# @(#)range.awk 10.1 (Sleepycat) 11/1/98 # # Print out a range of the log /^\[/{ l = length($1) - 1; i = index($1, "]"); file = substr($1, 2, i - 2); file += 0; start = i + 2; offset = substr($1, start, l - start + 1); i = index(offset, "]"); offset = substr($1, start, i - 1); offset += 0; if ((file == START_FILE && offset >= START_OFFSET || file > START_FILE)\ && (file < END_FILE || (file == END_FILE && offset < END_OFFSET))) printme = 1 else if (file == END_FILE && offset > END_OFFSET || file > END_FILE) exit else printme = 0 } { if (printme == 1) print $0 }