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path: root/sysdeps/ia64/fpu/w_tgammaf.S
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Diffstat (limited to 'sysdeps/ia64/fpu/w_tgammaf.S')
1 files changed, 1330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sysdeps/ia64/fpu/w_tgammaf.S b/sysdeps/ia64/fpu/w_tgammaf.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0fbd840adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sysdeps/ia64/fpu/w_tgammaf.S
@@ -0,0 +1,1330 @@
+.file "tgammaf.s"
+// Copyright (c) 2001 - 2005, Intel Corporation
+// All rights reserved.
+// Contributed 2001 by the Intel Numerics Group, Intel Corporation
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+// * The name of Intel Corporation may not be used to endorse or promote
+// products derived from this software without specific prior written
+// permission.
+// Intel Corporation is the author of this code,and requests that all
+// problem reports or change requests be submitted to it directly at
+// History:
+// 11/30/01  Initial version
+// 05/20/02  Cleaned up namespace and sf0 syntax
+// 02/10/03  Reordered header: .section, .global, .proc, .align
+// 04/04/03  Changed error codes for overflow and negative integers
+// 04/10/03  Changed code for overflow near zero handling
+// 12/16/03  Fixed parameter passing to/from error handling routine
+// 03/31/05  Reformatted delimiters between data tables
+// Function: tgammaf(x) computes the principle value of the GAMMA
+// function of x.
+// Resources Used:
+//    Floating-Point Registers: f8-f15
+//                              f33-f75
+//    General Purpose Registers:
+//      r8-r11
+//      r14-r29
+//      r32-r36
+//      r37-r40 (Used to pass arguments to error handling routine)
+//    Predicate Registers:      p6-p15
+// IEEE Special Conditions:
+//    tgammaf(+inf) = +inf
+//    tgammaf(-inf) = QNaN
+//    tgammaf(+/-0) = +/-inf
+//    tgammaf(x<0, x - integer) = QNaN
+//    tgammaf(SNaN) = QNaN
+//    tgammaf(QNaN) = QNaN
+// Overview
+// The method consists of three cases.
+// If       2 <= x < OVERFLOW_BOUNDARY   use case tgamma_regular;
+// else if  0 < x < 2                    use case tgamma_from_0_to_2;
+// else if  -(i+1) <  x < -i, i = 0...43 use case tgamma_negatives;
+// Case 2 <= x < OVERFLOW_BOUNDARY
+// -------------------------------
+//   Here we use algorithm based on the recursive formula
+//   GAMMA(x+1) = x*GAMMA(x). For that we subdivide interval
+//   [2; OVERFLOW_BOUNDARY] into intervals [8*n; 8*(n+1)] and
+//   approximate GAMMA(x) by polynomial of 22th degree on each
+//   [8*n; 8*n+1], recursive formula is used to expand GAMMA(x)
+//   to [8*n; 8*n+1]. In other words we need to find n, i and r
+//   such that x = 8 * n + i + r where n and i are integer numbers
+//   and r is fractional part of x. So GAMMA(x) = GAMMA(8*n+i+r) =
+//   = (x-1)*(x-2)*...*(x-i)*GAMMA(x-i) =
+//   = (x-1)*(x-2)*...*(x-i)*GAMMA(8*n+r) ~
+//   ~ (x-1)*(x-2)*...*(x-i)*P12n(r).
+//   Step 1: Reduction
+//   -----------------
+//    N = [x] with truncate
+//    r = x - N, note 0 <= r < 1
+//    n = N & ~0xF - index of table that contains coefficient of
+//                   polynomial approximation
+//    i = N & 0xF  - is used in recursive formula
+//   Step 2: Approximation
+//   ---------------------
+//    We use factorized minimax approximation polynomials
+//    P12n(r) = A12*(r^2+C01(n)*r+C00(n))*
+//              *(r^2+C11(n)*r+C10(n))*...*(r^2+C51(n)*r+C50(n))
+//   Step 3: Recursion
+//   -----------------
+//    In case when i > 0 we need to multiply P12n(r) by product
+//    R(i,x)=(x-1)*(x-2)*...*(x-i). To reduce number of fp-instructions
+//    we can calculate R as follow:
+//    R(i,x) = ((x-1)*(x-2))*((x-3)*(x-4))*...*((x-(i-1))*(x-i)) if i is
+//    even or R = ((x-1)*(x-2))*((x-3)*(x-4))*...*((x-(i-2))*(x-(i-1)))*
+//    *(i-1) if i is odd. In both cases we need to calculate
+//    R2(i,x) = (x^2-3*x+2)*(x^2-7*x+12)*...*(x^2+x+2*j*(2*j-1)) =
+//    = ((x^2-x)+2*(1-x))*((x^2-x)+6*(2-x))*...*((x^2-x)+2*(2*j-1)*(j-x)) =
+//    = (RA+2*RB)*(RA+6*(1-RB))*...*(RA+2*(2*j-1)*(j-1+RB))
+//    where j = 1..[i/2], RA = x^2-x, RB = 1-x.
+//   Step 4: Reconstruction
+//   ----------------------
+//    Reconstruction is just simple multiplication i.e.
+//    GAMMA(x) = P12n(r)*R(i,x)
+// Case 0 < x < 2
+// --------------
+//    To calculate GAMMA(x) on this interval we do following
+//        if 1.0  <= x < 1.25  than  GAMMA(x) = P7(x-1)
+//        if 1.25 <= x < 1.5   than  GAMMA(x) = P7(x-x_min) where
+//              x_min is point of local minimum on [1; 2] interval.
+//        if 1.5  <= x < 1.75  than  GAMMA(x) = P7(x-1.5)
+//        if 1.75 <= x < 2.0   than  GAMMA(x) = P7(x-1.5)
+//    and
+//        if 0 < x < 1 than GAMMA(x) = GAMMA(x+1)/x
+// Case -(i+1) <  x < -i, i = 0...43
+// ----------------------------------
+//    Here we use the fact that GAMMA(-x) = PI/(x*GAMMA(x)*sin(PI*x)) and
+//    so we need to calculate GAMMA(x), sin(PI*x)/PI. Calculation of
+//    GAMMA(x) is described above.
+//   Step 1: Reduction
+//   -----------------
+//    Note that period of sin(PI*x) is 2 and range reduction for
+//    sin(PI*x) is like to range reduction for GAMMA(x)
+//    i.e rs = x - round(x) and |rs| <= 0.5.
+//   Step 2: Approximation
+//   ---------------------
+//    To approximate sin(PI*x)/PI = sin(PI*(2*n+rs))/PI =
+//    = (-1)^n*sin(PI*rs)/PI Taylor series is used.
+//    sin(PI*rs)/PI ~ S17(rs).
+//   Step 3: Division
+//   ----------------
+//    To calculate 1/x and 1/(GAMMA(x)*S12(rs)) we use frcpa
+//    instruction with following Newton-Raphson interations.
+GR_ad_Data              = r8
+GR_TAG                  = r8
+GR_SignExp              = r9
+GR_Sig                  = r10
+GR_ArgNz                = r10
+GR_RqDeg                = r11
+GR_NanBound             = r14
+GR_ExpOf025             = r15
+GR_ExpOf05              = r16
+GR_ad_Co                = r17
+GR_ad_Ce                = r18
+GR_TblOffs              = r19
+GR_Arg                  = r20
+GR_Exp2Ind              = r21
+GR_TblOffsMask          = r21
+GR_Offs                 = r22
+GR_OvfNzBound           = r23
+GR_ZeroResBound         = r24
+GR_ad_SinO              = r25
+GR_ad_SinE              = r26
+GR_Correction           = r27
+GR_Tbl12Offs            = r28
+GR_NzBound              = r28
+GR_ExpOf1               = r29
+GR_fpsr                 = r29
+GR_SAVE_B0              = r33
+GR_SAVE_PFS             = r34
+GR_SAVE_GP              = r35
+GR_SAVE_SP              = r36
+GR_Parameter_X          = r37
+GR_Parameter_Y          = r38
+GR_Parameter_RESULT     = r39
+GR_Parameter_TAG        = r40
+FR_X                    = f10
+FR_Y                    = f1
+FR_RESULT               = f8
+FR_iXt                  = f11
+FR_Xt                   = f12
+FR_r                    = f13
+FR_r2                   = f14
+FR_r4                   = f15
+FR_C01                  = f33
+FR_A7                   = f33
+FR_C11                  = f34
+FR_A6                   = f34
+FR_C21                  = f35
+FR_A5                   = f35
+FR_C31                  = f36
+FR_A4                   = f36
+FR_C41                  = f37
+FR_A3                   = f37
+FR_C51                  = f38
+FR_A2                   = f38
+FR_C00                  = f39
+FR_A1                   = f39
+FR_C10                  = f40
+FR_A0                   = f40
+FR_C20                  = f41
+FR_C30                  = f42
+FR_C40                  = f43
+FR_C50                  = f44
+FR_An                   = f45
+FR_OvfBound             = f46
+FR_InvAn                = f47
+FR_Multplr              = f48
+FR_NormX                = f49
+FR_X2mX                 = f50
+FR_1mX                  = f51
+FR_Rq0                  = f51
+FR_Rq1                  = f52
+FR_Rq2                  = f53
+FR_Rq3                  = f54
+FR_Rcp0                 = f55
+FR_Rcp1                 = f56
+FR_Rcp2                 = f57
+FR_InvNormX1            = f58
+FR_InvNormX2            = f59
+FR_rs                   = f60
+FR_rs2                  = f61
+FR_LocalMin             = f62
+FR_10                   = f63
+FR_05                   = f64
+FR_S32                  = f65
+FR_S31                  = f66
+FR_S01                  = f67
+FR_S11                  = f68
+FR_S21                  = f69
+FR_S00                  = f70
+FR_S10                  = f71
+FR_S20                  = f72
+FR_GAMMA                = f73
+FR_2                    = f74
+FR_6                    = f75
+// Data tables
+.align 16
+data8 0x3FDD8B618D5AF8FE // local minimum (0.461632144968362356785)
+data8 0x4024000000000000 // 10.0
+data8 0x3E90FC992FF39E13 // S32
+data8 0xBEC144B2760626E2 // S31
+//[2; 8)
+data8 0x4009EFD1BA0CB3B4 // C01
+data8 0x3FFFB35378FF4822 // C11
+data8 0xC01032270413B896 // C41
+data8 0xC01F171A4C0D6827 // C51
+data8 0x40148F8E197396AC // C20
+data8 0x401C601959F1249C // C30
+data8 0x3EE21AD881741977 // An
+data8 0x4041852200000000 // overflow boundary (35.04010009765625)
+data8 0x3FD9CE68F695B198 // C21
+data8 0xBFF8C30AC900DA03 // C31
+data8 0x400E17D2F0535C02 // C00
+data8 0x4010689240F7FAC8 // C10
+data8 0x402563147DDCCF8D // C40
+data8 0x4033406D0480A21C // C50
+//[8; 16)
+data8 0x4006222BAE0B793B // C01
+data8 0x4002452733473EDA // C11
+data8 0xC0010EF3326FDDB3 // C41
+data8 0xC01492B817F99C0F // C51
+data8 0x40099C905A249B75 // C20
+data8 0x4012B972AE0E533D // C30
+data8 0x3FE6F6DB91D0D4CC // An
+data8 0x4041852200000000 // overflow boundary
+data8 0x3FF545828F7B73C5 // C21
+data8 0xBFBBD210578764DF // C31
+data8 0x4000542098F53CFC // C00
+data8 0x40032C1309AD6C81 // C10
+data8 0x401D7331E19BD2E1 // C40
+data8 0x402A06807295EF57 // C50
+//[16; 24)
+data8 0x4000131002867596 // C01
+data8 0x3FFAA362D5D1B6F2 // C11
+data8 0xBFFCB6985697DB6D // C41
+data8 0xC0115BEE3BFC3B3B // C51
+data8 0x3FFE62FF83456F73 // C20
+data8 0x4007E33478A114C4 // C30
+data8 0x41E9B2B73795ED57 // An
+data8 0x4041852200000000 // overflow boundary
+data8 0x3FEEB1F345BC2769 // C21
+data8 0xBFC3BBE6E7F3316F // C31
+data8 0x3FF14E07DA5E9983 // C00
+data8 0x3FF53B76BF81E2C0 // C10
+data8 0x4014051E0269A3DC // C40
+data8 0x40229D4227468EDB // C50
+//[24; 32)
+data8 0x3FFAF7BD498384DE // C01
+data8 0x3FF62AD8B4D1C3D2 // C11
+data8 0xBFFABCADCD004C32 // C41
+data8 0xC00FADE97C097EC9 // C51
+data8 0x3FF6DA9ED737707E // C20
+data8 0x4002A29E9E0C782C // C30
+data8 0x44329D5B5167C6C3 // An
+data8 0x4041852200000000 // overflow boundary
+data8 0x3FE8943CBBB4B727 // C21
+data8 0xBFCB39D466E11756 // C31
+data8 0x3FE879AF3243D8C1 // C00
+data8 0x3FEEC7DEBB14CE1E // C10
+data8 0x401017B79BA80BCB // C40
+data8 0x401E941DC3C4DE80 // C50
+//[32; 40)
+data8 0x3FF7ECB3A0E8FE5C // C01
+data8 0x3FF3815A8516316B // C11
+data8 0xBFF9ABD8FCC000C3 // C41
+data8 0xC00DD89969A4195B // C51
+data8 0x3FF2E43139CBF563 // C20
+data8 0x3FFF96DC3474A606 // C30
+data8 0x46AFF4CA9B0DDDF0 // An
+data8 0x4041852200000000 // overflow boundary
+data8 0x3FE4CE76DA1B5783 // C21
+data8 0xBFD0524DB460BC4E // C31
+data8 0x3FE35852DF14E200 // C00
+data8 0x3FE8C7610359F642 // C10
+data8 0x400BCF750EC16173 // C40
+data8 0x401AC14E02EA701C // C50
+//[40; 48)
+data8 0x3FF5DCE4D8193097 // C01
+data8 0x3FF1B0D8C4974FFA // C11
+data8 0xBFF8FB450194CAEA // C41
+data8 0xC00C9658E030A6C4 // C51
+data8 0x3FF068851118AB46 // C20
+data8 0x3FFBF7C7BB46BF7D // C30
+data8 0x3FF0000000000000 // An
+data8 0x4041852200000000 // overflow boundary
+data8 0x3FE231DEB11D847A // C21
+data8 0xBFD251ECAFD7E935 // C31
+data8 0x3FE0368AE288F6BF // C00
+data8 0x3FE513AE4215A70C // C10
+data8 0x4008F960F7141B8B // C40
+data8 0x40183BA08134397B // C50
+//[1.0; 1.25)
+data8 0xBFD9909648921868 // A7
+data8 0x3FE96FFEEEA8520F // A6
+data8 0xBFED0800D93449B8 // A3
+data8 0x3FEFA648D144911C // A2
+data8 0xBFEE3720F7720B4D // A5
+data8 0x3FEF4857A010CA3B // A4
+data8 0xBFE2788CCD545AA4 // A1
+data8 0x3FEFFFFFFFE9209E // A0
+//[1.25; 1.5)
+data8 0xBFB421236426936C // A7
+data8 0x3FAF237514F36691 // A6
+data8 0xBFC0BADE710A10B9 // A3
+data8 0x3FDB6C5465BBEF1F // A2
+data8 0xBFB7E7F83A546EBE // A5
+data8 0x3FC496A01A545163 // A4
+data8 0xBDEE86A39D8452EB // A1
+data8 0x3FEC56DC82A39AA2 // A0
+//[1.5; 1.75)
+data8 0xBF94730B51795867 // A7
+data8 0x3FBF4203E3816C7B // A6
+data8 0xBFE85B427DBD23E4 // A3
+data8 0x3FEE65557AB26771 // A2
+data8 0xBFD59D31BE3AB42A // A5
+data8 0x3FE3C90CC8F09147 // A4
+data8 0xBFE245971DF735B8 // A1
+data8 0x3FEFFC613AE7FBC8 // A0
+//[1.75; 2.0)
+data8 0xBF7746A85137617E // A7
+data8 0x3FA96E37D09735F3 // A6
+data8 0xBFE3C24AC40AC0BB // A3
+data8 0x3FEC56A80A977CA5 // A2
+data8 0xBFC6F0E707560916 // A5
+data8 0x3FDB262D949175BE // A4
+data8 0xBFE1C1AEDFB25495 // A1
+data8 0x3FEFEE1E644B2022 // A0
+// sin(pi*x)/pi
+data8 0xC026FB0D377656CC // S01
+data8 0x3FFFB15F95A22324 // S11
+data8 0x406CE58F4A41C6E7 // S10
+data8 0x404453786302C61E // S20
+data8 0xC023D59A47DBFCD3 // S21
+data8 0x405541D7ABECEFCA // S00
+// 1/An for [40; 48)
+data8 0xCAA7576DE621FCD5, 0x3F68
+// Code
+.section .text
+{ .mfi
+      getf.exp      GR_SignExp = f8
+      fma.s1        FR_NormX = f8,f1,f0
+      addl          GR_ad_Data = @ltoff(tgammaf_data), gp
+{ .mfi
+      mov           GR_ExpOf05 = 0xFFFE
+      fcvt.fx.trunc.s1 FR_iXt = f8 // [x]
+      mov           GR_Offs = 0 // 2 <= x < 8
+{ .mfi
+      getf.d        GR_Arg = f8
+    p14,p15 = f8,f0
+      mov           GR_Tbl12Offs = 0
+{ .mfi
+      setf.exp      FR_05 = GR_ExpOf05
+      fma.s1        FR_2 = f1,f1,f1 // 2
+      mov           GR_Correction = 0
+{ .mfi
+      ld8           GR_ad_Data = [GR_ad_Data]
+      fclass.m      p10,p0 = f8,0x1E7 // is x  NaTVal, NaN, +/-0 or +/-INF?
+      tbit.z        p12,p13 = GR_SignExp,16 // p13 if |x| >= 2
+{ .mfi
+      mov           GR_ExpOf1 = 0xFFFF
+      fcvt.fx.s1    FR_rs = f8 // round(x)
+      and           GR_Exp2Ind = 7,GR_SignExp
+.pred.rel "mutex",p14,p15
+{ .mfi
+(p15) cmp.eq.unc    p11,p0 = GR_ExpOf1,GR_SignExp // p11 if 1 <= x < 2
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_1mX = f1,f1,f8 // 1 - |x|
+      mov           GR_Sig = 0 // if |x| < 2
+{ .mfi
+(p13) cmp.eq.unc    p7,p0 = 2,GR_Exp2Ind
+(p15) fms.s1        FR_1mX = f1,f1,f8 // 1 - |x|
+(p13) cmp.eq.unc    p8,p0 = 3,GR_Exp2Ind
+.pred.rel "mutex",p7,p8
+{ .mfi
+(p7)  mov           GR_Offs = 0x7    // 8 <= |x| < 16
+      nop.f         0
+(p8)  tbit.z.unc    p0,p6 = GR_Arg,51
+{ .mib
+(p13)    p9,p0 = 3,GR_Exp2Ind
+(p8)  mov           GR_Offs = 0xE // 16 <= |x| < 32
+      // jump if x is NaTVal, NaN, +/-0 or +/-INF?
+(p10) br.cond.spnt  tgammaf_spec_args
+.pred.rel "mutex",p14,p15
+.pred.rel "mutex",p6,p9
+{ .mfi
+(p9)  mov           GR_Offs = 0x1C // 32 <= |x|
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_X2mX = FR_NormX,FR_NormX,FR_NormX // x^2-|x|
+(p9)  tbit.z.unc    p0,p8 = GR_Arg,50
+{ .mfi
+      ldfpd         FR_LocalMin,FR_10 = [GR_ad_Data],16
+(p15) fms.s1        FR_X2mX = FR_NormX,FR_NormX,FR_NormX // x^2-|x|
+(p6)  add           GR_Offs = 0x7,GR_Offs // 24 <= x < 32
+.pred.rel "mutex",p8,p12
+{ .mfi
+      add           GR_ad_Ce = 0x50,GR_ad_Data
+(p15) p10,p0 = f8,f1 // p10 if 0 <= x < 1
+      mov           GR_OvfNzBound = 2
+{ .mib
+      ldfpd         FR_S32,FR_S31 = [GR_ad_Data],16
+(p8)  add           GR_Offs = 0x7,GR_Offs // 40 <= |x|
+      // jump if 1 <= x < 2
+(p11) br.cond.spnt  tgammaf_from_1_to_2
+{ .mfi
+      shladd        GR_ad_Ce = GR_Offs,4,GR_ad_Ce
+      fcvt.xf       FR_Xt = FR_iXt // [x]
+(p13) cmp.eq.unc    p7,p0 = r0,GR_Offs // p7 if 2 <= |x| < 8
+{ .mfi
+      shladd        GR_ad_Co = GR_Offs,4,GR_ad_Data
+      fma.s1        FR_6 = FR_2,FR_2,FR_2
+      mov           GR_ExpOf05 = 0x7FC
+{ .mfi
+(p13) getf.sig      GR_Sig = FR_iXt // if |x| >= 2
+      frcpa.s1      FR_Rcp0,p0 = f1,FR_NormX
+(p10) shr           GR_Arg = GR_Arg,51
+{ .mib
+      ldfpd         FR_C01,FR_C11 = [GR_ad_Co],16
+(p7)  mov           GR_Correction = 2
+      // jump if 0 < x < 1
+(p10) br.cond.spnt  tgammaf_from_0_to_1
+{ .mfi
+      ldfpd         FR_C21,FR_C31 = [GR_ad_Ce],16
+      fma.s1        FR_Rq2 = f1,f1,FR_1mX // 2 - |x|
+(p14) sub           GR_Correction = r0,GR_Correction
+{ .mfi
+      ldfpd         FR_C41,FR_C51 = [GR_ad_Co],16
+(p14) fcvt.xf       FR_rs = FR_rs
+(p14) add           GR_ad_SinO = 0x3A0,GR_ad_Data
+.pred.rel "mutex",p14,p15
+{ .mfi
+      ldfpd         FR_C00,FR_C10 = [GR_ad_Ce],16
+      nop.f         0
+(p14) sub           GR_Sig = GR_Correction,GR_Sig
+{ .mfi
+      ldfpd         FR_C20,FR_C30 = [GR_ad_Co],16
+      fma.s1        FR_Rq1 = FR_1mX,FR_2,FR_X2mX // (x-1)*(x-2)
+(p15) sub           GR_Sig = GR_Sig,GR_Correction
+{ .mfi
+(p14) ldfpd         FR_S01,FR_S11 = [GR_ad_SinO],16
+      fma.s1        FR_Rq3 = FR_2,f1,FR_1mX // 3 - |x|
+      and           GR_RqDeg = 0x6,GR_Sig
+{ .mfi
+      ldfpd         FR_C40,FR_C50 = [GR_ad_Ce],16
+(p14) fma.d.s0      FR_X = f0,f0,f8 // set deno flag
+      mov           GR_NanBound = 0x30016 // -2^23
+.pred.rel "mutex",p14,p15
+{ .mfi
+(p14) add           GR_ad_SinE = 0x3C0,GR_ad_Data
+(p15) fms.s1        FR_r = FR_NormX,f1,FR_Xt // r = x - [x]
+      cmp.eq        p8,p0 = 2,GR_RqDeg
+{ .mfi
+      ldfpd         FR_An,FR_OvfBound = [GR_ad_Co]
+(p14) fms.s1        FR_r = FR_Xt,f1,FR_NormX // r = |x - [x]|
+      cmp.eq        p9,p0 = 4,GR_RqDeg
+.pred.rel "mutex",p8,p9
+{ .mfi
+(p14) ldfpd         FR_S21,FR_S00 = [GR_ad_SinE],16
+(p8)  fma.s1        FR_Rq0 = FR_2,f1,FR_1mX // (3-x)
+      tbit.z        p0,p6 = GR_Sig,0
+{ .mfi
+(p14) ldfpd         FR_S10,FR_S20 = [GR_ad_SinO],16
+(p9)  fma.s1        FR_Rq0 = FR_2,FR_2,FR_1mX // (5-x)
+      cmp.eq        p10,p0 = 6,GR_RqDeg
+{ .mfi
+(p14) getf.s        GR_Arg = f8
+(p14) fcmp.eq.unc.s1 p13,p0 = FR_NormX,FR_Xt
+(p14) mov           GR_ZeroResBound = 0xC22C // -43
+{ .mfi
+(p14) ldfe          FR_InvAn = [GR_ad_SinE]
+(p10) fma.s1        FR_Rq0 = FR_6,f1,FR_1mX // (7-x)
+      cmp.eq        p7,p0 = r0,GR_RqDeg
+{ .mfi
+(p14)    p11,p0 = GR_SignExp,GR_NanBound
+      fma.s1        FR_Rq2 = FR_Rq2,FR_6,FR_X2mX // (x-3)*(x-4)
+(p14) shl           GR_ZeroResBound = GR_ZeroResBound,16
+{ .mfb
+(p14) mov           GR_OvfNzBound = 0x802
+(p14) fms.s1        FR_rs = FR_rs,f1,FR_NormX // rs = round(x) - x
+      // jump if  x < -2^23 i.e. x is negative integer
+(p11) br.cond.spnt  tgammaf_singularity
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p7)  fma.s1        FR_Rq1 = f0,f0,f1
+(p14) shl           GR_OvfNzBound = GR_OvfNzBound,20
+{ .mfb
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_Rq3 = FR_Rq3,FR_10,FR_X2mX // (x-5)*(x-6)
+      // jump if x is negative integer such that -2^23 < x < 0
+(p13) br.cond.spnt  tgammaf_singularity
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C01 = FR_C01,f1,FR_r
+(p14) mov           GR_ExpOf05 = 0xFFFE
+{ .mfi
+(p14) cmp.eq.unc    p7,p0 = GR_Arg,GR_OvfNzBound
+      fma.s1        FR_C11 = FR_C11,f1,FR_r
+(p14) cmp.ltu.unc   p11,p0 = GR_Arg,GR_OvfNzBound
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C21 = FR_C21,f1,FR_r
+(p14) cmp.ltu.unc   p9,p0 = GR_ZeroResBound,GR_Arg
+{ .mfb
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C31 = FR_C31,f1,FR_r
+      // jump if argument is close to 0 negative
+(p11) br.cond.spnt  tgammaf_overflow
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C41 = FR_C41,f1,FR_r
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfb
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C51 = FR_C51,f1,FR_r
+      // jump if x is negative noninteger such that -2^23 < x < -43
+(p9)  br.cond.spnt  tgammaf_underflow
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_rs2 = FR_rs,FR_rs,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfb
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_S01 = FR_rs,FR_rs,FR_S01
+      // jump if argument is 0x80200000
+(p7)  br.cond.spnt  tgammaf_overflow_near0_bound
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p6)  fnma.s1       FR_Rq1 = FR_Rq1,FR_Rq0,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p10) fma.s1        FR_Rq2 = FR_Rq2,FR_Rq3,f0
+      and           GR_Sig = 0x7,GR_Sig
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C01 = FR_C01,FR_r,FR_C00
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C11 = FR_C11,FR_r,FR_C10
+      cmp.eq        p6,p7 = r0,GR_Sig // p6 if |x| from one of base intervals
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C21 = FR_C21,FR_r,FR_C20
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C31 = FR_C31,FR_r,FR_C30
+(p7)    p9,p0 = 2,GR_RqDeg
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_S11 = FR_rs,FR_rs,FR_S11
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_S21 = FR_rs,FR_rs,FR_S21
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C41 = FR_C41,FR_r,FR_C40
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_S32 = FR_rs2,FR_S32,FR_S31
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p9)  fma.s1        FR_Rq1 = FR_Rq1,FR_Rq2,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C51 = FR_C51,FR_r,FR_C50
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+(p14) getf.exp      GR_SignExp = FR_rs
+      fma.s1        FR_C01 = FR_C01,FR_C11,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_S01 = FR_S01,FR_rs2,FR_S00
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C21 = FR_C21,FR_C31,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      // NR-iteration
+(p14) fnma.s1       FR_InvNormX1 = FR_Rcp0,FR_NormX,f1
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_S11 = FR_S11,FR_rs2,FR_S10
+(p14) tbit.z.unc    p11,p12 = GR_SignExp,17
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_S21 = FR_S21,FR_rs2,FR_S20
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p15) p0,p13 = FR_NormX,FR_OvfBound
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_S32 = FR_rs2,FR_S32,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C41 = FR_C41,FR_C51,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p7)  fma.s1        FR_An = FR_Rq1,FR_An,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfb
+      nop.m         0
+      nop.f         0
+      // jump if x > 35.04010009765625
+(p13) br.cond.spnt  tgammaf_overflow
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      // NR-iteration
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_InvNormX1 = FR_Rcp0,FR_InvNormX1,FR_Rcp0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_S01 = FR_S01,FR_S11,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_S21 = FR_S21,FR_S32,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+(p14) getf.exp      GR_SignExp = FR_NormX
+      fma.s1        FR_C01 = FR_C01,FR_C21,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_C41 = FR_C41,FR_An,f0
+(p14) mov           GR_ExpOf1 = 0x2FFFF
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      // NR-iteration
+(p14) fnma.s1       FR_InvNormX2 = FR_InvNormX1,FR_NormX,f1
+      nop.i         0
+.pred.rel "mutex",p11,p12
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p12) fnma.s1       FR_S01 = FR_S01,FR_S21,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p11) fma.s1        FR_S01 = FR_S01,FR_S21,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fma.s1        FR_GAMMA = FR_C01,FR_C41,f0
+(p14) tbit.z.unc    p6,p7 = GR_Sig,0
+{ .mfb
+      nop.m         0
+(p15) fma.s.s0      f8 = FR_C01,FR_C41,f0
+(p15) br.ret.spnt   b0 // exit for positives
+.pred.rel "mutex",p11,p12
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p12) fms.s1        FR_S01 = FR_rs,FR_S01,FR_rs
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p11) fma.s1        FR_S01 = FR_rs,FR_S01,FR_rs
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      // NR-iteration
+      fma.s1        FR_InvNormX2 = FR_InvNormX1,FR_InvNormX2,FR_InvNormX1
+      cmp.eq        p10,p0 = 0x23,GR_Offs
+.pred.rel "mutex",p6,p7
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p6)  fma.s1        FR_GAMMA = FR_S01,FR_GAMMA,f0
+      cmp.gtu       p8,p0 = GR_SignExp,GR_ExpOf1
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p7)  fnma.s1       FR_GAMMA = FR_S01,FR_GAMMA,f0
+      cmp.eq        p9,p0 = GR_SignExp,GR_ExpOf1
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      // NR-iteration
+      fnma.s1       FR_InvNormX1 = FR_InvNormX2,FR_NormX,f1
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p10) fma.s1        FR_InvNormX2 = FR_InvNormX2,FR_InvAn,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      frcpa.s1      FR_Rcp0,p0 = f1,FR_GAMMA
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fms.s1        FR_Multplr = FR_NormX,f1,f1 // x - 1
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      // NR-iteration
+      fnma.s1       FR_Rcp1 = FR_Rcp0,FR_GAMMA,f1
+      nop.i         0
+.pred.rel "mutex",p8,p9
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      // 1/x or 1/(An*x)
+(p8)  fma.s1        FR_Multplr = FR_InvNormX2,FR_InvNormX1,FR_InvNormX2
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p9)  fma.s1        FR_Multplr = f1,f1,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      // NR-iteration
+      fma.s1        FR_Rcp1 = FR_Rcp0,FR_Rcp1,FR_Rcp0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      // NR-iteration
+      fnma.s1       FR_Rcp2 = FR_Rcp1,FR_GAMMA,f1
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      // NR-iteration
+      fma.s1        FR_Rcp1 = FR_Rcp1,FR_Multplr,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfb
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s.s0      f8 = FR_Rcp1,FR_Rcp2,FR_Rcp1
+      br.ret.sptk   b0
+// here if 0 < x < 1
+.align 32
+{ .mfi
+        p7,p0 = GR_Arg,GR_ExpOf05
+      // NR-iteration
+      fnma.s1       FR_Rcp1 = FR_Rcp0,FR_NormX,f1
+      cmp.eq        p8,p0 = GR_Arg,GR_ExpOf05
+{ .mfi
+        p9,p0 = GR_Arg,GR_ExpOf05
+      fma.s1        FR_r = f0,f0,FR_NormX // reduced arg for (0;1)
+      mov           GR_ExpOf025 = 0x7FA
+{ .mfi
+      getf.s        GR_ArgNz = f8
+      fma.d.s0      FR_X = f0,f0,f8 // set deno flag
+      shl           GR_OvfNzBound = GR_OvfNzBound,20
+{ .mfi
+(p8)  mov           GR_Tbl12Offs = 0x80 // 0.5 <= x < 0.75
+      nop.f         0
+(p7)    p6,p0 = GR_Arg,GR_ExpOf025
+.pred.rel "mutex",p6,p9
+{ .mfi
+(p9)  mov           GR_Tbl12Offs = 0xC0 // 0.75 <= x < 1
+      nop.f         0
+(p6)  mov           GR_Tbl12Offs = 0x40 // 0.25 <= x < 0.5
+{ .mfi
+      add           GR_ad_Ce = 0x2C0,GR_ad_Data
+      nop.f         0
+      add           GR_ad_Co = 0x2A0,GR_ad_Data
+{ .mfi
+      add           GR_ad_Co = GR_ad_Co,GR_Tbl12Offs
+      nop.f         0
+        p12,p0 = GR_ArgNz,GR_OvfNzBound
+{ .mib
+      add           GR_ad_Ce = GR_ad_Ce,GR_Tbl12Offs
+      cmp.eq        p7,p0 = GR_ArgNz,GR_OvfNzBound
+      // jump if argument is 0x00200000
+(p7)  br.cond.spnt  tgammaf_overflow_near0_bound
+{ .mmb
+      ldfpd         FR_A7,FR_A6 = [GR_ad_Co],16
+      ldfpd         FR_A5,FR_A4 = [GR_ad_Ce],16
+      // jump if argument is close to 0 positive
+(p12) br.cond.spnt  tgammaf_overflow
+{ .mfi
+      ldfpd         FR_A3,FR_A2 = [GR_ad_Co],16
+      // NR-iteration
+      fma.s1        FR_Rcp1 = FR_Rcp0,FR_Rcp1,FR_Rcp0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfb
+      ldfpd         FR_A1,FR_A0 = [GR_ad_Ce],16
+      nop.f         0
+      br.cond.sptk  tgamma_from_0_to_2
+// here if 1 < x < 2
+.align 32
+{ .mfi
+      add           GR_ad_Co = 0x2A0,GR_ad_Data
+      fms.s1        FR_r = f0,f0,FR_1mX
+      shr           GR_TblOffs = GR_Arg,47
+{ .mfi
+      add           GR_ad_Ce = 0x2C0,GR_ad_Data
+      nop.f         0
+      mov           GR_TblOffsMask = 0x18
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      nop.f         0
+      and           GR_TblOffs = GR_TblOffs,GR_TblOffsMask
+{ .mfi
+      shladd        GR_ad_Co = GR_TblOffs,3,GR_ad_Co
+      nop.f         0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      shladd        GR_ad_Ce = GR_TblOffs,3,GR_ad_Ce
+      nop.f         0
+      cmp.eq        p6,p7 = 8,GR_TblOffs
+{ .mmi
+      ldfpd         FR_A7,FR_A6 = [GR_ad_Co],16
+      ldfpd         FR_A5,FR_A4 = [GR_ad_Ce],16
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mmi
+      ldfpd         FR_A3,FR_A2 = [GR_ad_Co],16
+      ldfpd         FR_A1,FR_A0 = [GR_ad_Ce],16
+      nop.i         0
+.align 32
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p6)  fms.s1        FR_r = FR_r,f1,FR_LocalMin
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      // NR-iteration
+(p10) fnma.s1       FR_Rcp2 = FR_Rcp1,FR_NormX,f1
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fms.s1        FR_r2 = FR_r,FR_r,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_A7 = FR_A7,FR_r,FR_A6
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_A5 = FR_A5,FR_r,FR_A4
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_A3 = FR_A3,FR_r,FR_A2
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_A1 = FR_A1,FR_r,FR_A0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      // NR-iteration
+(p10) fma.s1        FR_Rcp2 = FR_Rcp1,FR_Rcp2,FR_Rcp1
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_A7 = FR_A7,FR_r2,FR_A5
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_r4 = FR_r2,FR_r2,f0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fma.s1        FR_A3 = FR_A3,FR_r2,FR_A1
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p10) fma.s1        FR_GAMMA = FR_A7,FR_r4,FR_A3
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p11) fma.s.s0      f8 = FR_A7,FR_r4,FR_A3
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfb
+      nop.m         0
+(p10) fma.s.s0      f8 = FR_GAMMA,FR_Rcp2,f0
+      br.ret.sptk   b0
+// overflow
+.align 32
+.pred.rel "mutex",p14,p15
+{ .mfi
+	  mov           GR_fpsr = ar.fpsr
+	  nop.f         0
+(p15) mov           r8 = 0x7f8
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      nop.f         0
+(p14) mov           r8 = 0xff8
+{ .mfi
+	  nop.m         0
+	  nop.f         0
+	  shl           r8 = r8,20
+{ .mfi
+      sub           r8 = r8,r0,1
+      nop.f         0
+	  extr.u        GR_fpsr = GR_fpsr,10,2 // rounding mode
+.pred.rel "mutex",p14,p15
+{ .mfi
+      // set p8 to 0 in case of overflow and to 1 otherwise
+	  // for negative arg:
+	  //    no overflow if rounding mode either Z or +Inf, i.e.
+	  //    GR_fpsr > 1
+(p14)        p8,p0 = 1,GR_fpsr
+      nop.f         0
+	  // for positive arg:
+	  //    no overflow if rounding mode either Z or -Inf, i.e.
+	  //    (GR_fpsr & 1) == 0
+(p15) tbit.z        p0,p8 = GR_fpsr,0
+{ .mib
+(p8)  setf.s        f8 = r8 // set result to 0x7f7fffff without
+                            // OVERFLOW flag raising
+      nop.i         0
+(p8)  br.ret.sptk   b0
+.align 32
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      nop.f         0
+      mov           r8 = 0x1FFFE
+{ .mfi
+      setf.exp      f9 = r8
+      fmerge.s      FR_X = f8,f8
+      nop.i         0
+.pred.rel "mutex",p14,p15
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p14) fnma.s.s0     f8 = f9,f9,f0 // set I,O and -INF result
+      mov           GR_TAG = 261 // overflow
+{ .mfb
+      nop.m         0
+(p15) fma.s.s0      f8 = f9,f9,f0 // set I,O and +INF result
+      br.cond.sptk  tgammaf_libm_err
+// x is negative integer or +/-0
+.align 32
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fmerge.s      FR_X = f8,f8
+      mov           GR_TAG = 262 // negative
+{ .mfb
+      nop.m         0
+      frcpa.s0      f8,p0 = f0,f0
+      br.cond.sptk  tgammaf_libm_err
+// x is negative noninteger with big absolute value
+.align 32
+{ .mfi
+      mov           r8 = 0x00001
+      nop.f         0
+      tbit.z        p6,p7 = GR_Sig,0
+{ .mfi
+      setf.exp      f9 = r8
+      nop.f         0
+      nop.i         0
+.pred.rel "mutex",p6,p7
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+(p6)  fms.s.s0      f8 = f9,f9,f9
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfb
+      nop.m         0
+(p7)  fma.s.s0      f8 = f9,f9,f9
+      br.ret.sptk   b0
+//  x for natval, nan, +/-inf or +/-0
+.align 32
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fclass.m      p6,p0 =  f8,0x1E1 // Test x for natval, nan, +inf
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fclass.m      p7,p8 =  f8,0x7 // +/-0
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfi
+      nop.m         0
+      fmerge.s      FR_X = f8,f8
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mfb
+      nop.m         0
+(p6)  fma.s.s0      f8 = f8,f1,f8
+(p6)  br.ret.spnt   b0
+.pred.rel "mutex",p7,p8
+{ .mfi
+(p7)  mov           GR_TAG = 262 // negative
+(p7)  frcpa.s0      f8,p0 = f1,f8
+      nop.i         0
+{ .mib
+      nop.m         0
+      nop.i         0
+(p8)  br.cond.spnt  tgammaf_singularity
+.align 32
+{ .mfi
+      alloc        r32 = ar.pfs,1,4,4,0
+      nop.f        0
+      mov          GR_Parameter_TAG = GR_TAG
+{ .mfi
+        add   GR_Parameter_Y=-32,sp             // Parameter 2 value
+        nop.f 0   ar.pfs,GR_SAVE_PFS
+        mov  GR_SAVE_PFS=ar.pfs                 // Save ar.pfs
+{ .mfi
+.fframe 64
+        add sp=-64,sp                           // Create new stack
+        nop.f 0
+        mov GR_SAVE_GP=gp                       // Save gp
+{ .mmi
+        stfs [GR_Parameter_Y] = FR_Y,16         // STORE Parameter 2 on stack
+        add GR_Parameter_X = 16,sp              // Parameter 1 address   b0, GR_SAVE_B0
+        mov GR_SAVE_B0=b0                       // Save b0
+{ .mib
+        stfs [GR_Parameter_X] = FR_X           // STORE Parameter 1 on stack
+        add   GR_Parameter_RESULT = 0,GR_Parameter_Y  // Parameter 3 address
+        nop.b 0
+{ .mib
+        stfs [GR_Parameter_Y] = FR_RESULT      // STORE Parameter 3 on stack
+        add   GR_Parameter_Y = -16,GR_Parameter_Y
+ b0=__libm_error_support# // Call error handling function
+{ .mmi
+        nop.m 0
+        nop.m 0
+        add   GR_Parameter_RESULT = 48,sp
+{ .mmi
+        ldfs  f8 = [GR_Parameter_RESULT]       // Get return result off stack
+.restore sp
+        add   sp = 64,sp                       // Restore stack pointer
+        mov   b0 = GR_SAVE_B0                  // Restore return address
+{ .mib
+        mov   gp = GR_SAVE_GP                  // Restore gp
+        mov   ar.pfs = GR_SAVE_PFS             // Restore ar.pfs
+        br.ret.sptk     b0                     // Return
+.type   __libm_error_support#,@function __libm_error_support#