(import mew test (chicken port) (chicken condition)) (test-group "negate" (test #t ((negate not) #t)) (test #f ((negate not) #f)) (test #t ((negate even?) 5)) (test #f ((negate even?) 6)) (test #f ((negate (op)) 6)) (test #t ((negate (op)) #f))) (test-group "comp" (test 42 ((comp inc inc) 40)) (test 43 ((comp inc *) 6 7)) (test 42 ((comp) 42))) (test-group "keys" (test '(1 2 3) (sort (keys (tbl 1 11 2 22 3 33)) <)) (test-error (keys #(1 2 3)))) (test-group "vals" (test '(11 22 33) (sort (vals (tbl 1 11 2 22 3 33)) <)) (test-error (vals #(1 2 3)))) (test-group "range" (test '(1 2 3) (into '() (range 1 4))) (test '() (into '() (range 4 1))) (test '(1 3 5) (into '() (range 1 6 2))) (test '(1 3 5) (into '() (range 1 7 2))) (test '(3 2 1) (into '() (range 3 0 -1))) (test '(2 3 4) (into '() (gtake (range 2) 3))) (test '(0 1 2) (into '() (gtake (range) 3))) (test '(1 3/2 2 5/2) (into '() (gtake (range 1 +inf.0 1/2) 4))) (test '(1 1 1 1) (into '() (gtake (range 1 +inf.0 0) 4)))) (test-group "cycle" (test '(1 2 3 1 2 3) (into '() (gtake (cycle 1 2 3) 6))) (test '(1 1 1 1 1 1) (into '() (gtake (cycle 1) 6))) (test-error (into '() (cycle)))) (test-group "div" (test 4 (div 8 2)) (test 4 (div 9 2)) (test 4 (div -9 -2)) (test -5 (div -9 2)) (test -5 (div 9 -2))) (test-group "mod" (test 0 (mod 8 2)) (test 1 (mod 9 2)) (test 2 (mod 16 7)) (test -5 (mod 16 -7)) (test 5 (mod -16 7)) (test -2 (mod -16 -7))) (test-group "inc" (test 6 (inc 5)) (test 0 (inc -1)) (test 1.5 (inc 0.5)) (test 3/2 (inc 1/2)) (test-error (inc "foo"))) (test-group "dec" (test 4 (dec 5)) (test -2 (dec -1)) (test -0.5 (dec 0.5)) (test -1/2 (dec 1/2)) (test-error (dec "foo"))) (test-group "boolean" (test #f (boolean #f)) (test #t (boolean #t)) (test #t (boolean 1)) (test #t (boolean "foo")) (test #t (boolean (void)))) (test-group "=?" (test #t (=?)) (test #t (=? 1)) (test #t (=? "foo" "foo")) (test #t (=? 1 1 1)) (test #t (=? #(1 2 3) #(1 2 3))) (test #t (=? (tbl 1 2 3 4) (tbl 3 4 1 2))) (test #f (=? 4 5)) (test #f (=? 4 5 6)) (test #f (=? "foo" "bar")) (test #f (=? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20)) (test #f (=? 4 5 4))) (test-group "<>?" (test #t (<>? 4 5)) (test #t (<>? 4 5 6)) (test #t (<>? "foo" "bar")) (test #t (<>? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20)) (test #f (<>? 4 5 4)) (test #f (<>? "foo" "foo")) (test #f (<>? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7)) (test #t (<>? (tbl 1 2 3 4) (tbl 3 4 1 22))) (test #t (<>? (tbl 1 2 3 4) (tbl 3 4))) (test-error "error with no arguments" (<>?)) (test-error "error with one argument" (<>? 42))) (test-group "str" (test "456" (str 4 5 6)) (test "foo#tbar" (str "foo" #t 'bar)) (test "" (str))) (test-group "prn" (test "1 2 3\n" (with-output-to-string (fun () (prn 1 2 3)))) (test "\"a\" b #t\n" (with-output-to-string (fun () (prn "a" 'b #t)))) (test "\n" (with-output-to-string (fun () (prn)))) (test 3 (esc ret (with-output-to-string (fun () (ret (prn 1 2 3))))))) (test-group "seq" (test #t (void? (seq))) (test 1 (seq 1)) (test 2 (seq 1 2)) (test 3 (seq (def x 1) (set x (inc x)) (set x (inc x)) x))) (test-group "def" (test "define variable" 42 (let () (def x (* 6 7)) x)) (test 42 (let () (def x 23) (def x (* 6 7)) x)) (test "define lambda" 81 (let () (def (square x) (* x x)) (square 9)))) (test-group "set" (test 42 (let () (def x 6) (set x (* x 7)) x)) (test "return value" 42 (let () (def x 6) (set x (* x 7))))) (test-group "esc" (test #t (void? (esc ret))) (test #t (void? (esc ret (ret)))) (test 42 (esc ret (* 6 7))) (test 42 (esc ret (if #t (ret (* 6 7))) 23)) (test 23 (esc ret (if #f (ret (* 6 7))) 23))) (test-group "fin" (test 42 (fin 42)) (test 42 (fin 42 23)) (test '(42 43) (loc (r 0 s (fin (set r 43) (set r 42))) (list r s))) (test '(42 43) (loc (r 0 s (esc ret (fin (ret (set r 43)) (set r 42)))) (list r s))) (test 42 (loc (r 0) (and (test-error (fin (error "oh no") ;XXX (set r 42))) r)))) (test-group "loc" (test #t (void? (loc ()))) (test 42 (loc () 42)) (test 42 (loc (a (* 6 7)) a)) (test 42 (loc (a 6 b (* a 7)) b)) (test 42 (loc ((a . b) '(42 2 3)) a))) (test-group "andloc" (test #t (void? (andloc ()))) (test 42 (andloc () 42)) (test 42 (andloc (a (* 6 7)) a)) (test 42 (andloc (a 6 b (* a 7)) b)) (test #t (andloc (a 6 c (even? a) b (* a 7)) c)) (test #f (andloc (a 6 _ (odd? a) b (* a 7)) a))) (test-group "fun*" (test 42 ((fun* ((a . b)) (* a b)) (cons 6 7)))) (test-group "op" (test 42 ((op) 42)) (test '(42 43) (receive ((op) 42 43))) (test 42 ((op 42) 43)) (test 42 ((op * 6 _) 7)) (test 42 ((op * 2 _ 3) 7)) (test 42 ((op - _ 3) 45)) (test 42 ((op + _ _ _ (- _ _)) 14))) (test-group "op*" (test 42 ((op* *) 6 7)) (test 42 ((op* * 6) 7)) (test 42 ((op* * 7) 2 3)) (test 42 ((op* * 2 ... 3) 7))) (test-group "rep" (test #t (void? (rep loop ()))) (test 42 (rep loop (x 27 y 5) (if (> y 0) (loop (+ x y) (- y 1)) x)))) (test-group "while" (test 42 (loc (x 27 y 5) (while (> y 0) (set x (+ x y)) (set y (dec y))) x)) (test 42 (loc (x 27 y 5) (while (> y 0) (def z (+ x y)) (set x z) (set y (dec y))) x))) (test-group "until" (test 42 (loc (x 27 y 5) (until (zero? y) (set x (+ x y)) (set y (dec y))) x))) (test-group "get" (test 42 (get '(41 42 43) 1)) (test 42 (get #(41 42 43) 1)) (test 42 (get (tbl 41 42) 41)) (test #\o (get "foo" 1)) (test-error (get '(41 42 43) 5)) (test-error (get #(41 42 43) 5)) (test-error (get (tbl 41 42) 5)) (test-error (get "foo" 5)) (test 42 (get '(1 2 3) 5 42)) (test 42 (get #(1 2 3) 5 42)) (test 42 (get (tbl 1 2) 5 42)) (test #\o (get "foo" 5 #\o))) (test-group "at" (test 42 (at '(41 42 43) 1)) (test 42 (at #(41 42 43) 1)) (test 42 (at (tbl 41 42) 41)) (test #\o (at "foo" 1)) (test-error (at '(41 42 43) 5)) (test-error (at #(41 42 43) 5)) (test-error (at (tbl 41 42) 5)) (test-error (at "foo" 5)) (test-group "setters" (test 42 (loc (x #(1 2 3)) (set (at x 1) 42) (at x 1))) (test 42 (loc (x (tbl 1 2)) (set (at x 1) 42) (at x 1))) (test #\o (loc (x "fox") (set (at x 2) #\o) (at x 2))))) (test-group "tbl" (test-assert (hash-table? (tbl 1 2 3 4))) (test 0 (hash-table-size (tbl))) (test 42 (get (tbl 1 2 3 42) 3)) (test-error (tbl 1 2 3))) (test-group "set-at" (test #(0 42 0) (set-at #(0 0 0) 1 42)) (test #t (=? (tbl 1 42) (set-at (tbl 1 11) 1 42))) (test "fox" (set-at "foo" 2 #\x)) (test-error (set-at '(0 0 0) 1 42))) (test-group "del-at" (test #t (=? (tbl 1 42) (del-at (tbl 0 41 1 42 2 43) 0 2))) (test-error (del-at "foo" 2))) (test-group "empty?" (test-assert (empty? '())) (test-assert (empty? #())) (test-assert (empty? (tbl))) (test-assert (empty? "")) (test-assert (not (empty? #t))) (test-assert (not (empty? #f))) (test-assert (not (empty? '(1 2 3)))) (test-assert (not (empty? #(1 2 3)))) (test-assert (not (empty? "foo"))) (test-assert (not (empty? (tbl 1 2 3 4))))) (test-group "len" (test 0 (len '())) (test 0 (len #())) (test 0 (len (tbl))) (test 0 (len "")) (test 0 (len (generator))) (test 3 (len '(1 2 3))) (test 3 (len #(1 2 3))) (test 3 (len (tbl 1 11 2 22 3 33))) (test 3 (len "foo")) (test 3 (len (generator 5 6 7))) (test-error (len #t))) ; for (test-group "eof" (test-assert (eof-object? (eof)))) ; gconcatenate (test-group "gpick" (test '(2 4 6) (into '() (gpick (fun (x) (if (even? x) x (eof))) (generator 1 2 3 4 5 6)))) (test '(0 "" #f ()) (into '() (gpick (op) (generator 0 "" #f '()))))) ; gwindow ; gslice-when ; genumerate ; giterate ; gfix ; final (test-group "final" (test 3 (final (generator 1 2 3))) (test #t (void? (final (generator))))) (test-group "odometer" (test '((0 0) (0 1) (0 2) (1 0) (1 1) (1 2)) (into '() (odometer 2 3))) (test '((0) (1) (2)) (into '() (odometer 3))) (test '() (into '() (odometer))) (test 1365 (len (odometer 3 5 7 13)))) (test-group "cross-product" (test '((a X) (a Y) (b X) (b Y) (c X) (c Y)) (into '() (cross-product '(a b c) '(X Y)))) (test '((a) (b) (c)) (into '() (cross-product '(a b c)))) (test '() (into '() (cross-product)))) ; -> ; fun-> ; fun->> ; set-> ; ~? (test-group "~?" (test '("o") (~? "foo" "o")) (test '("oo") (~? "foo" "o+")) (test #f (~? "bling" "o+")) (test #f (~? "foo" "^o")) (test-error (~? "bling" "+")) (test '("1,22" "1" "22") (~? "x1,22z" "([0-9]+),([0-9]+)"))) ; gmatch ; gsplit (test-group "slurp" (test #t (string? (slurp "/usr/bin/chicken-status"))) (test-error (string? (slurp "/dev/null/noexist")))) (test-group "gen" (test '(1 2 3) (into '() (gen '(1 2 3)))) (test '(1 2 3) (into '() (gen (gen '(1 2 3))))) (test '(1 2 3) (into '() (gen #(1 2 3)))) (test '(#\1 #\2 #\3) (into '() (gen "123"))) (test '((1 . 2)) (into '() (tbl 1 2))) (test-error (gen #t))) (test-group "into" (test '(1 2 3) (into '() (generator 1 2 3))) (test '(4 1 2 3) (into '(4) (generator 1 2 3))) (test #(1 2 3) (into #() (generator 1 2 3))) (test #(4 1 2 3) (into #(4) (generator 1 2 3))) (test "fox" (into "f" (generator #\o #\x))) (test 10 (into (sum-accumulator) (generator 1 2 3 4)))) (test-group "accumulate" (test 10 (accumulate (add (sum-accumulator)) (add 1) (add 2) (add 3) (add 4)))) ; tally-accumulator ; group-by-accumulator ; uniq-accumulator (test-group "one-of" (test #t ((one-of 1 2 3) 1)) (test #f ((one-of 1 2 3) 4)) (test #f ((one-of) 4))) (test-group "per" (test 42 ((per inc inc) 40)) (test #f ((per inc even?) 40)) (test 43 ((per * inc) 6 7)) (test 42 ((per) 42))) (test-group "inject" (test 10 ((inject +) (generator 1 2 3 4))) (test 0 ((inject +) (generator))) (test 20 ((inject + 10) (generator 1 2 3 4))) (test 10 ((inject + 10) (generator))) (test '((1 . 2) . 3) ((inject xcons) (generator 1 2 3)))) (test-group "sing?" (test #f (sing? '())) (test #t (sing? '(1))) (test #f (sing? '(1 2 3))) (test #f (sing? #(1)))) (test-group "unlist" (test 43 (act '(6 7) unlist * inc))) (test-group "juxt" (test 42 (act 13/2 (juxt ceil floor) *)) (test #t (act 13/2 (juxt) list empty?))) (test-group "act" (test 42 (act 40 inc inc)) (test #f (act 40 inc even?)) (test 43 (act '(6 7) (op apply * _) inc)) (test 42 (act 42))) (test-group "=>" (test 42 (=> 40 inc inc)) (test #f (=> 40 inc even?)) (test 43 (=> '(6 7) (op apply * _) inc)) (test 42 (=> 42))) (test-group "set=>" (test 42 (seq (def x 40) (set=> x inc inc) x)) (test 42 (seq (def x #(13/2 2 3)) (set=> (at x 0) (juxt ceil floor) *) (at x 0)))) (test-group "and=>" (test #t (and=> 42 even?)) (test #f (and=> #f even?)) (test 42 (and=> 40 inc inc)) (test #f (and=> 40 odd? inc))) (test-group "void" (test #t (void? (void))) (test #t (void? (void 1 2 3)))) (test-group "void?" (test #f (void? 1)) (test #f (void? #f)) (test #t (void? (void))) (test #t (void? (if #f #f)))) (test-group "proj" (test 1 ((proj 0) 1 2 3)) (test 2 ((proj 1) 1 2 3)) (test 3 ((proj 2) 1 2 3)) (test-error ((proj 4) 1 2 3))) (test-group "fail" (test #t (condition-case (fail "foo") ((exn) #t) (() #f))) (test #t (condition-case (fail '(florp) "foo") ((florp) #t) (() #f))) (test #t (condition-case (fail '(florp flurp) "foo") ((florp flurp) #t) (() #f))) (test "foo 1 2" (condition-case (fail "foo ~a ~a" 1 2) (e (exn) (get-condition-property e 'exn 'message))))) (test-group "search" (test #f (search "foozing" "fooz00000fggg00foozixngbar")) (test 7 (search "foozing" "foodingfoozingbar")) (test 15 (search "foozing" "fooz00000fggg00foozingbar")) (test 16 (search "foozinggg" "foozinggfoozinggfoozingggfoozingg")) (test 0 (search "foobar" "foobar")) (test #f (search "foobar" "foobax")) (test #f (search "foobar" "000000")) (test #f (search "foobar" "fooba")) (test 4 (search "fofofox" "fofofofofox")) (test #f (search "fofofox" "")) (test 0 (search "" "fofofox")) (test 6 (search "x" "fofofox")) (test 4 (search "foo" "fooxfoo" 3)) (test #f (search "foo" "fooxfoo" 5)) (test 1 (search #(1 2 3) #(0 1 2 3 4))) (test 1 (search '(1 2 3) '(0 1 2 3 4)))) (test-group "scan" (test '(0 -4 -9 -15) (scan (flip -) 0 '(4 5 6))) (test '(42) (scan * 42 '())) (test '(0 6 14 24 36) (scan + 0 '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))) (test '(0 -4 0 -4 0) (scan - 0 '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8)))) (test-group "xscan" (test '(0 6 14 24 36) (xscan + 0 '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))) (test '(0 -6 -14 -24 -36) (xscan - 0 '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8)))) (test-group "scan-right" (test '(5 -1 6 0) (scan-right - 0 '(4 5 6))) (test '(42) (scan-right * 42 '())) (test '(36 30 22 12 0) (scan-right + 0 '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8)))) (test-group "xscan-right" (test '(36 30 22 12 0) (xscan-right + 0 '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8)))) (test-group "xfold" (test -10 (xfold - 0 '(1 2 3 4))) (test '((((() 1 5) 2 6) 3 7) 4 8) (xfold list '() '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8)))) (test-group "xfold-right" (test '((((() 4 8) 3 7) 2 6) 1 5) (xfold-right list '() '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))) (test -10 (xfold-right - 0 '(1 2 3 4)))) (test-group "xreduce" (test -8 (xreduce - 0 '(1 2 3 4))) (test #f (xreduce - #f '()))) (test-group "xreduce-right" (test -2 (xreduce-right - 0 '(1 2 3 4))) (test #f (xreduce-right - #f '()))) (test-group "imp" (test #t (imp #t #t)) (test #f (imp #t #f)) (test #t (imp #f #t)) (test #t (imp #f #f)) (test #t (imp #f (error "not reached"))) (test #t (imp #t #t #f (error "not reached"))) (test 42 (imp #t #t #t 42)) (test 42 (imp 39 40 41 42)) (test #t (imp 39 #f 41 42))) (test-exit)