_ __ | |_ _ _ _ __ _ __ / _| | ' \\| '_| ' \\| '_ \\ _| |_||_|_| |_|_|_| .__/_| version 0.1.90 "Kiasoachbomba" |_| Welcome to the hrmpf rescue system, built on Void Linux. There are two accounts: - root:voidlinux - anon:voidlinux The `anon` user additionally has `sudo(8)` permissions to run any command without a password. You can also use this disk to install Void: # void-installer and follow the on-screen instructions. To install additional software make sure to configure your network interface and then use: - xbps-install(8) to install/update packages - xbps-query(8) to query for package info Enjoy!