/* Single-precision SVE atan2 Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see . */ #include "sv_math.h" #include "poly_sve_f32.h" static const struct data { float32_t poly[8]; float32_t pi_over_2; } data = { /* Coefficients of polynomial P such that atan(x)~x+x*P(x^2) on [2**-128, 1.0]. */ .poly = { -0x1.55555p-2f, 0x1.99935ep-3f, -0x1.24051ep-3f, 0x1.bd7368p-4f, -0x1.491f0ep-4f, 0x1.93a2c0p-5f, -0x1.4c3c60p-6f, 0x1.01fd88p-8f }, .pi_over_2 = 0x1.921fb6p+0f, }; /* Special cases i.e. 0, infinity, nan (fall back to scalar calls). */ static svfloat32_t NOINLINE special_case (svfloat32_t y, svfloat32_t x, svfloat32_t ret, const svbool_t cmp) { return sv_call2_f32 (atan2f, y, x, ret, cmp); } /* Returns a predicate indicating true if the input is the bit representation of 0, infinity or nan. */ static inline svbool_t zeroinfnan (svuint32_t i, const svbool_t pg) { return svcmpge (pg, svsub_x (pg, svlsl_x (pg, i, 1), 1), sv_u32 (2 * 0x7f800000lu - 1)); } /* Fast implementation of SVE atan2f based on atan(x) ~ shift + z + z^3 * P(z^2) with reduction to [0,1] using z=1/x and shift = pi/2. Maximum observed error is 2.95 ULP: _ZGVsMxvv_atan2f (0x1.93836cp+6, 0x1.8cae1p+6) got 0x1.967f06p-1 want 0x1.967f00p-1. */ svfloat32_t SV_NAME_F2 (atan2) (svfloat32_t y, svfloat32_t x, const svbool_t pg) { const struct data *data_ptr = ptr_barrier (&data); svuint32_t ix = svreinterpret_u32 (x); svuint32_t iy = svreinterpret_u32 (y); svbool_t cmp_x = zeroinfnan (ix, pg); svbool_t cmp_y = zeroinfnan (iy, pg); svbool_t cmp_xy = svorr_z (pg, cmp_x, cmp_y); svfloat32_t ax = svabs_x (pg, x); svfloat32_t ay = svabs_x (pg, y); svuint32_t iax = svreinterpret_u32 (ax); svuint32_t iay = svreinterpret_u32 (ay); svuint32_t sign_x = sveor_x (pg, ix, iax); svuint32_t sign_y = sveor_x (pg, iy, iay); svuint32_t sign_xy = sveor_x (pg, sign_x, sign_y); svbool_t pred_aygtax = svcmpgt (pg, ay, ax); /* Set up z for call to atan. */ svfloat32_t n = svsel (pred_aygtax, svneg_x (pg, ax), ay); svfloat32_t d = svsel (pred_aygtax, ay, ax); svfloat32_t z = svdiv_x (pg, n, d); /* Work out the correct shift. */ svfloat32_t shift = svreinterpret_f32 (svlsr_x (pg, sign_x, 1)); shift = svsel (pred_aygtax, sv_f32 (1.0), shift); shift = svreinterpret_f32 (svorr_x (pg, sign_x, svreinterpret_u32 (shift))); shift = svmul_x (pg, shift, sv_f32 (data_ptr->pi_over_2)); /* Use pure Estrin scheme for P(z^2) with deg(P)=7. */ svfloat32_t z2 = svmul_x (pg, z, z); svfloat32_t z4 = svmul_x (pg, z2, z2); svfloat32_t z8 = svmul_x (pg, z4, z4); svfloat32_t ret = sv_estrin_7_f32_x (pg, z2, z4, z8, data_ptr->poly); /* ret = shift + z + z^3 * P(z^2). */ svfloat32_t z3 = svmul_x (pg, z2, z); ret = svmla_x (pg, z, z3, ret); ret = svadd_m (pg, ret, shift); /* Account for the sign of x and y. */ if (__glibc_unlikely (svptest_any (pg, cmp_xy))) return special_case ( y, x, svreinterpret_f32 (sveor_x (pg, svreinterpret_u32 (ret), sign_xy)), cmp_xy); return svreinterpret_f32 (sveor_x (pg, svreinterpret_u32 (ret), sign_xy)); }