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5 files changed, 5 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/doc/index.html b/doc/index.html
index 638b55e..98e43a5 100644
--- a/doc/index.html
+++ b/doc/index.html
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ library. </li>
  <li> The current released version of s6-linux-utils is
-<a href="s6-linux-utils-"></a>. </li>
+<a href="s6-linux-utils-"></a>. </li>
  <li> Alternatively, you can checkout a copy of the
 <a href="//">s6-linux-utils
 git repository</a>:
@@ -88,9 +88,6 @@ the previous versions of s6-linux-utils and the current one. </li>
 <li><a href="s6-chroot.html">The <tt>s6-chroot</tt> program</a></li>
-<li><a href="s6-devd.html">The <tt>s6-devd</tt> program</a></li>
-<li><a href="s6-uevent-listener.html">The <tt>s6-uevent-listener</tt> program</a> <strong>(deprecated)</strong></li>
-<li><a href="s6-uevent-spawner.html">The <tt>s6-uevent-spawner</tt> program</a> <strong>(deprecated)</strong></li>
 <li><a href="s6-fillurandompool.html">The <tt>s6-fillurandompool</tt> program</a></li>
 <li><a href="s6-freeramdisk.html">The <tt>s6-freeramdisk</tt> program</a></li>
 <li><a href="s6-hostname.html">The <tt>s6-hostname</tt> program</a></li>
diff --git a/doc/s6-devd.html b/doc/s6-devd.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d7ae06..0000000
--- a/doc/s6-devd.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-  <head>
-    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en" />
-    <title>s6-linux-utils: the s6-devd program</title>
-    <meta name="Description" content="s6-linux-utils: the s6-devd program" />
-    <meta name="Keywords" content="s6 linux administration root utilities devd mdev udev s6-uevent-listener s6-uevent-spawner" />
-    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//" /> -->
-  </head>
-<a href="index.html">s6-linux-utils</a><br />
-<a href="//">Software</a><br />
-<a href="//"></a>
-<h1> The <tt>s6-devd</tt> program </h1>
-<tt>s6-devd</tt> listens to the netlink interface for udev events, and
-launches a helper program for every event, similarly to what the hotplug
-interface does.
-<h2> Interface </h2>
-     s6-devd [ -q | -v ] [ -b <em>kbufsz</em> ] [ -l <em>linevar</em> ] [ -t l:t:k ] <em>prog...</em>
- <li> s6-devd rewrites its command line into
-<tt><a href="s6-uevent-listener.html">s6-uevent-listener</a> <tt>|</tt>
-<a href="s6-uevent-spawner.html">s6-uevent-spawner</a> <em>prog...</em></tt>,
-dispatching its options to the appropriate programs; then it execs into
-this new command line. It does nothing else: it's just a wrapper. </li>
- <li> The first executed program,
-<a href="s6-uevent-listener.html">s6-uevent-listener</a>,
-will listen to the netlink and pass the events sequentially to
-<a href="s6-uevent-spawner.html">s6-uevent-spawner</a>, which will
-spawn a <em>prog...</em> helper for every event. </li>
-<h2> Options </h2>
- <li> <tt>-q</tt>&nbsp;: be more quiet. </li>
- <li> <tt>-v</tt>&nbsp;: be more verbose. </li>
- <li> <tt>-b</tt>&nbsp;<em>kbufsz</em>&nbsp;: try and reserve a kernel buffer of
-<em>kbufsz</em> bytes for the netlink queue. Too large a buffer wastes kernel memory;
-too small a buffer risks losing events. The default is 65536. </li>
- <li> <tt>-l</tt>&nbsp;<em>linevar</em>&nbsp;: the short description of the
-event, given by the kernel as the first string in the netlink message,
-will be made available to <em>prog</em> under the environment variable
-named <em>linevar</em>. </li>
- <li> <tt>-t</tt> <em>l:t:k</em>&nbsp;: If <em>l</em>, <em>t</em> or <em>k</em> is
-specified, they specify timeouts; by default, they are infinite.
-If <em>prog...</em> is still alive after <em>l</em> milliseconds, s6-devd sends
-it a SIGTERM. Then, if <em>prog...</em> is still alive after <em>t</em> more
-milliseconds, s6-devd sends it a SIGKILL. Then, if <em>prog...</em> is still
-alive after <em>k</em> more milliseconds, s6-devd yells and exits 99. </li>
-<h2> Notes </h2>
- <li> s6-devd is a daemon; it should be run under a proper supervision system such
-as <a href="//">s6</a>. The real long-lived
-process is named <a href="s6-uevent-listener.html">s6-uevent-listener</a>;
-ir runs with the same pid as s6-devd. </li>
- <li> The <em>prog...</em> helper, on the other hand, should be very short-lived,
-even if you are not using the <tt>-t</tt> option to s6-devd. Since helpers are
-spawned sequentially, slow helpers can make events queue up and fill buffers
-along the way. </li>
diff --git a/doc/s6-uevent-listener.html b/doc/s6-uevent-listener.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cd60639..0000000
--- a/doc/s6-uevent-listener.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-  <head>
-    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en" />
-    <title>s6-linux-utils: the s6-uevent-listener program</title>
-    <meta name="Description" content="s6-linux-utils: the s6-uevent-listener program" />
-    <meta name="Keywords" content="s6 linux administration root utilities devd mdev mdevd udev s6-uevent-listener uevent" />
-    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//" /> -->
-  </head>
-<a href="index.html">s6-linux-utils</a><br />
-<a href="//">Software</a><br />
-<a href="//"></a>
-<h1> The <tt>s6-uevent-listener</tt> program </h1>
-<tt>s6-uevent-listener</tt> listens to the netlink interface for uevents
-(also called "hotplug" or "udev" events), and writes those uevents to
-its standard output, using a simple format.
-<strong>This program is deprecated</strong>, and will disappear in a
-near future version of s6-linux-utils. It has been replaced with the
-<a href="//">mdevd-netlink</a>
-program, from the <a href="//">mdevd</a>
-<h2> Interface </h2>
-     s6-uevent-listener [ -v <em>verbosity</em> ] [ -b kbufsz ]
- <li> s6-uevent-listener binds to the netlink interface and listens for
-hotplug events, as the <em>udev</em> program does. </li>
- <li> It writes event information to its stdout. The output contains
-null characters, so a terminal will not display them correctly. To
-properly use s6-uevent-listener, it should be piped into a handler
-program such as
-<a href="s6-uevent-spawner.html">s6-uevent-spawner</a>.
-or <a href="//">mdevd</a>. </li>
- <li> s6-uevent-listener is a long-lived program.
-When it receives a SIGTERM, it stops listening; it will
-exit as soon as it has flushed its event queue to stdout. </li>
-<h2> Options </h2>
- <li> <tt>-v</tt>&nbsp;<em>verbosity</em>&nbsp;: be more or less verbose.
-Default verbosity is 1. 0 will only print fatal error messages, 3 will
-print warnings every time the netlink interface sends something
-unexpected. </li>
- <li> <tt>-b</tt>&nbsp;<em>kbufsz</em>&nbsp;: try and reserve a kernel buffer of
-<em>kbufsz</em> bytes for the netlink queue. Too large a buffer wastes kernel memory;
-too small a buffer risks losing events. The default is 65536 (which is on
-the large side). </li>
-<h2> Protocol </h2>
- <li> An event is a series of null-terminated strings as they are sent by
-the kernel to the netlink; s6-uevent-listener adds a final empty string
-(i.e. an additional null character) to mark the end of the series. </li>
- <li> The first string is a short description of the event; it normally
-contains the string "@/". Other strings after the first are of the form
-"VARIABLE=value", and describe the environment which a hotplug helper
-for the event (registered in <tt>/proc/sys/kernel/hotplug</tt>) would be
-spawned with. </li>
- <li> Example (newlines added for clarity): <pre>
-\0 </pre> </li>
-<h2> Notes </h2>
- <li> s6-uevent-listener is a daemon; it should be run under a proper supervision system such
-as <a href="//">s6</a>. </li>
-<li> If you are running s6-uevent-listener, <em>prog...</em> should be the
-only program handling uevents, which means that
-<tt>/proc/sys/kernel/hotplug</tt> should be empty. </li>
- <li> Examples of valid uses of s6-uevent-listener:
-  <ul>
-   <li> <tt>s6-uevent-listener | s6-uevent-spawner mdev</tt> </li>
-   <li> <tt>s6-uevent-listener | mdevd</tt> </li>
-   <li> Those examples can be made safer by using a supervision system:
-under <a href="//">s6</a> or
-<a href="//">s6-rc</a>, write a service
-pipeline where <tt>s6-uevent-listener</tt> is a producer and
-<tt>s6-uevent-spawner mdev</tt> or <tt>mdevd</tt> is a consumer. This
-setup has the advantage, among others, that you can restart the netlink
-listener and the event handler separately. </li>
-  </ul>
- </li>
diff --git a/doc/s6-uevent-spawner.html b/doc/s6-uevent-spawner.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f2ab87..0000000
--- a/doc/s6-uevent-spawner.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-  <head>
-    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en" />
-    <title>s6-linux-utils: the s6-uevent-spawner program</title>
-    <meta name="Description" content="s6-linux-utils: the s6-uevent-spawner program" />
-    <meta name="Keywords" content="s6 linux administration root utilities devd mdev mdevd udev hotplug" />
-    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//" /> -->
-  </head>
-<a href="index.html">s6-linux-utils</a><br />
-<a href="//">Software</a><br />
-<a href="//"></a>
-<h1> The <tt>s6-uevent-spawner</tt> program </h1>
-<tt>s6-uevent-spawner</tt> listens to its standard input for
-netlink-style events, and launches a helper program for every event,
-similarly to what the hotplug interface does.
- It is meant to be used together with
-<a href="s6-uevent-listener.html">s6-uevent-listener</a>.
-<strong>This program is deprecated</strong>, and will disappear in a
-future version of s6-linux-utils. The
-<a href="//">mdevd</a> package makes it
-<h2> Interface </h2>
-     s6-uevent-spawner [ -v <em>verbosity</em> ] [ -l <em>linevar</em> ] [ -t <em>l</em>:<em>t</em>:<em>k</em> ] <em>prog...</em>
- <li> s6-uevent-spawner listens to its stdin for a series of strings
-representing kernel uevents, as formatted by
-<a href="s6-uevent-listener.html">s6-uevent-listener</a>. </li>
- <li> For every event it reads, it spawns <em>prog...</em> with
-the event variables added to the environment, just as if <em>prog...</em>
-had been registered in <tt>/proc/sys/kernel/hotplug</tt>. However,
-it reads the events sequentially, and waits for a <em>prog</em> instance
-to finish before spawning another one. </li>
- <li> When s6-uevent-spawner receives EOF: if an instance of
-<em>prog</em> is alive, it first waits for it to die. Then it exits
-0. </li>
-<h2> Options </h2>
- <li> <tt>-v</tt>&nbsp;<em>verbosity</em>&nbsp;: be more or less verbose.
-Default verbosity is 1. 0 only prints fatal error messages. 3 is too much. </li>
- <li> <tt>-l</tt> <em>linevar</em>&nbsp;: make the event description
-(i.e. the first string in the netlink message announcing the event)
-available in <em>prog</em> under the environment variable <em>linevar</em>.
-By default, this first string is ignored - it is not needed, all the
-event information is already in the other variables. </li>
- <li> <tt>-t</tt> <em>l:t:k</em>&nbsp;: If <em>l</em>, <em>t</em> or <em>k</em> is
-specified, they specify timeouts; by default, they are infinite.
-If <em>prog...</em> is still alive after <em>l</em> milliseconds, s6-devd sends
-it a SIGTERM. Then, if <em>prog...</em> is still alive after <em>t</em> more
-milliseconds, s6-devd sends it a SIGKILL. Then, if <em>prog...</em> is still
-alive after <em>k</em> more milliseconds, s6-uevent-spawner yells and exits 99. </li>
-<h2> Notes </h2>
- <li> The <em>prog...</em> helper should be very short-lived,
-even if you are not using the <tt>-t</tt> option. Since helpers are
-spawned sequentially, slow helpers can make events queue up and fill up
-buffers. </li>
diff --git a/doc/upgrade.html b/doc/upgrade.html
index 76eac8e..426157c 100644
--- a/doc/upgrade.html
+++ b/doc/upgrade.html
@@ -18,11 +18,14 @@
 <h1> What has changed in s6-linux-utils </h1>
-<h2> in </h2>
+<h2> in </h2>
  <li> skalibs dependency bumped to </li>
  <li> Optional <a href="//">nsss</a> support added. </li>
+ <li> <tt>s6-devd</tt>, <tt>s6-uevent-listener</tt> and <tt>s6-uevent-spawner</tt>
+have been removed: <a href="//">mdevd</a> obsoletes
+them. </li>
 <h2> in </h2>