comment_char % escape_char / % This file is part of the GNU C Library and contains locale data. % The Free Software Foundation does not claim any copyright interest % in the locale data contained in this file. The foregoing does not % affect the license of the GNU C Library as a whole. It does not % exempt you from the conditions of the license if your use would % otherwise be governed by that license. % Lithuanian language locale for Lithuania % Created on January 30, 1992 % by Edmundas Miseikis, Algimantas % Oskinis and Evaldas Kulbokas % Revised on April 10, 1992 % Revised on February 8, 1993 % Revised on April 3, 1993 % Revised on May 22, 1993 % Revised on November 21, 1993 % Revised on December 1, 1993 % Source: Lithuanian Computer Society and % Technical committee for IT standardisation % Address: P.O Box 1147, Donelaic[A Ą B C Č D E Ę Ė F G H I Į Y J K L M N O P R S Š T U Ų Ū V Z Ž] % % I am surprised that the characters Ą, Ę, Ė, Į, Y, Ų, and Ū % have only a secondary (accent) difference to the % characters A, E, I, and U in the % collation rules but have their own index bucket. % % This seems inconsistent to me. % % If Ą has only a secondary difference to A, it should not have its own index % bucket. So either the index bucket should be removed or the collation rule % should be changed to % % &A<ą<<<Ą % % Therefore, I reported: % % % % Comparing with % makes me think the index buckets are correct and the secondary % differences in the collation rules should be primary differences. % % So for the moment I’ll implement it like this in glibc. collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol collating-symbol reorder-after reorder-after reorder-after reorder-after reorder-after reorder-after reorder-after ;;;IGNORE % ą ;;;IGNORE % Ą ;;;IGNORE % č ;;;IGNORE % Č ;;;IGNORE % ę ;;;IGNORE % Ę ;;;IGNORE % ė ;;;IGNORE % Ė ;;;IGNORE % į ;;;IGNORE % Į ;;;IGNORE % š ;;;IGNORE % Š ;;;IGNORE % ų ;;;IGNORE % Ų ;;;IGNORE % ū ;;;IGNORE % Ū ;;;IGNORE % ž ;;;IGNORE % Ž reorder-end END LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE copy "i18n" translit_start include "translit_combining";"" translit_end END LC_CTYPE LC_MONETARY int_curr_symbol "EUR " currency_symbol "€" mon_decimal_point "," mon_thousands_sep "." mon_grouping 3 positive_sign "" negative_sign "-" int_frac_digits 2 frac_digits 2 p_cs_precedes 0 p_sep_by_space 1 n_cs_precedes 0 n_sep_by_space 1 p_sign_posn 1 n_sign_posn 1 END LC_MONETARY LC_NUMERIC decimal_point "," thousands_sep "." grouping 3 END LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME abday "Sk";"Pr";"An";/ "Tr";"Kt";"Pn";/ "Št" day "Sekmadienis";/ "Pirmadienis";/ "Antradienis";/ "Trečiadienis";/ "Ketvirtadienis";/ "Penktadienis";/ "Šeštadienis" abmon "saus.";"vas.";/ "kov.";"bal.";/ "geg.";"birž.";/ "liep.";"rugp.";/ "rugs.";"spal.";/ "lapkr.";"gruod." alt_mon "sausis";/ "vasaris";/ "kovas";/ "balandis";/ "gegužė";/ "birželis";/ "liepa";/ "rugpjūtis";/ "rugsėjis";/ "spalis";/ "lapkritis";/ "gruodis" mon "sausio";/ "vasario";/ "kovo";/ "balandžio";/ "gegužės";/ "birželio";/ "liepos";/ "rugpjūčio";/ "rugsėjo";/ "spalio";/ "lapkričio";/ "gruodžio" d_t_fmt "%Y m. %B %d d. %T" date_fmt "%Y m. %B %d d. %T %Z" d_fmt "%Y-%m-%d" t_fmt "%T" am_pm "";"" t_fmt_ampm "" week 7;19971130;4 first_weekday 2 END LC_TIME LC_MESSAGES yesexpr "^[+1TtYy]" noexpr "^[-0Nn]" yesstr "taip" nostr "ne" END LC_MESSAGES LC_PAPER copy "i18n" END LC_PAPER LC_TELEPHONE tel_int_fmt "+%c %a %l" int_prefix "370" int_select "00" END LC_TELEPHONE LC_MEASUREMENT copy "i18n" END LC_MEASUREMENT LC_NAME name_fmt "%d%t%g%t%m%t%f" END LC_NAME LC_ADDRESS postal_fmt "%f%N%a%N%d%N%b%N%s %h %e %r%N%z %T%N%c%N" country_name "Lietuva" country_ab2 "LT" country_ab3 "LTU" country_num 440 country_car "LT" lang_name "lietuvių" lang_ab "lt" lang_term "lit" lang_lib "lit" END LC_ADDRESS