summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..837fdbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+## lr: list files, recursively
+`lr` is a new tool for generating file listings, which includes the
+best features of `ls(1)`, `find(1)` and `du(1)`.
+## Usage:
+	lr [-0|-F|-l|-f FMT] [-D] [-H|-L] [-1dsx] [-U|-o ORD] [-t TEST]* PATH...
+* `-0`: output filenames seperated by NUL bytes.
+* `-F`: output filenames and an indicator of their file type (`*/=>@|`).
+* `-l`: long output ala `ls -l`.
+* `-f FMT`: custom formatting, see below.
+* `-D`: depth first traversal. `prune` does not work, but `entries`
+  and `total` is computed.
+* `-H`: only follow symlinks on command line.
+* `-L`: follow all symlinks.
+* `-1`: don't go below one level of directories.
+* `-d`: don't enter directories.
+* `-s`: don't print leading `./`.
+* `-x`: don't enter other filesystems.
+* `-U`: don't sort results.
+* `-o ORD`: sort according to the string `ORD`, see below.
+* `-t TEST`: only show files matching all `TEST`s, see below.
+## Output formatting:
+* `\a`, `\b`, `\f`, `\n`, `\r`, `\v`, `\0` as in C.
+* `%%`: plain `%`.
+* `%s`: file size in bytes.
+* `%b`: file size in 512-byte blocks.
+* `%k`: file size in 1024-byte blocks.
+* `%d`: path depth.
+* `%D`: device number (`stat.st_dev`).
+* `%i`: inode number.
+* `%I`: one space character for every depth level.
+* `%p`: full path (without `./` if `-s`).
+* `%l`: symlink target.
+* `%n`: number of hardlinks.
+* `%F`: file indicator type symbol (`*/=>@|`).
+* `%f`: file basename (everything after last `/`).
+* `%Ax`, `%Cx`, `%Tx`: result of `strftime` for `%x` on atime/ctime/mtime.
+* `%m`: octal file permissions.
+* `%M`: ls-style symbolic file permissions.
+* `%y`: ls-style symbolic file type (`bcdfls`).
+* `%g`: group name.
+* `%G`: numeric gid.
+* `%u`: user name.
+* `%U`: numeric uid.
+* `%e`: number of entries in directories (only with `-D`).
+* `%t`: total size used by accepted files in directories (only with `-D`).
+## Sort order
+Sort order is string consisting of the following letters.
+Uppercase letters reverse sorting.
+E.g. `Sn` sorts first by size, smallest last, and then by name (in
+case sizes are equal).
+* `a`: atime.
+* `c`: ctime.
+* `d`: path depth.
+* `i`: inode number.
+* `m`: mtime.
+* `n`: file name.
+* `s`: file size.
+## Filter expressions
+`lr` filters are given by the following EBNF:
+	<expr>     ::= <expr> || <expr>  -- disjunction
+	             | <expr> && <expr>  -- conjunction
+	             | ! <expr>          -- negation
+	             | ( <expr )
+	             | <numprop> <numop> <num>
+	             | <strprop> <strop> <str>
+	             | <typetest>
+	             | <modetest>
+	             | prune             -- do not traverse into subdirectories
+	             | print             -- always true value
+	<numprop>  ::= atime | ctime | depth | dev | entries | inode
+	             | links | mode | mtime | size | total
+	<numop>    ::= <= | < | >= | > | == | !=
+	<num>      ::= [0-9]+ ( c        -- *1
+	                      | b        -- *512
+	                      | k        -- *1024
+	                      | M        -- *1024*1024
+	                      | G        -- *1024*1024*1024
+	                      | T )?     -- *1024*1024*1024*1024
+	<strprop>  ::= name | path | target
+	<strop>    ::= ==                -- string equality
+	             | ===               -- case insensitive string equality
+	             | ~~                -- glob (fnmatch)
+	             | ~~~               -- case insensitive glob (fnmatch)
+	             | =~                -- POSIX Extended Regular Expressions
+	             | =~~               -- case insensitive POSIX Extended Regular Expressions
+	<str>      ::= " [^"]+ "
+	<typetest> ::= type == ( b | c | d | p | f | l )
+	<modetest> ::= mode ( ==         -- exact permissions
+	                    | &          -- check if all bits of <octal> set
+	                    | |          -- check if any bit of <octal> set
+	                    ) <octal>
+	<octal> ::= [0-7]+
+The following features won't be implemented:
+* `-exec`: use `-0` and `xargs` (or a future replacement).
+* columns: use `column`, `git-column`, Plan 9 `mc`.
+## Installation
+Use `make all` to build, `make install` to install relative to `PREFIX`
+(`/usr/local` by default).  The `DESTDIR` convention is respected.
+You can also just copy the binary into your `PATH`.
+## Copyright
+Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Neukirchen <>
+Licensed under the terms of the MIT license, see lr.c.