# @(#)pgno.awk 10.1 (Sleepycat) 11/1/98 # # Take a comma-separated list of page numbers and spit out all the # log records that affect those page numbers. { if (NR == 1) { npages = 0 while ((ndx = index(PGNO, ",")) != 0) { pgno[npages] = substr(PGNO, 1, ndx - 1); PGNO = substr(PGNO, ndx + 1, length(PGNO) - ndx); npages++ } pgno[npages] = PGNO; } } /^\[/{ if (printme == 1) { printf("%s\n", rec); printme = 0 } rec = ""; rec = $0 } /^ /{ rec = sprintf("%s\n%s", rec, $0); } /pgno/{ for (i = 0; i <= npages; i++) if ($2 == pgno[i]) printme = 1 } /right/{ for (i = 0; i <= npages; i++) if ($2 == pgno[i]) printme = 1 } /left/{ for (i = 0; i <= npages; i++) if ($2 == pgno[i]) printme = 1 }