escape_char / comment_char % % Name: localedef for ja_JP % Version: 0.7 % Date: 1999-12-05 % Write: HANATAKA, Shinya LC_IDENTIFICATION title "Japanese language locale for Japan" source "HANATAKA, Shinya," address "" contact "" email "" tel "" fax "" language "Japanese" territory "Japan" revision "1.0" date "2000-07-20" % category "ja_JP:2000";LC_IDENTIFICATION category "ja_JP:2000";LC_CTYPE category "ja_JP:2000";LC_COLLATE category "ja_JP:2000";LC_TIME category "ja_JP:2000";LC_NUMERIC category "ja_JP:2000";LC_MONETARY category "ja_JP:2000";LC_MESSAGES category "ja_JP:2000";LC_PAPER category "ja_JP:2000";LC_NAME category "ja_JP:2000";LC_ADDRESS category "ja_JP:2000";LC_TELEPHONE END LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_CTYPE % This is a copy of the "i18n" LC_CTYPE with the following modifications: % - Additional classes: jspace jhira jkata jkanji jdigit % - Additional maps: tojhira tojkata % BEGIN i18n LC_CTYPE % The "upper" class reflects the uppercase characters of class "alpha" upper / % TABLE 1 BASIC LATIN/ ..;/ % TABLE 2 LATIN-1 SUPPLEMENT/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 3 LATIN EXTENDED-A/ ..(2)..;/ ..(2)..;/ ..(2)..;/ ..(2)..;/ % TABLE 4 LATIN EXTENDED-B/ ;..(2)..;;/ ..;..;;;/ ..;;;;/ ..(2)..;/ ;;;;;;..;/ ;;;;;;;;/ ;;/ ..(2)..;/ ..(2)..;/ ;;;..;..(2)..;/ % TABLE 5 LATIN EXTENDED-B/ ..(2)..;..(2)..;/ % TABLE 6 IPA EXTENSIONS/ % TABLE 9 BASIC GREEK/ ;..;;;;..;/ ..;;;;/ % TABLE 10 GREEK SYMBOLS AND COPTIC/ ..(2)..;/ % TABLE 11 CYRILLIC/ ..;..(2)..;/ % TABLE 12 CYRILLIC/ ;..(2)..;;;;;/ ..(2)..;;/ % TABLE 13 ARMENIAN/ ..;/ % TABLE 28 GEORGIAN/ % is not addressed as the letters does not have a uppercase/lowercase relation/ % TABLE 31 LATIN EXTENDED ADDITIONAL/ ..(2)..;/ % TABLE 32 LATIN EXTENDED ADDITIONAL/ ..(2)..;/ ..(2)..;/ % TABLE 33 GREEK EXTENDED/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..(2)..;..;/ % TABLE 34 GREEK EXTENDED/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ % LETTERLIKE SYMBOLS/ ;..;/ % NUMBER FORMS/ ..;/ % ENCLOSED ALPHANUMERICS/ ..;/ % HALFWIDTH AND FULLWIDTH FORMS/ .. % The "lower" class reflects the lowercase characters of class "alpha" lower / % TABLE 1 BASIC LATIN/ ..;/ % TABLE 2 LATIN-1 SUPPLEMENT/ ;..;..;/ % TABLE 3 LATIN EXTENDED-A/ ..(2)..;..(2)..;/ ..(2)..;..(2)..;;/ % TABLE 4 LATIN EXTENDED-B/ ;;;;;;/ ;;;;;;/ ;;;;;;;;/ ;;;..(2)..;/ ..(2)..;;;;..(2)..;/ % TABLE 5 LATIN EXTENDED-B/ ..(2)..;..(2)..;/ % TABLE 6 IPA EXTENSIONS/ ;;;;;;;;;/ ;;;;;;;;;/ ;/ % COMBINING DIACRITICAL MARKS/ ;/ % TABLE 9 BASIC GREEK/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 10 GREEK SYMBOLS AND COPTIC/ ;;;;..(2)..;..;/ % TABLE 11 CYRILLIC/ ..;..(2)..;/ % TABLE 12 CYRILLIC/ ;..(2)..;;;;;/ ..(2)..;;/ % TABLE 13 ARMENIAN/ ..;/ % TABLE 28 GEORGIAN/ % is not addressed as the letters does not have a uppercase/lowercase relation/ % TABLE 31 and 32 LATIN EXTENDED ADDITIONAL/ ..(2)..;;..(2)..;/ % TABLE 33 GREEK EXTENDED/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..(2)..;..;..;/ % TABLE 34 GREEK EXTENDED/ ..;..;..;;;/ ;;;;;;;;/ ;/ % TABLE 35 SUPERSCRIPTS AND SUBSCRIPTS, CURRENCY SYMBOLS/ % NUMBER FORMS/ ..;/ % ENCLOSED ALPHANUMERICS/ ..;/ % HALFWIDTH AND FULLWIDTH FORMS/ .. % The "alpha" class of the "i18n" FDCC-set is reflecting % the recommendations in TR 10176 annex A alpha / % TABLE 1 BASIC LATIN/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 2 LATIN-1 SUPPLEMENT/ ;;;..;..;/ ..;/ % TABLE 3 LATIN EXTENDED-A/ ..;/ % TABLE 4 and 5 LATIN EXTENDED-B/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 6 IPA EXTENSIONS/ ..;/ % SPACING MODIFIER LETTERS/ ..;..;;;..;/ ;/ % COMBINING DIACRITICAL MARKS/ ;/ % TABLE 9 BASIC GREEK/ ;;..;;..;/ ..;/ % TABLE 10 GREEK SYMBOLS AND COPTIC/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 11 and 12 CYRILLIC/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 13 ARMENIAN/ ..;;..;/ % TABLE 14 HEBREW/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 15 and 16 ARABIC/ ..;..;..;;/ ..;..;/ % SYRIAC/ ;..;/ % THAANA/ ..;/ % TABLE 17 DEVANAGARI/ ..;;;..;/ % TABLE 18 BENGALI/ ..;;;..;..;/ ;..;;;..;/ ..;/ % TABLE 19 GURMUKHI/ ..;;;..;..;/ ;;;;;;..;/ ;..;/ % TABLE 20 GUJARATI/ ..;;..;..;/ ..;;;..;;;/ ;/ % TABLE 21 ORIYA/ ..;;;..;..;/ ;;..;;;;/ ..;/ % TABLE 22 TAMIL/ ..;..;..;;;/ ;;;;;..;/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 23 TELUGU/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 24 KANNADA/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;;..;/ % TABLE 25 MALAYALAM/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;/ % SINHALA/ ..;..;..;;/ ..;/ % TABLE 26 THAI/ ..;;;..;/ % TABLE 27 LAO/ ..;;..;;;/ ..;..;..;;;/ ..;..;..;;/ ..;;..;/ % TIBETAN/ ;..;..;..;/ % MYANMAR/ ..;..;;;..;/ % TABLE 28 GEORGIAN/ ..;..;/ % HANGUL JAMO/ ..;..;..;/ % ETHIOPIC/ ..;..;;..;/ ..;;..;..;;/ ..;..;;..;/ ..;;..;..;/ ..;..;..;;/ ..;..;..;..;/ % CHEROKEE/ ..;/ % UNIFIED CANADIAN ABORIGINAL SYLLABICS/ ..;..;/ % OGHAM/ ..;/ % RUNIC/ ..;/ % KHMER/ ..;/ % MONGOLIAN/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 31 and 32 LATIN EXTENDED ADDITIONAL/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 33 and 34 GREEK EXTENDED/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;;;;..;/ ..;..;;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 35 SUPERSCRIPTS AND SUBSCRIPTS, CURRENCY SYMBOLS/ ;/ % LETTERLIKE SYMBOLS/ ;;..;;..;;/ ;..;..;..;/ % NUMBER FORMS/ ..;/ % ENCLOSED ALPHANUMERICS/ ..;/ % CJK SYMBOLS AND PUNCTUATION/ ..;..;..;..;/ % TABLE 50 HIRAGANA/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 51 KATAKANA/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 52 BOPOMOFO/ ..;/ % HANGUL COMPATIBILITY JAMO/ ..;/ % BOPOMOFO EXTENDED/ ..;/ % CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPHS EXTENSION/ ..;/ % CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPHS/ ..;/ % YI SYLLABLES/ ..;/ % HANGUL SYLLABLES/ ..;/ % CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPHS/ ..;/ % ALPHABETIC PRESENTATION FORMS/ ..;..;;..;/ ..;..;;;;;/ ;..;/ % ARABIC PRESENTATION FORMS/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;/ % ARABIC PRESENTATION FORMS/ ..;;..;/ % HALFWIDTH AND FULLWIDTH FORMS/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;/ % The non-ASCII number characters are included here because ISO C 99 / % forbids us to classify them as digits; however, they behave more like / % alphanumeric than like punctuation. / % TABLE 15 and 16 ARABIC/ ..;..;/ % TABLE 17 DEVANAGARI/ ..;/ % TABLE 18 BENGALI/ ..;/ % TABLE 19 GURMUKHI/ ..;/ % TABLE 20 GUJARATI/ ..;/ % TABLE 21 ORIYA/ ..;/ % TABLE 22 TAMIL/ <0>;..;/ % TABLE 23 TELUGU/ ..;/ % TABLE 24 KANNADA/ ..;/ % TABLE 25 MALAYALAM/ ..;/ % TABLE 26 THAI/ ..;/ % TABLE 27 LAO/ ..;/ % TIBETAN/ ..;/ % MYANMAR/ ..;/ % ETHIOPIC/ <0>;..;/ % KHMER/ ..;/ % MONGOLIAN/ ..;/ % HALFWIDTH AND FULLWIDTH FORMS/ .. % The "digit" class must only contain the BASIC LATIN digits, says ISO C 99 % (sections and 5.2.1). digit / .. outdigit .. space / % ISO/IEC 6429/ ..;/ % TABLE 1 BASIC LATIN/ ;/ % OGHAM/ ;/ % TABLE 35 GENERAL PUNCTUATION/ ..;..;;;/ % TABLE 50 CJK SYMBOLS AND PUNCTUATION, HIRAGANA/ cntrl / ..;..;/ % Treat the Line/Paragraph Separators as control characters, like Line Feed./ ; punct / ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ;;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;;..;;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;;;/ ;..;..;;;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ;;..;..;..;/ ;..;..;..;;/ ..;;..;..;/ ..;;..;..;;/ ;..;..;..;/ ..;..;;..;/ ..;..;..;;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ;..;..;..;/ ..;;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;;..;;..;/ ;..;..;;..;/ ;..;..;;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ;..;..;..;/ ..;;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;;;..;..;/ ..;..;..;;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;;/ ..;..;;;;;/ ;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;;..;;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;..;/ ..;..;..;;/ ..;;;..;..;/ 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