#include #include #include #include #include "blaze822.h" #include "blaze822_priv.h" // needs to be writable char textplain[] = "text/plain; charset=US-ASCII"; int blaze822_check_mime(struct message *msg) { char *v = blaze822_hdr(msg, "mime-version"); if (v && v[0] && v[0] == '1' && v[1] && v[1] == '.' && v[2] && v[2] == '0' && (!v[3] || iswsp(v[3]))) return 1; v = blaze822_hdr(msg, "content-transfer-encoding"); if (v) return 1; return 0; } int blaze822_mime_body(struct message *msg, char **cto, char **bodyo, size_t *bodyleno, char **bodychunko) { if (!msg->body || !msg->bodyend) { *bodyo = 0; *bodyleno = 0; *bodychunko = 0; return 0; } char *ct = blaze822_hdr(msg, "content-type"); char *cte = blaze822_hdr(msg, "content-transfer-encoding"); if (!ct) ct = textplain; char *s = ct; while (*s && *s != ';') { *s = lc(*s); s++; } *cto = ct; if (cte) { if (strncasecmp(cte, "quoted-printable", 16) == 0) { blaze822_decode_qp(msg->body, msg->bodyend, bodyo, bodyleno, 0); *bodychunko = *bodyo; } else if (strncasecmp(cte, "base64", 6) == 0) { blaze822_decode_b64(msg->body, msg->bodyend, bodyo, bodyleno); *bodychunko = *bodyo; } else { cte = 0; } } if (!cte) { *bodyo = msg->body; *bodyleno = msg->bodyend - msg->body; *bodychunko = 0; } return 1; } int blaze822_mime_parameter(char *s, char *name, char **starto, char **stopo) { if (!s) return 0; s = strchr(s, ';'); if (!s) return 0; s++; size_t namelen = strlen(name); while (*s) { while (iswsp(*s)) s++; if (strncasecmp(s, name, namelen) == 0 && s[namelen] == '=') { s += namelen + 1; break; } s = strchr(s+1, ';'); if (!s) return 0; s++; } if (!s || !*s) return 0; char *e; if (*s == '"') { s++; e = strchr(s, '"'); if (!e) return 0; } else { e = s; while (*e && !iswsp(*e) && *e != ';') e++; } *starto = s; *stopo = e; return 1; } // like mymemmem but check the match is followed by \r, \n or -. static char * mymemmemnl(const char *h0, size_t k, const char *n0, size_t l) { char *r; while (k && (r = mymemmem(h0, k, n0, l))) { if (r - h0 < (long)(k - l) && // check if r[l] safe to access (r[l] == '\r' || r[l] == '\n' || r[l] == '-')) return r; else { // skip over this match k -= (r - h0) + 1; h0 = r + 1; } } return 0; } int blaze822_multipart(struct message *msg, struct message **imsg) { char *s = blaze822_hdr(msg, "content-type"); if (!s) return 0; while (*s && *s != ';') s++; if (!*s) return 0; char *boundary, *boundaryend; if (!blaze822_mime_parameter(s, "boundary", &boundary, &boundaryend)) return 0; char mboundary[256]; size_t boundarylen = boundaryend-boundary+2; if (boundarylen >= 256) return 0; mboundary[0] = '-'; mboundary[1] = '-'; memcpy(mboundary+2, boundary, boundarylen-2); mboundary[boundarylen] = 0; char *prevpart; if (*imsg) prevpart = (*imsg)->bodyend; else prevpart = msg->body; char *part = mymemmemnl(prevpart, msg->bodyend - prevpart, mboundary, boundarylen); if (!part) return 0; part += boundarylen; if (*part == '\r') part++; if (*part == '\n') part++; else if (*part == '-' && part < msg->bodyend && *(part+1) == '-') return 0; else return 0; // XXX error condition? char *nextpart = mymemmemnl(part, msg->bodyend - part, mboundary, boundarylen); if (!nextpart) return 0; // XXX error condition if (nextpart == part) // invalid empty MIME part return 0; // XXX error condition if (*(nextpart-1) == '\n') nextpart--; if (*(nextpart-1) == '\r') nextpart--; *imsg = blaze822_mem(part, nextpart-part); return 1; } blaze822_mime_action blaze822_walk_mime(struct message *msg, int depth, blaze822_mime_callback visit) { char *ct, *body, *bodychunk; size_t bodylen; blaze822_mime_action r = MIME_CONTINUE; if (depth > 64) return MIME_PRUNE; if (blaze822_mime_body(msg, &ct, &body, &bodylen, &bodychunk)) { r = visit(depth, msg, body, bodylen); if (r == MIME_CONTINUE) { if (strncmp(ct, "multipart/", 10) == 0) { struct message *imsg = 0; while (blaze822_multipart(msg, &imsg)) { r = blaze822_walk_mime(imsg, depth+1, visit); if (r == MIME_STOP) break; } } else if (strncmp(ct, "message/rfc822", 14) == 0) { struct message *imsg = blaze822_mem(body, bodylen); if (imsg) blaze822_walk_mime(imsg, depth+1, visit); } } free(bodychunk); } return r; }