## HEAD * **Breaking change**: the `-Q` flag changed meaning to *enable* quoting (as it does in GNU ls), since shell quoting is not so useful in many cases using a pipe. Filenames are quoted by default when printing to TTY. * Feature: lr now respects the locale, which mainly influences date format. * Feature: new option `-C` to change the color of files. * Feature: new argument `@file` to read file names from a file. * Bug: lr now reports errors and sets exit code when toplevel arguments can not be stat'ed. ## 0.4 (2017-04-25) * Feature: argument `-` means read files from standard input ## 0.3.2 (2016-05-20) * Bug: getopt was called in a wrong way from ARM platforms ## 0.3.1 (2016-03-31) * Bug: `=~` was not recognized (broken since 0.3) * Add emacs contrib (lr.el) ## 0.3 (2016-02-28) * Checking permissions against chmod-style symbolic modes * `-TA`/`-TC`/`-TM` to select which timestamp to show in `-l` * Colorize symlink targets * Show broken links * On Linux: Display of capabilities, ACL and xattrs in `-l` * zsh completion * Some small things in contrib/