runit for Debian ---------------- This package provides the runit programs and an example getty service only. It does not replace the /sbin/init program, and so does not enable runit to run as process no 1. To do so, you need to follow the documentation[0] or install the package runit-run. runit's default directory for services is /var/service. It is possible to use runit's service supervision with sysvinit's init running as process no 1. If you want this, create the /var/service directory, install the example stage 2 script in /etc/runit/, and add a line to the end of /etc/inittab like this: # mkdir -p /var/service # install -m0755 /usr/share/doc/runit/doc/debian/2 /etc/runit/2 # echo 'SV:123456:respawn:/etc/runit/2' >>/etc/inittab Then tell sysvinit about the change: # init q [0] -- Gerrit Pape , Wed, 16 Oct 2002 13:24:32 +0200