(module mew (export act accumulate andloc app at boolean comp cross-product dec def del-at div empty? eof esc fail fin final for fun* gconcatenate gen generator-xfold generic-for-each genumerate get gfix giterate gmatch gpick group-by-accumulator gslice-when gsplit gsplit-on gwindow imp inc inject into juxt keys len lines loc mod negate odometer one-of op op* per prn proj puts rand range rep sample scan scan-right sing? search seq set set-at shuffle shuffle! str slurp tally-accumulator tbl time while uniq-accumulator unlist until vals void? xcond xfold xfold-right xreduce xreduce-right xscan xscan-right -> fun-> fun->> set-> =? <>? ~? => =>* and=> fun=> op=> set=> generic-make-accumulator) (import-for-syntax srfi-1) (import-for-syntax matchable) (import scheme (rename (chicken base) (print puts) (complement negate) (compose comp)) (chicken condition) (chicken module) (chicken port) (chicken random) (chicken repl) (chicken syntax) srfi-17 (rename (srfi-69) (hash-table-keys keys) (hash-table-values vals)) srfi-158 err) (reexport srfi-69) (reexport srfi-158) (reexport (rename (srfi-158) (circular-generator cycle))) (reexport matchable) (reexport (rename (matchable) (match-lambda match-fun) (match-lambda* match-fun*))) (reexport (chicken io)) (reexport (chicken irregex)) (reexport (chicken pretty-print)) (reexport (chicken sort)) (reexport (only (r7rs) list->vector vector-map)) (reexport (only (chicken format) format)) (reexport utf8-srfi-13) (reexport (only (chicken base) rec unless void when)) (reexport (only (chicken time) time)) (import (rename (r7rs) (floor-quotient div) (floor-remainder mod))) (reexport (rename (except (scheme) assoc member) (lambda fun) (ceiling ceil) (truncate trunc) )) (reexport srfi-1) (reexport err) (define (inc i) (+ i 1)) (define (dec i) (- i 1)) (define (boolean x) (not (not x))) (define (tbl=? a b) (and (hash-table? a) (hash-table? b) (= (hash-table-size a) (hash-table-size b)) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (ret) (hash-table-for-each a (lambda (k v) ;; n.b. nan is never equal to anything (unless (=? (hash-table-ref/default b k +nan.0) v) (ret #f)))) #t)))) (define =? (case-lambda (() #t) ((_) #t) ((x y) (or (equal? x y) (tbl=? x y))) ((x . rest) (every (lambda (y) (=? x y)) rest)))) (define <>? (case-lambda ((a b) (not (=? a b))) ((a b c) (and (not (=? a b)) (not (=? b c)) (not (=? c a)))) ((a b c d) (and (not (=? a b)) (not (=? a c)) (not (=? a d)) (not (=? b c)) (not (=? b d)) (not (=? c d)))) ((a b c d . rest) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (return) (let ((seen (tbl))) (for-each (lambda (o) (when (hash-table-update!/default seen o not #t) (return #f))) (apply list a b c d rest))) #t))) )) (define (str . args) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (for-each display args)))) (define (prn . args) (let loop ((args args) (ret (void))) (if (null? args) (begin (newline) ret) (begin (write (car args)) (unless (null? (cdr args)) (display " ")) (loop (cdr args) (car args)))))) (define (app f . args) (if (null? args) (f) (apply apply f args))) (define-syntax seq (syntax-rules () ((_) (void)) ((_ . rest) (begin . rest)))) (define-syntax def (syntax-rules () ((_ . rest) (define . rest)))) (define-syntax set (syntax-rules () ((_ id expr) (let ((val expr)) (set! id val) val)))) (define-syntax esc (syntax-rules () ((_ return body ...) (receive vals (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (return) (seq body ...))) (if (null? vals) (void) (car vals)))))) (define-syntax fin (syntax-rules () ((_ form rest ...) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (begin)) (lambda () form) (lambda () (seq rest ...)))))) (define-syntax loc (syntax-rules () ((_ () rest ...) (let () (seq rest ...))) ((_ (x y . brest) . rest) (match-let ((x y)) (loc brest . rest))))) (define-syntax andloc (syntax-rules (_) ((_ () rest ...) (let () (seq rest ...))) ((_ (_ y . brest) . rest) (let ((unused y)) (and unused (andloc brest . rest)))) ((_ (x y . brest) . rest) (let ((x y)) (and x (andloc brest . rest)))))) (define-syntax fun* (syntax-rules () ((_ args body rest ...) (match-lambda* (args body rest ...))))) (define-syntax op (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (match expr ((_) (rename 'values)) ((_ x) `(,(rename 'lambda) ... ,x)) ((_ . rest) `(,(rename 'lambda) (_) ,rest)))))) (define-syntax op* (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (when (= 1 (length expr)) (syntax-error "op* needs at least one argument")) `(,(rename 'lambda) ... ,(receive (pre post) (break (lambda (x) (compare '... x)) (cdr expr)) (match post (() `(,(rename apply) ,@pre ...)) ((x) `(,(rename apply) ,@pre ...)) ((x . y) `(,(rename apply) ,@pre (,(rename append) ... (,(rename list) ,@y)))) )))))) (define-syntax rep-internal (syntax-rules () ((_ (bindings ...) name () (body ...)) (let name (bindings ...) (seq body ...))) ((_ (bindings ...) name (x y brest ...) body) (rep-internal (bindings ... (x y)) name (brest ...) body)))) (define-syntax rep (syntax-rules () ((_ name (bindings ...) body ...) (rep-internal () name (bindings ...) (body ...))))) (define-syntax while (syntax-rules () ((_ cond body ...) (let loop ((c cond)) (if c (let () body ... (loop cond))))))) (define-syntax until (syntax-rules () ((_ cond body ...) (while (not cond) body ...)))) (define-syntax xcond (syntax-rules () ((_ rest ...) (cond rest ... (else (error "missing case in xcond")))))) (define (list-ref-default l i default) (if (null? l) default (if (zero? i) (car l) (list-ref-default (cdr l) (- i 1) default)))) (define (vector-ref-default v i default) (if (< i (vector-length v)) (vector-ref v i) default)) (define (string-ref-default s i default) (if (< i (string-length s)) (string-ref s i) default)) (define get (case-lambda ((o k) (cond ((list? o) (list-ref o k)) ((vector? o) (vector-ref o k)) ((hash-table? o) (hash-table-ref o k)) ((string? o) (string-ref o k)) (#t (error "no at defined")))) ((o k default) (cond ((list? o) (list-ref-default o k default)) ((vector? o) (vector-ref-default o k default)) ((hash-table? o) (hash-table-ref/default o k default)) ((string? o) (string-ref-default o k default)) (#t (error "no at defined")))))) (define (get-setter o k v) (cond ; no list-set! ((vector? o) (vector-set! o k v)) ((hash-table? o) (hash-table-set! o k v)) ((string? o) (string-set! o k v)) (#t (error "no set for at defined")))) (define at (getter-with-setter get get-setter)) (define (plist-generator l) (lambda () (cond ((null? l) (eof)) ((pair? (cdr l)) (let ((p (cons (car l) (cadr l)))) (set! l (cddr l)) p)) (else (error "odd number of elements in key value list"))))) (define tbl (case-lambda (() (make-hash-table)) (kvs (into (tbl) (plist-generator kvs))))) (define (set-at o . rest) (cond ((hash-table? o) (generator-for-each (lambda (kv) (hash-table-set! o (car kv) (cdr kv))) (plist-generator rest))) ((vector? o) (generator-for-each (lambda (kv) (vector-set! o (car kv) (cdr kv))) (plist-generator rest))) ((string? o) (generator-for-each (lambda (kv) (string-set! o (car kv) (cdr kv))) (plist-generator rest))) (else (error "no set-at defined"))) o) (define (del-at o . rest) (cond ((hash-table? o) (for-each (lambda (k) (hash-table-delete! o k)) rest)) (else (error "no del-at defined"))) o) (define (empty? o) (or (null? o) (equal? o "") (equal? o #()) (and (hash-table? o) (zero? (hash-table-size o))))) (define (empty o) (cond ((list? o) '()) ((string? o) "") ((vector? o) #()) ((hash-table? o) (tbl)) (else "no empty defined"))) (define (len o) (cond ((list? o) (length o)) ((string? o) (string-length o)) ((vector? o) (vector-length o)) ((hash-table? o) (hash-table-size o)) ((procedure? o) (generator-count (op #t) o)) (#t (error "no len defined")))) (define (generic-for-each obj) (cond ((list? obj) for-each) ((vector? obj) vector-for-each) ((hash-table? obj) (lambda (f h) (hash-table-for-each h (lambda (k v) (f (cons k v)))))) ((procedure? obj) generator-for-each) (#t (error "no generic-for-each defined")))) (define-syntax for (syntax-rules () ((_ (i obj) body ...) (let ((o obj)) ((generic-for-each o) (match-lambda (i body ...)) o))))) (define (eof) #!eof) (define (void? x) (eq? x (void))) (define rand (case-lambda (() (pseudo-random-real)) ((n) (pseudo-random-integer n)) ((n m) (+ n (pseudo-random-integer (- m n)))))) (define (shuffle! v) (let loop ((i (- (vector-length v) 1))) (when (positive? i) (let* ((j (rand (+ i 1))) (vi (vector-ref v i)) (vj (vector-ref v j))) (vector-set! v i vj) (vector-set! v j vi) (loop (dec i))))) v) (define (shuffle v) (let ((l (vector-length v))) (do ((res (make-vector l)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i l) res) (let ((j (rand (+ i 1)))) (unless (= j i) (vector-set! res i (vector-ref res j))) (vector-set! res j (vector-ref v i)))))) (define sample (let ((gen-get (lambda (o) (if (hash-table? o) (lambda (n) (esc ret (let ((i 0)) (hash-table-for-each o (lambda (k v) (if (= i n) (ret (cons k v)) (set! i (inc i)))))))) (lambda (n) (get o n)))))) (case-lambda ((o) ((gen-get o) (rand (len o)))) ((o k) (cond ((= k 0) (empty o)) ((<= (len o) k) (let ((r (into #() o))) (shuffle! r) (if (vector? o) r (into (empty o) r)))) (else ;; Algorithm L with additional shuffle at the end. ;; https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/198429.198435 (let ((geto (gen-get o)) (r (make-vector k)) (w (exp (/ (log (rand)) k))) (n (len o)) (i 0)) (while (< i k) (vector-set! r i (geto i)) (set! i (inc i))) (while (< i n) (set! i (+ i 1 (inexact->exact (floor (/ (log (rand)) (log (- 1 w))))))) (when (< i n) (vector-set! r (rand k) (geto i)) (set! w (* w (exp (/ (log (rand)) k)))))) (shuffle! r) (if (vector? o) r (into (empty o) r))))) )))) (define range (case-lambda (() (make-range-generator 0 +inf.0 1)) ((start) (make-range-generator start +inf.0 1)) ((start end) (make-range-generator start end 1)) ((start end step) (set! start (- (+ start step) step)) (let ((cmp (if (>= step 0) < >))) (lambda () (if (cmp start end) (let ((v start)) (set! start (+ start step)) v) (eof))))))) (define (gconcatenate gen) (let ((gen2 #f)) (lambda () (unless gen2 (set! gen2 (gen))) (let loop () (if (eof-object? gen2) gen2 (let ((v (gen2))) (if (eof-object? v) (begin (set! gen2 (gen)) (loop)) v))))))) (define (gpick f gen) (lambda () (let loop ((item (gen))) (if (eof-object? item) item (let ((v (f item))) (if (eof-object? v) (loop (gen)) v)))))) (define (gwindow gen n) (let ((window #f)) (lambda () (if (not window) (begin (set! window (generator->list gen n)) (if (= (len window) n) window (eof))) (let ((next (gen))) (if (eof-object? next) (eof) (begin (set! window (append (cdr window) (list next))) window))))))) (define (gsplit-on pred gen) (let ((slice '()) (this #f)) (lambda () (if (eof-object? this) this (let loop () (set! this (gen)) (if (eof-object? this) (if (null? slice) (eof) (reverse slice)) (if (pred this) (let ((finished-slice (reverse slice))) (set! slice '()) finished-slice) (begin (set! slice (cons this slice)) (loop))))))))) (define (gslice-when pred gen) (let ((slice #f) (prev #f) (this #f)) (lambda () (unless slice (set! prev (gen)) (when (eof-object? prev) (set! this (eof))) (set! slice (list prev))) (if (eof-object? this) this (let loop () (set! this (gen)) (if (eof-object? this) (reverse slice) (if (pred prev this) (let ((finished-slice (reverse slice))) (set! slice (list this)) (set! prev this) finished-slice) (begin (set! slice (cons this slice)) (set! prev this) (loop))))))))) (define (genumerate gen) (let ((n -1)) (lambda () (let ((val (gen))) (if (eof-object? val) val (begin (set! n (inc n)) (cons n val))))))) (define (giterate f x) (make-unfold-generator (op #f) (op) f x)) (define (gfix g) (let ((prev (void))) (gmap (lambda (x) (if (equal? prev x) (eof) (begin (set! prev x) x))) g))) (define (final g) (generator-fold (lambda (x a) x) (void) g)) (define (odometer . wheels) (define (grepeat rep gen) (gconcatenate (gmap (lambda (item) (gtake (cycle item) rep)) gen))) (if (null? wheels) (generator) (match-let (((total . parts) (scan-right * 1 wheels))) (gtake (apply gmap list (map (lambda (r i) (grepeat r (gmap (op mod _ i) (range 0)))) parts wheels)) total)))) (define (cross-product . xs) (gmap (op map get xs _) (apply odometer (map len xs)))) (define-syntax and-apply (syntax-rules () ((_ x f args ...) (let ((v x)) (if v (f v args ...) #f))))) (define-syntax and-apply-last (syntax-rules () ((_ x f args ...) (let ((v x)) (if v (f args ... v) #f))))) (define-syntax if-apply (syntax-rules () ((_ expr bool (then . then-rest) (else . else-rest)) (let ((val expr)) (if bool (then val . then-rest) (else val . else-rest)))) ((_ expr bool (then . then-rest) else) (if-apply expr bool (then . then-rest) (else))) ((_ expr bool then (else . else-rest)) (if-apply expr bool (then) (else . else-rest))) ((_ expr bool then else) (if-apply expr bool (then) (else))) ((_ expr bool then) (if-apply expr bool then ((op)))) )) (define-syntax if-apply-last (syntax-rules () ((_ expr bool (then then-rest ...) (else else-rest ...)) (let ((val expr)) (if bool (then then-rest ... val) (else else-rest ... val)))) ((_ expr bool (then . then-rest) else) (if-apply-last expr bool (then . then-rest) (else))) ((_ expr bool then (else . else-rest)) (if-apply-last expr bool (then) (else . else-rest))) ((_ expr bool then else) (if-apply-last expr bool (then) (else))) ((_ expr bool then) (if-apply-last expr bool then ((op)))) )) (define-syntax ok-apply (syntax-rules () ((_ x f args ...) (let ((v x)) (if (ok? v) (f v args ...) v))))) (define-syntax ok-apply-last (syntax-rules () ((_ x f args ...) (let ((v x)) (if (ok? v) (f args ... v) v))))) (define-syntax err-apply (syntax-rules () ((_ x f args ...) (let ((v x)) (if (err? v) (f (unerr v) args ...) v))))) (define-syntax err-apply-last (syntax-rules () ((_ x f args ...) (let ((v x)) (if (err? v) (f args ... (unerr v)) v))))) (define-syntax -> (syntax-rules () ((_ rest ...) (->chunk () () (rest ...))))) (define-syntax ->chunk (syntax-rules (-> ->> and-> and->> if-> if->> ok-> ok->> err-> err->>) ((_ (result ...) (current ...) (-> rest ...)) (->chunk (result ... (current ...)) (->) (rest ...))) ((_ (result ...) (current ...) (->> rest ...)) (->chunk (result ... (current ...)) (->>) (rest ...))) ((_ (result ...) (current ...) (and-> rest ...)) (->chunk (result ... (current ...)) (-> and-apply) (rest ...))) ((_ (result ...) (current ...) (and->> rest ...)) (->chunk (result ... (current ...)) (-> and-apply-last) (rest ...))) ((_ (result ...) (current ...) (if-> rest ...)) (->chunk (result ... (current ...)) (-> if-apply) (rest ...))) ((_ (result ...) (current ...) (if->> rest ...)) (->chunk (result ... (current ...)) (-> if-apply-last) (rest ...))) ((_ (result ...) (current ...) (ok-> rest ...)) (->chunk (result ... (current ...)) (-> ok-apply) (rest ...))) ((_ (result ...) (current ...) (ok->> rest ...)) (->chunk (result ... (current ...)) (-> ok-apply-last) (rest ...))) ((_ (result ...) (current ...) (err-> rest ...)) (->chunk (result ... (current ...)) (-> err-apply) (rest ...))) ((_ (result ...) (current ...) (err->> rest ...)) (->chunk (result ... (current ...)) (-> err-apply-last) (rest ...))) ((_ (result ...) (current ...) (a rest ...)) (->chunk (result ...) (current ... a) (rest ...))) ((_ ((x) result ...) (current ...) ()) (->thread x (result ... (current ...)))) ((_ (x result ...) (current ...) ()) (->thread x (result ... (current ...)))))) (define-syntax ->thread (syntax-rules (-> ->>) ((_ result ((-> f args ...) rest ...)) (->thread (f result args ...) (rest ...))) ((_ result ((->> f args ...) rest ...)) (->thread (f args ... result) (rest ...))) ((_ result ()) result))) (define-syntax fun-> (syntax-rules () ((_ rest ...) (lambda (x) (-> x -> rest ...))))) (define-syntax fun->> (syntax-rules () ((_ rest ...) (lambda (x) (-> x ->> rest ...))))) (define-syntax set-> (syntax-rules (-> ->> and-> and->> if-> if->> ok ok->> err-> err->>) ((_ location -> rest ...) (set! location (-> location -> rest ...))) ((_ location ->> rest ...) (set! location (-> location ->> rest ...))) ((_ location and-> rest ...) (set! location (-> location and-> rest ...))) ((_ location and->> rest ...) (set! location (-> location and->> rest ...))) ((_ location if-> rest ...) (set! location (-> location if-> rest ...))) ((_ location if->> rest ...) (set! location (-> location if->> rest ...))) ((_ location ok-> rest ...) (set! location (-> location ok-> rest ...))) ((_ location ok->> rest ...) (set! location (-> location ok->> rest ...))) ((_ location err-> rest ...) (set! location (-> location err-> rest ...))) ((_ location err->> rest ...) (set! location (-> location err->> rest ...))) ((_ location rest ...) ; default to -> (set! location (-> location -> rest ...))))) (define (~? str pat) (let ((data (irregex-search pat str))) (if data (list-tabulate (inc (irregex-match-num-submatches data)) (op irregex-match-substring data _)) #f))) (define (gmatch pat str) (let ((start 0)) (lambda () (if (<= 0 start (string-length str)) (let ((data (irregex-search pat str start))) (if data (begin (set! start (irregex-match-end-index data 0)) (when (= (irregex-match-start-index data 0) (irregex-match-end-index data 0)) (set! start (inc start))) (if (> (irregex-match-num-submatches data) 0) (list-tabulate (inc (irregex-match-num-submatches data)) (op irregex-match-substring data _)) (irregex-match-substring data 0))) (begin (set! start -1) (eof)))) (eof))))) (define (gsplit pat str . max) (let ((start 0) (n 1) (max (optional max -1))) (lambda () (cond ((< start 0) (eof)) ((<= 0 max n) (let ((s (substring str start))) (set! start -1) s)) (else (let ((data (irregex-search pat str start))) (if data (let ((s (substring str start (irregex-match-start-index data 0)))) (set! n (inc n)) (if (equal? s "") (begin (set! s (substring str start (inc start))) (set! start (inc start))) (set! start (irregex-match-end-index data 0))) (when (= start (len str)) (set! start -1)) s) (begin (let ((s (substring str start))) (set! start -1) s))))))))) (define (slurp io) (cond ((not io) (read-string #f (current-input-port))) ((input-port? io) (read-string #f io)) ((string? io) (with-input-from-file io (lambda () (read-string #f (current-input-port))))) (else (error "no slurp defined")))) (define lines (case-lambda (() read-line) ((x) (cond ((input-port? x) (lambda () (read-line x))) ((string? x) (let ((file (open-input-file x))) (lambda () (let ((line (read-line file))) (when (eof-object? line) (close-input-port file)) line)))) (else (error "can't read lines")))))) (define (hash-table->generator h) (make-for-each-generator (lambda (f t) (hash-table-for-each t (lambda (k v) (f (cons k v))))) h)) (define (gen o . rest) (cond ((list? o) (apply list->generator o rest)) ((vector? o) (apply vector->generator o rest)) ((string? o) (apply string->generator o rest)) ((hash-table? o) (apply hash-table->generator o rest)) ((procedure? o) o) (else (error "no gen defined")))) (define (generic-make-accumulator a) (cond ((procedure? a) a) ((list? a) (make-accumulator cons (reverse a) reverse)) ((vector? a) (make-accumulator cons (reverse (vector->list a)) (lambda (x) (list->vector (reverse x))))) ((hash-table? a) (make-accumulator (lambda (kv h) (hash-table-set! h (car kv) (cdr kv)) h) a (op))) ((string? a) (make-accumulator cons (reverse (string->list a)) (lambda (lst) (list->string (reverse lst))))) (else (error "no make-accumulator defined")))) (def (into acc . generators) (let ((acc (generic-make-accumulator acc)) (gen (apply gappend (map gen generators)))) (let loop ((val (gen))) (acc val) (if (not (eof-object? val)) (loop (gen)) (acc val))))) (define-syntax accumulate (syntax-rules () ((_ (var init) body ...) (let ((var (generic-make-accumulator init))) body ... (var (eof)))))) (define (tally-accumulator) (let ((tally (tbl))) (lambda (x) (if (eof-object? x) tally (hash-table-update!/default tally x inc 0))))) (define (group-by-accumulator f) (let ((groups (tbl))) (lambda (x) (if (eof-object? x) groups (hash-table-update!/default groups (f x) (op cons x _) '()))))) (define uniq-accumulator (case-lambda (() (uniq-accumulator (op))) ((f) (let ((items (tbl))) (lambda (x) (if (eof-object? x) (hash-table-values items) (hash-table-update!/default items (f x) identity x))))))) (define (generator-xfold f seed . gs) (define (inner-xfold seed) (let ((vs (map (lambda (g) (g)) gs))) (if (any eof-object? vs) seed (inner-xfold (apply f seed vs))))) (inner-xfold seed)) (define-syntax one-of (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) `(,(rename 'lambda) (x) (,(rename 'or) ,@(map (lambda (v) `(,(rename 'equal?) x ,v)) (cdr expr))))))) (define inject (case-lambda ((f) (lambda (o) (let* ((g (gen o)) (v (g))) (if (eof-object? v) (f) (generator-xfold f v g))))) ((f v) (lambda (o) (generator-xfold f v (gen o)))) ((f v g) ((inject f v) (gen g))))) (define (sing? l) (match l ((_) #t) (_ #f))) (define (unlist args) (apply values args)) (define (juxt . fs) (lambda args (unlist (map (lambda (f) (apply f args)) fs)))) (define (per . args) (apply comp (reverse args))) (define (act x . fs) ((apply per fs) x)) (define => act) (define-syntax =>* (syntax-rules () ((_ expr . fs) (receive args expr (apply (per . fs) args))))) (define-syntax set=> (syntax-rules () ((_ location . fs) (set location (=> location . fs))))) (define (and=> x . fs) (and x (if (null? fs) x (let ((result ((car fs) x))) (and result (apply and=> result (cdr fs))))))) ;; search for _ in arguments, then call op (define-syntax maybe-op (syntax-rules (_) ((_ (all ...) (_ rest ...)) (op all ...)) ((_ all (x rest ...)) (maybe-op all (rest ...))) ((_ (all ...) ()) (all ...)))) (define-syntax fun=>-inner (syntax-rules (unquote) ((_ (acc ...)) (compose acc ...)) ((_ (acc ...) (unquote arg) args ...) (fun=>-inner (arg acc ...) args ...)) ((_ (acc ...) (arg ...) args ...) (fun=>-inner ((maybe-op (arg ...) (arg ...)) acc ...) args ...)) ((_ (acc ...) arg args ...) (fun=>-inner (arg acc ...) args ...)))) (define-syntax fun=> (syntax-rules () ((fun=> . args) (fun=>-inner () . args)))) (define-syntax op=> (syntax-rules (_) ((op=> init . args) ((fun=> . args) init)))) (define-syntax proj (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (let* ((items (cdr expr)) (max-n (if (null? items) 0 (+ 1 (apply max items)))) (args (list-tabulate max-n (lambda (n) (string->symbol (string-append "x" (number->string n))))))) `(,(rename 'lambda) (,@args . rest) (,(rename 'values) ,@(map (lambda (n) (list-ref args n)) items))))))) (define (fail exn . args) (if (list? exn) (signal (apply condition (list (car exn) 'message (apply format args)) (map list (cdr exn)))) (apply fail '(exn) exn args))) ;; The QuickSearch algorithm, for generic sequences ;; http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~lecroq/string/node19.html#SECTION00190 (define search (case-lambda ((needle haystack) (search needle haystack 0)) ((needle haystack start) (let* ((lh (len haystack)) (ln (len needle)) (t (into (tbl) (gmap (lambda (c i) (cons c (- ln i))) (gen needle) (range 0))))) (def (match? offset) (let loop ((i (dec ln))) (and (=? (at haystack (+ i offset)) (at needle i)) (or (zero? i) (loop (dec i)))))) (if (zero? ln) start (let loop ((i start)) (if (<= i (- lh ln)) (if (match? i) i (loop (+ i (get t (get haystack (+ i ln) #f) (inc ln))))) #f))))))) (define-syntax imp (syntax-rules () ((_ a b) (or (not a) b)) ((_ a b c ...) (or (not a) (imp b c ...))))) ;; adapted from https://code.call-cc.org/svn/chicken-eggs/release/5/srfi-1/trunk/srfi-1.scm ------------------------------ (define (##srfi1#cars+cdrs lists) (##sys#call-with-current-continuation (lambda (abort) (let recur ((lists lists)) (if (pair? lists) (receive (list other-lists) (car+cdr lists) (if (null-list? list) (abort '() '()) ; LIST is empty -- bail out (receive (a d) (car+cdr list) (receive (cars cdrs) (recur other-lists) (values (cons a cars) (cons d cdrs)))))) (values '() '())))))) (define (##srfi1#cdrs lists) (##sys#call-with-current-continuation (lambda (abort) (let recur ((lists lists)) (if (pair? lists) (let ((lis (car lists))) (if (null-list? lis) (abort '()) (cons (cdr lis) (recur (cdr lists))))) '()))))) (define (xfold kons knil lis1 . lists) (if (pair? lists) (let lp ((lists (cons lis1 lists)) (ans knil)) ; N-ary case (receive (cars cdrs) (##srfi1#cars+cdrs lists) (if (null? cars) ans ; Done. (lp cdrs (apply kons ans cars))))) (let lp ((lis lis1) (ans knil)) ; Fast path (if (null-list? lis) ans (lp (cdr lis) (kons ans (car lis))))))) (define (xfold-right kons knil lis1 . lists) (if (pair? lists) (let recur ((lists (cons lis1 lists))) ; N-ary case (let ((cdrs (##srfi1#cdrs lists))) (if (null? cdrs) knil (apply kons (recur cdrs) (map car lists))))) (let recur ((lis lis1)) ; Fast path (if (null-list? lis) knil (let ((head (car lis))) (kons (recur (cdr lis)) head)))))) (define (xreduce f ridentity lis) (if (null-list? lis) ridentity (xfold f (car lis) (cdr lis)))) (define (xreduce-right f ridentity lis) (if (null-list? lis) ridentity (let recur ((head (car lis)) (lis (cdr lis))) (if (pair? lis) (f (recur (car lis) (cdr lis)) head) head)))) ;; end of code lifted from srfi-1.scm ------------------------------ (define (scan kons knil . lists) (reverse (apply xfold (lambda (acc . elts) (cons (apply kons (append elts (list (car acc)))) acc)) (list knil) lists))) (define (scan-right kons knil . lists) (apply xfold-right (lambda (acc . elts) (cons (apply kons (append elts (list (car acc)))) acc)) (list knil) lists)) (define (xscan kons knil . lists) (reverse (apply xfold (lambda (acc . elts) (cons (apply kons (car acc) elts) acc)) (list knil) lists))) (define (xscan-right kons knil . lists) (apply xfold-right (lambda (acc . elts) (cons (apply kons (car acc) elts) acc)) (list knil) lists)) (let ((old-repl-prompt (repl-prompt))) (repl-prompt (lambda () (let ((old-prompt (old-repl-prompt))) (str (substring old-prompt 0 2) "^_^;" (substring old-prompt 2)))))) (set-pseudo-random-seed! (random-bytes)) )