comment_char % escape_char / % This file is part of the GNU C Library and contains locale data. % The Free Software Foundation does not claim any copyright interest % in the locale data contained in this file. The foregoing does not % affect the license of the GNU C Library as a whole. It does not % exempt you from the conditions of the license if your use would % otherwise be governed by that license. % Igbo language locale for Nigeria % Source: % Contact: Pablo Saratxaga % Email: % Language: ig % Territory: NG % Revision: 0.2 % Date: 2005-12-14 % Users: general LC_IDENTIFICATION title "Igbo locale for Nigeria" source "" address "" contact "" email "" tel "" fax "" language "Igbo" territory "Nigeria" revision "0.2" date "2005-12-14" category "i18n:2012";LC_IDENTIFICATION category "i18n:2012";LC_CTYPE category "i18n:2012";LC_COLLATE category "i18n:2012";LC_TIME category "i18n:2012";LC_NUMERIC category "i18n:2012";LC_MONETARY category "i18n:2012";LC_MESSAGES category "i18n:2012";LC_PAPER category "i18n:2012";LC_NAME category "i18n:2012";LC_ADDRESS category "i18n:2012";LC_TELEPHONE category "i18n:2012";LC_MEASUREMENT END LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_COLLATE % CLDR collation rules for Igbo: % (see: % % % % % % And CLDR also lists the following % index characters: % (see: % % [A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z] % % The following rules implement the same order for glibc. copy "iso14651_t1" collating-symbol collating-element from "ch" collating-element from "cH" collating-element from "Ch" collating-element from "CH" collating-symbol collating-element from "gb" collating-element from "gB" collating-element from "Gb" collating-element from "GB" collating-symbol collating-element from "gh" collating-element from "gH" collating-element from "Gh" collating-element from "GH" collating-symbol collating-element from "gw" collating-element from "gW" collating-element from "Gw" collating-element from "GW" collating-symbol collating-element from "kp" collating-element from "kP" collating-element from "Kp" collating-element from "KP" collating-symbol collating-element from "kw" collating-element from "kW" collating-element from "Kw" collating-element from "KW" collating-symbol collating-element from "nw" collating-element from "nW" collating-element from "Nw" collating-element from "NW" collating-symbol collating-element from "ny" collating-element from "nY" collating-element from "Ny" collating-element from "NY" collating-symbol collating-element from "i" collating-element from "I" collating-symbol collating-element from "o" collating-element from "O" collating-symbol collating-element from "sh" collating-element from "sH" collating-element from "Sh" collating-element from "SH" collating-symbol collating-element from "u" collating-element from "U" collating-symbol collating-element from "n" collating-element from "N" reorder-after reorder-after reorder-after reorder-after reorder-after reorder-after reorder-after reorder-after ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";""; % ị ;"";""; ;"";""; % Ị ;"";""; ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";""; % ṅ ;"";""; ;"";""; % Ṅ ;"";""; ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";""; % ọ ;"";""; ;"";""; % Ọ ;"";""; ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";"";IGNORE ;"";""; % ụ ;"";""; ;"";""; % Ụ ;"";""; reorder-end END LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE copy "en_NG" END LC_CTYPE LC_MONETARY copy "en_NG" END LC_MONETARY LC_NUMERIC copy "en_NG" END LC_NUMERIC LC_TELEPHONE copy "en_NG" END LC_TELEPHONE LC_TIME % sọn, mọn, tuz, wen, tọs, fra, sat abday "sn";"mn";/ "tuz";"wen";/ "ts";"fra";/ "sat" % sọnde, mọnde, tuzde, wenzde, tọsde, fraịde, satọde day "snde";/ "mnde";/ "tuzde";/ "wenzde";/ "tsde";/ "frade";/ "satde" % Jen, Feb, Maa, Epr, Mee, Juu, Jul, Ọgọ, Sep, Ọkt, Nov, Dis abmon "Jen";"Feb";/ "Maa";"Epr";/ "Mee";"Juu";/ "Jul";"g";/ "Sep";"kt";/ "Nov";"Dis" % Jenụwarị, Febrụwarị, Maachị, Eprel, Mee, Juun, % Julaị, Ọgọọst, Septemba, Ọktoba, Novemba, Disemba mon "Jenwar";/ "Febrwar";/ "Maach";/ "Eprel";/ "Mee";/ "Juun";/ "Jula";/ "gst";/ "Septemba";/ "ktoba";/ "Novemba";/ "Disemba" % FIXME d_t_fmt "%A, %d %B %Y %T %Z" d_fmt "%d//%m//%y" t_fmt "%r" am_pm "AM";"PM" t_fmt_ampm "%I:%M:%S %p" week 7;19971130;1 first_weekday 2 END LC_TIME LC_MESSAGES yesexpr "^[+1EeIiYy]" noexpr "^[-0MmNn]" yesstr "Eye" nostr "Mba" END LC_MESSAGES LC_PAPER copy "en_NG" END LC_PAPER LC_MEASUREMENT copy "en_NG" END LC_MEASUREMENT LC_NAME % FIXME copy "en_NG" END LC_NAME % FIXME LC_ADDRESS % Representation of postal addresses (minus the addressee's name) in South % Africa. (Ignored for now) % "%f%N%a%N%d%N%b%N%s %h %e %r%N%z %T%N%c%N", which gives - % % "firm name", % "end of line", % "C/O address", % "end of line", % "department name", % "Building name", % "end of line", % "street or block name", % "space", % "house number or designation", % "space", % "floor number", % "space", % "room number, door designation", % "end of line", % "postal code", % "space", % "town, city", % "end of line", % "country designation for the keyword", % "end of line postal_fmt "%f%N%a%N%d%N%b%N%s %h %e %r%N%z %T%N%c%N" % Country name in Igbo - "Nigeria" country_name "Nigeria" % Language name in Igbo - "Igbo" lang_name "Igbo" % CEPT MAILCODES are suggested % Alternatively use the code found on your countries postal item tracking number % "NG"? %country_post "NG" % UN Geneve 1949:68 Distinguishing signs of vehicles in international traffic % country_car "WAN" % ISO 2108 % country_isbn 978 % ISO 639 language abbreviations: % 639-1 2 letter, 639-2 3 letter terminology % lang_ab "ig" lang_term "ibo" lang_lib "ibo" % ISO 3166 country number and 2 and 3 letter abreviations % country_ab2 "NG" country_ab3 "NGA" country_num 566 END LC_ADDRESS