, char *s, int incmd, int compadd)
 				else {
 				/* It's a simple pattern, so append it to *
 				 * the path we have on the command line.  */
+				    int minlen = o + strlen(g);
+				    if (minlen >= paalloc)
+					pa = (char *)
+					    zrealloc(pa, paalloc = minlen+1);
 				    strcpy(pa + o, g);
 				    addlinknode(l, dupstring(pa));
@@ -6380,6 +6389,8 @@ makecomplistflags(Compctl cc, char *s, int incmd, int compadd)
 			    glob_pre = glob_suf = NULL;
 			    noerrs = ne;
 			    opts[MARKDIRS] = md;
+			    zfree(pa, paalloc);
diff --git a/Src/glob.c b/Src/glob.c
index cf22ef923..20ca30b2e 100644
--- a/Src/glob.c
+++ b/Src/glob.c
@@ -3023,7 +3023,7 @@ matchonce(Comp c)
 			if (exclend) {
 			     exclsav = *exclend;
 			    *exclend = '\0';
-			 }
+			}
 			if ((ret = doesmatch(c->left))) {
 			    if (exclend)
 				*exclend = exclsav;
diff --git a/Src/hist.c b/Src/hist.c
index 167ffe171..52e3e1394 100644
--- a/Src/hist.c
+++ b/Src/hist.c
@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ hbegin(int dohist)
     isfirstln = isfirstch = 1;
     errflag = histdone = spaceflag = 0;
-    stophist = (dohist ? ((!interact || unset(SHINSTDIN)) << 1) : 2);
+    stophist = (!dohist || !interact || unset(SHINSTDIN)) ? 2 : 0;
     if (stophist == 2 || (inbufflags & INP_ALIAS)) {
 	chline = hptr = NULL;
 	hlinesz = 0;
@@ -721,6 +721,8 @@ hbegin(int dohist)
 	hwbegin = ihwbegin;
 	hwend = ihwend;
 	addtoline = iaddtoline;
+	if (!isset(BANGHIST))
+	    stophist = 4;
     chwordpos = 0;
diff --git a/Src/zsh.export b/Src/zsh.export
index 5a3a94c70..59d75676f 100644
--- a/Src/zsh.export
+++ b/Src/zsh.export
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ file_type
@@ -112,8 +111,6 @@ haswilds
@@ -196,7 +193,6 @@ promptexpand
diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
index 93a03d30d..6f3a1f52e 100644
--- a/configure.in
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ dnl   else use -O
 if test -n "$auto_cflags"; then
   if test "${enable_zsh_debug}" = yes; then
     if test -n "$GCC"; then
-      CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Wno-implicit -Wmissing-prototypes -pedantic -ggdb"
+      CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Wno-implicit -Wmissing-prototypes -ggdb"
       CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g"